death train

Chapter 726

"Looks like you're in trouble." Yecha said with a smile, "well, first of all, in principle, I can help you kill people from CommScope, but I'm curious why you put forward such a condition."

Dr. Sara hesitated and said, "because I don't think you can come out alive."

The leaf Cha way: "what meaning?"

Dr. Sara said: "the crazy sand temple is a tomb. If you go in, I don't think you can live. If you die, it doesn't matter. But if you destroy it, you may release something very terrible."

Ye Cha said with a smile: "the world is bad enough. Can it be worse?"

"Yes." "As I said before, the world is bad enough. I can't make it worse," Dr. Sarah said seriously

Ye Cha turned back and said, "what do you think?"

Ye Yue is obviously anxious, but she is blocked by Nie Po.

Nie break road: "you are the chief of staff has the final say."

Ye Cha said, "OK, I promise your request."

"I'll guide you to where the people at CommScope are," Dr. Sarah said

After Dr. Sara finished, the picture turned into a flashing black and white picture, and then the other screen a few meters away began to flash, and then went on, a new screen appeared abnormal.

leaves ye to want to speak, leaves leaves to put down fingers, signalled that there are things that can be eavesdropped on them, and then says, "find out who leads the team, I has the final say, understand?"

Ye Yue hesitated for a moment and nodded her head honestly.

Ye Cha knows what ye Yue wants to say. Since Dr. Sarah is pressed by CommScope, they can take advantage of this to discuss more conditions with Dr. Sarah and get more benefits.

Or, we can cooperate with CommScope, continue to force Dr. Sara and drive Dr. Sara into a desperate situation, and then kill the people of CommScope and control Dr. Sara completely.

However, the condition put forward by Dr. Sarah made yecha alert, because it was not binding at all.

Even if the leaf brake agreed to come down, what can it do?

When ye Cha finds kuangsha temple, he really wants to destroy the place violently. What can Dr. Sara do with himself?

In fact, this condition is not binding at all. Obviously, Dr. Sarah should not have been unaware of this. It's strange for him to make such a request when he knows this.

If ye Cha is a dead horse who is a living horse doctor and hopes to help him, he can give advice after ye Cha has helped him solve the problems of the people in CommScope. It's easier for ye Cha to agree with them.

In short, the core issue is trust. Dr. Sarah does not trust yecha, and yecha does not trust each other.

But it's not a big problem. It's just a matter of mutual utilization. Ye Cha doesn't want to go around here. It's a good thing to get closer to Dr. Sara with this opportunity.

Later, we can talk about it later.

Many times, fists and fighting are not the way to solve problems. It is also necessary to use wisdom.

In yecha's view, the current situation has become a game, who can become the final winner?

Ye Cha is not clear, but he doesn't want to lose.

Of course, combat effectiveness is very important.

For example, Dr. Sarah is guiding them through some things. Is it really the people who take them to CommScope?

In yecha's mind, it's only half possible. Maybe Dr. Sara thinks that conventional means can't stop yecha, so it's possible to lead yecha into a trap.

But in the final analysis, game is a multiple-choice question. Choosing the right answer from different answers, using wisdom can only improve the probability, but there is no completely correct answer.

Even, most of the time, not only how to choose is right, but also how to choose.

Walk all the way along the passage, and you'll soon come to the position of the elevator.

This is the previous few people absolutely dare not sit, because Dr. Sarah can completely control the elevator, take them to any floor, or even directly let the elevator fall.

Of course, this degree can't kill yecha. Yecha thinks it's very good at the moment, so we can use it to judge Dr. Sarah's intention.

After entering the elevator, Dr. Sarah's voice suddenly rang out: "I will take you to the 25th floor, where is the server, which controls all the system operations of the building."

Ye Cha said: "are people from CommScope using viruses to attack servers? Destroy the eye system? "

Dr. Sarah said, "yes, all you have to do is stop them."

The leaf Cha wrinkles next eyebrow, ordered to nod to indicate to know, at the same time in the heart also secretly ponder.

The big question is where exactly is Dr. Sarah?

The 25th floor is quite high, very close to the top floor.

In the previous speculation, yecha several people think that Dr. Sarah is likely to be at the top.Well, since we've reached the 25th floor, why can't we go to a higher level? Dr. Sara has been forced to this extent. Is there any danger at a higher level? Dr. Sara even sent out those who could.

On the contrary, if Dr. Sarah is on the lower floor, since he can reach the 25th floor, he can also go to the front floor.

The last possibility is that Dr. Sara is fighting guerrilla warfare and constantly changing his position, so he won't be forced into a desperate situation. Even if he destroys the eye of God system, it's not easy to find Dr. Sara's position.

Ye Cha always feels strange.

Meanwhile, the elevator stops on the 25th floor.

The door of the elevator is open, and the place is full of mess. This floor is seriously damaged.

There are many collapsed places in the ceiling, and there are problems with the power supply system. There are bright and dark lights everywhere, collapsed walls everywhere, water stains in some places on the ground, and maybe the water pipes in the toilet are leaking.

Yecha whispered, "where are the people in CommScope?"

Dr. Sarah did not respond.

This place is dilapidated, probably without any sound equipment, even if there is, it is probably destroyed.

Ye Cha winked at Ye Yue.

Ye Yue closed her eyes for perception. A moment later, ye Yue opened her eyes and said, "five targets. There are three people in a room in front of her. There are two people in the corridor seven or eight meters away."

The little fat man said: "the two people in the corridor are probably guards? The people in the room should be destroying the server. "

Ye Cha nodded and said, "go!"

Leaf brake slowly forward, along the corridor, careful to leaf said the place to go.

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