Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 154 Demon Hunter, Fort of Honor, Salma Fortress

"Lord Illidan, since we chose to help the coalition forces in Azeroth, why don't you reveal your plan to them?" A demon hunter asked after waving his war blade and cutting off the head of a demon guard.

"Don't let the coalition discover us, my demon hunters! They can't understand us." Illidan said.

"The Alliance and the Horde can even accept those warlocks. Those guys, like us, also study the power of evil.

That being the case, if they knew Lord Illidan.

Your ultimate plan is to destroy the Burning Legion and even take control of the Mark of Argus.

We have obtained the specific location coordinates of Argus, the legion headquarters. Why don't we cooperate? "A blood elf demon hunter looked at Illidan, as if to say, maybe your plan can be accepted by them.

"I know what you are trying to say, my demon hunters, but it won't work.

remember! Your loved ones were killed by the demons of the Burning Legion, so you decided to seek revenge against them.

When we choose to accept the power of evil, we are no longer on the same side as them.

We sacrifice ourselves, sacrifice everything, without asking for anything in return, this is the devil hunter. "Illidan said.

In the eyes of the Alliance and the Horde, there is no difference between himself, a demon hunter, and those minions of the Burning Legion.


"That's enough, my demon hunters, you still have a lot to learn. I know much better than you. I was imprisoned by my tribe for ten thousand years precisely because they couldn't understand what I did." Illidan said. .

If his compatriots could understand him in this way, he would not be where he is today. The one who was really betrayed was actually me.

So Illidan clearly understood that if he wanted to destroy the Burning Legion, he could only rely on himself. He wanted to be a lone hero and did not need the help of Azeroth.

At this time, a huge monster suddenly appeared on the other side of the Dark Gate, an emerald green dragon appeared, and then huge energy fluctuations came, and all the demons directly in front of the Dark Gate were basically wiped out.

Illidan and the demon hunters under his command all looked in awe as they looked at the mighty dragon.

After spitting out the flames, the giant dragon began to circle like a snake. It emitted countless wind blades from its entire body and rolled up violent tornadoes. Countless Burning Legion demons were blown into the sky and then torn into pieces by the wind blades.

"This! What kind of creature is this? Lord Illidan, I have never seen such a huge creature." A female blood elf demon hunter said.

"Judging from his aura and the exuberance of life, this is a wilderness demigod, but one I have never seen before. His appearance is somewhat similar to a creature from Pandaria." Illidan said. .

He has seen all the wilderness demigods. When they resisted the invasion of the Burning Legion ten thousand years ago, these wilderness demigods helped a lot. Each of them was extremely powerful and caused the Burning Legion to suffer a lot.

In order to destroy them, the Burning Legion paid a huge price, and Archimonde even took action himself to defeat the Wild Demigod.

It is precisely because these wilderness demigods join the battle that the ancient war can be won, otherwise the ancient war will not be so easy.

The invasion of the Burning Legion a few years ago could only be described as a small incident. A Lich tore open the portal and summoned Archimonde and some senior Burning Legion officials, but the ordinary army of the Burning Legion It’s just a drop in the bucket.

The strength of today's wilderness demigod far exceeds Illidan's knowledge. The opponent is very strong, even more powerful than the most powerful wilderness demigod, the giant deer demigod.

"It seems that even if we don't come to stop this demon army, with this wilderness demigod here, the demons won't be able to make any big waves."

"Lord Illidan, we have to communicate with this wilderness demigod. Mortals can't understand you, but if you are a wilderness demigod." A night elf demon hunter hesitated to speak.

The life span of night elves has generally reached more than 10,000 years, and the night elves worship the wilderness demigod very much. The wilderness demigod must be able to understand Lord Illidan.

"We don't need it at all. As long as he doesn't cause trouble for us and our plan can be executed smoothly, we can capture Argus and completely destroy the Burning Legion." Illidan said.

After obtaining the Skull of Gul'dan, he also obtained a method to reverse the portal. This method can induce the power of space, directly distort a planet, and blow up the entire planet like a bomb.

