Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 119 Kaido VS Demon Army, the wind that ascends to the sky can destroy everything!

At this time, just in front of the city gate of Orgrimmar, when the tribe's army was fighting the demon army, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As if the earth was shaking, the two sides fighting almost stopped at the same time, because a huge guy emerged from the city gate of Orgrimmar.

The city gate of Orgrimmar is very huge, but this guy actually lowered his head to barely get out.

This is a terrifying man about eight meters tall and extremely burly, with a pair of horns on his head and a huge mace on his shoulders. (It should be noted here that due to the infusion of life energy, Kaido's size has also increased, and he is now over eight meters tall.)

He looks a bit like a human, but it's impossible for humans to be more than eight meters tall, right?

And the pair of huge horns on the head look a bit like horns. Could it be a mixture of tauren and humans? is it possible? The tauren don't have such a huge height, right?

Among all the people present, some of the orcs had seen Kaido, but some of the tribe members who were new to Orgrimmar, such as the tauren and trolls, had never seen such a strange guy.

Kaido made a big jump and jumped into the middle of the battlefield.

Boom! Boom! The whole earth began to tremble.

The powerful momentum blew up a gust of wind, directly separating the tribe from the demon army.

"Hahaha! This is the battle I long for! Thrall, tell all your soldiers to move back. They will all be handed over to me." Kaido said excitedly as he looked at the endless demon army.

This is what I'm looking for, this is the ultimate happiness I'm looking for, and I'm going to kill all these demons.

"Kaido! The warriors of the tribe will fight with you. You are also a member of the tribe. We will not let you fight alone." Thrall said.

Is there any mistake? There are at least 20,000 to 30,000 demons outside. If we want to destroy these demons, all the combatants in Orgrimmar must work together.

"No! Just leave this battle to me alone. Let your soldiers go down! I'm worried that when the fight breaks out, I will accidentally hurt them." Kaido said.

The taller ones here are the tauren, and the other races are just little beans in his eyes.

"Kaido! Don't be impulsive. The opponent is very strong and there are many people." Thrall said.

"Believe me, tell your people to retreat. I don't want to repeat it a second time." Kaido stood in front of the Orgrimmar city gate with a mace on his shoulder, looking at the endless demon army alone and said.

This time, I want to fight well and fight happily.

"Warchief! This big guy looks very strong, and the last time the opponent came to Orgrimmar, he showed unparalleled strength. Let's just trust him. If he is in any danger, we can provide immediate support." A female blood elf consultant mage next to Thrall spoke.

"I know about the Fire Storm. All warriors and warriors from the tribe must retreat. This place will be handed over to Mr. Kaido. Mr. Kaido is an extremely powerful warrior and he will bring glory to the tribe." Thrall said. roared.

The coalition forces of the tribe looked at each other, and then slowly retreated. Since the chief had spoken, they could only do it.

"Everyone, bring back the injured brothers, shamans, druids, and blood elf priests. Please treat the wounded," Thrall said.

Soon, all the tribal coalition forces withdrew to Orgrimmar, leaving only Kaido and the endless demon army outside the city, as well as the demon king Kurul.

"Unknown race, you are very brave, dare to face the Burning Legion alone." Kurul looked at Kaido, who was a head shorter than him, and said.

"Hmph! You alone are not enough for me to fight. Go and call the guy following you over. I found him." Kaido said.

At this time, in a hidden valley outside the Power Valley. A certain pit lord is hiding there. Others cannot detect him, but Kaido's powerful Haki can easily detect him.

After receiving the infusion of life energy this time, Kaido's strength has been improved in all aspects, and his domineering power has also been improved.

"What stupid words are you talking about? Come on! I'm going to tear you into pieces." Demon King Kurul roared angrily, raised his cataclysmic giant sword, and slashed at Kaido.

"Hahaha! Then I'll beat you to death first, blood-wrathed gossip!" Kaido waved his mace with great excitement, covered with crimson anger, armed domineering, and overlord-colored domineering.

Just hear a roar!

The two giant weapons collided with each other, and Kaido stood motionless.

A certain demon king, Kurul, suddenly retreated, taking several steps back before he stopped, and even the hand holding the giant sword trembled a little.

How can this be? In terms of strength, how could he, a demon general, lose to a mortal race?

