death train

Chapter 746

The sound of continuous explosion sounded, and the flame rolled over, forming a wave of fire, which pushed all around.

The corpse was forced back again, and the gap in front of it led directly to the building, about 100 meters away.


At this time, a roar suddenly sounded.

A tall mutant zombie appeared in front of Ye Cha's several people, dragging a broken street lamp in his hand. It looked very fierce. He came out from the side and waved the street lamp.

Ye Yue floats at the entrance. Nie Po shows his flexibility and leans forward to avoid from below.

Wang Li Kun roared and went up with a shield. The value of his existence is not to be counselled, but to be rigid.

With a bang, the pole of the street lamp collided with Wang Likun's Tower Shield, and then it made a loud noise. Rao Shi, Wang Likun had been injected with zombie virus, and his power was very terrible. He also fell on the ground.

The consul drives the biological mecha to kill timely, and blows his fist on the face of the mutant zombie.

Two giant monsters start fighting.

Ye Cha disassembled two biological mecha and pieced them together. With more parts, the supporting metal framework naturally became larger.

This biological mecha is five and a half meters tall, very tall, and the mutant Zombie's physique is not small. It's four meters away, otherwise it can't wave the street lamp.

It's not a matter of strength, but the streetlights are too long and too short to attack even if they can be picked up.

With a bang, the bio mecha smashed the street lamp pole with one punch, smashed the street lamp away, and then the two sides collided.

Hands ten point buckle, push each other up.

At last, with a silent roar, the bio mecha opened its mouth and forced the zombie to fly out. In terms of strength, the mechanical power of the bio mecha was slightly better.

At the same time, when the mutant zombie fell to the ground like a hill, a corpse vine suddenly broke out, quickly wrapped around the mutant zombie, and firmly bound the mutant zombie.

Bio mecha comes to the other side, blows down and smashes the head of the mutant zombie.

"You killed Juhua, cumulative number: 1."

Ye Cha didn't pay much attention to the mysterious sound, but paid attention to some shortcomings of bio mecha. Strictly speaking, it was the first time for bio mecha to fight.

From all aspects, yecha is satisfied with the performance of bio mecha, but there are also shortcomings, such as lack of weapons.

At present, some weapons loaded by biological mecha, such as grenade launchers, are built-in weapons. They were not damaged at the beginning, so they can be used directly.

However, there are no external weapons.

No guns, no knives, no protective equipment!

What's more, the trouble is that the dining car doesn't sell these things, because the size of the biological mecha, whether it's weapons or knives, needs to be customized.

They all have to be made by Ye Cha himself, which requires a lot of materials and manpower. Of course, they can also be directly snatched from CommScope. They have the technological ability to make them.

However, even if the bio mecha is developed by CommScope, it is also a rarity. It's not something that can be robbed if you want to. The premise is that the other party happens to have bio mecha.

This is not a problem that can be solved in a short time. After a little thought, ye Cha stopped thinking. He whistled and asked the consul to drive the biological mecha to suppress the formation, and then quickly entered the rear of the iron gate.

After everyone entered, the archon manipulated the bio mecha and jumped directly into the front yard.

Strange to say, after entering the iron gate, the zombies actually stopped attacking. No, no, it's not right to say that they stopped attacking. Strictly speaking, the zombies did not dare to cross the iron gate.

This is the strangest thing. Is there anything that can make zombies afraid to approach?

It doesn't exist, does it? After all, it's the living dead who are unconscious and mindless.

Ye Yue said: "I don't feel very good about this place. Although it can help us stop the zombie tide, do we want to enter the building?"

If it is someone else, ye Cha will not take it seriously, but ye Yue is an exception.

As a superman, ye Yue's sense is very sensitive. To put it bluntly, Superman really has the ability of the sixth sense. For example, ye Cha also has the sixth sense, but it is purely a sense of danger. No matter how sophisticated the combat experience is, it can't be compared with Superman.

"But they all came in..." Ye Cha hesitated and said, "don't you go in and have a look?"

Nie po said: "I don't think there is anything worse than the zombie tide. Moreover, we must find out if there is anything that can remove the fragrance from our bodies, otherwise we can only wait for the zombie tide to go away."

The latter is unacceptable, when the zombie tide recedes? Ghost knows how long it will take, maybe two days a day, which is barely acceptable. What if it takes ten days and a half months?

The cauliflower is cold. If Jones is lucky, he can't even find the crazy sand temple.Ye Yue thought about it and then nodded her head. They couldn't afford to delay.

"The little fat man said:" next time I see that guy, I will abandon him directly. It's so annoying

Ye Cha's mouth, he also think so, for direct competitors, and will directly threaten their own people, ye Cha has always been impolite, not to mention, there is Lin Xuemei that has been unable to resolve the death of the enemy.

Entering the building, ye Cha found that it was a museum.

It's not surprising that the Museum of the ancient river city is world-famous before the end of the world. As a historical and civilized ancient city, there are too many ancient things to show here.

It is conservatively estimated that there are more than 200000 pieces in the museums in the city. There are many valuable ancient articles, most of which are stone people, Sarcophagus, steles and ancient objects.

Ye Cha said: "I think I guess what's in this place."

The others nodded.

It's not that all the antiquities will have mysterious power after the end of the world, but this museum is not small. It's conservatively estimated that there should still be tens of thousands of collections, and it's not surprising that one or two of them have mysterious power.

Ye Yue said: "although those things can start with and enhance our strength, we should not deliberately look for them, because if we want to start with them, we usually have trouble. We can't afford to delay now, and we have only one goal."

Ye Cha nodded his head and said, "yes, crazy sand temple!"

The mission of crazy sand Temple must be solved, and it can't be lost, it can only be won, it must be defeated by Jones, so that it can show its value to the conductor, and the failure of skyline city will be allowed.

It's hard to stay on the train.

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