Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 112 Distribution of Artificial Fruits, Multiple Career Choices of the Beast Group

Kaido now has hundreds of artificial devil fruits. These are all goods accumulated during this period, and every once in a while, Doflamingo will send another batch of fruits.

The Beast Pirates really have no shortage of artificial Devil Fruits, and if necessary, they can capture that guy Caesar and let him produce the fruit.

"It's a pity that this success rate is a little too low. Otherwise, the Dark Rangers and Terror Guards in my hands can take this fruit." Sylvanas said.

Giving the Forsaken a hilarious emotion is 100% successful, but increasing one's own death power has only a 10% chance of success.

If the dark rangers under her take this kind of thing, the failure rate is still very high. After all, no one dares to say what will happen when betting on luck.

"No way, this fruit is a kind of gambling. Bet on who will be lucky enough to gain abilities or become a laugher." Kaido said.

To them pirates, this is a very common thing.

"Rod, I remember you told me before that the artificial Devil Fruit made by Vegapunk can perfectly replicate the abilities of animals. How about we go find that Vegapunk and get the artificial devil in his hands? Fruit." Sylvanas said.

Rhodes has other devil fruits in his hands! The real Devil Fruit does not have this side effect.

"No no! Your men, unless they take a special undead, ghost concept devil fruit, may gain emotions.

Other Devil Fruits, including animal ones, should have no effect.

At most, it will increase their death power. After all, artificial fruits have such hilarious shortcomings, which will allow the forgotten to gain emotions.

Other Devil Fruits do not have this ability, and among other Devil Fruits, only the animal type contains vitality.

And this vitality only adds a part of the power of death. " Rhodes said.

My Queen, you don’t think that every Devil Fruit has the power of the Underworld Fruit, do you?

Although Vegapunk's artificial Devil Fruit is perfect, it has no effect. The emotion of laughter is the most important thing for the undead.

The increased power of death is actually a side benefit, so only the artificial Devil Fruit created by Caesar is useful to the Forsaken.

Moreover, there are many ways to increase the power of death in the Forsaken. The underworld fruit that Sylvanas took can be done once it is developed.

You can also do it with Big Mom's Soul Fruit, and you can do it with Moria's Shadow Fruit.

Sylvanas could do it even before gaining the Devil Fruit ability, so increasing the power of death doesn't matter.

"It seems that we can only use this artificial devil fruit, and it must be a defective one made by Caesar." Sylvanas said.

It’s not that it’s better, it’s that it’s more useful for your own race, it has to be suitable.

"So it doesn't matter if your Dark Rangers fail. At least they will gain an emotion and the power of death will increase slightly, but not that much." Rhodes said.

"Well! Next, I will announce the good news to all the Forsaken. I will first let the Dark Rangers and Terror Guards under me take it first." Sylvanas said.

The next day, the entire Forsaken community received unbelievable news.

Their banshee king, Sylvanas, brought back an unknown magical fruit from another world.

After the undead take this fruit, there is a 10% chance that their aura of death can be greatly enhanced and their bodies will never decay.

This is a good thing that can increase the combat power of the Forsaken clan.

But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is after taking this fruit. 100% will produce an emotion, an emotion of laughter that belongs to a living person.

Suddenly, all the undead members became excited, because those 20 forgotten people who laughed wherever they went were not fake.

These first batch of people to obtain the fruit ability have become the envy of all the forgotten people.

In the past, the only goal of these forgotten people in life was to take revenge on Arthas, but now they seem to have a new goal!

At noon the next day, Silvanus summoned all the Forgotten people in the square hall of the Undercity.

"My Forgotten people, you should have heard the news. Yes, I have obtained a magical fruit from another world.

This magical fruit can give us an emotion. If you are lucky, it can also increase your own death power so that your body will no longer decay. "Sylvanas announced the news to all the Forsaken.

"Your Majesty, you will share it with us, right?" a royal pharmacist asked excitedly.

"Since I told you, I will share it with you, but there are hundreds of thousands of us forgotten people, but I only got a few hundred fruits.

