Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 153 The power of the Azure Dragon Demigod destroys the demon army

After the coalition forces crossed the Dark Portal, what they saw in front of them was a red world, and the entire sky was extremely red.

These were not what surprised the coalition forces the most. What surprised them most was the densely packed demon army that appeared in front of them, even as far as the eye could see.

There are giant hellfires that are more than ten meters tall, Dread Guards, Demon Guards, Cerberus, Destruction Demon Mother, as well as a Dread Demon King and Abyss Lord.

"Holy Light, they, they have gathered a large number of troops here."

"This is the real main force of the Burning Legion."

"The number of demons here is probably tens of thousands."

The coalition forces of the tribe and alliance all showed shocked expressions when they looked at the dense army of demons in front of them.

"There's nothing to say, warriors, attack, destroy these demons, and fight them back." A human paladin said.

"Everyone, please step back. I'll clean up these soldiers." Rhodes said at this time.

This was a good opportunity, a good opportunity to improve his reputation among the coalition forces, and Rhodes naturally couldn't miss it.

"Rhode, do you want me to help you? We can release Ba Hai again, which should be able to eliminate many demons." Kaido asked.

"No need at all!" After Rhodes said this, his whole body floated into the air and began to undergo amazing changes.

The body turned into a dragon head, the claws turned into dragon claws, and the feet turned into dragon tails. A few seconds later, a huge creature appeared above the Dark Portal, overlooking all the demon army below.

"My Holy Light! What kind of creature is this?"

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"This, who is this?"

"My ancestors, this is a demigod! This aura is a demigod." An orc shaman said.

"This is indeed the breath of the wilderness demigod. I heard that a new wilderness demigod was born in Azeroth. I didn't expect that he would appear here, and he came as a tribe." A night elf The druid spoke.

Some druids in the Emerald Dream already knew about the birth of a new wilderness demigod, and they also spread the news to the night elves in Azeroth.

All the night elves knew that an extremely powerful wild demigod was born. And he is the most powerful wilderness demigod so far, even more powerful than the giant deer demigod, giant wolf demigod, giant bear demigod, and brother wild boar demigod.

"Children of Azeroth, I am the new Wild Demigod, the Green Dragon Wild Demigod, this time to protect Azeroth.

I will personally lead you in this expedition, and we will be victorious. "

Rhodes lowered his huge dragon head, looked at the small and ant-like coalition forces in front of him, and said.

"Did you hear that? A wilderness demigod actually joined this expedition."

"We have the protection of the demigods of the wilderness."

"Demigod! Demigod!"

"Green Dragon Demigod! Green Dragon Demigod!" Many druids who worshiped nature, whether they were tauren or night elves, knelt down and worshiped Rhodes.

Under their leadership, some mortal professionals, such as warriors, thieves, and hunters, also knelt down and worshiped Rhodes. This was a form of respect for his status.

Some mages, as well as warlocks, priests and paladins did not kneel down.

"Watch the children of Azeroth, I want to destroy these demons! See the power of the Wild Demigod, the Green Dragon Demigod!"

Rhodes looked at the demon army in front of him and slowly opened his mouth. The huge power of the flame element began to condense in Rhodes' mouth.

Rhodes's big mouth was like holding a big fireball, and it looked like it was about to explode. The temperature inside was astonishing, and even the coalition forces below could feel the blazing heat.

"I have people to step back, mages, and paladins, use your protection spells, don't be affected by this move for a while." An alliance commander looked at Rhodes in the sky and said.

All the mages, as well as the paladins, immediately stood in the front row and began to release their magic protection. On the tribe's side, the shamans and some tauren druids also began to set up protective barriers.

"Fire Dragon Breath!"

A huge dragon's breath flame that seemed to penetrate the entire world was launched from Rhodes' mouth. This huge breath stretched for a kilometer.

With unparalleled power, it hit the ground directly. The demon army in the center was instantly vaporized, huge flames began to burn, and the front of the coalition forces turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of explosions kept coming, and the demons below didn't even have a chance to escape. They were blown to pieces by this move. Countless demons screamed and turned into ashes in the sea of ​​fire.

A huge heat wave hit, making the coalition soldiers unable to even open their eyes.

"What a terrifying blow this is!"

"This move is enough to destroy a city."

Rhodes' dragon's breath lasted for a full minute. A giant sea of ​​fire appeared in front of the Dark Gate. The entire ground was shot through, and a giant pit with a circumference of 100 meters appeared in front of everyone.

