Debut After Eight Years

437. The world's first live broadcast, shocking the commercial value of the world! (seeking sub

At this moment, Wang Qian is the ultimate traffic password worldwide.

All the media in all countries and regions of the world, whether it is entertainment media or serious official media, are using their own methods to exploit the popularity of Wang Qian's traffic.

The program team of The Voice World Championship did not give up the chance to reap the popularity of Wang Qian. The live TV broadcast is still going on, and the scene of tens of thousands of fans slowly leaving the stage is still being broadcast live to the world.

The show crews are still celebrating.

Because, even though Wang Qian had been seen leaving in the car, the fans at the scene still didn't leave immediately.

The number of viewers did not drop off a cliff immediately, but fell slowly. Up to now, there are still 17.8 billion people watching, which is also a miraculous statistic.

Therefore, the program group is still using Wang Qian's popularity to harvest the number of viewers and advertisers' advertising fees.

And many media are also constantly releasing news about this performance, among which there is a large section mainly describing Wang Qian's performance, so as to earn popularity on social platforms around the world.

Various on-site interview clips are also continuously broadcast in various countries around the world.

Ma Long said in an interview with the French media: "I was shocked by Wang Qian's performance today. It was the first time I felt the charm of pop music on the spot. Wang Qian is a genius! Of course, his performance of the Huaxia Guzheng is also very exciting. For his piano performance, it was perfect..."


Max said in an interview: "Today's harvest far exceeded my expectations. The deepest impression on me was of course Professor Wang Qian's last performance. To be honest, I used to think that it was a waste for him not to focus on classical music." Talent, it's a loss to all of humanity. But, now I think maybe he should focus on pop music, he was born for the big scene."


The top producer Winston said in front of the media: "Evaluate Professor Wang Qian? God, please forgive me. I am not qualified to judge him at all. He did the most incredible and impossible thing tonight. The final performance , definitely the most amazing, most talented and powerful show I've ever seen in my life, no one has ever been able to do this before, and probably no one will ever be able to do this in the future."


Christine also failed to avoid the media, saying in front of the media: "I was going crazy at the scene. He was like a magician who controlled the audience, and none of us could avoid his music magic. He Of course, his musical talent and strength surpass mine, and I can't compare with him at all."


Green: "He is my teacher, and he will lead the development of pop music. In fact, many new singers in the future may learn his music and make their debut."


Adam also accepted an interview and said: "After twelve o'clock in the evening, I will officially release my first debut new work. In addition to tonight's performance work, I will release two works at a time. I hope everyone supports Me...Professor Wang Qian? God, please don’t ask me, I’m not qualified to judge him at all, I just want to concentrate on my music now.”


Sophie: "He is my idol!"


There were thousands of media from all over the world at the scene, so basically all the big and small stars who came to the scene could not escape the interviews of the media.

Of course, except for a very small number of people such as Christine, others will not hide from the media at all, and will deliberately show their faces in front of the big media and then accept interviews.


Almost all the interviews of big-name stars in the European and American entertainment circles can be seen on the Internet, and there are comments on Wang Qian among them.

Without exception!

No one dared to give Wang Qian a negative evaluation, or belittle it.

Almost all of them were positive reviews, and they all used words such as incredible, incomparable, music magician, etc. to describe Wang Qian's performance tonight.

On social platforms around the world, the hottest topics are basically related to Wang Qian.

Nearly 4 billion people around the world watched Wang Qian's performance. Almost all audiences were conquered by this performance. Everyone was infected by the frenzied atmosphere of the scene. After watching the performance, they all frantically posted on major social platforms He vented his excitement online, and vented his admiration and support for Wang Qian.

And at this time...

Some media exposed on the Internet: "Wang Qian, a Chinese player of the Good Voice World Championship, will start the first international live broadcast on Feiyue platform. Want to see Wang Qian in private? Want to see Wang Qian's side A few talented musicians? Come on..."

Such news spread quickly.

Coupled with the fact that many fans who had received Wang Qian's live broadcast news made a crazy publicity, the news quickly spread all over the world.

The speed of transmission is beyond imagination.

When Wang Qian started broadcasting.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is also rising rapidly, and the speed of climbing is no worse than when Wang Qian Huaxia first started broadcasting.

When Wang Qian, Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet got together and appeared in front of the camera, the live broadcast room exploded.

The number of people online soared!

one million!

three million……

five million……

Ten million……

In less than thirty seconds, the number of people online exceeded ten million.

Dense English bullet screens drifted past.

Fortunately, Wang Qian and the others all have a good command of English and can easily understand what everyone is saying.

"It's amazing. It's the first time I watched Wang Qian from such a close distance, and he turned out to be a little more handsome than I imagined."

