Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 152 Big Mom ravages Azordon, Big Mom falls in love with Mr. Dan again

"Die, die!" Kaido waved his mace and was hammering an evil lord.

"Well! Cut off your hands first! You won't need them in the future anyway." The aunt held the destruction sword and directly cut off the evil lord's hands.

"Sinai!" Kaido raised the mace, aimed at Azordon's head, and swung it hard.

Rhodes couldn't bear to look at him, seeing that Kaido meant to hammer this evil lord to death!

Under the attacks of Kaido's mace and Big Mom's destroyer sword, the evil lord was about to die.

The Fel Energy Hammer that was just taken out to fight was also collected by Rhodes as a trophy. After all, it is also a melee weapon of the Fel Energy Lord. The material should not be bad!

Look at the progress of the Warlocks of the Burning Legion. Warlocks can all hold hammers. Only some Warlocks in Azeroth still hold staffs. I will also keep pace with the times and replace them with maces.

Seeing Kaido and Big Mom fighting so vigorously, Rhodes also took out his mace and joined the ranks.

"Die! Die!" Like his old father-in-law, Rhodes' mace was also aimed at the evil lord's red head.

A large amount of green demon blood also flowed out.

"Ah! I will be resurrected. I will take out all your souls. I will let you roast in the flames of hell." Azordon screamed miserably.

"Don't worry, you won't be resurrected, I promise you." Rhodes said.

With the existence of my soul soul fruit, my soul can make you run away?

"Hey, hey, hey! Captain, are you going to smash his head into a meat pie? I still expect him to give me a child!" Charlotte Lingling said very dissatisfied.

These two men seemed to want to smash the evil lord into a meat pie! I still hope to get his seed!

Hearing this, Kaido and Rhodes stopped together. At this time, the evil lord had been beaten until he vomited blood and was unconscious.

"I want to help you knock him out and then get started!" Rhodes said.

"Even if you want to kill him, wait until I'm pregnant before killing him! It won't take long, it'll be over soon." Charlotte Lingling said.

"This guy is one of the top masters in the Burning Legion, and even among his own species. It's not appropriate to imprison him. He might break free and run away at any time," Rhodes said.

To be honest, the evil lord Azordon is very powerful. In this mirror space, it is safest for three people to work together to kill him.

Leave him to the aunt. As long as he regains a little strength, the aunt may stop eating. The terrifying evil spell is no joke.

"Really? What's the name of the strongest guy in their group?" Auntie asked excitedly.

"The two strongest people are Kil'jaeden and Archimonde. I advise you not to target them," Rhodes said.

You can't conquer these two. Their status in the Burning Legion is even second only to Sargeras.

"Are you planning to kill him here? Let me finish it first, and then we will kill him." Auntie said.

"You're not going to do anything here, are you? He doesn't seem to be able to do it!" Rhodes was a little speechless.

Azordon was beaten so miserably, if you didn't let him rest for a while, would he be able to recover?

He can't stand up in this state!

"It won't take much time anyway. I have a very special medicinal material. You can get it in just a few minutes." The aunt said.

Damn it, aunt, are you still carrying this thing with you?

cut! Do you think that all of my previous dozens of husbands were voluntary?

At this time, the evil lord Azordon's eyes widened and he looked at the three of them in disbelief. You, are you going to humiliate me like this?

"Hurry up, Lingling. Rhodes, let's go aside." Kaido patted Rhodes on the shoulder and said.

"Well! Don't worry, you'll be fine soon." The aunt had already taken out a bottle of unknown medicine, then opened the mouth of the evil lord, and poured it into him regardless of the other party's struggle.

Then he sat directly on the evil lord, raised his hand and shouted in Azordon's face.

"Let's hurry up and move faster."

"I, I will kill you, woman, I swear, I will definitely kill you!" Tears oozed from the eyes of the evil lord Azordon. He gritted his teeth and looked at Charlotte Lingling fiercely and said. .

"Well! I don't know how powerful a child will be born this time. You have to work harder and don't fucking stop." Charlotte Lingling, who was sitting on the evil lord, slapped her again. shouted on Azordon's face.

Looking at the scene of the aunt ravaging the evil lord in the distance, Rhodes shook his head helplessly. My old father-in-law helped you regain your youth in vain. You are so stupid!

"What are you thinking about? I always feel that you are thinking about something very rude." Kaido asked.

"Father-in-law, I actually wanted to help you kill this evil lord just now. Are you really not interested in Charlotte Lingling?" Rhodes asked in a low voice.

"Tch! Who would be interested in that kind of old woman? What are you thinking, you bastard? I want to repay the favor." Kaido said very dissatisfied.

"Oh! So it's to repay the favor! I thought you were interested in her, so you made her younger!" Rhodes said.

"Tch! I'm not interested in her at all. I've already told you. I'm just returning her favor.

If I want to find a woman, wouldn’t it be better to go directly to Black Maria? What are you thinking, you idiot? Kaido said.

"Hahaha! Okay! Father-in-law, as long as you are happy." Rhodes said.

Auntie’s character is indeed not suitable for being a wife! I'd say it's still Black Maria!

Ten minutes later, Big Mom was done and stood up from Azordon.

At this time, Azordon was lying on the ground with his eyes blank, with a trace of tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, looking so helpless and full of sadness.

"Okay, Captain, we can kill him. I took a special secret medicine this time, and I will definitely be able to get pregnant successfully." Charlotte Lingling moved her body and said.

"Okay, let's do it! Take off his head and make it into a magic weapon." Rhodes said.

This guy is more powerful than Gul'dan, and the skull should also contain a lot of evil power, and it should be able to be made into an evil magic weapon.

