Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 113 The evil lord Asodon arrives and attacks the Horde and Alliance at the same time

A large number of demons have gathered in the Cursed Land. These demons are all demons left in the world of Azeroth after the defeat of the Burning Legion during the Third War.

The supreme commander of these demons was called Khazak, and under Kil'jaeden's orders, he came to the Cursed Lands.

On the other side of the Dark Portal, in the direction of Outland, a demon named Kurul, the demon king, performed evil rituals.

Reopening the Dark Portal, all the remaining members of the Burning Legion on both sides gathered together.

The Dark Portal has only been open for a few days, and now it has completely stabilized.

The demon leaders on both sides, Kazzak and Kurul, have successfully met, and a steady stream of Burning Legion demons are gathering in the direction of Outland.

At the same time, Kil'jaeden also sent reinforcements to them, and some powerful abyss lords, fear guards, and other demon lords also came to the outer realm.

And passed through the Dark Portal to the Cursed Land, where the highest level was an eredar demon called the Fel Lord Azordon.

This is a high-level demon lord who is more than seven meters tall, with red skin and an octopus tentacle on his chin.

He is a demon lieutenant directly subordinate to Kil'jaeden and is also Kil'jaeden's proud disciple.

Originally managing another planet conquered by the Legion, Kil'jaeden now transferred him to Outland and participated in the plan to invade Azeroth.

"Kazak, and Kurul, I convey Lord Kil'jaeden's orders to you.

Now I take over the control of all demonic armies, and you must obey my orders. Azordon said.

Azordon is very powerful. Even among the eredar demons, he is second only to Kil'jaeden and Archimonde.

An army of demons that could even rule an entire planet. This time, he brought a few of his capable generals.

"Lord Azordon, please give the order!" Lord Kazzak and Demon King Kruul knelt on the ground and said.

"Well! According to Lord Kil'jaeden's order, the two of you are going to attack the Alliance, as well as the Horde's main cities of Stormwind City and Orgrimmar, to attract the hatred of the Alliance and the hatred of the Horde." Azothun He spoke.

"Do you need us to destroy the two cities? Lord?" the two demon generals asked.

"No! This is not Lord Kil'jaeden's plan. What you have to do is very simple. Attract them and attract both of them to conduct an expedition. The main force of the Alliance and the Horde will go to the outer lands." Azordon shook his head and said.

You just have to do your job, you brainless demon fools.

The real commanders of the Burning Legion are the eredar demons. All other demon races are inferior to the eredar.

This time, Kil'jaeden has passed on all the battle plans to him, and they must be implemented well so that the Burning Legion can set foot on the world of Azeroth for the second time.

"We understand, Lord Azordon."

"Kulul, it's up to you to attack Orgrimmar, the main city of the Horde. Kazzak, it's up to you to attack Stormwind City, the main city of the Alliance. Remember, you are just feigning an attack. You will retreat after fighting for a while." Azordon said. said.

The two demon generals nodded together, indicating that they understood.

"Well! You guys have another mission. When Kazak attacks Stormwind City, pay attention to me and see if there is a warlock apprentice named Rhodes. If he is there, bring him over to see me. If he doesn't cooperate, you will take him back by force." Azordon suddenly asked.

To be honest, the warlock named Rhodes showed how powerful that space energy was. He did not report clearly to Kil'jaeden, but only explained that a complete portal could be opened.

So Kil'jaeden didn't care about this matter. He just wanted the warlock named Rhodes to go to the outer realm and then find Prince Kael'thas.

Give the space energy crystal to Kael'thas and continue his plans for the Sunwell.

But Azordon, who had seen the space crystal with his own eyes, knew how strong the energy inside was.

As long as he gets that crystal, he can build a giant portal and let himself rule the demon planet.

All the demons came to invade the world of Azeroth.

How important is Azeroth? This planet is a place that Lord Sargeras, the commander-in-chief of the Burning Legion, never forgets.

Even in Sargeras's view, all living planets in the universe are not as important as Azeroth, and many invasions launched by the Legion failed to succeed.

The biggest problem is that there is no suitable space portal. Even if the outer domain is connected, the number of Burning Corps troops in the outer domain is limited.

