Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 122 Communication with Wilderness Demigods

Rhodes has now reached this state because of the infusion of Azeroth's life force and the huge life energy. However, if he wants to completely integrate these powers and completely transform them into his own power, Rhodes must also need some time.

"I'm getting a little bigger now!" Rhodes said.

Isn't it right? After transforming into dragon form, he is probably more than twice as big as Kaido now.

"Now that you are a demigod of the wilderness, you can freely change your body shape, so you can become as big as you want. You can become your original size, or you can become a few hundred meters in size." Azeroth said. .

Wilderness demigods can change their body shape. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to communicate with some mortal races. You must know that many wilderness demigods have children.

"This puts me at ease. By the way, were all the wilderness demigods in Azeroth created by you? Or were they created in a way like me." Rhodes said.

He himself has a huge dragon form and very strong physical abilities, so he accepted the infusion of the principle of life and became a demigod of the wilderness.

So did Azeroth use the same method to create wild demigods before?

"You are quite smart, and you guessed well. I selected some extremely powerful beasts for the first batch of wilderness demigods and slowly guided them.

Let them break through the restrictions of race and grow into giant beasts, and then infuse them with the force of life to create them.

For example, the deer demigod Malorne, the boar demigod Agamaggan, the bear demigod brothers, Ursol and Ursoc, the turtle demigod Tutora, and the giant wolf demigod Goldrinn.

But there are also some wilderness demigods who gained the life force through acquired training and broke through their own limitations to become demigods, such as the four gods of Pandaria and Cenarius. "Azeroth said.

There are three types of demigods. The first is that she directly creates and guides the top behemoths of Azeroth to infuse the life principle. This kind of demigod is the most powerful.

There is another way to obtain the life force through acquired practice. This kind of demigod is slightly weaker than the previous kind of demigod.

Of course, there are also some demigods who are formed by practicing other forces. Demigod is just a title, which represents the improvement of life level.

In fact, demigods are really not worth much in the world of Azeroth. There are a lot of them, and their combat effectiveness is uneven.

Azeroth gave Rhodes a detailed introduction to these wilderness demigods.

"I understand, the demigods who grew up with your own life energy are the most powerful." Rhodes said.

In the War of the Ancients, the Wolf God, the Boar Demigod, and the Deer Demigod, Cenarius' father.

But they all have brilliant records. Even if Archimonde killed the giant deer demigod, it was not easy.

This was the result of the giant deer demigod fighting a large number of demons first. Even so, Archimonde was seriously injured after the war.

"Azeroth! What type of demigod is Cenarius?" Rhodes asked with the fire of gossip burning.

The most influential and famous demigod among Warcraft is naturally Cenarius.

It is said that he is the son of Elune and the giant deer demigod, but Elune has no entity, how could they have a child!

And this is just a night elf myth. In terms of relationship, the giant deer demigod Malorne seems to have a better relationship with a certain green dragon queen. When Cenarius calls Elune, he never calls her mother.

"You mean Cenarius? He is indeed Lornemar's son, and he can also be regarded as Elune's son, but he was not conceived by Elune.

His situation was a bit complicated. At that time, the giant deer demigod fell in love with a female night elf, and the female night elf became pregnant. However, the night elf's body was unable to give birth to an offspring for a demigod.

So at that time, Elune possessed the night elf, used her own power to help the night elf, and then gave birth to the child.

Even so, the female night elf died, and Cenarius was later given to the Green Dragon Queen to raise. "Azeroth said.

When Cenarius was born, his qualifications were not very good, but he had great potential for growth. He was the kind of person who could become a wilderness demigod through his own talent cultivation, but his strength was not very strong among the wilderness demigods.

After hearing Azeroth's explanation, Rhodes nodded.

So, no wonder Cenarius has the appearance of a night elf. Strictly speaking, the night elf is just a mutation caused by the dark troll coming into contact with the energy of the Well of Eternity.

Elune is a creation of the Firstborn. She has no entity at all and will not look like a night elf. She will only possess the night elf. Cenarius's mother should be a member of the Moon God Priests.

That's why he was possessed by Elune and allowed Cenarius to be successfully born. This is why Cenarius loves the night elves so much. After all, half of his bloodline is from night elves.

