Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 117 Infusion of life force, Arch Druid Kaido appears

"Azeroth, just infuse me with the power of the wilderness demigod and let me become a demigod of the wilderness. As for Kaido, just infuse him with some power of the wilderness and let him become that kind of druid. The same existence can use the power of wilderness and natural spells," Rhodes said.

Kaido's strength is still too strong. With Kaido's current strength, even those wilderness demigods can't beat Kaido in a one-on-one fight.

Turning him into a wilderness demigod, making the old father-in-law more fleshy, stronger, able to learn natural spells, and unlock the devil's contract, is definitely not a good thing.

So Rhodes thought about it and decided that he could become a wilderness demigod, but as for Kaido, just wait!

Old father-in-law, just accept the inheritance of the power of nature and become a being similar to an archdruid.

Moreover, druids also have a long lifespan.

"It doesn't matter. If I turn him into an ordinary wilderness demigod, it won't cost me much power. After all, his strength is there. I just want to increase his life level." Azeroth said.

At this time, Ai Jiang naively thought that Rhodes was caring about her, and was afraid that she would consume too much life force, so she asked her subordinates to give up and become wilderness demigods.

Turning him into a wilderness demigod would consume some life force, but she could still accept it.

The same is true for Rhodes. Although he is weaker, he is the same as Kaido in all physical aspects.

She only needs to spend a little more life force to transform Rhodes into the most powerful wilderness demigod.

"No, no! Listen to me, infuse him with some of the power of nature and wilderness, and let him control this power. When you become stronger in the future, it will not be too late to infuse him with life energy.

There is no rush now. Anyway, his current strength is stronger than those wilderness demigods you created. It is just an increase in life level. Moreover, after being infused with the power of the wilderness, he is equivalent to a great druid. .

As for life span, living for hundreds or even thousands of years is not a problem. My old father-in-law can easily be satisfied. " Rhodes said.

Just kidding, even if he becomes a wilderness demigod, if Kaido insists on rebelling, Rhodes is not 100% sure that he can win over his old father-in-law.

Therefore, the safest way is to only let him obtain the power of the wilderness, and then let the old father-in-law cultivate slowly by himself! Anyway, Kaido, his old father-in-law, also likes to slowly cultivate and become stronger.

Don't waste our Ai-chan's life force. Just give you some wilderness power and be satisfied! At least he can become a great druid.

"I'm so happy! You actually care about me.

If you can find me some powerful energy supplements, I can actually recover quickly.

And the special energy from other worlds is also very useful to me! "Azeroth said a little embarrassed.

She wanted Rhodes to bring her some special force power when she went to other worlds, so that she could learn from each other's strengths and gain more power.

"That's no problem. I obtained a kind of space energy when I was in another world. Do you need this?" Rhode asked.

"I know that your kind of space energy, if you can have more, it will be useful to me, but this point is of no use to me." Azeroth said.

"I know, there are six infinite gems in that world, and there are also six kinds of force. When the time comes, I will pack them all back for you." Rhodes said.

No matter what, I have to bring six copies of the Force back to Azeroth.

"Okay, thank you! Which of you comes first? I will start infusing you with the principle of life." Azeroth asked.

"Wait a moment! I'll go out first." Rhodes said.

"I know, I will give you a mark of the Emerald Dream, as long as you are in Azeroth, no matter where you are.

You can enter the Emerald Dream through this mark and then contact me. "Azeroth said.

Rhodes nodded, and then was sent out by Azeroth.

After opening my eyes, I found that the sky had darkened.

A certain tauren, like a terminally ill patient, was kneeling limply on the ground, looking like he was about to die.

"He, what's going on with him?" Rhodes asked.

"What are you talking about? You've been gone for two days and two nights. This minotaur has been keeping you in contact. All of us are here," Kaido said.

Has a day and a night passed? But it seems that I and Azeroth haven’t been chatting for long!

It felt like less than an hour.

"Really! Thank you for your hard work. Master, don't worry, I will cure you in a moment." Rhodes looked at the tauren lying on the ground and said.

"No, it doesn't matter, Mr. Rhodes. You, have you successfully seen that great existence?" The tauren Druid climbed up from the ground panting, his face pale and weak. Asked.

The situation was a little better than he expected. He didn't die on the spot, nor did he fall into eternal sleep. He was just weaker. He was lucky among misfortunes.

"Well! Kaido, get ready, I'm going to send you into the Emerald Dream and let you be infused with the power of the wilderness.

Your physical fitness will be enhanced, you will gain the power to release natural spells, and your life span will be extended to thousands of years. " Rhodes said.

If he didn't become a wild demigod, Azeroth could take down Kaido in a few hours.

"?? Rhodes, you kid, aren't you kidding me?

I know about enhancing strength and releasing natural spells. What does this mean?

And are you sure you can add thousands of years to your life? Kaido asked with a look of surprise on his face.

The improvement in strength is still secondary, but the increase in life span is a huge temptation for him!

"That's right, even talking a little can increase your lifespan to two to three thousand years, and if you cultivate this power to the extreme.

Your lifespan will increase, and it won’t be a problem to even live to be over 10,000 years old. You have to work hard! " Rhodes looked at Kaido and said.

"Giggle! Hahaha, you are indeed your Rhodes. Following you is indeed the right choice." Kaido let out a maniacal laugh.

"Hahaha! It's good. The first thing I think of is your father-in-law. You're welcome, father-in-law. I'll send you there now." Rhodes said.

Look at my old father-in-law, he is as happy as a child of several decades.

