Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 116 Ai Jiang’s understanding of the six forces, the educated Rhodes

If it were any other ordinary life, she would look down on him at all and would even directly order him. However, Rhodes, who has the ability to travel to other worlds, is extremely precious to her.

As one of the top life forms in the universe, Azeroth's qualifications definitely far exceed those of most Titans.

After being born according to the normal process, her strength will be able to crush all Titans, but now with Rhodes, it is different. Rhodes can bring her new things.

Therefore, she did not hesitate to waste her original power to activate the force of life, but also turned Rhodes into a wilderness demigod. Azeroth controlled the force of life.

"Then our treaty is established, even though it is just a verbal agreement." Rhodes said.

There is no third party or other contractual constraints, but Rhodes chooses to believe in Azeroth's character, and Ai Jiang is still very credible.

"I agree to your conditions, but the premise is that you must become a living being comparable to me. I will not set my sights on a mortal.

As for the time, let it be after I am born. After I am born, if you are still a mortal, then this contract will be invalid. "Azeroth said.

"No problem, I agreed to this condition, so you actually control the force of life, right?

If you were born according to the normal process, you should be a giant god who controls life? " Rhodes asked.

Before the arrival of the Ancient Gods and Titans, Azeroth had already given birth to many native creatures, and the Wild Demigod was truly born from the world of Azeroth, which means that this Azeroth Star Soul actually controls the force of life.

"Yes, I do control the power of life. The Wild Demigod and the Ancestral Dragon were created by me to protect me." Azeroth said.

As one of the most powerful beings, how could she not control a force? Whether it is the Ancestral Dragon or the Wilderness Demigod, she created them to protect herself.

"So who is Elune? He is the main god that the night elves believe in." Rhodes asked.

According to some reading materials from Glass Slag, Elune was even compared to the unawakened star soul of Azeroth before it was confirmed that she was the sister of the Winter Queen and a creation of the Firstborn.

"You mean Elune? She is just an incorporeal Eternal. She is the creation of the Firstborn.

The level is slightly higher than the wilderness demigod, but she has no entity. She is currently residing on my satellite to give birth to a body.

She is the main god of the night elves. After I am born, she will acquire an entity and become my subordinate god. "Azeroth said.

"I understand, I agree to your request, but don't consume too much of your power. You only need to turn Kaido into a wilderness demigod." Rhodes said.

In fact, Rhodes already has an idea for the future development direction. If it succeeds, Rhodes can easily become a god on par with Azeroth, or even a higher level, so there is no need to be too anxious.

"Are you sure? If I don't turn you into a wilderness demigod, then the contract between you and that big guy will cease to exist.

When I turn him into a wilderness demigod, the demonic slavery contract between you and him will also be lifted. "Azeroth said.

If you underestimate a giant who controls the force of life, then I will be very troubled.

I can easily break that kind of devil's contract. After becoming a wilderness demigod, the devil's contract is completely invalid.

She doesn't even need to terminate the contract. The creature named Kaido is now comprehending the life power of Azeroth. Once he takes complete control, this demon soul contract will be broken by itself.

Even some high-level officials of the Burning Legion can break this demonic contract. Warlocks in the world of Azeroth can invent and research contracts to enslave demons. Do you think that the demons of the Twisting Nether have no countermeasures?

Azeroth told Rhodes all this information.

"Uh!" Rhodes

Although I knew that the devil's contract was unreliable, I didn't expect that it would be difficult to deal with it being so unreliable in front of a real boss.

In the world of pirates, there is no such thing as family affection. In the original book, Kaido still treats his daughter like this, and there is no need to mention Kaido's personality at all.

Without the enslavement of the power of the contract, Kaido would rebel against him immediately. Rhodes was very sure of this, unless he was stronger than him.

"You are unwilling to accept my infusion of life energy into you, is it because you have something better or a better method?" Azeroth asked.

"Well! I now control the power of evil, the devil fruit from another world, and the three-color domineering energy. I will also learn anger in the future." Rhodes said.

“In fact, anger is also a kind of life energy. Burning life is an application of life energy.

You don't need to worry at all. After I infuse you with life energy, it's not that you can't accept other forces.