"Unforgivable! Shadow Flame." Demon King Kurul roared angrily, raised his hand and sent out a shadow flame.

The power of this shadow flame move is much more powerful than that used by ordinary warlocks. It is a shadow flame that stretches dozens of meters long.

However, this move of Shadow Flame was easily blocked by Kaido's life energy.

Kaido's body exudes emerald green life energy, and his armed haki begins to cover his body.

Evil energy can indeed restrain life, but when life is strong enough, evil energy can't do anything, not to mention that the defensive power of armed Haki is not weak.

This Shadow Flame move did not cause any damage to Kaido.

"That's all you have?" Kaido put the mace on his shoulder and let out a contemptuous smile.

"Come on! Kill him." Krul snorted coldly, swung the cataclysmic giant sword in his hand, and pointed it at Kaido.

Countless demon armies under his command began to rush towards Kaido crazily. Cerberus, Hellfire, Mana Mecha, Doom Guard, and Fear Guard all rushed towards Kaido.

The reason why the Burning Legion is able to traverse all realms is because of its endless army of demonic cannon fodder.

The Demon Sea tactic is the best way for the Burning Legion to fight. Many strong men were killed by the Demon Sea.

Kaido snorted coldly, and then rushed into the demon army, dancing with a mace like a tiger.

"King Kong Dysprosium." Kaido's mace swung wildly, and purple slashes were struck out.

These are Kaido's slashes, with some added wind power. Any one of the slashes from Yonko Kaido is as powerful as a great swordsman.

Huge slashes were launched from Kaido's mace like wind blades, and countless demon armies were torn into pieces before they even got close to Kaido.

This move is a group attack, and it is the most useful skill for clearing out minions besides the overlord's domineering aura.

"Hahaha! Ah! Hahaha!" Kaido let out a crazy smile, and then slowly began to transform.

The head turned into a dragon's head, dragon horns grew out, the limbs turned into dragon claws, and the body turned into a dragon's body.

Soon, a giant dragon with a length of more than 1,500 meters, covered in emerald green life energy, appeared.

In this transformation, Kaido's size has increased by a full 1/3, making him a super behemoth on the battlefield.

"The wind that ascends to the sky can destroy everything!"

Kaido came to the center of the demon army in dragon form, and then began to spin his body crazily. His whole body was flying in the sky like a giant beast.

A huge tornado blew up outside the city wall of Orgrimmar. For the first time, the beings of Azeroth realized what a natural disaster-level combat power was.

Green wind blades were launched from the spinning Kaido, and countless demon armies were swept up into the sky, and then torn into pieces by the wind blades.

It turned into pieces of meat and fell to the ground. The entire battlefield looked extremely bloody.

On top of the Orgrimmar city tower, the tribesmen watching the battle all had their mouths wide open, looking at the scene outside the city in disbelief.

It was a scene of destruction, with a huge dragon ravaging the demon army.

"Mother of the Earth, what a power this is!" A tauren said with emotion.

"Blessed by the spirits of the ancestors, such warriors are on our side." An orc warrior said, throwing the ax in his hand to the ground.

"This guy can easily destroy a city! Under the eternal sun, his combat power is no less than that of the Guardian Dragon King." A blood elf mage said.

"Warchief, it is a wise choice to let this guy join the tribe." Saurfang said.

"Yeah!" Sal nodded.

He thought he overestimated Kaido enough, but he didn't expect that he underestimated him in the end.

The demon army is indeed very fierce and fearless of death, but when faced with an irresistible force, they can only wait for death.

These huge wind blades, each dozens of meters long, were simply not something they could resist.

Many demon armies were torn to pieces along with their own weapons.

The battlefield was in a mess, after all the demon army was almost cleared.

Kaido turned into a dragon-man form, landed on the ground, and then looked at Demon King Kurul with a playful expression.

"Great mighty virtue! Roar thunder and gossip!"

An unparalleled blow was swung out, hitting Kurul directly in the head.

As soon as the stick went down, a certain demon king could no longer stand, staggered, and fell on the battlefield.

Half of his head was smashed off, but thanks to the devil's tenacious vitality, he was still alive.

Kaido snorted coldly, stepped forward and stepped on his back, then grabbed his devil wings with both hands.

He revealed a cruel and evil smile.

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