Debut After Eight Years

436. Screaming and Fainting Fans, the first international broadcast! (seeking subscription)

Because of the live broadcast of the program group.

Therefore, the venue outside is also illuminated with bright lights, and everyone can clearly see the endless shaking of human heads.

Several cameras filmed live broadcasts of Wang Qian and the scene in various directions.

There are also two high-level cameras in the air for floating shooting.

The scene where tens of thousands of people gathered outside the venue and crowded to sing lyrics to Wang Qianqi was broadcast live to the whole world.

At the moment, the number of viewers around the world sitting in front of the TV is still very large.

The program team was extremely excited. They didn't expect that the idea of ​​continuing to broadcast Wang Qian's departure could attract more than two billion people around the world to watch.

Zhou Qinghua and a group of copyright holders of the program group also gathered in the crowd to watch. Everyone's faces were filled with admiration and excitement, because this meant more and more money was rushing towards them, and Wang Qian was shocked in his heart. Physical attractiveness and endless potential value.

There were uniform and shocking shouts from all around.

"we will, we will rok lure..."

Under the light, tens of thousands of pairs of arms are waving neatly, as if the waves are constantly rising and falling. It is very pleasing to watch, and the sound is extremely exciting.

"we will, we will rok lure..."

Most people were shouting with all their strength, and the sound waves pierced the winter night sky of Los Angeles, and could be heard clearly within a radius of more than ten kilometers.

Many celebrities and celebrities who left the venue did not leave, but blended into the crowd, but stood in the front, or in areas with more media, so as to attract a wave of enthusiasm.

A large group of Hollywood actors such as Ryder stood in the area where the media gathered, waved at Wang Qian, and sang loudly together. Many media also clearly filmed this scene and spread it to the world.

For example, Christine, Garbo, Ellie, Green and others did not deliberately go to the media, but mixed in the crowd casually. Like the ordinary fans around them, they waved at the invisible Wang Qian. Folding his arms, he shouted loudly: "We will, we will rok lure..."

Jia Bao still blushed in the cold wind, and screamed loudly: "Wow, that's so cool...Wang Qian, I love you..."

Jia Bao only felt that if she didn't vent it out like this, she would feel unhappy in her heart, so she yelled out like this.

However, after shouting out, she felt a lot more relaxed, and felt very embarrassed, her face turned even redder, she hurriedly looked around, and found that no one cared about her, so she was relieved...

Not far away.

Liu Shengnan, Ru Ke, Chen Xiaowen, as well as Li Qingyao, Yu Jingruo, Xiao Dongmei, Wang Jingyu and others gathered together, and they all waved their hands and sang lyrics.

Ru Ke laughed and said loudly: "Shengnan, Xiaowen, this is the perfect rock in my heart. This is rock, this is rock..."

Ru Ke kept shouting loudly: "This is rock..."

Ru Ke's favorite thing is rock and roll, and Wang Qian kept explaining to her what real live rock is, which made her very excited and fascinated.

However, because she yelled in Chinese, many European and American audiences around couldn't understand what she was saying and thought she was screaming.

There are too many screaming female fans around, people screaming all the time, everyone is used to it.

When Wang Qian appeared outside.

The crowd became even more excited.

Many crazy fans want to get closer to Wang Qian, and all the media want to get closer to Wang Qian to shoot first-hand news.

Hundreds of security guards on the side of the road and the Los Angeles uniform team formed a team, waiting in full force, pulling a row of guardrails to keep the crowded fans and media reporters outside, preventing them from approaching Wang Qian.

When Wang Qian came out with Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Juliet, Zhao Wei, and He Fulin, everyone outside was even more excited.

The flashing lights converged into one piece, and Wang Qian and the others couldn't see the road clearly.

The fans shouted crazily: "we will, we will rok..."

"Wang Qian, you are so cool."

"Wang Qian, I love you."

"Wang Qian, I'm yours..."

"Wang Qian, you are a god..."

