death train

Chapter 49

In fact, these crystal strips are the real body of the red flame bomb. Things like grenades on the outside are just containers.

Ten red crystal strips can be used ten times.

Ye Cha took out a crystal bar and threw it to the zombie without hesitation, then turned around and ran.


All of a sudden, a loud bang suddenly rang out.

Ye Xie lay on the ground and looked back. The huge fire burst out of the zombies and rushed around, swallowing all the zombies around.

The thick smoke rolled upward, even forming a black mushroom cloud.

"You killed zombies, cumulative number: 198."

"You killed the zombies, cumulative number: 199."

"You killed the Zombie..."

The mysterious voice is also constantly ringing, constantly repeated in Ye Cha's ear, the only change is the number of zombies killed by Ye cha.

With a large number of zombies being killed, the front was finally empty, and the leaf brake immediately ran forward quickly.

After running through the open space, the leaf brake has reached the green light nearby.

Climbing up a container, ye Cha's eyes crossed those zombies, and he could see the green light clearly.

The green light is actually a metal pillar that needs two people to embrace. At the top of the metal pillar, there is a hexagonal glass cabinet. In the glass cabinet, there is a green light source body, which is constantly releasing light.

At the same time, the glass cabinet was also full of green liquid, like venom.

Ye Cha murmured: "is this the source of the disease?"

The blade brake estimates the distance, then jumps directly on the container, quickly jumps over the containers one by one, until it enters the range of the AUG rifle. The blade brake starts to aim, and then shoots.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

Ye Cha takes the way of shooting, gently pull the trigger, and then release it immediately. Each time, only three or five bullets fly out, which can more accurately and effectively hit the source of the disease.

But it doesn't work.

The metal pillar is about one person high, and there are many zombies around it. It almost surrounds the metal pillar to death. It's not easy for ye Cha to hit.

Ye Cha thought about it, dropped the AUG rifle, took off the Black Hawk composite bow, and then put on the penetrating arrow.

After a little aiming, the blade brake releases the bowstring.

The sound of breaking the air rang out, and the arrows flew forward, continuously penetrating the body of the zombie, constantly moving forward.

However, after penetrating more than a dozen zombies, the penetrating arrow still penetrated into the head of a zombie and was directly embedded in it.

Through the arrow is not able to move forward, will be able to penetrate all things, when the power of the arrow gradually disappeared, nature will not be able to continue to penetrate the object.

Ye Cha frowned. The distance between the penetrating arrow and the metal pillar was more than ten meters, which meant that if you shoot another penetrating arrow, you will not be able to fly to the metal pillar.

"It seems that we have to clear some zombies."

The leaf Cha murmurs a, then looking at the front dense zombie group, also feel scalp numb.

Although they are all ordinary zombies, they are not difficult to kill, but if there are so many, they are very difficult to kill.

Because, pull a hair and move whole body!

After ye Cha kills some zombies, it will inevitably affect other zombies. At that time, even if ye Cha is surrounded by so many zombies, there will be only one end!

Of course, there is another way. It doesn't need to kill a large number of zombies. Just open a gap in the zombie group, and then destroy the metal pillar of the suspected source of the disease before the zombies gather again.

Yecha took out an explosive arrow and put it on the string.

Opportunity is only for a moment, ye Cha believes that he can grasp it.

All of a sudden, ye Cha released the bow string, and the explosive arrow flew forward and landed in the zombie group around the metal pillar.


The explosion arrow hit a zombie. The next moment, the violent explosion suddenly sounded, and the hot fire suddenly poured out, rolled and pushed around, like waves, one layer after another, overlapping!

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes, quickly put another penetrating arrow on the string, and then began to aim.

In front of him, the flames were floating and the smoke was rolling. Although a large number of zombies were killed and the zombies were cleared out of a gap, because of the explosion, ye Cha's vision was still hindered by the Tao.

"We must seize the opportunity..."

Ye Cha whispered softly, and then saw the flashing green light in the drifting black smoke!

Right now!

Ye Cha immediately released the bow string, shot the arrow forward through the fire and smoke, and hit the glass cabinet at the top of the metal column.


Two crisp sounds, through the arrow, cleanly pierced the glass cabinet, inside the green liquid constantly flowing out, scattered all over the ground, and the green light source, also dim down."Congratulations on smashing the zombie source and completing task 2."

The mysterious voice rings out, which means that ye Cha is not busy in vain. The thing like that pillar is indeed the source of the zombie disease.

At the same time, it also means that the leaf brake has completed a task and has the right to return to the death train at any time.

However, ye Cha soon found that destroying the Zombie's source of disease did not seem to be the end.

Those zombies gathered together, suddenly turned around, and then staggered, roared, and rushed towards the direction of the leaf brake.

The Zombie's disease source was destroyed, which seemed to make these zombies extremely angry. Yecha also became the target of those zombies in an instant.

The dense zombies, like the tide, rushed towards yecha, which made yecha bite his teeth. Sure enough, the task of death train was not so easy to complete.

Even if it is completed, it must bear the corresponding risks.

Ye Cha didn't hesitate at all. He immediately turned around and ran. This number of zombies is absolutely not hostile. There is no other choice but to escape.

Bang, bang, Bang

The leaf brake is jumping continuously, stepping on the container around to run towards the distance, dare not have any stop.

But in this moment

Just as the leaf brake fell on a container, a dark shadow suddenly ran up from the front and flashed in front of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha almost instinctively rolled towards the side and quickly avoided the shadow.

The next moment, with the "bang" of the shadow, a crawler jumped onto the container, moved slowly, and then suddenly opened his mouth, his scarlet tongue spewed out, like a sharp arrow, stabbing towards the leaf brake.

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