Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular

Chapter 86: I saved my life today (Second update)

The package is soft and rigorous.

In extremely cold snow-capped mountains or in the north, sometimes the warm baby will play an important role in protecting the body temperature and prevent frostbite to a certain extent.

At critical moments, it is likely to cause unnecessary danger and cold torture.

The bag finished softly, and soon tore the warm baby's patch, got up, stuck it on a autumn coat that was turned out in his suitcase, and then covered it Cotton coat, tucked into the quilt.

Yang Xueni opened her mouth wide.

A bunch of shocking expressions floated across the barrage.

"The hotel room temperature is now 25 degrees."

Then the bag was soft and took out a cube instrument that needs to be plugged in.

Yang Xueni: "?"

"This is the temperature monitor I asked the studio to temporarily borrow."

Speaking, the bag is soft and the metal end of the measurement is tucked into the quilt and placed under the warmer.

Yang Xueni: "!"

The package is soft and soft, and the face is full of safety light.

"We can observe how its temperature gradually changes every hour."

"This can probably verify whether it is consistent with the product manual for 12 hours of heating and a maximum temperature of 55 degrees."

Yang Xueni was swept by the live broadcast camera, her face seemed to be listening to the book JPG.

To her, what Bao Ruanruan said seemed to be the product of another world, and had nothing to do with actors and artists.

She really did not expect that there would be an artist in this world who would do it to this extent in order to confirm whether to endorse or not.

As she usually does, because she is very busy and does not understand these data, she always listens to the advice of her broker or company.

Generally speaking, if it is a large enterprise, a top 500 brand, or a well-known first-line brand, Xueni Yang is very at ease.

Never worry about their quality.

Every time, she will only be happy that she has signed another national brand and big name.

But when Yang Xueni compared with Bao Ruanruan today, she realized that before... she really didn't do enough!

Every time an endorsement comes out, fans buy tens of thousands of them.

But she herself did not ask about the brand's complaints like Bao Ruanruan herself, she was really - sorry!

With a high endorsement income, she is sorry for her fans and the society...

Yang Xueni is slightly stagnant.

"In addition, I found some papers and found that some people are not suitable for using warm baby, it is recommended that product manufacturers write in a prominent position - pregnant women, infants, and people with diabetes, blood circulation disorders and the elderly ."

Package soft and soft while checking the content, while recording in the notebook.

I also sent a WeChat voice to the agent.

Yang Xueni: "!"

Don't say it, she is a scumbag who is worthy of fans!

Placeless JPG.

Find the ground seam and drill into the JPG.

[My sister was shocked 23333. 】

[Nini: The original endorsement product was tried out, is that so? 】

[Nini wakes up and finds that her endorsement has never been reliable before 2333! 】

【Nini has a conscience, but she has insufficient thinking ability. 】

[Study with Mr. Bao, Mr. Bao is a bit powerful, woohoo, no wonder I wanted to buy an underwear sterilizer last time, but I ran out of stock when I went to TB! Soft fans know how reliable she is, right? 】

[Good guy, snowman get. 】

Yang Xueni was down for a long time, looking at the busy bag in front of her.

"Mr. Bao," Yang Xueni took a deep breath, "You rest, I'll help you."

Unconsciously, the teacher became willing.

She really has a lot to learn.

Even if she debuted earlier than Bao Ruanruan.

"Mr. Bao, cough."

Yang Xueni blushed a little, and usually helped to visit the thermometer, while speaking,

"I have a new endorsement in the future, can I ask you how to try it out?"


Bao Ruan Ruan nodded without hesitation.

"It's just that you gave me a few more life-saving letters."

Yang Xueni: "!"

She was moved for a second.

[The snowman is supported. In the future, if Sister Nini is not willing to rest or see a doctor, Teacher Bao can force her to go~ Like~ 10 life-saving books to start, not too many~]

【Nini has also grown up in this project, tears, thank you Teacher Bao. 】

[Yes, after this time, my Nini's new endorsement will probably not have any news accidents, right? In fact, this is the feeling of peace of mind. 】

[Finally realized the happiness of soft powder. 】

【Thank you, Mr. Bao. 】

At this moment, the barrage is very harmonious.

The friendship between Snowman Fan and Soft Fan has also reached a new height.

Afterwards, the two fans of each other scrambled for the endorsement of each other's sisters.

After all, they are all products that my sisters have tried and guaranteed.

The live broadcast of "Assistant" ended on time at 9:30. After Bao Ruanruan and Yang Xueni did some stretching, they smiled and said goodbye to everyone.

Bao Ruanruan glanced at the latest temperature detection, "It's the 28th minute, and the temperature of the warm baby has risen to 42.3 degrees."

"Next, I'm going to sleep~ I'll see the data tomorrow."

[Ouch, Ruanbao remember to post the result on Weibo. 】

Yang Xueni also waved towards the camera, covering the camera with a towel in her hand.

"Good night."

Screen terminated.