Almost all the female fans crowded to the front row were European and American female fans, shouting frantically at Wang Qian with all their strength, even screaming so loudly that they couldn't hear what they were shouting.

Surrounded by more than 20 security personnel, Wang Qian waved to the fans and the media outside through the gap, smiled slightly, and shouted: "I love you too..."




Many fans in front of them heard Wang Qian's voice, and instantly screamed even more excitedly, their voices became obviously hoarse.

Among them, two blond-haired female fans screamed, their faces flushed, and they suddenly fell down straight. The people around suddenly let out an exclamation, and several members of the uniform team immediately ran over to help them up, only to find that they were only temporarily in shock and fainted. After passing by, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately called an ambulance.

Because there are too many people gathered here, in order to prevent accidents, several ambulances are parked outside at all times, so the treatment will not be delayed, and timely treatment can be obtained immediately.


All the media became even crazier when they saw this scene. They quickly filmed this scene and uploaded it to major media platforms in real time.

Of course, the live broadcast signal of the program group is the fastest, spreading this scene to the whole world.

All the viewers in front of the TV thought it was crazy...

Diana is now the off-site host, holding a microphone and speaking to the camera: "Friends in the audience, two ladies fainted just now. After a preliminary inspection, it was determined that they were temporarily in shock due to emotional excitement, and they would not be alive. It's dangerous, and the ambulance crews outside are already here."

"I have to say that the charm of Professor Wang Qian is really irresistible. There are screams all the time, and many people are crazy because of Professor Wang Qian..."

Diana looked at the back of Wang Qian being surrounded and left, and really wanted to go up to interview and get in touch with Wang Qian for a while, but she held back and looked at a group of celebrities standing there calmly in the crowd.

It was Robert and O'Connor. They wanted to leave quickly, but because there were too many people, they couldn't leave for a while, so they could only stand here, but they didn't shout with the others around them. out of place.

When Diana saw Robert, she naturally wouldn't let go of this veteran singer who was embarrassing Wang Qian on the stage. She immediately took the microphone, called a camera to follow, and asked loudly to Robert. : "Mr. Robert, do you still think that Professor Wang Qian is afraid?"

Robert gave Diana a hard look, then forced himself to calm down, looked at the camera with a smile and said: "Of course not. In fact, I was just joking with him at the scene, and I didn't mean to target him. .However, I didn’t expect Professor Wang Qian to respond to my joke with such a work that shocked the world.”

"I just want to say that Professor Wang Qian's musical talent is unlimited. I am looking forward to his next performance."

Diana continued to ask: "Then, will you be there for the finals between Professor Wang Qian and Sophie next week?"

Robert hesitated for a moment in his eyes, and then said affirmatively: "Of course, I will continue to be there. If I miss his performance, I think it will be a huge regret..."

He still doesn't want to retire at the same place, he still wants to continue to struggle and hype, and then continue to release songs to make more money...


The premise is that he has to give up continuing to boycott Wang Qian, give up this small team, and give up the persona he set up before.

For this reason, it will never be possible for him to join the political arena in the future, and it is also impossible for him to gain support in the entertainment circle.


But he can get a lot of income because of this, so that he can live a relatively rich retirement life in the future.

for money……

Slap yourself in the face?

no shame...

Diana smiled and did not let Robert go: "Mr. Robert, you have been resisting Professor Wang Qian and slandered Professor Wang Qian many times. What do you want to say now? You still insist on your previous point of view and position?"


It occurred to Robert just now that this female reporter might be about to settle the old score.

In front of the live camera.

He knew this was a real test.

It is to stick to the previous position of boycotting Wang Qian.

Or switch positions and support Wang Qian?

He hesitated for a moment.

He chose dollars.

Facing the camera, Robert smiled and said: "I think those were all misunderstandings before. I must admit that I have always underestimated Wang Qian. He is a real musical genius. I didn't know him before, so Said some wrong things. Now, after being on stage and interacting with him in person, I know I was wrong."