But if a portal can be opened to connect to the planet that he rules, then the endless demon army under his control can descend on the world of Azeroth and burn it to the ground.

If he can do this, then he has accomplished something that neither Archimonde nor Kil'jaeden has accomplished, and he will definitely get the approval of Lord Sargeras.

Lord Sargeras has always been extremely generous. As long as you make a contribution, he will never be stingy.

With this merit, he will definitely be given powerful power and can be promoted to the commander of the Burning Legion.

On an equal footing with Archimonde and Kil'jaeden, you must know that the Eredar have always had three leaders.

Archimonde died in the world of Azeroth a few years ago and has not yet been resurrected, so Kil'jaeden has formed his own voice among the eredar.

However, this balance will soon be broken by himself. As long as he can capture Azeroth, he will become the third commander of the Burning Legion.

This is why he doesn't report so clearly to Kil'jaeden. This boy named Rhodes must be in his own hands.

"As far as I know, there seems to be no such person in Stormwind City." Kazak shook his head and said.

After all, he has been in the world of Azeroth for several years, and he still has some understanding of the two most powerful forces, the Horde and the Alliance.

"This kid is not very strong. When he first met me, he was just an ordinary warlock apprentice.

I taught him some evil spells. His current strength should be improved, but it won't be much stronger.

Kazzak is definitely not your opponent. He is in the Western Wilds near Stormwind City. I have already investigated this clearly. Go there when you attack Stormwind City. Azordon said.

Although Rhodes was very secretive when he summoned him, Azordon still knew the specific location of the opponent through some means.

Azordon could see that this human named Rhodes had very great ambitions. He would never surrender to Kael'thas, and Kil'jaeden's orders would be ignored by him.

I want to find this kid in the world of Azeroth.

"We will prepare our troops and attack Orgrimmar and Stormwind City immediately." Soon the two demon generals set off, leading their troops.

Demon King Kruul went to Orgrimmar to attack, while Kazzak went to Stormwind City.

After the two demon generals left with their demon army, Azordon sat in front of the Dark Portal, touching his octopus chin and showing a wicked smile.

My dear mentor, just continue to implement the Sunwell Plan! And I will become the third leader of the Eredar people, equal to you.

If he had reported to Kil'jaeden truthfully at that time, Kil'jaeden would have definitely sent out the Dread Lord's army to find this human named Rhodes.

The Legion is not blind in the world of Azeroth, and even Kazak will participate in the operation to capture Rhodes.

Considering the boy's strength at that time, it was only a matter of time before he was captured alive.

You really have to thank me, kid, for hiding this from you.

When Kil'jaeden implemented the plan to descend the Sunwell, Azordon immediately volunteered to participate in the attack on Azeroth.

As Kil'jaeden's proud disciple, he naturally participated in this plan smoothly, and came to Outland through the Legion Portal, passed through the Dark Portal, and finally arrived in the world of Azeroth.

"Boy, now that we are in the same world, let me show you the power of the evil lord and let you know why I can rule a planet." Azordon said with a sneer.

"Sir, if that Rhodes warlock is really so important, why did you send Kazak? Can't you let me catch him?" A man over six meters tall, with 8 arms, holding various weapons, looked like The beautiful Demon Mother of Destruction spoke.

"Alista, let Kazak go get the intelligence first. I need him to attract the alliance's firepower. Then it's time for you to take action. Get that kid back for me," Azordon said.

This time he brought several close demon generals, a powerful abyss lord commander, a destruction demon mother, and several high-level eredar warlocks.

"Hahaha! Can I whip him first?" the Destruction Demon Mother asked.

"As long as you grab the space energy crystal in his hand, then he can do whatever you want with him. You can torture his soul for a while," Azordon said.

Rhodes, I don't take a small person like you seriously at all. Soon you will know how stupid it is to threaten an eredar evil lord?

"Dakrom! I once gave your blood to that kid. Can you locate where he is now through this blood connection?" Azordon looked at the abyss lord demon under his hand and asked.

"If the distance is close enough, as long as he drinks my demon blood, I can sense it." The huge abyss lord said.

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