Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular

Chapter 88: I saved my life today (Second Update)

The filming location of "The Legend of the Doctor" is in Hengcheng.

Bao Ruan Ruan entered the group two days in advance and completed the makeup.

Before shooting, the main actors must gather together to read the script.

But this project is too tight.

After confirming that Bao Ruanruan will play the female lead, she began to look for the female second and male lead that matched her.

Quickly set the boot time on 12.23.

Because the director Mu Xun and the producer both took a look at the almanac, and found that there was no auspicious day for the start of construction in the previous month.

You can only hurry up and start up at the end of December.

The opening ceremony was over, and the actors were pulled to the hotel to read the script.

It took three days to adjust the lines, the actor's feeling, and then officially shoot.

Anyway - investors have money, let them work slowly and work hard.

Director Mu Xun has plenty of time and is quite confident.

"Everyone, good luck!"

On the day of the boot, at 9:19, burn incense and give out red packets.

In the winter, the actors all wore black costumes with the words 'The Legend of the Doctor' and down jackets.

Reporters, photographers, and station sisters, come to hear the news.

Fans of each actor also received a notice of the starting time from the support club early.

Everyone is online, squatting ahead of time.

When the crew released the photos, and the station sister released the video, the marketing accounts were forwarded.

# Han Mo and Qin Xing join? Joint Bao Ruanruan, the new acting Xiaohua, has a strong lineup of doctors and women! #

Passers-by brushed it, and fans quickly looked at the photos, and immediately began to look for their brothers and sisters.

[Big group photo, Bao Ruan Ruan C is standing next to the director and producer! 】

[Mr. Han Mo was the emperor last time, but this time he actually played the role of a civilian, hahahaha. 】

【Mr. Han Mo's matcha tea is here~Mr. Han took this film to thank Bao Ruanruan for saving her from Thunderbolt before. This time, it is a friendship, and the remuneration is not received. There are only two episodes, please don't pay too much attention to Teacher Han, today is Teacher Bao's home~]

[! 】

A heavy news exploded in the comment area.

There will be new news soon.

[Qin Xing just finished a big heroine, and actually matched Bao Ruanruan? I am not wrong, right? 】

[Sister Qin Xing's little starfish is here to report~ Let me secretly say that our sister Qin joined because of Teacher Bao. She broadcasted her birthday last week and said that Teacher Bao understood her very well and told her An actress who is also experienced, she really wants to cooperate with Teacher Bao. So this time she happened to be free, so she went to try the mirror. 】

[Well, the role of Sister Qin is to play soy sauce. I heard that only the first episode before the heroine enters the palace, just to support Teacher Bao~ Don't worry about it~]

[Yes, let's focus on Teacher Bao! — Little starfish message]

Passers-by were surprised.

One or two, they joined as a special actor for the sake of being soft.

Moreover, Han Mo and Qin Xing's fans are so humble that they are not overbearing today.

What kind of social **** is this soft bag?

Everyone couldn't help but focus on the heroine who turned on today.

In the photo of the drama group, Bao Ruanruan is really outstanding in appearance and does not lose to anyone present.

Click on the station sister forwarded by the marketing account to shoot the video.

Well, not only the photos are refined, but the dynamic package in the video is also a rare beauty in the circle.

The entire video is approximately 30 seconds long.

The filming is before and after the group photo of the crew.

Passers-by saw the actors and the director shouting eggplant, smiling and taking pictures with red envelopes, and they all looked for the exit video button in the upper right corner.

—Nothing new.


But before moving your finger up, the video screen has changed.

The magic of making their fingers pause, begins!

The actors and the director shouted loudly to the camera, with extraordinary momentum.

But after taking pictures and shouting slogans, there was an anxious voice and asked weakly.

'Ready? Anything else to take pictures? ’

'Oh no more. ’

Everyone found the source of this soft sound at once - the C bit is soft.

Seeing the picture, she immediately switched feet and jumped a little, hurriedly clutching the T-shirt of the medical drama uniform on her chest, and hurriedly lowered her head to find the zipper of the black down jacket on her body .

After finding it, I swish it and pull it to the neckline to cover it.

She also took out a black scarf of the same style from her pocket and wrapped it around the white swan neck she had just exposed in the photo.

It seemed that she would not let everyone watch for one more second.

Very stingy.

This makes people passing by on Weibo a little temperamental.

I just wanted to leave, but now, they are not leaving.

