Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 121 Life transformation, the birth of a new wilderness demigod

In this battle, the tribe lost some people when it was first attacked. After Kaido went into battle, it was basically a temporary casualty.

Many of the injured have even recovered under the treatment of druids, priests, and shamans.

Even the pollution problem of demon blood has been solved. Originally, so many demons were killed in the battle before Orgrimmar City Gate, and a large amount of demon blood would have a drastic impact on the nearby environment, but now even this impact has been eliminated. there is none left.

Moreover, some Doom Guards and Fear Guards, although their flesh and blood disappeared, their weapons and armor remained.

This is made of high-quality materials. As long as they are remade, they can be forged into high-quality weapons.

"You should have a warlock here, right? Go and suppress that guy. I want to capture this guy alive. Rhodes will use it for demon research." Kaido returned to the tower of Orgrimmar and said.

It's better to be more comfortable here in Orgrimmar. His body size is not too huge. At least he can get through the door by himself. In the Undercity, Kaido can only drink the transformation potion and become the size of an ordinary human before he can enter and exit freely.

"Don't worry, Mr. Kaido, I will send warlocks over immediately to suppress this abyss lord." Thrall nodded and said.

He doesn't want to pry or know other people's secrets. As long as the other party is now friendly to the tribe and is a member of the tribe, that is enough.

This time Kaido repelled the attack of the demon army by himself, which was equivalent to helping the tribe a big favor, and also won a wave of reputation among the tribe. The orcs admire warriors like Kaido very much.

"Hahaha! Then I'll trouble you, Chief." Kaido said.

"You're welcome, can I call you Brother Kaido? Our tribe calls us brothers. I think since you and Rhodes have joined the tribe, we can call you brothers," Thrall said. .

The world's best friend-making skills and the ability to call brothers are activated.

"No problem, just call me Brother Kaido! I am over fifty years old this year, so I should have no problem being your eldest brother." Kaido said.

It’s impossible for me to be your little brother, right? This guy's personality is quite pirate-like. If you go to the pirate world, you should be very happy.

"Hahaha! You are right, Brother Kaido, you are indeed older than me. From now on, you will be my Sal's eldest brother." Sal said with a laugh.

In order to win over Kaido and Rhodes, Thrall planned to spend a lot of money to get them to side with the tribe no matter what.

Kaido laughed twice, packed up his trophies, the two demon lord weapons, and the armor they carried with them, said hello to Thrall, and got up and left.

On the other side, the Alliance's Stormwind City faced the attack of the evil lord Kazzak. The Alliance suffered heavy losses, and a large number of Alliance soldiers were killed.

But in the end, under the leadership of Duke Bolvar, the Alliance finally drove away the invading demon army, but it also suffered heavy losses, and a large number of Stormwind soldiers died in the battle.

The Burning Legion attacked both the Horde and the Alliance this time, but it was the Alliance that suffered the greatest losses.

On the tribe's side, a large number of weapons and equipment left over from the Demon Legion were collected, and those that were suitable were directly distributed to the warriors. Those that were not suitable were remade and turned into weapons for the warriors of the tribe.

Time flew by quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was the seventh day. On this day, Rhodes' body underwent significant changes. His entire body became transparent, and then disappeared in front of Kaido.

"Hey! Hey! What's going on? Why is this guy Rhode missing?" Kaido immediately grabbed the minotaur Kahn and asked.

"Lord Kaido, don't worry. Lord Rhodes should have been pulled into the Emerald Dream and entered the world of Azeroth's star soul. This is a good thing." Kahn said.

The powerful breath of life that emanates for several days.

Let Kahn confirm that Lord Rhodes is now turning into a wilderness demigod.

It's completely different from Kaido's. This is a jump in life level. The most important step must be completed in the Emerald Dream.

"Are you sure this kid is not in danger?" Kaido asked.

"I am very convinced that Lord Rhodes will come out of the Emerald Dream in a few days at most. By then, we will welcome the birth of a wilderness demigod," Kahn said.

Kaido felt relieved when he heard this. Why did he take down Rhodes in less than one night, but it took this guy seven days?

Is it because this kid is too weak? That's right, this kid's physical fitness is indeed far worse than mine, and he may not be able to accept so much energy at once.

In the Emerald Dream at this time, Rhodes and Azeroth had also reached the most critical step, infusing a large amount of life energy for seven consecutive days.

With the help of the Azeroth Star Soul, Rhodes' soul underwent a qualitative change, transforming from a mortal-level life form, and promoted from a mortal-level soul to a demigod.

During this period, the huge life energy was also transforming Rhodes' body, making Rhodes' body more perfect and more suitable for the Emerald Dream.

"Rhode! The preliminary preparations for your soul and body have been completed. Now we have to take the most critical step, officially turning your body into a wilderness demigod. I will pull your true body into the Emerald Dream. You Qian Don't resist." Azeroth Star Soul said.

"I'm ready, dear Azeroth, let's do it!" Rhodes nodded and said.

In the past seven days, Rhodes' strength has increased day by day. The strengthening of his soul power has also enhanced his Overlord's domineering and his knowledge's domineering. At the same time, his mana has also increased significantly.

Now Rhodes' domineering domineering spirit has improved by more than one level.

"Although I have been pouring life energy into you for the past seven days, in another world, this power called domineering has also benefited me a lot. This is equivalent to the use of spiritual and physical power." Azeroth Xinghun said.

She benefited a lot from the power from another world, this power called Haki, and the power of Devil Fruit.

It gave her a new understanding of the control of the Force. Although it did not increase her energy, the benefits were still huge.

"I wish I could help you," Rhodes said.