[Today is over, will the next live broadcast be far away? 】

[I hope that after the assistant is over, Sister Xue Ni can still work with Teacher Bao. I love the picture of them together~]

【Well, I learned a lot, thank you two sisters~】

Everyone was reluctant to part, but they were quickly urged by soft mom fans.

The snowman was shocked, and the fans of Bao Ruan Ruan were the same as Bao Ruan Ruan.


Bao Ruanruan ended the live broadcast, waved goodbye to the assistant staff, and fell on the bed.

The first time she supported the sheet with her elbows, she crawled towards her phone on the bedside table.

Tap the screen and tap on a sound that sounds good no matter how many times you listen to it.

"It's over? I'll pick you up."

Bao Ruan Ruan couldn't help but slumped comfortably on the bed, the corners of his mouth raised, and he pressed the voice button, "I'm sleeping in a hotel room, and there are things about temperature monitoring."

Although the temperature detection, the instrument can do it by itself.

But when no one was there, she used the equipment with the power plugged in, and there was a warm baby heat source under the sheets, she was a little worried about safety.

Xue Jing paused before speaking.

"Chen Feng is here for you."


The package is soft and soft.

"As it happens, he's working overtime tonight."

The package is soft and shocking, what a coincidence?

It's not like he has a cold, so he fights like this?

Bao Ruanruan met another person worthy of her respect.

"It's a good...coincidence."

When Chen Feng was dragged out of the house and sent to the hotel room to work overtime, he himself thought it was a 'coincidence'!

But he looked at Bao Ruanruan and kept smiling, "Little bun, you can leave it to Brother Feng."

Bao Ruanruan admired Chen Feng.

Traditional Chinese medicine formula tea to help you stay up late and detoxify.

"Taizi ginseng, lily, Hangbaiju...I put it in a thermos for you, drink it at night."

Chen Feng was moved.

The little bun is good to him.

"The other room is on the third floor. If there is a fire, don't be afraid, you can call the fire department. The third floor is the height that can be reached by the ladder, and there are fire extinguishers outside the corridor."

"At least a 95% chance of survival."

Bao Ruanruan was sincere and sincere, and drew him an escape map.

Chen Feng: "...!"

Come on!

Small buns are good, he can't afford it!

After Chen Feng was settled, Xue Jing took the little girl and drove all the way back to Beijiao No. 1.

Even though it was very close to her sleep time, he still did not leave her to sleep in the hotel.

He knew that she was insecure alone.

She will relax a lot in a familiar environment.

He turned the steering wheel, turned his head slightly, and looked at the girl in the co-pilot.

I saw a large fluorescent powder raincoat covering her face.

Xue Jing: "..."

"Well, I've showered, and if I go out and encounter bacteria, I'll have to wash it again."

Bao Ruan Ruan felt blush for the first time.

Explain softly.

He lowered his face, his voice getting smaller and smaller, almost swallowed in his throat.

Actually, she's been acting weird, right?

Incompatible with the people around you.

Although she has always believed that she is doing the right thing, she knows that many people think she is strange.

Before, she didn't care about other people's eyes.

She just wants to live.

Even if the whole world doesn't understand her and thinks she's a weirdo, so what?

But now, Bao Ruanruan felt the gaze of the man beside her falling on her, and his heart was flustered, and he uncomfortably rubbed the plastic cuff drawstring of the raincoat with his index finger.

A normal person can't accept a strange appearance like her?

Does he also think she…

"Very good."

Xue Jing's slightly lower voice, in the narrow carriage, brushed the air and landed in her ear.

For a moment, it was like a spark of light, illuminating the profile of Bao Ruan's raised face.

Xue Jing glanced at the rearview mirror,

"So you can go straight to sleep when you get home."

He glanced at the bright pink raincoat on her body from the corner of his eye again, and the corners of his pursed lips raised slightly.

"And bright pink...I don't have to worry, the driver on the other side has poor eyesight and can't see my car."


The cuffs of the raincoat, which were softly pinched, were released in a second.

"Yes, did you know that?"

The bag was soft and could not help but make a sound.

This raincoat has fluorescent colors and reflective strips.

Driving at night, the driver's vision has a certain night blindness obstacle, and is prone to accidents, pedestrians or bicycles, if you use this fluorescent reflective strip, you can increase the visibility by at least 70%!

The probability of being hit is greatly reduced.

Xue Jing nodded and responded seriously, "Yeah. I invested in a bicycle project before, and I have been exposed to reflective strips on the body."

He really understands.

The bag covered her chest softly.

Under the traffic lights at the crossroads, I heard some kind of soft sound of being knocked on the door.

It seems that just taking a step forward and opening the door will allow someone to walk in.


…she was breathing slightly.

She can' to him anymore.

Bao softly reached out and covered his mouth with difficulty.

Xue Jing raised her eyebrows, "Why, do you want to close the window?"

The bag was soft and shook his head quickly,


From the palm of her hand, she let out a careful voice in a low voice.

"If I talk to you again, I won't be able to sleep at night... In case, I want you to coax me to sleep again..."

Xue Jing braked suddenly and stopped on the side of the road.

If you slow down for a second, you are afraid of the speed and will lose control.

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