Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular

Chapter 87: I saved my life today (first update)

Jiangcheng, which is approaching ten o'clock at night, has just faded away from the hustle and bustle.

The major shopping malls and shops along the road closed their doors, and the lights of high-rise buildings gradually went out.

There are few vehicles on the road.

The only ones are returning home after a busy day.

Relieve your exhaustion and rest on the seat for a while while waiting for the green light at the intersection.

In the distance, a black Bentley suddenly stopped at least seven or eighty meters away from the traffic light.

The air inside the car is getting hotter.


The soft raincoat rubbed the seat belt and made a rustling sound, breaking the peace.

Pinching her hands, she blinked.

What she just said was too lethal.

If it weren't for the night, they'd have to rear-end.

In an instant, she wanted to zip up her mouth.

"Emm, just pretend I didn't say-"


Outside the window, a bicycle slowly rides by.

The car chimes in a gust of wind.

The voice of the man in the car was almost drowned out.

But the bag is soft but magically heard.

"I go to bed later than you, call me if I have insomnia."

The slender fingers holding the steering wheel lifted up.

The cuff of the shirt slipped off, revealing the health bracelet on the wrist.

Xue Jing's unhurried low-alcohol voice, "If you sleep enough, you can come and save me when I need it."

Bao Ruanuan felt her world for a moment, and the chain on the door was slowly loosening.

"Yeah. I'll definitely come to rescue you then."

Pack soft and heavy head.

Even if you do the most standard CPR, you may not be able to save it."

"At that time, you can only go to the Palace of Hell, be a black and white broker, and invest in the funeral business of the underworld."


Xue Jing couldn't help touching his heart.

"I try to go to bed before 12."

The bag is soft and soft and finally relieved.

“You should also exercise more and have a balanced and adequate nutritional intake.”

Xue Jing chuckled, a little helpless on her lips, and started the car again.

Sure enough, he just thought too much.

She just pays attention to her health and feels that insomnia is harmful.

Fortunately, she didn't ask him the reason for braking.

How else would he answer?

It's time to hand over the agent's affairs to Chen Feng as soon as possible.

It is not his style to start with his own artist, regardless of public or private.

Whether her dress is too revealing, whether the script is too emotional...

Once he has selfishness, he will not be able to deal with her announcement work calmly, which will affect his correct judgment.

"In the future, all your announcements will be followed up by Chen Feng, and I will not take over."

Xue Jing couldn't wait any longer.

If he delays, he is afraid that he will make mistakes.

Bao was stunned for a moment, "You leave me alone?"

I met him from the very first day in this world.

He said he would take her from death to life.

The bag was soft for a moment, and the breath was tight.

If she hadn't heard this similar voice on the first day, it brought her subconscious stability and peace of mind, she would not have dared to take the step of temptation.

She always thought he was just a voice substitute, but...will he ignore her in the future?

The package is soft and soft.

Every day she is used to listening to his 24-character values, listening to his work arrangement... But will there be none in the future?

It's like sunset in the evening, after sunset, darkness will come again.

She is alone again.

"Am I not good enough?" The soft voice was hurried.

She always has a hundred ways to make his heart hurt.


Xue Jing's voice was hoarse.

"You're fine."

"My personal reasons."

The bag sighed softly, and he breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

She thought he thought she was not good enough.

"Understood. You are busy with other work, so you should do those things first. After you have some free time, come back to be my agent."

Nowadays, many people work too hard, resulting in many sub-health problems.

Combining work and rest, going to bed early and getting up early is a luxury for them.

It's not that I don't want to, but I have to work overtime, complete the tasks of the company, and improve my work ability.

Bao Ruanruan knew that Xue Jing and Chen Feng had other careers.


The two take turns on business trips, leaving early and returning late.

Now she wants them to live longer.


Bao Ruanruan secretly glanced at Xue Jing's jawline.

Heat rising from her cheeks.

She hoped that he would live longer.

It really is to lighten the burden at work and spend some time for your own health.

Bao Ruanruan understands that, even if you don't like others to be brokers, you still support it.

"Well, don't worry, I'll still shoot well."

Xue Jing smiled with difficulty, "Although I don't work as an agent, I will still ask about your affairs. After all, I invested in your TV series. I will always pay attention to you in the future, in another identity."

Is the identity of the investor?

The bag softened for a moment, and the sun flower bloomed in my heart again, and the shallow darkness faded away.

The relationship between investors and artists is even closer.

A broker is just a job you can quit at any time.

But investors are partners unless they withdraw their capital.


Xue Jing glanced at her little face out of the corner of the eye.

"I never withdraw."

Carefully analyze before investing, but once you invest, you will work with your collaborators for life.

Do not discard.

Support each other.

"If you have any questions, you can come to me, just treat me... as your older brother first."