Azeroth nodded and continued to activate the power of the Emerald Dream, finally successfully pulling Rhode's body in. At this moment, Rhodes' soul returned to his body, and an emerald green light enveloped Rhodes.

Rhodes roared and transformed into a dragon form. This was a huge emerald green dragon that exuded extremely powerful life energy.

At this time, the length of Rod's dragon form reached a terrifying two thousand meters. The continuous infusion of life energy for seven days allowed his entire life level to evolve, further stimulating the power of the Azure Dragon Fruit.

Next, Azeroth began to transform Rhode's body in dragon form with all its strength, and huge life attributes and natural energy began to be poured into Rhode's body.

Rhodes' body continued to strengthen and undergo qualitative mutations. Every inch of scales, every inch of skin, every inch of muscle is undergoing transformation.

"Roar! Roar!" Rhodes in dragon form let out an earth-shattering roar, and the entire Emerald Dream heard this huge dragon roar.

"What's going on? Why has the Emerald Dream undergone such a huge change?" As the nominal manager of the Emerald Dream, Ysera, the Green Dragon Queen, said.

"My Lady Queen, what happened?" Some green dragons also flew over and asked.

"I don't know, children! But the real owner of the Emerald Dream is doing something big. Let's just wait and see! There will be results soon." Ysera said.

The members of the Green Dragon Legion nodded and guarded the queen together. The Emerald Dream is nominally the home of their green dragons, but the real owner here is Azeroth, and this is the dreamland of Azeroth.

"Ysera! I feel an extremely powerful force of life surging." A man several meters tall, with the upper body of a night elf, a pair of antlers, and the lower body of a stag said.

This man is Cenarius, one of the demigods of the wilderness and the founder of the Druid way. Since being killed by Hellscream, he has been waiting for resurrection in the Emerald Dream.

"I feel an original power, extremely huge life energy is emerging continuously, as if a new brother is about to be born." The giant bear demigod said.

"I also feel that Azeroth is giving birth to a new wilderness demigod." The bird wilderness demigod said.

"Another powerful brother is about to be born. Possibly the most powerful one, stronger than all of us."

"This is a good thing for Azeroth."

At this moment, several wilderness demigods who died in the real world gathered together.

Even the four gods of Pandaria were alarmed by this life force.

Everyone knew or guessed that a new wilderness demigod, an extremely powerful wilderness demigod, was born.

Three more days passed in the blink of an eye. During these three days, Azeroth continued to pour life energy into Rhodes. She would pour in as long as the opponent could absorb it.

Azeroth didn't stop until Rhodes' body reached a saturation point and reached a limit.

At this time, Rhodes' dragon form had changed drastically, and his body length had reached a terrifying more than 3,600 meters.

Fire, frost, storm, thunder and lightning, four kinds of power gathered on Rhodes.

With the help of Azeroth, his Devil Fruit completely broke through the limitations of artificial fruits, and even completely escaped the scope of Devil Fruits.

Now if Rhodes wanted to, he could even eat a Devil Fruit directly without any impact, because the artificial Azure Dragon Fruit had completely disappeared and turned into Rhodes' bloodline.

Receiving the infusion of Azeroth's life force allowed him to break the boundaries of the Devil Fruit.

Rhodes opened his eyes. At this moment, Rhodes couldn't believe that this powerful body was his. The surging power was flowing in his body. This was the power of the wilderness demigod and the real source of life. force.

Now Rhodes can generate huge power with every movement of his hands and feet.

"It's such a powerful force. I feel like I can destroy a mountain with just a shake of my body. I can easily trigger landslides, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and tornadoes," Rhodes said.

"Yes! I have completely allowed you to complete the transformation of the wilderness demigod." Azeroth said.

Your body is still a little small, little man, you need to grow up! To be my partner, you have to be at least as big as the planet.

"Thank you! Believe me, Azeroth, I promise you, I will repay you soon. I will get the six forces of another world for you," Rhodes said.

Now that the limitations of the Devil Fruit have been broken through, I have completely merged with the form of the Azure Dragon. In other words, can I eat another Devil Fruit?

What a distress! Which fruit should I eat?

"Hahaha! I'm waiting for you. The force of another world you mentioned, the Emerald Dream mark I gave you, also has the ability to store energy.

If you find powerful energy for me in other worlds, you can pour it into the imprint of the Emerald Dream and store it, and give it to me when you come back. "Azeroth said.

The jade mark is both a status symbol and a memory.

"Yeah! I get it!" After Rhodes said that, he directly changed back to the size of a normal crowd. Now if he wants to, he can transform into a giant dragon of more than 3,600 meters, or into a human form.

"You can now communicate with the other wilderness demigods in the Emerald Dream. You are considered the most powerful among them.

I am going to fall into a deep sleep for a while. This time I will inject life energy into you, which will cost me a lot. "Azeroth's voice even sounded a little weak when he spoke.

"Are you okay?" Rhodes asked.

Azeroth looks weak.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that it consumes a lot. I just need to sleep for a while. If you find strong energy for me, then I will recover quickly." Azeroth said.

"Have a good rest! Leave the rest to me, I guarantee you saw the right person." Rhodes smiled and said.

In the past, he was worried about one thing, after getting rid of Kil'jaeden in the future and joining the Burning Legion.

If Sargeras infuses him with a large amount of evil power, will it affect the balance in his body? Let yourself become a complete demon.

But now that he has become a demigod of the wilderness, he doesn't need to worry anymore. Even if his body can't stand it, he still has the mark of the Emerald Dream!

Just accept these evil powers and give them directly to Azeroth.

Azeroth is right. Controlling one force will not reach its peak. If I want to become a truly cosmic powerhouse, I need to control the six major forces.

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