Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 120 Kaido’s violent aesthetics, the lord of the abyss who gives gifts

He exerted force with both hands, and the muscles in both arms suddenly swelled and became thicker. They began to tear off the huge flesh wings with force.

"Ah! Ah!"

Demon King Krul let out a shrill scream, and a pair of huge demon wings were torn off by Kaido.

Demon blood flew in the sky and fell to the ground, forming a pool of green demon blood.

"Hahaha, your life force is so strong, I'm going to pull out your head." Kaido let out a maniacal laugh, stretched out his hands and grabbed the head of Demon King Kurul.

Then he exerted force with both hands and rotated Demon Lord Coulor's head 180°, making a clicking sound.

Kaido stepped on Kurul's body with both feet and began to tear at his neck crazily, making the sound of flesh and blood being separated and bones being separated.

Crunch! There was a crunching sound. Even though his head was twisted 180°, Demon King Krul still rolled his eyes. The huge demon hand struggled feebly and slapped Kaido, but it was useless.

"Hahaha! Die!" Kaido's hands had turned into the form of dragon claws at this time, and the muscles all over his body swelled, and he tore off a huge demon's head.

The headless demon corpse fell to the ground, a large amount of demon blood flowed out, and Demon King Kurul died tragically in Kaido's hands.

"Power and glory! Blood and thunder!" The orcs watching the battle on the tower of Orgrimmar suddenly shouted excitedly, slapping their chests with their hands crazily to pay tribute to Kaido.

This kind of fist-to-flesh, extremely bloody battle is what they like best, especially the final execution method, tearing off the enemy's wings and tearing off the enemy's head. This is what the orcs like to see most.

At this time, the orcs on the tower of Orgrimmar had their blood boiling with passion, and they let out a crazy roar.

Some trolls yelled too!

The tauren and some blood elves did not join the celebration.

"A large amount of demon blood has flowed into the surface, and we will be very busy in the next period of time." A tauren druid said.

Although Kaido had a great time killing demons, the demon blood after the death of these demons would only make Orgrimmar's living environment worse.

If it is not cleaned up in time, the surrounding land may be infected by demonic power.

Next, the druids have to take action to heal the wounds of the earth.

"If you can't kill the demon in this way, the demon's soul will return to the Twisting Nether for resurrection, but it may take a while." A blood elf mage said.

The scene of killing the enemy does have a violent aesthetic, but it cannot kill the devil.

At this time, Kaido had already waved his mace and began to hunt down the remaining demon troops. In just a short while, all the demon troops outside the city were wiped out by Kaido alone.

Everyone thought the battle was over.

However, Kaido did not put down his mace, but looked in the other direction of the valley.

"Get out on your own, or should I catch you?" Kaido said.

You idiot, do you think you can hide this from me? Hiding behind a valley, this little trick of yours is just a joke in front of the powerful Haki!

I discovered you right from the start.

"Hahaha! It seems that you have discovered me. Is it the induction of blood? After all, you drank my blood." A terrifying voice sounded from a huge figure with a pair of huge demon wings behind its four hooves. The extremely fat Lord of the Abyss appeared.

His head was burning with evil fire, he was holding a giant halberd, and he looked at Kaido with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Is that Menonos?" Saurfang said with a surprised look on his face.

"No, no, it's another Abyss Lord. He's not Menonos. He's about the same size, but his color is wrong." Thrall shook his head and said.

Demons like the Abyss Lord are inextricably related to their orc clan. The fall of their orc clan was due to the Abyss Lord.

If Hellscream hadn't killed the abyss lord Menonos with a desperate blow in the end, they would still be affected by the demonic blood in their bodies.

At this time, the huge Abyss Lord was approaching Kaido, but the conversation between the two was not heard by the outside world.

"As soon as I came here, I felt the devil's blood flowing in your body. That's my blood, it's very powerful, right!" Dacrom said.

What a blessing. I didn't expect that the one who drank his own demon's blood would turn out to be such a powerful creature.

After a while, I can enslave this guy with the connection of the devil's blood. As long as I take the blood of their abyss lord, I will be controlled by them.

And more importantly, this big man actually killed so many demons just now, and also killed that idiot Kurul.