I even hope that you can unlock all the six forces. "Azeroth said.

"Uh! How do you say this?" Rhodes said.

"When I was first born, I was only slightly stronger than the Titans. The Lord of the Void discovered me first.

So he sent his minions, the Old Gods, to corrupt me, but while they corrupted me, they also exposed me to the power of shadow.

Then came the Titans of the Pantheon, who eliminated the Old Gods' threat to me when Aman'Thul killed Y'Shaarj.

But it caused great harm to me, so they used the energy of order to repair my wounds and let me come into contact with the energy of order such as arcana.

The Well of Eternity has given me great benefits, and I have gained control over the Titans' power of order.

The cycle of life and death is constantly going on on this planet. A few years ago, a large death plague occurred in the Eastern Kingdom, coupled with some infiltration from the Shadow Realm.

This brought me into contact with the original power of death, and some things sent from the Shadow Realm also allowed me to understand the original power of death.

I only have the power of life, but due to various coincidences, I learned the power of shadow, controlled the energy of order, and understood the force of death.

After mastering these four powers, I began to instinctively study the other two forces, holy light and evil energy. However, I did not come into contact with the most fundamental of these two powers.

I haven't controlled them yet, but I have a hunch that if I master these two powers, then the six major powers in the universe will be controlled by me, and I will become a higher-level god. "Azeroth said.

Holy shit! Come on, come on, come on!

After working on it for a long time, it turns out that the energy of other forces wanted to corrupt Ai-chan, but in the end, Ai-chan took control of your power. No wonder you are becoming more and more afraid of the birth of Azeroth.

As a Titan who controls the energy of order, Sargeras can control evil energy, so the six forces are not unable to coexist.

If a giant god who controls the six forces is born, then the power of Azeroth can defeat everything.

"The power of evil energy, although it is chaotic, the power of order can keep you sane. Although the energy of death is terrifying, the energy of life will also protect you. The power of shadow is very corrosive, but the holy light will also protect you. All things Mutual growth and mutual restraint are just a kind of power. You can't reach the end. If you want to see the higher scenery, you have to control the six forces at the same time." Azeroth said.

His body seems to be the center of the universe. Over the years, the six forces have been fighting within his body. Because of this, Azeroth has seen through the essence of everything.

The six forces are interdependent, and only after mastering the six forces can you know what true power is.

The ultimate of holy light is shadow, the ultimate of life is death, evil energy and order are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. This is the true appearance of the six forces. They actually originate from one body.

"Azeroth Star Soul, I have learned a lesson." Rhodes bowed to Azeroth very humbly and said.

I originally thought that Azeroth was just a great god with good innate qualifications who rested on his own laurels.

But I didn't expect that Azeroth still has such an understanding of the six forces of the universe, and has already controlled the four forces of life, order, death, and void.

The power that is not under her control now is the holy light and evil energy.

But it’s just that there is no control. If you say that Azeroth has not been exposed to it, that is impossible. After all, these six forces have users on the planet Azeroth.

"You're welcome, I'm also lucky. They all wanted to corrupt or transform me, but what I didn't expect was that the battle with each other allowed me to control their power." Azeroth said.

This can be regarded as a coincidence!

"That is to say, after I become a wilderness demigod, I can also control or master other powers, right?" Rhodes asked.

In the future, a certain Naaru will die in Azeroth, and the Sunwell will become a source of energy with arcane magic and holy light.

Ai Jiang might be able to control the power of the Holy Light in the future, and Mr. Sa will attack the evil power with one strike in the future. The power of the evil power is probably not too far away!

"Yes! The Force itself is just a kind of cosmic energy." Azeroth said.

"In this case, I am willing to accept your power of Wilderness Demigod. How long will it take for us to turn me into Wilderness Demigod?" Rhodes asked.

“If I were to create a wilderness demigod from scratch, it would take me a lot of time to construct their body and control the Force.

Thousands or even tens of thousands of years are possible, but you and the one named Kaido have extremely powerful bodies.

So I just need to infuse you with the life force. It will only take a few days. "Azeroth said.

You two monsters, with a huge body of several hundred meters long and mastering the power of nature, make me feel a little more relaxed.

After all, the force of life is my origin.

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