death train

Chapter 747

In this case, ye Cha still agrees with Ye Yue. Don't make a fuss. Nothing is more important than the crazy sand temple. It's not good to be trapped here.

"Watch out for the coffin," he added

Ye Cha nodded, the mummy of the ancient river city is quite famous, and that thing is a corpse.

Who knows if zombie virus can affect mummies, especially if yecha has seen zombies, he thinks that the probability is quite high.

Nie po said: "it's not that there is no good news. If there is a museum, are there any chemicals specially used for cleaning? Maybe we can get rid of the smell? "

As for whether it will hurt the body, no one cares. At most, it is skin injury. Even if it is poisonous, they can solve it.

The little fat man nodded, reassured the public, and said, "yes, I'll go to find it."

Little fat man is very accomplished in chemistry. He's an explosive maniac who can make bombs with coke cans and soap. Of course, he knows a lot about chemicals.

Ye Cha said: "Nie Po, go with him. Others have a rest. Don't go too far here."

The museum is divided into two exhibition halls on both sides. The structure is very simple.

Nie Po nodded with the little fat man and began to look for the sign. Their goal was the basement. Generally, such things would be placed separately and would not be connected with the exhibition area.

Ye Cha three people at will to find a place to rest, at the same time began to eat.

The consul drives the biological mecha to guard the front yard, while Wang Likun chews biscuits and guards around.

Everything seems normal. There is nothing strange.

But the fact is that if there is really nothing, it is impossible for the zombie tide to enter here.

"There's light!"

All of a sudden, Wang Li Kun yelled, holding a shield in one hand and pointing to the exhibition hall in the other.

Ye Cha and ye Yue immediately stood up from the ground.

Ye Cha tosses half of the dried meat aside and signals to Wang Likun to be calm.

Ye Yue said, "do you want to have a look?"

Ye Cha said: "I didn't plan to explore the museum, but since it's so close, it's more reassuring to have a look. After all, we have to stay here for a while. I don't know what it is. Can you rest assured?"

Ye Yue nodded and agreed.

After ye Cha finished, he planned to take the lead and walk to the exhibition hall. Wang Likun held up his shield and said, "I'll come."

Ye Cha way: "also OK."

Wang Likun, holding his shield, was very careful and walked towards the exhibition hall which was emitting green light.

The green light has been spreading from the exhibition hall to the outside. When he was about to touch the green light, Wang Likun stirred his throat, then showed a fierce face and walked inward like death.

The green light was like a liquid on Wang Likun's shield, but nothing happened. It was a relief for the three.

Entering the exhibition hall, there are some stone statues on the side of the wall. Among them are some of the most famous Sphinx statues in the ancient river city. There are some murals on the wall, and the central area is a glass display cabinet.

The exhibits in the cabinet are mainly stone tablets depicting ancient characters and ancient ornaments. When you look in the direction of green light, it is an exhibition cabinet in the center.

In the display cabinet is an ancient necklace, mainly in gold and blue, inlaid with gems. The largest one is a green gem, which is also the source of green light.

Ye Yue said in a low voice: "the light seems useless?"

Ye Cha didn't answer. Have you ever seen anything that glows for no reason?

Ye Cha pondered on the side of the display cabinet, ready to pry it open, but in this moment


A thing rubs of voice suddenly ring out, leaf Cha fierce of a look up, then see a mummy coffin that the corner puts suddenly open.

The next moment, a rotten cloth belt was thrown towards the leaf brake.

Wang Likun has quick eyes and quick hands. Defense is his job. When he enters this strange place, he is always on guard. He immediately blocks Ye Cha and ye Yue with his shield.


It looked like a ragged, dense gap, but when it hit Wang Likun's shield, it made a clear metal cross sound, and it was extremely hard.

After the ribbon attack, the mummy came out shaking.

At this time, ye Cha had time to look at the mummy carefully.

Mummies are artificial mummies, with a complete production process, smeared with melted pine resin, removed organs, dehydrated and so on, and then wrapped in cloth tape.

This is the so-called mummy, which is roughly divided into two parts, the cloth belt used to wrap the outside and the mummy inside.

But in front of me, the cloth belt of the mummy is just like growing on the body. It is completely integrated with the body. One by one, the cloth belt is embedded in the body.

With the mummy's body shaking, several cloth belts flew forward at the same time and attacked the yecha three."Break up!"

Ye Cha gave a low drink, drew out Wang Zhisheng's sword and swept forward. He collided with those cloth belts. Then he felt that his wrist was slightly numb.

The power from those cloth belts is very huge. Moreover, those cloth belts just look shabby. It's hard to imagine that they are so strong. At the moment when Wang Zhisheng's sword collides with the cloth belt, ye Cha feels like he's chopped on the metal.

At the same time, ye Cha found that there was a faint halo on the mummy, green, which was similar to the light emitted by the necklace. Because of this, he could not see clearly, but if he looked carefully, he could still find it.

"There seems to be a sense of echo?"

Ye Cha picks his eyebrows and feels that the necklace in the exhibition cabinet is related to the mummy.

In that case

Ye Cha didn't hesitate to punch out and smash the glass of the exhibition cabinet. The alarm of the exhibition cabinet immediately rang, and then ye Cha grabbed the necklace.

In yecha's opinion, since the necklace is related to the mummy, getting the necklace or destroying it may be able to stop the mummy, but this time, yecha obviously made some mistakes.

Looking at the necklace in yecha's hand, the mummy suddenly opened his mouth, which was extremely ferocious. There he roared silently, and then all the cloth bands around him surged up, as if they were alive, and shot at yecha.

Obviously, getting the necklace doesn't stop the mummy. Instead, it makes the mummy more violent.

Boom, boom, boom!

Ye Cha quickly jumped back to dodge, and those cloth belts flew forward. After falling, every blow could smash the ground into pieces, which was full of power.

Ye Yue's eye pupil flashed a different color, trying to control the mummy with brain domain ability, but then shook her head toward Ye Cha and said: "no, it's useless."

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