Kaido nodded excitedly, and then Rhodes activated the Emerald Dream mark that Azeroth gave him and sent Kaido there.

After a burst of green light, Kaido's huge body fell to the ground, and his consciousness entered the Emerald Dream.

"Master Druid! What's your name! I have a healing stone here. Can you see if it will help your current state?" Rhodes took out a soul healing stone and asked.

"No need, Mr. Rhodes, I will use natural magic to repair my injuries. I just need to rest for a while. My name is Kahn. Natural Totem." The Tauren Druid said.

As for things about evil energy, the druids still don't want to use them.

These powers go against the way of life and nature. Moreover, Druid itself is a profession that can fight and resist energy. It is not a problem to treat injuries and so on.

"Master Kahn! Where is Great Chief Thrall? Why didn't I see it?" Rhodes asked.

"Great Chief, there are still many tribe matters to deal with. You can go see him tomorrow morning." The natural totem of the tauren Druid Kahn said.

You don’t think that the chief of the tribe will stay here waiting for you to wake up like us, do you? Entering the Emerald Dream, you will fall asleep for a long time.

The druids of the night elves would sleep for hundreds of years.

"Master Kahn! In the future, you may need to teach us some natural spells, as well as the use of the power of the wilderness." Rhodes said.

He and Kaido accidentally came into contact with the Druid profession, and it was personally given by Azeroth with the life force.

"There is no problem with this. Mother Earth has told me everything. Mr. Rhodes, I will be with you in the future. This is my honor." Kahn said.

The Azeroth star soul itself is actually Mother Earth, and the orders of Mother Earth are supreme to the tauren.

"Sorry to trouble you, Mr. Kahn," Rhodes said.

There is a tauren druid following him, which is actually not bad. This guy can fight and carry, and can also increase health.

Time passed slowly while the two were talking. Kaido, who was lying on the ground, burst out with a burst of emerald green energy and a very majestic vitality.

Even the ground where he was lying began to exude the breath of life, and some flowers and plants grew and gradually spread.

"It's incredible! The power of life and the power of nature contained in Mr. Kaido's current power is simply a miracle." The natural totem of the tauren Druid Kahn said with envy.

The natural power and life energy emanating from the opponent's body is no longer weaker than that of the Archdruid.

As the sky gradually grew brighter, Kaido, who had slept for a few hours, opened his eyes, shook his head, then stood up, and squeezed his fists at the same time.

At this time, Kaido's appearance had undergone earth-shaking changes. He looked extremely energetic, and his face changed from a face of forty or fifty years old to a young look as if he was in his twenties.

"Hahaha! Rhodes, I feel this life energy.

All the hidden wounds I have suffered over the years have been healed.

My body exudes endless life energy, I feel the breath of life, and I become stronger. "Kaido said.

After entering the Emerald Dream, Kaido was really shocked by that extremely powerful existence.

But the other party didn't say anything to him, or even communicated. He just let the life energy enter his body.

And she also told Kaido that this life energy is enough to keep him alive for ten thousand years, if he practices well.

This life energy will continue to grow, allowing him to ascend to an incredible realm. This is even better than Rhodes said!

This feeling of becoming stronger, this feeling of increasing life span, is really wonderful.

What a world government, what a bullshit One Piece, now you are all envious of me!

"Mr. Kaido, your current combat power is stronger than some wilderness demigods.

The natural energy contained in his body has even surpassed some great druids.

If you are willing, I can teach you some natural spells so that you can use this natural power more skillfully. Kahn said.

Kaido did not speak, but stretched out his hand and waved to the land in front of him.

Suddenly, the grass and some small flowers on the ground began to grow crazily, and even the surrounding trees began to grow crazily, turning into big trees in the blink of an eye.

"It's a bit similar to the plant-based Devil Fruit power. I think it's better to develop it yourself." Kaido said.

Isn't this equivalent to gaining another devil fruit power? I will develop it myself.

"The Druid profession has very powerful natural spells. If you develop these natural spells by yourself, you will go astray. Let the master teach you!" Rhodes said.

The druid profession is very high-end in the world of Azeroth. Just the increase in lifespan cannot be compared with other professions.

Rhodes feels that Kaido still needs to learn natural spells. If Kaido were placed in the pirate world now, what kind of abnormal level of combat power would he have?

"Mr. Kaido! We druids can also transform into other animal shapes, such as bears, cheetahs, owl beasts, tree men, water lizards, big birds and other animals.

In addition to natural spells, some elemental spells can also be manipulated.

For example, Moonfire, Starfire, Wrath, Swarm, Shockwave, Hurricane, Starfall, Entangle, Rejuvenation, Healing, Healing Touch, Wild Growth.

Wrath, Mark of the Wild, Bark Technique, Ferocious Bite, Grasp of Nature, and many skills of Wild Recovery. Kahn said.

Druid's spells are quite comprehensive, whether they are healing teammates, healing yourself, protecting teammates, removing curses, and controlling enemies.

Spell attacks, physical attacks, and auxiliary abilities are all used by their druids.

The use of the power of nature allows them to release many spells of nature and life, and they can also act like the hunter's beast companion.

Even more suitable for the power of the wilderness than the hunter's beast companion.

"You can also transform into various animals? This ability is very useful! These spells are very useful." Kaido touched his chin and said.

This Druid profession seems to be very suitable for my Beasts Pirates! Turning into an animal, you can still turn into a variety of animals, which is very useful.

This druid profession is simply perfect.

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