They're just staying to see her!

As a result, Baoluan shrank his neck and sighed in the palm of his hand.

Put the red envelope in your hand tightly, turn your head and look for someone in front of the camera.

【Looking for Han Mo or Qin Xing? It's all because of her, and it's estimated that she's going to say hello. 】

Everyone thought she was looking for someone.

In the end, she didn't, looked around, and ran out of the camera.

Five seconds later, he trotted back energetically, with an extra... dry powder fire extinguisher in his hand.

'Let me let it go~please borrow it~'

A female lead, the female lead, shuttles between the actors.

Then put the fire extinguisher next to the fire that the crew had just put incense.

These incense, the last to light up, and some have not been extinguished.

There was still a curl of white smoke.

[! 】

[! 】

Passers-by and their friends were all shocked.

It's just that they have little knowledge, I have never seen such a boot video.

Totally unexpected.

[hhhh is indeed the teacher Bao who has guided our brother Han's lightning safety knowledge! 】

30s video ends.

There are always new passers-by who enter the pit.

At the scene of the opening ceremony, some people were refreshed by her operation.

Han Mo and Qin Xing came here to be soft.

Although in front of the camera, she will not rush to talk to her, but she is silently paying attention to her.

They were all surprised to see that she was more concerned about the safety of the scene than the field manager.

Especially Han Mo, deeply understand that this is not her first safety-conscious behavior.

It turns out that thunderstorms are not accidental.

But even Han Mo thinks that she has fully realized her kindness and integrity and her excellent acting skills... When the script was read around, she was still shocked!

Hotel meeting room.

After the script was started, the conference table was full of main actors, directors, producers and screenwriters.

In the outer circle, it was crowded with secondary actors and staff.

Because Han Mo and Qin Xing don't have many roles, they only play a small role in friendship.

So they all stood modestly in the back row.

The producer smiled and waved to them, "Mr. Han, Mr. Qin, come here and stand behind me and Xiaobao."

"In the first episode, you are her sister-in-law."

"Develop a sense of family now."

It was inconvenient for Han Mo and Qin Xing to keep a low profile, so they could only walk behind Bao Ruanruan and nodded to her.

Just as he came over, Han Mo touched his nose.

Forgot to bring the script from the back table.

Just put it on the little actor's desktop.

But now the conference room is full of people, it is inconvenient to go back.

The producer laughed too.

"Mr. Han, then you and Teacher Bao read the same book, brother and sister."

The little actor who was going to pass the script to him suddenly stopped moving.

Han Mo can only nod.

"Okay, then let's start, the first episode in order, the Miao brothers and sisters talk."

Miao brother, the first sentence begins.

Han Mo nodded, and immediately went to read the script on the soft table.

I saw a thick script laying around, as if it had been turned over countless times, and a lot of notes had been made.

Han Mo's eyes flashed a long-lost appreciation.

She still does.

I haven't seen you for a few months, and I still take the acting career so seriously.

But when Bao Ruan turned to the first page, Han Mo seemed to be strangled!

"Mr. Han? The first line is yours. Brother Miao asked his sister to talk about entering the palace."

The producer glanced at him.

Han Mo: "… um."

He reached out and went over the soft script.

On the first page, a combination of acupuncture and moxibustion for blood loss.


On the next page, there are ten traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for bruises.



Good guy, Han Mo turned around with one hand for a long time, but he couldn't find his lines in this script full of medical knowledge!


Bao Ruanruan looked at him, and kindly turned it over for him.

Finally, after about fifteen or six additional pages, I opened six or seven N copybooks of different sizes and found his first line.

Han Mo: “…”

Too serious!

"Three sisters..." He said the lines quickly, in a cadence, and did not relax because it was a script reading meeting.

Bao nodded softly and took the next sentence naturally.

It's not too fast, it's very old-fashioned.

But Han Mo's forehead was dripping with sweat.

After she finished speaking, it was Qin Xing's turn to enter the room to speak.

After Qin Xing's line with his sister, it's his line again!

But where is his next line?

Han Mo looked at this script full of extra pages and N copybooks...and gradually sweated.

Sorry, he really wasn't qualified to judge others' attitudes before.

He didn't memorize all his lines before the script reading meeting, he was really wrong!

A whole script reading session, he completely relived the hardships and difficulties of reciting books in high school.

The producer once again turned his head after being quiet, "Mr. Han?"

Han Mo: "!"