"Wang Qian is indeed handsome, but he is not as domineering on stage, and more approachable, just like my brother."

"Wow, Murong Yue, Jiang Yu, and Juliet are all beautiful, plus Wang Qian, they are the most beautiful rock band combination I have ever seen."

Zhao Wei and He Fulin who were next to him didn't show up, otherwise they might cry to death seeing this barrage...

Of course, they can't understand English barrage either.

Wang Qian put the mobile phone up in front of him, and let Jiang Yu, Murong Yue, and Juliet come closer to his head, smelling the scent of the three of them, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room in English: "Hi everyone, this is This is my first live broadcast internationally, thank you for your support. I will meet and chat with you as much as possible in the future, please don’t forget to subscribe... I am surrounded by my musicians, everyone should know them all.”

Jiang Yu smiled and waved at the camera, then sat down and stopped joining in the fun.

Murong Yue also smiled and waved, and also sat down, but did not go to Wang Qian's side.

Juliet waved her hand and smiled, "Hi everyone, I'm Professor Wang Qian's student, Juliet..."

After speaking, Juliet also sat down, leaving the live broadcast to Wang Qian.

All three of them looked at Qin Xuerong who was chatting with Feiyue Company on his mobile phone.

A large number of barrages quickly appeared on the screen wanting to interact with Wang Qian.

"Wow, when can I download wewillrok, ​​this song is so hilarious, I want to continue listening to it now..."

When Wang Qian saw it, he immediately replied: "After twelve o'clock, I will be able to download my new song. Don't worry!"

Another barrage asked: "Professor Wang Qian, I see that your guzheng playing seems to be different from the traditional playing technique. Is it a new technique created by you?"

Wang Qian replied affirmatively: "Yes, this is when I was learning Guzheng, I studied some new performance techniques, which can make Guzheng performance have more and richer ways of expression. I dare not say whether it is good or not. It’s just what I like, and it’s fine if everyone likes to listen to it.”

Immediately there were many voices of praise in the live broadcast room.

"God, it is absolutely a genius to create a new way to play classical instruments."

"It's something a true genius can do."

"I've listened to Guzheng before, and I fell asleep before I finished listening to it. However, I didn't fall asleep listening to the Guzheng music you played today."

"Professor Wang Qian, you will compete with Sophie next week, are you confident to win the championship?"


Wang Qian continued to reply: "For next week's competition, my goal is of course to be the champion. However, I dare not say whether I can win the championship. Sophie is also a true genius, and no one in the world dares to say that she can beat her."

Wang Qian glanced at it, and saw that the number of people online in the live broadcast room had soared to more than 50 million at the moment...

The rate of increase every second is still terrifying.

Many interested people who followed the live broadcast all over the world were shocked.

Shocked by Wang Qian's attractiveness in the world.

Shocked that Wang Qian could single-handedly make a new social platform popular all over the world in just a few minutes.

for a moment.

Everyone re-evaluated Wang Qian's popularity and potential value.

In the past, only China's big capitals were willing to spend sky-high signing bonuses on Wang Qian, because Wang Qian's popularity in China was unquestionable. A live broadcast could attract hundreds of millions of people to watch, and he was able to support an entire network with his own efforts. The value of active users of a large platform is immeasurable, and no matter how much money is spent, it is worth it.

However, big capital and big platforms in other countries in the world have always had doubts about Wang Qian's popularity.

Because, although Wang Qian's live broadcast of the World Championships can attract billions of people around the world to watch, there is no other evidence to prove his popularity except on the live broadcast stage.

There are no social accounts with high attention, no video accounts with amazing attention, and no live broadcast room that attracts a lot of people's attention...

Wang Qian has no trace of existence on international social platforms, and no data to prove his value.

Therefore, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other big platforms offer Wang Qian a lower price than the big Chinese giants. It’s not that they are poor and not as rich as the Chinese giants, but that they have never been so sure about Wang Qian’s value. So tend to be conservative.

And now...

Wang Qian's first international live broadcast completely proved his popularity in the world.

Moreover, the gold content of this live broadcast is also the highest ever.

Because, this is a brand new platform.

Every user was attracted by Wang Qian himself to register, and then went to the live broadcast room to watch his live broadcast.

There is an essential difference from the high popularity obtained by going to the live super platform to start broadcasting, and the difficulty is very different.

This can better reflect Wang Qian's super commercial value.

buzz buzz...

Qin Xuerong's cell phone kept vibrating, and the calls and messages were never interrupted.

Most of them are messages from several international giants, and they all want to talk to Wang Qian again.

Even though Qin Xuerong had blocked their previous calls, they still continued to contact Qin Xuerong with a new number.

