death train

Chapter 727

About a quarter of an hour, some huge objects appeared in front of yecha's eyes.

A total of five TX series of mechanical zombies, all of them were destroyed, collapsed on the ground, surrounded by the bodies of several dragon warriors and raptors.

Ye Yue kicked the body of a bearded man in the corner of the wall with her toe and said, "this guy's name is Reyes. When I came here last time, I had a fight with him. People under Dr. Sarah."

Ye Cha said: "according to your opinion, Dr. Sara has five capable officers. Two of them were killed by us. This guy died here. Dr. Riley is a technician and is not responsible for fighting. In other words, there is one left?"

Ye Yue nodded.

"But there's no fighting at CommScope," he said

Maybe they've been gathering information for a few months, and I didn't fight with other guys at all? Who knows! "

Nie po said: "there is a doubt."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Nie po said, "Dr. Sarah has a group of people under him, right?"

Ye Yue said: "that's right. Dr. Sarah took away a group of people who were detained by CommScope for human test after he reversed the decision of CommScope. In addition, she is said to have converged an armed team."

Ye Yue said while kicking Reyes' body again.

Ye Yue said: "the armed team was originally from CommScope, but because CommScope sent them to perform tasks and sacrificed them, they were dissatisfied and saved by Dr. Sarah. Then they followed Dr. Sarah. This guy is a member of the armed team."

Nie po said: "well, what about people?"

The rest of us were stunned.

Nie po said: "according to your opinion, Dr. Sarah still has two or three hundred people in his hands, but have we seen anyone so far? In addition to these capable cadres, what about the others? "

Ye Cha said, "I've seen one and run away."

Nie po said, "there is only one, isn't there?"

"Maybe there's no one under Dr. Sarah's hands," said the little fat man

Nie po said: "I think we may have miscalculated one thing. It's not the invasion of CommScope that caused Dr. Sarah's dilemma, but it's very likely that Dr. Sarah herself is in trouble."

Ye Yue said: "it seems that for a period of time after I left the skyline City, CommScope is still attacking here and has exhausted Dr. Sarah."

The little fat man said, "the question is, what's the use of knowing this?"

Ye Cha said: "who knows? Let's move on. By the way, there are two people in CommScope who need to be careful. "

It's true that the elite of the dragon warrior and the Raptor warrior have the same strength, but it's also very difficult to deal with five TX series mechanical zombies, plus a Reyes.

In particular, the space in the building is relatively small, and those mechanical zombies have a very obvious advantage, because they are not so easy to be killed. On the contrary, compared with mechanical zombies, the dragon warrior and the Raptor warrior are obviously more vulnerable.

But judging from the current results, it is obvious that CommScope has won. Of course, ye Cha can only think of the two men who didn't fight before.

At this time, ye Yue suddenly said, "there are two people approaching us, the two at the door."

Ye Cha said: "prepare to fight..."

Ye Cha voice did not fall, ye Yue has called up again: "the speed is very fast, has come to the front."

At this time, the whistling sound rang out, and then a huge stone suddenly appeared on the other side of the passage, flying towards Ye Cha at high speed.

The leaf Cha doesn't hesitate of a punch to blow out, will that huge stone give to blow of smash.

At the same time, two men appeared on the other side of the aisle, not wearing the uniforms of the three armed forces of CommScope, but wearing ordinary combat service.

Looking at Ye Cha smashing the huge stone, one of them said with a smile: "I thought I was going to send out the bio mecha at last, but I didn't expect that there were still people, and there were still a lot of people."

Another person seems to say not much, direct way: "kill."

The previous man nodded, pointed a little, and then kicked out two pieces of gravel to fly towards Ye cha. The speed was faster and the strength was greater than before.

Ye Yue's eyes flashed brilliantly, and then she pushed her eyes fiercely, and the two pieces of gravel separated toward both sides, directly hitting the wall.

"Oh?" The other side raised his eyebrows and said, "there are still super human beings. It's a great achievement to capture them alive and take them back."

Ye Cha said: "one for two, scatter!"

Almost at the same time, ye Yue and Xiao Pang jump to the left, while Nie Po and ye Yue open a door to the right and rush in directly.

"Hum!" The man who opened his mouth said coldly, "I'll see where you run!"

Two people also spread out at the same time, a left and a right toward the leaf brake several people separate chase.The little fat man didn't turn his head back. At the moment of catching up, he threw a metal ball straight back.


After the metal ball landed, it made a crisp sound, and then there was a roar of explosion, which directly burst out, and the flame rolled black smoke to the other side.

Ye Cha and Xiao pangzi stop and look at the center of the explosion. Naturally, they are not naive enough to kill each other.

In a moment, the other side slowly came out of the fire, and a layer of metal color appeared on his skin. Ignoring the surrounding fire, he walked towards Ye Cha and little fat man.

Ye Cha moved his body for a while, and said in a low voice, "go to the side and detour, and look for opportunities!"

The little fat man nodded, left from ye Cha and ran to the side. When he ran out, he didn't forget to find some trouble for the other side. Suddenly he raised his hand and two silver darts flew out of the little fat man's hands.

With a sneer, he suddenly waved his arm and swept away the two darts. The two darts hit the wall, and then

Boom, boom!

Two small fire regiments burst apart. How could something thrown by little fat man not explode?

The two darts were not powerful, but they still made holes in the walls on both sides, and the dust was flying.

In this instant, ye Cha suddenly drags his sword to rush through the dust and cuts it down in front.


Wang Zhisheng's sword has a bright golden arc. After splitting the dust, it cuts the opponent's arm fiercely. However, it makes a strange sound of metal impact.

The next moment, the leaf Cha suddenly felt a pain in the lower abdomen, the other fist of the other side blasted on his lower abdomen.


The leaf Cha mercilessly bumps into the wall of the side, that wall responds to sound but crack.

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