death train

Chapter 50

Ye shameng twisted his body. The climber's tongue stabbed Ye shack's backpack and made a small hole in it.

Ye Cha rolled again, picked up the AUG rifle and fired abruptly at the climber.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The bullet continuously hit the climber's body, and then ye Cha suddenly got up, charged forward, hit the climber's body, and hit the climber under the container.

However, at this time, the container under the leaf brake was shaking quickly.

Ye Cha looked down, but all the zombies gathered under the container.

Those zombies can't jump, they can't climb on the container, but if there are enough zombies, they can push the container down.

Feeling the shaking of the container becoming more and more violent, ye Cha immediately stepped back two steps, then ran quickly, then jumped over the distance of three or four meters, and jumped to the container in front again.

However, the situation still seems not optimistic, there are still zombies gathering in front.

The stacking of the containers formed a field pattern one by one, but all the branches of the field pattern were full of zombies.

Ye Cha's eyes are one Lin, then stretch out a hand to take out from the knapsack, will color cloud cover month to take out.

Like the red flame bomb, although the colored cloud covers the moon in the shape of a grenade, it's actually just a container. When the leaf brake is pressed at the top, the four sides suddenly spring open, and the blue metal strips spring out one by one.

Ye Cha grabbed one of them and threw it forward.

At the moment of landing, the blue gray smoke quickly gushed out and spread around.

On the surface, the cloud obscures the moon is a smoke bomb. In fact, it is a smoke bomb. However, there are some differences between the cloud obscures the moon and the general smoke bomb. The smoke of the cloud obscures the moon has damage, and the damage is only effective for zombies.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the zombies shrouded in smoke fell down one by one like the rice harvested.

Leaf brake immediately jumped out of the container, rushed into the smoke, and then quickly ran forward.

Rush out of the Zombie's encirclement, ye Cha slightly relieved, but also know that this is still not the end, because, behind the zombie still did not give up chasing.

He continued to run towards the entrance of the wharf, but at this time, a large number of zombies appeared in front of yecha, which made yecha stop, but there were also zombies outside the wharf.

"Damn it." You don't have to bite your teeth

After the pursuit, surrounded by the front, leaf brake seems to have no way to go.

Back a few steps, the leaf brake quickly look left and right, looking for a way out, and then the leaf brake will run up again.

After running more than ten meters to the side, yecha found the edge of an underground waterway, quickly pulled out the Alaska whaling fork, and forced it up around the well cover.

The zombies around are getting closer and closer, and ye Cha is also biting his teeth.

"Faster, faster, faster."

Ye Cha roared in his heart, and finally the well cover sounded. Ye Cha immediately grasped the position of the edge and lifted the well cover up.

The zombies around are close at hand. Ye Cha quickly throws his backpack towards the underground channel, then grabs the well cover on his head and jumps towards the underground channel.


When the leaf brake fell into the underground channel, the well cover fell to the ground and closed again.

Zombies swarmed around, but there was no way to close the well cover. With the wisdom of zombies, they didn't even know how to lift the well cover.

On the other side, with a bang, the leaf brake directly hit the underground water channel, wriggled a few times with twisted expression, kneaded and hit the back of the ground. It took a long time to sit up from the ground, lean against the wall and breathe slowly.

Looking up at the top of his head, he could hear the sound of the zombie constantly hitting the ground. Ye Cha loosened his mouth and said, "I can't catch up this time. "

after about five or six minutes, ye Cha felt that the pain on his body gradually disappeared. Then he stood up again, picked up the backpack that had fallen to one side and walked forward.

In the middle of the underground waterway is the waterway. There are walking places on both sides. All kinds of garbage can be seen everywhere, and there is a disgusting smell everywhere.

Occasionally, we can see a few rotten bodies in the water, but we don't know whether they are human or zombie.

Ye Cha recognized a direction and estimated the distance in his heart. As long as the distance was enough to leave the wharf area, he could leave the underground waterway.

But at this time, ye Cha's step suddenly.

There was a slight noise coming from the front, like something flowing over the water.

Ye Cha lifted the gun and pulled up the star shining goggles hanging around his neck and put them on again.

Almost as soon as he put on his Xingyao goggles, ye Cha saw the red shadow on the goggles, even more than one group, but three groups gathered at the front corner.Ye Cha quickly raised his gun and aimed at the direction of red shadow.

All of a sudden, the three red shadows suddenly moved, from the corner to the outside, it was three furry sewer mice.

However, the size of this mouse is very huge, which is the size of a washbasin. It is obvious that after the end of the world, it has changed.

Ye Cha pulls the trigger forward without hesitation!

The AUG rifle spewed fire, and the bullets kept flying forward, hitting the surrounding walls.

The three mutant rats, however, were so fast that they could hardly imagine moving left and right to avoid all the bullets.

The next moment, a mutant rat came to yecha and hit the wrist of yecha directly. Then it flew the AUG rifle and fell into the water channel.

Ye Cha also didn't have any hesitation. He shot out the mutant rat with a hook fist and hit it on the wall. Then he quickly pulled out the pistol.

Bang, bang, Bang

After three shots in a row, the mutant rat had three more blood holes.

"You killed the mutant giant rat, cumulative number: 1."

It seems that the mutant giant rat is just a mutation, not a zombie type. It doesn't need to hit the head to die. After being hit by yecha, it slips to the ground like mud.

But also at this time, the other two mutant rats darted from the rear, hit the back of the leaf brake, and hit the leaf brake forward.

After a stagger at the foot, ye Cha steadies his figure, turns back and kicks the mutant rat.

"Three stinking mice dare to make trouble." Ye Cha raised his gun to shoot forward again and said, "do you think I'm too bullying?"

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