No one wants to miss such a super popular superstar.

And no giant is willing to sit back and watch Wang Qian help a new social platform explode in the European and American markets.


Qin Xuerong ignored the contacts of those European and American giants, but kept in touch with the newly established Feiyue Company, and at the same time kept in touch with Byte to obtain the latest data.

The car continued slowly towards the hotel.

Although the road is maintained by many uniformed personnel, there are also many people gathered on both sides, so the speed is not fast.

While chatting with the audience live, Wang Qian pointed the live broadcast camera at other people in the car from time to time, and then looked at the media on both sides of the road outside, as well as many fans who followed the car.

The audience in the live broadcast room were full of emotion.

"I haven't seen such crazy fans for many years."

"I've seen it in the 1970s and 1980s. It was the craziest era of pop music. In the past 30 years, this is the first time I have seen a singer conquer a large number of fans so thoroughly."

"Professor Wang Qian, Robert gave in to you, what do you say?"

"Professor Wang Qian, can you sing us a song during the live broadcast? I can give you a hundred thousand dollars... I really want to hear your live performance."

"Wooooow, such a crazy live performance, I must go next time, and I must not miss it again."

"Professor Wang Qian, when will you hold a concert? I will definitely go to your concert then..."


The car finally arrived at the hotel.

Wang Qian also broadcast live for half an hour.

When the car stopped, Wang Qian aimed the camera at the outside, showing everyone that the hotel was in sight. The media reporters outside the hotel had been driven a hundred meters away, so they could easily get out of the car and enter the hotel .

Wang Qian said to everyone: "Thank you for your support to me. I will definitely try my best to repay you with my best music works in the future. Today's live broadcast will be here first, and I will spare time to live broadcast again after I wake up tomorrow." , goodbye everyone..."

There were a lot of goodbye words in the live broadcast room.

There are more reluctance, I hope Wang Qian can broadcast the message for a while longer.

Wang Qian pointed the camera at himself, waved his hand regretfully, and then turned off the live broadcast.


End live broadcast.

Wang Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he had a happy look on his face.

Because, at the end just now, he glanced at the number of people in the live broadcast room, which was beyond his imagination.

During the half-hour live broadcast, the number of people online at Peak has reached an astonishing 300 million people...

The international market is indeed bigger.

Of course, Wang Qian knew that a considerable number of them must be Chinese audiences, at least tens of millions of audiences were from Huaxia.

Of course, there are more than 300 million people online at Peak, but it doesn't mean that he has attracted so many people in total.

Many of them must have left, and many will come.

Excitement flashed in Qin Xuerong's eyes, he waved his fist at Wang Qian, and said in a low voice, "We won! The number of registrations exceeded our expectations, and we can get more shares."

Wang Qian just wanted to hear how many there were.

Murong Yue and Jiang Yu, who had already got out of the car, already reached out to Wang Qian to help him get out of the car together.

Wang Qian immediately stretched out his hands, grabbed the hands of the two and got out of the car.

Qin Xuerong jumped down all of a sudden, and said excitedly: "Also, just now, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube have been sending you news. The latest quotation has been given to 350 million US dollars a was given by Youtube , Absolutely sky-high prices. Both Facebook and Twitter have given 300 million US dollars a year...I think it may not be their bottom line..."

Wang Qian said flatly: "I refused, I won't talk to them."

Wang Qian knows with his toes that they must have an exclusive agreement, and it is impossible to sit back and watch him continue to cooperate with Feiyue, and it is impossible for him to continue to drain Feiyue.

Being your own boss and working for someone else...

How to choose this?

If Wang Qian voted with his feet, he would refuse to work for 996.

Qin Xuerong said with bright eyes: "The most urgent thing is the download platform. They are eager to sign you, for fear that you will run away. Therefore, they gave a signing fee of 200 million US dollars a year, and all the download income will be given to you. This is absolutely It’s a sky-high price that no one has ever gotten…”

Wang Qian still shook his head!

The cooperation of the music platform is the most impossible.

It is impossible for Wang Qian to give up his platform to sign contracts with others.

However, despite repeated refusals, these giant platforms and download platforms continued to contact Wang Qian...

Wang Qian couldn't do anything about it, only Qin Xuerong was troubled and kept being disturbed by them.

Qin Xuerong didn't mind this, but was very happy, and said with a smile, "I know it's impossible to sign a contract with them, but these prices prove your worth."

Wang Qian: "Well, what about Feiyue? How is the equity determined?"

Qin Xuerong: "Your initial traffic flow was very successful, beyond imagination, and the number of registered users also exceeded imagination."

Wang Qian asked curiously: "How many people register now?"

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