death train

Chapter 801

"In fact, I've studied this. He may be a new human species," the little fat man interjected

Ye Cha surprised: "those monsters?"

What will zombie virus bring?

Zombies, of course!

But this is not the only result. The other result is evolution.

One direction of evolution is the emergence of brain domain ability, that is, super human like Ye Yue. The other is called hetero human. The body has zombie characteristics, and all aspects of the body have changed into a form suitable for fighting, becoming an organism born purely for fighting.

It is worth mentioning that CommScope has been pursuing the ultimate warrior made of zombie virus, which is based on the template of heterogeneous human beings. It has zombie characteristics, but it also has independent consciousness and thinking.

It's just that CommScope has not been successful. Otherwise, if it can be manufactured artificially, xenogeneic human beings will not be so rare. At present, CommScope has developed some special viruses and drugs, which can only mutate in a short time or at a high cost.

At the same time, the success rate is low. After taking it for a certain period of time, you will lose your self-consciousness and become a zombie.

Ye Cha looked at Feilong for a while, and then said, "it's not like that."

The most obvious characteristic of hetero human is zombization. Some of the incompletely evolved species have local variation, while the fully evolved species usually cover the whole body and can differentiate into periodic variation forms.

But the Fat Dragon obviously does not have any zombie characteristics. It's necessary to say that this guy's body is strange. It's such a fat body. It's difficult for normal people to walk, but the fat dragon can move freely.

"The little fat man said:" there is no variation outside his body, but I think his organs may have changed, or directly, the stomach has changed. "

Ye Cha said: "so you can eat it?"

The little fat man said, "yes, he can eat because he is hungry most of the time. Moreover, I have estimated that his food intake is obviously more than the level of" can eat ". The weight of food consumed every day is almost one third of his weight, which is obviously abnormal."

Ye Cha said: "can't you put it in your stomach?"

The little fat man said: "yes, I thought it was a digestive function problem at first, but later I found that his excretion was not different from that of normal people, that is, his metabolism was not different from that of normal people, so I came to the conclusion."

The little fat man kneaded the fat meat of the Fat Dragon. It was soft. It didn't look like he had power at all.

The little fat man said: "my conclusion is that his stomach organs are mutated, and his digestive function is also mutated, but it's not to promote metabolism, but the energy conversion required by the human body, which is all converted into physical energy."

Ye Cha said, "I don't quite understand."

"The little fat man said:" it is impossible for normal people to absorb all the nutrients in their food. Even if they absorb them, they may not be able to be fully utilized by their bodies. But he can, to put it directly, if the ratio of normal people to convert food nutrients into everything their bodies need is 20%, then he is 99%. "

Ye Cha said: "so, excluding the part of daily consumption, the more he eats, the stronger he is."

The little fat man said, "that's about it, and the reason why I explain all this is that you just mentioned the extreme evolution of the body. The more we take, the lower the effect, right?"

Ye Cha nodded.

"Little fat man said:" but he has almost no influence in this respect, so if there is a real physical limit evolution, it should be like him absolutely, because his limit is much higher than that of normal human beings

Ye Cha can't help but look at Feilong again. There is no taboo in their conversation, but Feilong seems to have no idea that they are talking about themselves. He laughs.

Ye Cha can't help thinking, if the limit of the body is a fat man who will giggle, I don't know how many people are willing to choose this way to become stronger.

But at least Feilong is strong, and that's the good news.

With that, ye Cha asked Feilong if he had finished the task. Feilong nodded and took the broken device directly.

As for Feilong's intelligence quotient, he is not mentally retarded, that is to say, he is a little bit mentally retarded, commonly known as mentally retarded, and has not yet reached the stage of behavioral disorder.

Ye Cha thinks of Wang Likun, then laughs and throws the idea away. Wang Likun is just not smart, a little naive, and has no problem with IQ. He is a so-called honest man.

The main reason why Ye Cha thinks of Wang Likun is that ye Yue always takes Wang Likun as his valet and uses him with ease. Why is it not because Wang Likun is a little naive and obedient?

Now, it seems that I will have such a valet.

Ye Cha talks to the little fat man and walks to the place where he came from. Feilong follows him honestly. But at this time, ye Cha suddenly reaches out his hand to stop the little fat man, and then signals to enter a building on the side of the street.

Ye Cha motioned little fat man and Fat Dragon to stop. He stuck himself to the wall and looked out along the window. He watched a figure walk through the intersection not far away and toward the other side.Ye Cha said: "you take Feilong back first, and tell the landlady to arrange the steward assessment for Feilong. By the way, tell the landlady to let him eat what Feilong wants. I'll pay for it when I go back."

"What's the trouble?" said the little fat man

Ye Cha said: "personal enmity, you don't need your help, you can take him back first."

After ye Cha finished, he walked out of the building directly and quickly towards the crossroads.

Always think about the old leaves don't like to deal with their own back stabbing.

But occasionally, there are always omissions. Lin Xuemei is one of them, but she was killed in the black desert. Her gratitude and resentment disappear naturally. Doran didn't die and became a steward. Naturally, she is one of them.

However, the person Ye Cha saw was not Duolan, but Zheng Duoqing.

This is a bad debt that has been owed for a lifetime. If there is a chance, it should be counted.

For some reason, Zheng Duoqing didn't get on the train of death, but somehow became an apostle walking. However, Zheng Duoqing didn't dress up as an apostle walking.

Although wearing the unique robe of the apostles, he did not wear a robe and cap, no mask to cover his face, no red scarf around his arms, and made himself like the surviving human on the death train.

In fact, it's a very simple thing. It's not difficult for the apostles to disguise as the surviving human beings on the death train if they don't walk in the well recognized costumes. However, they can't get on the death train without the recognition of the death train.

No, there seems to be a way?

Yecha suddenly remembered that he was still carrying a task. Malfarian said that there was an apostle walking on the death train. Let him find out. The reward was the X potion that once let yecha walk through the gate of hell.

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