"Cut off the head, let me do this." Charlotte Lingling looked excited, picked up her emperor's destruction sword Napoleon, and chopped off the evil lord's head.

Look as ferocious as you want.

With one strike, the evil lord's huge head was chopped off by Big Mom. Then Big Mom picked up the bloody head and handed it to Rhodes.

It seems that this is not the first time that the aunt has killed her husband. This technique is so skillful!

"Thank you Lingling, you two stand aside, I'm going to start capturing his soul."

After Rhodes finished speaking, he began to cast a warlock spell, locking Azordon's soul and then began to use the power of the soul fruit to pull it.

At this time, Azordon's soul has left his body and plans to return to the Twisting Nether.

You want to return to the Twisting Nether to be reborn. That's impossible. Just stay here. The humans of Azeroth, and even the most powerful warlocks, can't do anything with the souls of demons like you, but my soul fruit But it works.

A huge red transparent soul was sucked in by Rhodes using the power of the soul fruit, and then restrained, unable to move.

The state of the soul and the Soul Soul Fruit have the absolute right to speak.

"No, I don't want you, you guy, what are you going to do?" Azordon Soul showed an extremely frightened expression.

The demons of their Burning Legion don't actually care about physical death. After the physical death, as long as they return to the Twisting Nether and are escorted by the Death Titan, they can be reborn, but if their soul is caught, it will be over.

He had been extremely humiliated today, and he originally planned to plan revenge after returning to the Twisting Nether, but if his soul was caught, what kind of revenge would he have?

"Just stay with me honestly! From now on, you will be our long-term soul extraction tool. When you are no longer useful, I will completely wipe you out." Rhodes said.

The souls of some of the top generals of the Burning Legion are very powerful. Rhodes plans to imprison them and extract some soul energy from time to time. As for the ordinary little devil soldiers, he will directly crush them into soul energy.

"Why do you, do you have the power to control souls? Even in the Shadow Realm, only a few people can achieve this kind of power?" Azordon asked.

Only a few Eternals can control the soul! Where does this kid come from?

Their special ability, the ability to target the soul, is simply the nemesis of the demons of the Burning Legion!

"You don't need to worry about so many things, you will be my cash machine from now on." After Rhodes said that, he imprisoned Azordon's soul directly in the special container.

"Damn it, I'm not willing to give in!" Azordon's soul body, which was sealed, roared unwillingly.

Today, his body and soul have suffered unimaginable torture.

"Captain, you don't need to threaten to extract the soul? Shouldn't the soul of a creature after death be able to be extracted?" the aunt said.

As the previous owner of the Soul Soul Fruit, Auntie is very clear about the conditions for extracting souls. Souls cannot be extracted from dead creatures, but this kid seems to have completely ignored it.

"How should I put it? This is the benefit of Warlock skills." Rhodes said.

It is true that the Soul Soul Fruit cannot capture the soul after death, but the Warlock's skills can!

"It seems that you are more suitable for this soul fruit than me. Captain, how about you help me upgrade my weapons when you have time? Kaido's weapons have been upgraded by you." The aunt said.

"No problem, it's easy to talk about." This time Rhodes received another weapon from a senior Burning Legion executive!

"How about using your fruit power to inject a little demon soul energy into Napoleon, Prometheus, and Zeus?" Auntie said.

This extremely chaotic demon life and soul energy must have unexpected effects, so she wanted the demon's soul energy.

"Okay!" Rhodes said.

Anyway, after arriving in the outer realm, as many demon souls as you want can be given to Auntie.

And he also plans to use the demon's soul energy to make a warlock's weapon, fuse his mace with Azordon's skull, and directly turn the weapon into a Homiz creature.

"Thank you then, Captain. I really look forward to meeting other special races in the future!" the aunt said.

She was looking forward to the birth of her new child. This demon lord was still very powerful.

"Rhodes said that there seems to be some kind of demon hunter here called Illidan. He is quite powerful, and the night elves seem to be an immortal species. How about capturing him?" Kaido said with his wolf. Putting the dental stick on the ground, he spoke.

Rhodes glanced at Kaido strangely, "Old father-in-law, are you trying to trick Mr. Dan?"

How about we use some transformation potion to turn Big Mom into Tyrande? This might make Illidan take the bait. Of course, it might also make Mr. Dan directly enter the state of a furious demon.

After all, the demon hunter's vision points directly to the source.

"Demon hunter, what is that? Can night elves really live for more than 10,000 years?" Charlotte Lingling asked.

"You can indeed live ten thousand years. As for demon hunters, they are similar to your demon transformation after taking the power of evil, except that they are permanent changes." Rhodes gave the two people some simple knowledge about demon hunters. .

"Then I've decided on my forty-fifth husband, and it will be Illidan!" the aunt said.

Mr. Dan, you must resist! Illidan seems to be able to grow in size and should be able to withstand an aunt who is over eight meters tall.

After taking care of the evil lord Azordon, Rhodes left the mirror world directly with Big Mom and Kaido.

The battle in the outside world has basically ended. Under the siege of a group of people, the evil lord Kazzak also jumped onto the street gloriously.

It's a pity that Rhodes was just inside to deal with Azordon, so his soul escaped directly.

The remaining demons were basically wiped out by the coalition forces of the Alliance and the Horde.

"Okay, we won this battle."

"Let's go! Cross the Dark Portal and let's attack the lair of those demons."

"Warriors, step through the Dark Portal."

After Rhodes appeared, he immediately released the seal of the Dark Portal. At this time, a blue-green light flashed, and the Dark Portal reconnected the two worlds.

The armies of the Alliance and the Horde, as well as members of the Beast Pirates, crossed the Dark Portal together.

The Burning Crusade begins.

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