But I saw Bao Ruan Ran stretch out her index finger again easily, flipping him to that page lightly.

Open the post-it note.

Circle the place.

Han Mo: "!"

Compared to Baoluan's ease and ease of opening each post-it note, he is clumsy!

Obviously, Bao Ruanruan was deeply impressed by the position of the lines in the script.

Not only herself, but also the lines of the characters who played opposite her.

Besides, this dense medical knowledge made him have to admire her homework for the role.

Han Mo took a deep breath.

Suddenly he was funny.

I also feel that I came here for free this time to help her and thank her.


Finally, he's here to learn!

It turns out that there are people outside.

The whole group of "The Legend of the Doctor" was filmed in retreat.

Bao Ruanruan, Han Mo, and Qin Xing did not ask for leave. They had to stay in the crew until the trick was filmed before leaving the customs.

However, during the closure period, the shooting time was still much slower than everyone thought.

There are only two or three episodes of Han Mo at most, and Qin Xing, who is rumored to have only one episode or so, everyone thinks that they will be out soon.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I entered, I stayed for two weeks.

It's like being taken by aliens!

Both fans were shocked.

Especially from Qin Xing's family, I just can't figure it out.

How long does an episode take?

You don't dare to ask the crew easily, so let's go to the studio first.

【Teacher Qin Xing is really not finished yet, please wait patiently. 】

Little starfish: "?"

Does my sister have more roles?

[The filming is currently in accordance with the script, and the little starfish will be notified if there is any change. 】

Is that the same, or an episode?


Xiao Haixing accompanied Qin Xing all the way, filmed a lot of girl main dramas, and the actor fans have experience.

Even a very sophisticated crew can basically shoot 40-50 episodes after being closed for 120 days.

Rounding to the nearest approx. two to three days per episode.

It's been two weeks now!

Everyone couldn't bear it anymore, and went to Qin Xing's Weibo to greet him with concern.

【Sister, are you all right? 】

【Sister, blink if you are kidnapped. 】

Qin Xing is an experiential actor. Every time he plays a role of great sorrow and great pain, it takes a long time to appear in the play.

【Sister, I recommend a funny show for you~】

【Sister, think about us when you are stressed. 】

【I am very worried about my sister, if you see it, can you give us a report of safety? 】

Even though she knew that Qin Xing was afraid of appearing in a movie during the filming, she never replied to Weibo, but the little starfish still left messages and wanted to be her pillar.

They knew they couldn't wait for a reply, but they just hoped that Qin Xing would feel better when he saw it.

But I didn't expect that, when I swiped today, I got a reply immediately!

[Qin Xing V: I am fine. 】

Little starfish: "!"

Everyone was shocked.

【Sister, are you shooting well? 】

【Sister, how are you feeling in the crew? 】

I thought, maybe there is no reply.

The result is brushed in another second—

[Qin Xing V: The whole body is comfortable and fluttering like a fairy. 】

Little starfish: "???"

Everyone was stunned.

It wasn't until a week later that the crew shot the footage.

I saw their sister star, wearing a white silk blouse, sitting with a dozen or so young ladies who were also wearing white silk lingerie and long hair makeup.

—Sit on a yoga mat.

"Let's take a breath now..."

Front, with soft floppy legs, sitting upright with head, hands on knees.

"Close your eyes, your cheekbones rise, the corners of your mouth fly, and give yourself a smile that will prolong your life."

[! ? ? 】

"Feel the wind blowing across our faces, hair, little cells..."

"Injecting vitality into our body, it spreads and washes throughout the body..."

[! 】

The soft voice is like the hypnotizing lady of the broadcasting station.

It comes with a convincing voice.


She stood up slowly.

Go behind the first Qin Xing.

Put a hand on Qin Xing's shoulder and massage her from light to heavy.

[! 】

Qin Xing's smiling face unconsciously revealed a trace of incomparable comfort and intoxication.

Closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to wake up.

Soon the bag was soft and moved to the back of the next girl.

Every girl in the room showed a relaxed and energetic moment of happiness.

A line of tidbits text bubbles slowly appear.

—This is the daily interaction between the 'patient' and the 'doctor'.

—Since the crew opened a yoga class and a lunch break massage experience, the happiness index has risen.

—The actors who play the 'patient' are doing a thousand miles in the performance of the cured expression.

[! puff-】

The little starfish finally know why their sister has not been finished for two weeks!

It turned out to be happy!

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