death train

Chapter 802

Ye Cha thought casually, walked through the crossroads, then climbed up a building and jumped continuously along the roof.

"Found it."

Ye Cha stepped on the edge of the roof and looked down to find Zheng Duoqing's figure.

Ye Cha was very cautious and didn't dare to be too close to him, because, in addition to the Apostle walking identity, Zheng Duoqing was different from the previous one in that she was a superman.

Yecha attributed this to the fact that maybe Zheng Duoqing had the potential to become a super human in her previous life. Her brain domain is different from that of ordinary people, but there is no chance of evolution, and this life has such an opportunity.

One of the normal abilities of Superman is perception. Ye Cha has used Ye Yue many times, so he is very familiar with it.

This ability is very troublesome in the view of Ye Cha, but it is not completely impossible to deal with.

Perception is divided into active and passive.

In the active situation, it's very terrifying. The range can even be calculated from a few kilometers, and no one can escape. However, it consumes a lot of brain use, and it's impossible to open it under normal circumstances.

Passive range is relatively small, mainly depends on the strength of the brain domain, so, ye Cha dare not too close, but maintain a certain distance.

From the current position of the leaf brake, at least it can be determined that it is safe. Zheng Duoqing did not find the existence of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha followed him all the way to the West.

Zheng Duoqing's goal is to get out of the city, because he is going to the viaduct out of the city. Then under the viaduct, ye Cha sees a gas station. When Zheng Duoqing arrives, several apostles walk out.

A total of five people, let Ye Cha frown, remember when in the city of destruction, Zheng Duoqing is also a five team.

This is very normal. The physical quality of super human is not strong enough. Once the brain domain function is not good or consumed excessively, it is a dead word. Therefore, it needs human cooperation or protection.

But when the city is destroyed, the team should be killed by Ye Cha and Nie Po.

"Did you regroup?"

Ye Cha murmured, and then thought of another apostle walking, a very powerful guy. Then ye Cha's eyes fell on the last apostle walking.

"It's this guy..."

Yecha whispered again that at the beginning, in the city of destruction, yecha almost killed Zheng Duoqing, but he was disturbed at the last moment. The Apostle who was in trouble walked very hard, and the king's domain was hardly seen through. The Apostle was the only one who could see through the king's domain completely.

"It's a bit of a problem."

Ye Cha is still observing, and then watching Zheng Duoqing lift his cloak and pass a broken mask to the other party, who takes a new mask to Zheng Duoqing.

Ye Cha suddenly realized that it was not that he didn't wear it, but that he had gone through the battle before and his mask was broken. However, it gave Ye Cha a chance to recognize Zheng Duoqing.

The apostles walked and whispered a few words. Then one of them drove a car and was ready to continue to leave the city.

Ye Cha frowns again. It's not easy for the other person to follow him when he's driving, but

Ye Cha looked at the sky, but it was almost dark.

When the car quickly left, the leaf brake immediately pulled out the owl, spread the wings of the night, and followed closely from the sky.

To yecha's surprise, Zheng Duoqing's goal was to enter the mountain. Strictly speaking, it was to go to a mining area.

Naturally, the mining area has been abandoned for a long time and has been cleaned up. There are a lot of zombies. The support at the entrance of the mine has obviously collapsed, but it has been propped up again.

After Zheng Duoqing arrived at the mine, they went directly into the mine.

Yecha waited for a while, about ten minutes later, he entered the mining area and went to the side of the mine.

The leaf Cha just saw one eye, then peep out a few minutes surprised.

Jade mining, mining out of the original stone, you need to polish the stone coat, in order to see the inside of the jade, for laymen, jade original stone and ordinary stone, almost no difference.

But it's totally different in this mine.

There are many mottled jade colors on the walls around, all of them are emerald jade, which is impossible. Even if ye Cha doesn't know much about this aspect, he knows that the jade mine is definitely not like this.

Ye Cha approached the wall of the cave, caressed the jade, and said in surprise: "this is..."

There are some words in the jade that ye Cha can't understand. They are very old and mysterious. The most important thing is that ye Cha has seen them. He has seen similar words on the stone tablet of Noah, the stone box of ancient civilization, the stone ball and the sarcophagus.

"So it is

Why didn't Ye Cha kill Zheng Duoqing for the first time?

The reason is that it is speculated that the appearance of the Apostle walk is not meaningless because of the ancient civilization, just as they once fought for the stone tablet of Noah.

The conductor clearly wanted the ancient civilization, and the apostles also wanted it when they walked. This is why Ye Cha followed Zheng Duoqing all the way.

"It's getting more and more interesting."Ye Cha takes out a flashlight to illuminate the surroundings, and then slowly goes deep inside.

But just then

"The dead train will leave in 48 hours. Those who do not return to the dead train are requested to return to the dead train within the departure time."

The ear side of leaf Cha suddenly rings out mysterious voice, let leaf Cha not from a Leng, then low scold a way: "dammit."

Why at this time!

Ye Cha is a little annoyed, which is too bad, but, give up?

Ye Cha will not!

Ye Cha takes out a phone with a strange shape. It's given by the landlady. It belongs to the purser's privilege. When necessary, the purser can call for logistics assistance, just like in the yellow desert, ye Cha asks for oxygen cylinders and biochemical clothes.

However, the support is limited to some simple logistics supplies, so this time, yecha is definitely not looking for support,

"hello?" Landlady's voice came: "need support?"

Ye Cha said: "no, I want to tell you that I can't go back to the death train before departure."

The landlady was stunned and said, "it's impossible to change the departure time. This is the rule of the death train. You know very well that the rule of the death train can't be violated, no one can."

Yecha said, "I found something similar to Noah's stone tablet."

The other end of the phone was silent. For a moment, the landlady said, "can't you bring it back within the time limit?"

Ye Cha rolled his eyes and said, "if I'm sure I can go back in 48 hours, why do I call you? I also met the apostles walking

The other end of the phone was silent again. This time, it took a long time. After a while, the voice of the landlady rang out again and said, "the next station is the capital of Xuejiang, which is nearest to Xinyu City. You can get on the train again there. The conductor means to bring back what the apostles want at all costs."

The leaf Cha wants is this sentence, nod a way: "I will."

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