After releasing this attack, Rhodes dragged his huge body and once again came to the camp of the demon army.

"The wind that ascends to the sky can destroy everything, bad wind!"

Rhodes' huge body came into the group of demons and began to circle directly. A huge tornado appeared, and countless wind blades were blown out of Rhodes' body.

Countless demons were directly cut into pieces, and the flesh and blood of the entire demons in front of the Dark Portal were cut into pieces.

The place where Rhodes hovered formed a huge meat grinder, and countless demons were sucked into it and then torn into pieces.

The blood of demons was sprinkled all over the sky, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

"Oh my god! This is the power of the storm. This storm is much more powerful than those unleashed by the shamans." A dwarf hunter said.

"I have never seen such a devastating scene." A human warrior said.

What was the little fight they had before in front of this existence? A war between ants? If someone lowers their claws, they will probably die or injure hundreds of people.

"Praise Azeroth, is this the power of the wild demigods?"

"This time, we will definitely win. There is a wilderness demigod protecting us."

"For Azeroth!"

"Ho! Roar! For Azeroth!"

All coalition soldiers. Be it tribal. Everyone from the Alliance burst into earth-shaking cheers at this moment.

The demon army that originally blocked the door even made them a little desperate, and they were ready to fight to the death or even die collectively. However, the strength of this wilderness demigod in the form of a blue dragon simply exceeded their imagination. He could do it with just two moves. It's almost done with the devil below.

Just a few minutes. The demon army in front of them was completely wiped out. A certain fear king ran away when he saw that the situation was not going well. As for an unknown abyss lord, he was captured alive by Rhodes and knocked unconscious.

As soon as the coalition forces of Azeroth crossed the Dark Portal, the demon army in front of them was wiped out by Rhodes.

The coalition forces burst out with unparalleled morale. After using two ultimate moves, Rhodes also changed back to his original shape, standing at the top of the Dark Portal, with his hands folded across his chest, looking like a master. Looking down at the coalition forces below.

There was thunder in the sky, and the lightning controlled by Rhodes exploded crazily around him.

bring it on! Admire brother! I am your idol, possessed by Lord Rodbaki at this moment.

"Demigod of the Wilderness, Demigod of the Blue Dragon, he is watching us." Both the soldiers of the Alliance and the soldiers of the tribe looked at Rhodes standing on the high place with reverence.

"Attack! Children of Azeroth, destroy the remaining demons." Rhodes pointed forward and issued an order to all coalition soldiers.

"Warriors, did you hear what the Azure Dragon Demigod said? He wants us to attack."

"There are still some demon cubs. Don't let them escape. Charge, warriors."

"Come on! Kill these demons."

There are still some demons left, who were lucky enough to survive Rhode's attack just now, and are now facing the combined forces of the Horde and Alliance to kill them.

"You are quite pushy. This time your influence is unprecedentedly huge." Sylvanas came to Rhodes and said softly.

I have to say that the scene just now was so shocking. Tens of thousands of demon army were directly destroyed by Rhodes' attack and turned into a green dragon form.

Rhodes' size was simply exaggerated, and this was the first time Sylvanas had seen Rhodes' demi-god form in the wilderness.

"You bastard, you imitated my tricks!" Kaido said.

Rhodes' dragon form is really too strong. Whether it's using heat breath or bad wind, he is stronger than himself.

Rhodes also began to use his abilities to capture the souls of these dead demons.

At this time, the demons of the Burning Legion are also very confused. It is obviously us who came to surround you, but the army on Azeroth was destroyed by the group.

They also suffered a dimensionality reduction blow from a demigod-level creature.

Then the support troops from the left wing did not come. What is the situation with the support troops from the left wing? Why didn't you come to support us in outflanking the coalition forces?

At this time, on the left wing of the demon army, there was a man who was more than three meters tall, with huge demon horns on his head, giant demon wings on his back, and green runes flashing on his body.

Holding the War Blade of Azzinoth, he was frantically harvesting the lives of the demon army.

"Illidari, the demon hunters I personally trained, kill all these demons and cover the Azeroth army."

"For Lord Illidan."

"Kill all these demons!"

A group of night elves and blood elves who voluntarily blinded themselves, took demon flesh and blood, and became demon hunters.

Under the leadership of Illidan, stop the demon army.

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