This relationship seems to be quite complicated.

"Do you have any questions? If there are no questions, I'm really going to sleep." Azeroth said.

"I have no problem, go to sleep! I will find energy for you soon." Rhodes said.

The huge Azeroth phantom nodded, then disappeared, falling into a deep sleep.

After leaving Azeroth, Rhodes began to think about whether to leave the Emerald Dream directly or communicate with these wilderness demigods first?

After all, his current identity is also a wilderness demigod.

There are quite a few wild demigods in the Emerald Dream right now! The bear demigod brothers, the wild boar demigod, the giant deer demigod, Cenarius, the bird demigod, the turtle demigod, and the wolf demigod are all in a state of death!

After thinking about it, Rhodes directly transformed his body into an emerald-like dragon form, and made some adjustments to his body, becoming more than a hundred meters before. After all, a body of more than three thousand meters is a bit exaggerated.

After doing all this, Rhodes left this area dedicated to Azeroth. This area is a protected area. Only Azeroth himself and Rhodes can enter. No other wilderness demigods can enter here. .

At this time, all the dead wilderness demigods and the Green Dragon Queen were already waiting here.

"We have a new brother born." The giant deer demigod Malorne said.

"Like us, he was infused with life energy by Azeroth himself." Ursok, the bear demigod, said.

"Unexpectedly, after tens of thousands of years, Azeroth finally created a new wilderness demigod." The wild boar demigod Agamaggan said.

"Hello, our new brother," the turtle demigod said.

The appearance of this wilderness demigod belongs to the first generation of wilderness demigods, created by Azeroth himself.

He looked like a species from Pandaria. In addition to the jade dragon, another demigod belonging to the descending dragon from the clouds appeared, and he looked too similar.

"Hello, fellow wilderness demigods, I am the dragon demigod, and my name is Rhodes." Rhode controlled the dragon form and came to the front of the wilderness demigods. At this time, all the dead wilderness demigods were Both the soul form and the body are translucent.

"No matter what your identity was before, we are all brothers now. We are the wild demigods who created the great Azeroth." The wild boar demigod said.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, Azeroth would create a new demigod of the wilderness. Are you from Pandaria?" the Green Dragon Queen said.

Now the whole of Pandaria is like the Dragon Islands, shrouded in fog. Even she, the Green Dragon Queen, cannot reach Pandaria.

"I'm not from Pandaria. Azeroth asked me to keep my origin secret, so I can't tell you," Rhodes said.

We are not from Pandaria, although I like it there very much. After all, it is the place most like my hometown!

As for the identity of the time traveler, it must be kept secret for now. After all, Ai Jiang and himself have not grown up, and there are still many threats to their existence in this universe.

"It doesn't matter, brother, since Azeroth wants you to hide it, then it doesn't matter." The giant wolf demigod said.

As long as the wild demigod created by Azeroth is their brother, they are worthy of trust.

This brother was very powerful, and the life energy emanating from his body shocked even them. The life energy of the most powerful wilderness demigod before was less than 1/4 of his.

After chatting with the wilderness demigods for a while, Rhodes planned to say goodbye and leave.

I have been here for ten days, and the people outside must be waiting impatiently. The original plan was to finish the trip to the tribe in a few days, but I didn't expect that it would be delayed for ten days.

"My brother, if you are free in the future, you can come to the Emerald Dream to chat with us." The giant deer demigod said.

The only people who can be brothers with Rhodes here are the first generation wilderness demigods, the giant brothers, the giant wolf demigod, the wild boar demigod, and so on.

Some other junior wilderness demigods do not have this qualification, such as his son Cenarius and some other wilderness demigods.

"I will definitely come, so I'll take my leave first." Rhodes said.

After saying goodbye to the wilderness demigods one by one, Rhodes left the Emerald Dream and appeared in Orgrimmar again.

"You bastard is finally back. You have been gone for ten days. If you don't come back, I will find a way to find you." As soon as Rhodes appeared, he heard Kaido's voice.

"Don't worry, am I back?" Rhodes said.

This time, the improvement of his combat power is secondary. The real transformation is his life level.

Now Rhodes has no lifespan limit and can still eat another Devil Fruit.

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