Xue Jing parked in the garage.

The old driver almost wiped the wall.

On the steering wheel, the blue veins on the back of the hand are prominent.

Withdrawing from the work relationship, I hope the little girl can see him


Pack soft blush.

What brother.

If he knew, she didn't want his brother at all, wouldn't she be scared?


She can only take her time.

At least, when we meet in the future, he will not only talk about work, is it a good thing?

Bao Ruanruan thinks she still has hope.

Take a deep breath.

She decided to do some research first.

First of all, it is necessary to do sufficient research on future risk issues.

Bao Ruan took a look, and his face was serious.


Female stars really can't fall in love.

She had an affair with Cheng Yao before, and she was blackmailed.

! 】

Won the prize, blood is thick?

Bao Ruan's eyes lit up.

It turns out that, if you win the award, it doesn't matter if you open your relationship.

[Xiao Mengfei: Bag, why do you ask this? Oh, you won't hear the industry gossip! 】

The bag softly typed a question mark slowly.

Package is soft: "!"

She almost lost her phone.


As if being spoken of.

But she quickly reacted, how did Teacher Qin Xing do it?

Why didn't she take Xue Jing down?

[Xiao Mengfei: Teacher Qin Xue has been working with this agent for five years. 】

Open your mouth softly.

It turned out to be a long-term battle.

Let her agent get out of the way, don't affect her sister's career! 】

"Ah? The broker was scolded?"

The package is soft and surprised.

Because of the radiation on her mobile phone, she doesn't read hot searches online, and she doesn't even read fan messages of other artists.

It turns out that the manager is in love with the artist and will be scolded.

Xiao Mengfei disliked typing too slowly, so she simply made a voice call.

"That's for sure, you think, so many fans hope that their sister's acting career can go to a higher level, and that the agent can help her get better job resources and take care of her life."

"It's not that he secretly took their sister down near the water tower!"

"Fans are scolding, this agent does not distinguish between public and private, no wonder they have only taken on the drama of the big heroine in recent years, not even a kiss scene, one is more than the other Clear water!"

The package is soft and soft.

Before she was a little reluctant to be her manager, but now she just feels lucky.

He just quit his job as an agent just as she was about to cough at him, which is great.

Hang up the phone, the package is soft and soft in the aftershocks and fear.

Fortunately, I asked Xiao Xiao.

Otherwise, it would be a dangerous accident.

It seems that it is the best to let Brother Feng be her manager now.

She can slowly think of a way... Well, let Xue Jing like her slowly.

When the time comes, I will be open and aboveboard, and treat him well.

Bao grinned softly, trying to grab the corner of his mouth.

Well, it's a two-pronged approach.

In the case of controllable risks, let him have a good impression of her, and at the same time try to get the award to prepare for retirement.

One North Suburb.

The next morning.

As soon as Xue Jing opened the door, she saw the script in one hand and a pot of succulent bao in the other.

She was dressed in a lavender bread suit, which made her little face as radiant as she had absorbed all the light in the corridor.

Xue Jing had a hard time controlling her gaze and not staying on her little face.

"This little pot is for you."

"Put it on the computer desk to relieve eye fatigue."

Xue Jing chuckled and took it immediately, "Thank you."

"As it happens, there is also Cordyceps sinensis by the Daming Lake to find you."

On his shoe cabinet is a new reward for her to read the script hard today.

Bao Ruanruan looked over and saw the gift box.

The eyes are as bright as the sunflowers again.

But she endured it.

Be modest and soft.

You can't.

How can I see the gift?

Isn't it frivolous?

Bao Ruanruan pursed his lips hard, barely controlling the corners of his mouth.

But she couldn't control the radian of the lying silkworm exposed after laughing.

Soft, slightly warped tail, like a small tail.

Xue Jing saw it early in the morning, and she was in a good mood.

As long as she likes it, it won't be a waste to find someone to bring it back.

But after the conversation, Bao Ruanluan had no intention of leaving, nor was she in a hurry to get one of her favorite Cordyceps sinensis, but stood weakly at the door, holding it up embarrassedly script in hand.

Covers her face.

"Mr. Investor, are you free today?"

"I have some script questions...would like to ask you."

A soft, gentle voice.

After finishing speaking, she tentatively moved the script down, revealing a pair of cautious eyes with slightly flushed tails.

There is nothing wrong with asking investors to ask questions.

It took her a breakfast time to figure it out.

She checked the Internet - how girls pursue boys.

Nine of the ten points said, first increase the contact opportunities and time together.

You must first silently understand each other from all angles, and understand their personality and preferences.

When it is determined that it is suitable, you can start with the other party's preferences. After you are familiar with it, you can try to confess.

It makes sense for the package to be soft.

Isn't that the same as her survival in the game?