Lillard, O'Connor, Yun Na, and several other first-line singers beside Robert looked at Robert in shock. They never expected that Robert would actually take back his previous words in front of the media, and changed into Became a supporter of Wang Qian.

This kind of direct support cannot be said casually...

Several singers and musicians with a firm stand were very disappointed with Robert. They stared at Robert's back with a little anger, feeling that they had been deceived.

But like Yunna, Lillard, O'Connor and other singers who really stand at the top of the music scene, they will not be swayed by emotions, but think from the pros and cons.

Therefore, they all know that Robert's choice is the choice that is most in line with their own interests, and even they themselves will choose this way.

So, they couldn't blame Robert for a while!

If you want to blame.

I can only blame Wang Qian for being too awesome and invincible.

Let them have no way to start.

Diana smiled even brighter: "Thank you, Mr. Robert, for your answer. I hope your new work, Mr. Robert, will also get good results."

Robert and others will continue to release songs next week, and they have already started promoting them in the past few days, and everyone in the circle knows this.

Almost all famous singers in the European and American music circles will release songs, and no one will miss this opportunity to make money that may not come across once in a lifetime.

Seeing that Robert gave in so readily, Diana also helped promote his new work as a reward.

Robert also took the opportunity to promote his own work: "I have prepared a work carefully, and I will go online to meet you after twelve o'clock in the morning. I will definitely not let you down. Please support me..."


Seeing that two female fans had fainted, Wang Qian didn't dare to interact with everyone. He quickened his pace and got into the car quickly under the escort of security personnel.

He knew that the only way to get the excited fans here to leave and go home early was for him to leave here as soon as possible and not to stay here.

Don't be like those domestic traffic stars. They obviously saw many people gathering together in public because of them, but they didn't hurry up. had a very bad effect.

Of course, it was later revealed that most of those who went to chase stars were group performers invited by their team, and they stayed on purpose to create some news materials to attract attention...

Wang Qian doesn't need the media to hype, and he doesn't want fans to have accidents because of him.

However, he knew that if he went to tell everyone to leave and go home now, no one would listen, and it would only cause more commotion.

So, all he can do is leave as soon as possible.

Without him, everyone naturally left slowly.

As soon as Wang Qian and the others got into the car, the car started to leave quickly. The driver was also afraid of such a scene and didn't want to stay longer.

However, the crazy fans outside and the fans didn't have any thoughts of leaving, they kept chasing and shouting at Wang Qian's car, and filmed.

Wang Qian was a little tired, and waved goodbye to the outside on the car window, then drew the curtains, leaned on the chair, took a deep breath, relaxed a little, closed his eyes slightly, and said softly: "Being a star is too tiring. I didn't want to debut at the beginning, I just wanted to be an ordinary person, but I didn't want to be too tired."

"Unfortunately, I still couldn't escape in the end, hey..."


Wang Qian said these words from the bottom of his heart.

In his previous life, he had been in the entertainment industry for more than ten or twenty years. Wang Qian had experienced everything, and he was tired.

In this life, he wants to rest, he just wants to open a hot pot restaurant to make some money, so that he can live comfortably without worrying about food and clothing...

Every day I sleep late, go back to the cage, and then go around, go to the store to chat with the shop assistants, eat some hot pot by myself, go home and read a book, then take a shower and sleep...

This is the day of the gods!


Such a fairy life Wang Qian ended in a few days.

Now, it's gone forever.

He deeply knows that once the entertainment industry becomes popular, there will be unlimited topics for him. Even if Wang Qian quits the industry immediately, there will be many gossip media trying to dig out news from him every day to make hype. It won't make him clean.

This is how many news stories about celebrities beating paparazzi reporters come about.

If many other big and small stars in the entertainment industry heard Wang Qian's words, they would probably think that he was in Versailles and deliberately pretending to be aggressive.

However, Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, Juliet, Zhao Wei, He Fulin and others who have been with Wang Qian for a long time in the car all know that Wang Qian is telling the truth!