Kuruwa's strength is not very good, and his brain is not very good, but his demonic power is real, and a large amount of demonic blood is flowing on the ground.

It plays a very good guiding role, making it easier for him to demonize this big guy.

The abyss lord let out a ferocious laugh and began to guide the surrounding demonic flesh and blood, gathering all the evil power emitted by these dead demonic soldiers and the dead Kruul flesh and blood, and then violently hit Kaido.

The green evil power enveloped Kaido, and a large amount of evil power began to penetrate into Kaido's body.

"Hahaha!! Come on, feel this power! Embrace the evil energy! Then join the Burning Legion." Dacrom let out a burst of ferocious laughter.

At this moment, even the orcs, blood elves, and tauren watching the battle on the city tower suddenly felt something was wrong.

"No! That demon wants to use the power of evil to corrupt Kaido. Kaido has killed a large number of demon creatures and left a lot of demon blood on this land. Stop him quickly." Er roared and spoke.

This method is a common trick of the devil. If he really corrupts Kaido, then things will be bad.

"My holy light spell can help restrain evil energy." A blood elf priest said.

"Our natural spells can work too," said a tauren druid.

"Okay! Let's go over and help." Sal nodded and said.

But just when a group of priests and druids wanted to rush out to help, new changes occurred on the battlefield.

The demon's flesh and blood began to dissipate, and a large amount of evil power was completely extracted, and then injected into Kaido's body.

However, Kaido did not turn into a demon as the abyss lord thought, and was then controlled by himself with magic blood.

Kaido stood there and looked at him like he was an idiot.

What is this guy doing? Convert all the demonic flesh and blood around you into evil power, then inject it into your own body, and then increase the evil power in your body that was originally at a disadvantage, giving yourself a little more evil power?

But the question is, why are you doing this? Do you want to increase my strength?

You saw that my life force was too strong, so you forcibly poured a wave of evil energy into me. But the problem is that except for adding some strength to me, you seemed to have done nothing!

You idiot, these evil powers you have created are not enough to break my internal balance.

It doesn't matter if there's more, I can control it.

Even after accepting the power of these evil energies, the life force in his body still has the upper hand. If he practices in the future, he will probably have more life force.

After all, the life force in his body was infused by the Azeroth Star Soul himself.

A burst of emerald green energy erupted from the surface of Kaido's body, easily suppressing the surge of evil energy.

Rhodes said that in front of these people, don't let them find out that they have the power of evil.

"This is impossible, how is this possible? You, you should become a demon. Why is this happening?" The Abyss Lord showed an expression of disbelief.

This is not common sense! This guy had his own demon blood in his body, and he had killed so many demons, including even a demon general among them.

The blood of the surrounding demons was attracted, and a large amount of evil energy was injected into this guy's body. Logically speaking, the demonic transformation should occur immediately!

The Lord of the Abyss couldn't figure out why?

"Tch! You idiot." Kaido sneered, picked up his mace, rushed towards the abyss lord, and then beat him randomly.

The scene was very cruel and cruel. The power of this abyss lord was far inferior to Magtheridon before, and only slightly stronger than Kurul just now.

Under Kaido's brutal attack, he quickly fell to the battlefield.

Kaido nodded with satisfaction, and then picked up the cataclysmic giant sword of the demon king Kurul and the huge halberd of the abyss lord.

Now that my strength has skyrocketed, my weapons can no longer keep up.

They need to be re-smelted and cast. The size and weight of these two weapons are just right, and their texture is very good.

When I first fought against these two guys, even though I was covered with Armament Haki, my mace was somewhat damaged. Smelting these two weapons into my own weapon should be able to improve it a bit.

After catching this abyss lord back, it can slowly draw blood.

A certain abyss lord failed in his attempt to demonize Kaido. Instead, he added some strength to Kaido, got himself involved, and gave him free weapons.

"What happened?" Sal said.

"I understand. Mr. Kaido has very powerful natural energy in his body. The life energy is not much worse than that of the Archdruid. These natural forces protect him and protect him from the erosion of evil energy." A tauren Druid spoke.

Even the blood of demons around him was completely cleaned up. This must be natural energy helping Kaido. The powerful natural energy restrained the evil energy.

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