A batch will be sent every once in a while in the future, but this still cannot satisfy all of us, so this distribution is a problem. "Sylvanas said after looking around at all the Forgotten Ones.

"As the queen's direct army, our dark rangers should give priority to using this magical fruit." A female dark ranger stood up first and said.

These dark rangers are the army directly under the Banshee King. They were all her ranger subordinates during her lifetime. There were hundreds of ranger troops under Sylvanas.

"We, the Terror Guards, are the warriors who protect the Queen! We should also have priority." A Terror Guard commander said.

The Terror Guards were once the royal bodyguards of Lordaeron. They were powerful warriors or court mages during their lifetime, and they numbered about a thousand.

"We, the Royal Apothecary, should also get priority. We can conduct research on this fruit." The Royal Apothecary said.

Maybe they can do some research on this fruit and make potions to increase the probability.

"Where are we ordinary Forsaken ones? Your Majesty Queen, when can we wait until we can obtain this magical fruit?"

Suddenly, everyone began to scramble. After all, emotions are the most precious thing to undead creatures.

"Quiet! I have more than two hundred of these magical fruits in my hand, fifty of which will be supplied to the Dark Rangers, fifty to the Terror Guards, and I will take out another twenty and provide them to the Royal Apothecary.

The remaining one hundred fruits are used as prizes, and all forgotten people who have made significant contributions will be rewarded.

When the fruits arrive next time, they will be distributed in this way. If you want to get the fruits, then my people, you, please work hard! "Sylvanas said.

This kind of distribution is undoubtedly the fairest. After all, the number of fruits is limited and there is no way to meet everyone's needs.

Soon the fifty most powerful Dark Rangers and Terror Guards were selected, and each of them was given an artificial Devil Fruit.

This time, eight dark rangers successfully gained abilities, their own power of death made a qualitative leap, and they gained some joy and hilarious emotions.

On the Terror Guard side, seven of them successfully gained abilities, and the remaining ones had a slight increase in death power, but only gained the feeling of laughter.

As for the Royal Apothecary, the luck was relatively poor. Only one person received a significant increase in the power of death, and the others only received hilarious emotions.

However, these royal pharmacists left a few artificial devil fruits behind and wanted to study them.

"Okay, my people, when the next fruit comes, I will distribute it to you. Everyone has a chance to get it, as long as you show your worth." Sylvanas said.

"Long live the Queen, we will follow you to the death." The Dark Rangers said.

"My Lady Queen, it is our honor for you to lead the Forsaken Clan." the Terror Guards said.

"Yeah!" Sylvanas nodded, stood up and left.

This time, this magical artificial Devil Fruit united her Forsaken people even more and further solidified her position as queen.

In the following period, the members of the Beast Pirates continued to train various skills. It is worth mentioning that many members of the Beast Pirates actually chose to use shadow energy and changed their profession to become stalkers.

There are also some snipers, such as Speed ​​and a Batman, who chose to become hunters and received hunter training.

Not all members of the Beast Pirates chose the path of warriors. After all, Azeroth has many professions.

It's just that no one among the casters has succeeded yet, whether it's a mage, a warlock, or a priest. As for the druids, I'm sorry that there are no druids among the Forsaken.

It is worth mentioning that Black Maria, one of the six flying brothers, chose the profession of stalker for some unknown reason.

As for Peggy Wan, not long ago, under the order of Rhodes, he went to find his sister to learn the way of Holy Light together.

Leitson also returned from the pirate world that day, and the evil orc tribe there has basically been arranged.

Now it's time to take Rhodes, Kaido and others back to the tribe to meet the great chief Thrall.

"My apprentice, we can set off now." Leitson said.

"Well! Mentor, this time, I will bring a gift to the great chief." Rhodes said.

Joining a tribe will help you implement your next plan.

At this time, the mage in the Undercity has opened teleportation for Rhodes and others.

There was a flash of light, and Rodretson, Kaido and others came to Orgrimmar again.

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