This can also explain why Wang Qian has such an astonishing talent, but has been keeping a low profile and not showing it to others.

Now as soon as you show your talents, you will shock the world and let the world fall in love with it.

Qin Xuerong rubbed Wang Qian's shoulders, and said softly: "Then we won't work tonight, we will have a good rest and sleep when we get back!"

Wang Qian didn't open his eyes, but frowned, and asked softly, "What job?"

Qin Xuerong smiled wryly and said: "Isn't it just the giants in China, they all want you to live broadcast or send messages on their platforms to interact with everyone as soon as possible, so as to earn popularity for them. There are also international giants who are still seeking Cooperation, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and music download platforms have been contacting me just now, constantly increasing their quotations, but I ignored them. Of course, the most urgent thing is the international platform we cooperate with Byte. It’s launched on the international platform, and it’s been publicized that you will broadcast live on it.”

"It was originally planned that the show would end tonight. With the aftermath of the show's enthusiasm, it will start broadcasting as soon as possible, attracting audiences from all over the world..."

"However, now that you are so tired, I think you should rest. I rejected them just now, saying that there will be no delay in the live broadcast after breakfast in the morning."

so many things...

Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet all frowned when they heard this, and looked at Wang Qian worriedly, feeling inexplicably unbearable and hurt in their hearts.

When Wang Qian heard about the cooperation with Byte, he immediately opened his eyes and said seriously: "Others can be pushed, but the live broadcast of this Feiyue platform must be opened! Now is the time when the popularity is the highest, we can't miss this Opportunities to promote new platforms.”

The new platform finally decided on a new name, called Feiyue!

The company registered entirely in North America is a joint venture between Wang Qian and Byte. Of course, it has gone through a lot of capital transfers and equity crossings in overseas islands.

And how many shares Wang Qian can get in the end depends on how many users this live broadcast can attract.

This is Wang Qian's first venture, so Wang Qian doesn't want to miss the best opportunity.

Qin Xuerong shook his head and said, "No, you're too tired, it's better to rest. We will broadcast live tomorrow morning, and the heat will still be high."

Wang Qian shook his head, picked up his mobile phone, and said: "The show has just ended, and the live broadcast of the program group has not stopped. There are still many people watching the live broadcast around the world, and many people are paying attention to my news. It is definitely a good time to start the broadcast at this time. When it works best."

"You must not miss it, I'm not that tired, and the live broadcast won't be long, just fifteen minutes!"

"Xue Rong, you start the broadcast, start now."

Wang Qian handed the phone to Qin Xuerong.

Qin Xuerong thought for a while, then nodded: "Then I will listen to you."

At that moment, Qin Xuerong picked up the phone, adjusted it, and started broadcasting it on the new platform Feiyue.

Because it has been publicized for more than half a day, in fact, a large number of users have registered on the Feiyue platform.

There are indeed a lot of people all over the world who want to watch Wang Qian's live broadcast and interact with Wang Qian.

Otherwise, on the live broadcast of the World Championships, Wang Qian would not have attracted more than three billion people to watch the live broadcast.


As soon as Qin Xuerong started broadcasting, a large number of users flooded into the live broadcast room instantly.

Many viewers from all over the world are waiting for Wang Qian to start broadcasting, wanting to see Wang Qian up close.

The number of people in the live broadcast room immediately began to skyrocket...

Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet also came over curiously to have a look, curious to know, how many people can Wang Qian attract to watch the live broadcast in the world?

This is Wang Qian's first live broadcast internationally.

Previously, Wang Qian's broadcast in China could attract hundreds of millions of people to watch online.


What about internationally?

Not only a few of them, but many people in the industry at home and abroad are also paying attention to this live broadcast.

This is the most intuitive and direct way to verify Wang Qian's international popularity.

all of a sudden.

Wang Qian, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet appeared together on the live broadcast.

A handsome oriental mature guy, two oriental beauties, and a beauty with a fusion of eastern and western temperament and characteristics appear in the same picture.

The appearance of this combination alone is enough to amaze everyone.

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