Before challenging the boss of the new dungeon, you must patiently study the boss's weaknesses, ultimate moves, common moves, defense...

Then think about what to do next, how to take down the boss.

So, she came to deepen observation and contact today.

"The problem with the script?"

Xue Jing frowned and asked the little girl to enter the heated room.

Bring her warm cotton slippers.

He himself was wearing thin.

At first glance, these cotton shoes are not his own style.

And when you step into the soft and warm soles with your soft feet, you feel a sense of comfort in your soul.

Is it safe not to catch a cold~

Xue Jing took a mug and gave her hot and cold water in a ratio of 3:7, mixed with a cup of warm water.

I tested the temperature with the back of my hand, and it was not hot, so I placed it in front of the sofa and coffee table where she sat.

"What's the problem? The characters are wrong, or the lines?"

Xue Jing sat on the single sofa opposite her with a solemn expression.

This is the first time the little girl took the initiative to ask him about his work.

He suddenly became serious, and reached for his mobile phone to find the producer and screenwriter's phone number.

He read the script once, but after all, it is different from the actor's point of view.

But Xue Jing wanted to ask more, when she heard the little girl sigh.

"Actually, I never found the feeling of being a doctor."

"Well, there is a male patient missing."

Xue Jing: "...!"

Five minutes later, Xue Jing, who had recovered from the cold, lay on the sofa without knowing why.

Feel the girl's little hand touching his back gently.

It was like a feather brushing, soft and light.


Xue Jing gritted her teeth.

Is it a cure or death, he couldn't tell for a while.

"Well, looking for acupuncture points."

The package is soft and small.

In the hand is the open acupoint map, the back version of the human body.

“There are about 720 acupuncture points around the human body.”

Xue Jing's eyes darkened.

719 more?

I felt the little girl's soft fingertips tap on the side of his spine, like a memory.

He could barely move.

Close your eyes and see a dizzying light in front of you.

"Yesterday on the assistant program, there was Nini, um, teacher Yang Xueni, who helped me memorize the acupuncture points on the front of the human body."

"So there are still important acupoints on the back, I don't fully grasp..."

The girl was close at hand, and a sweet fragrance emanated from his side.

There is also a faint scent of sandalwood essential oil he gave her, which is sweet and has a soothing and tranquil scent.

Xue Jing gradually clenched his fists.

Half pay, to squeeze words out of the teeth.

"You're outside, don't find anyone... just study."

Bao Ruanruan blushed and said, "No, I'm not familiar with other people."

She slowly used the acupoint map to cover her hot cheeks.

In fact, she had already remembered the acupuncture points on the back.


She bowed her head, the ball head that was hurriedly **** today, a strand of broken hair fell off her cheeks.

She shyly looked at Xue Jing in front of her, lying prone on the sofa's back.

Finger tap.

The left and right shoulders are balanced, no high or low shoulders, no shoulders.

The back muscles are even, and the muscles are neither tight nor loose. It seems that I often go to the gym, and I also pay great attention to the self-protection of stretching.

The muscles perfectly wrap the slightly concave spine, from top to bottom, seemingly straight, with normal curvature, submerged to the waist.

The soft eyes sparkle.

"Shentang, Xinyu..."

The name of the acupuncture points in the mouth can't help but get slower and slower.

A healthy body, texture and bones.

I feel like I can live a long time.

The bag was soft and sucked.

"Forgot?" Xue Jing opened his eyes and looked at the example of the acupoint map with the tablet in front of him also open, "Below is Xiaohai Point."


Bao nodded softly, his face glowing.

You are right.

She reached out and covered her cheek.

Find out the small book in the bread suit and record it quickly.

#Watching the boss in secret#

#Healthy physique: fast recovery from colds +5 points; excellent back muscles and spine bones +20 points (five stars);

The bag swayed softly and happily.

Xue Jing listened to behind him, the little girl stopped, the sound of brush strokes rubbing against the paper, she couldn't help but be stunned.


The little girl in his family is serious, but it really doesn't make people live.

Yang Xueni, who had just returned to the crew, saw her manager Jiang Zhengle hurried in before she sat down.

"Xue, do you still use the phone that Tang Yuxin gave you last time?"

"Stop now, the charging explosion is on the news!"

"All phones in question will be recalled!"

Yang Xueni: "!!"

[Yang Xueni’s approval rating for you dropped to 48%, completely out of your supporter camp. 】

[This character cannot be raided for one year. 】

Tang Yuxin: "!"

When I touched my forehead, three or four hairs fell on my hands.

Tang Yuxin was terrified.

"Mr. Tang, the company just finished the meeting, and all the business you are dealing with within half a year will be suspended."


In a blink of an eye, at the end of December, Bao Ruanruan joined the group "Biography of Medical Women" and began to retreat.

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