Even the powerful Burning Legion will definitely die if the main star is blown up. The only thing he is not sure about is whether this power of destroying the planet can kill Sargeras.

But all this is no longer important, as long as the planet Argus can be destroyed.

After cleaning up the remaining demon army, Illidan immediately retreated with his demon hunters and returned to the Black Temple in Shadowmoon Valley.

Continue to implement his great plan to destroy the planet Argus and look for the planet Marton where the Sargrith Key is stored.

As for the Alliance and the Horde, they carried out a frenzied pursuit of the demons for three days and three nights, and cleaned up the demons around the entire Dark Portal.

Thanks to the appearance of Rhodes, the butterfly wing, the Burning Legion worked hard and most of the troops assembled at the Dark Gate were destroyed.

The armies of the Alliance and the Horde did not engage in a tug-of-war with the Burning Legion for several days as in the original history, and only after paying heavy casualties did they seize the Dark Portal in the direction of Outland.

There were basically zero casualties, and the morale of the coalition forces was extremely strong.

The current generals of the legion have basically been taken care of by Rhodes. Demon King Kurul and a certain abyss lord were taken care of by Kaido directly in Orgrimmar.

Kazzak was defeated by members of the Alliance of Tribes and the Beast Pirates, the evil lord Azordon was defeated by himself, and his Demon Matron of Destruction was also defeated.

The demons in the entire Hellfire Peninsula are leaderless at this time.

After cleaning up all the demons near the Dark Portal, the Alliance and the Horde began to split up, each choosing a direction to launch an attack.

The Alliance army quickly advanced to a fortress, and then saw a human-style castle.

A group of veterans who look to be in their forties or fifties are guarding here. They are wearing jerseys from the old alliance era.

"Are you an army of the Alliance?" A veteran asked excitedly as he looked at the huge army in front of him.

Among them were several members of the high elves, who were part of the expeditionary army that followed Aurelia into the Black Gate.

Humans, dwarves, gnomes, and high elves were once allies and fought against the tribe together. However, among these people were dwarves, humans, gnomes, some guys with blue tentacles, and some elves they had never seen before. , taller, with darker purple skin.

"You, you are the sons of Lothar, are you the heroes who have been on an expedition to the outside world?" an alliance general asked.

"I still have people who remember us. In order to protect the safety of Azeroth, we closed the Dark Portal. Unexpectedly, this time the Dark Portal opened, you actually came to kill us." A white-haired veteran in his fifties He spoke.

The huge movement of the Dark Portal opening also attracted the attention of Lothar's sons, but most of them are old now and really can't stop it.

Unexpectedly, Azeroth's reinforcements from the Alliance's army actually came to kill them.

"Are you the army led by General Turalyon and General Aurelia? Are those two heroes here too?" an Alliance Paladin asked.

"It's a pity that those two of you from the Alliance disappeared due to the Void Storm a few years ago. Now we don't know what happened to them." A veteran of Lothar's son sighed. He shook his head helplessly.

"That's really a pity." Unexpectedly, the two most crucial people disappeared.

"Come in. Although the Fort of Honor is not big, I can still greet you." Under the warm invitation of Lothar's son, this part of the alliance's army entered the Fort of Honor.

The army on the tribe's side, after acting alone for a few days and wiping out a large number of demons, chose a suitable location and set up camp.

Rhodes' floating fortress became their temporary base, but the floating city was too small after all, so the tribe still needed to build a new base.

"Lord Rhodes, we have decided to build a temporary fortress here. What do you think?" King Saurfang came to Rhodes and asked.

After experiencing Rhodes' powerful performance a few days ago, the respect of the tribe's warriors for Rhodes has reached a very high level.

"No problem, King Saurfang, let the soldiers build a fortress here!" Rhodes said.

They belong to the vanguard force, and there are more tribal troops who will later pass through the Dark Portal and build a fortress for the follow-up troops.

It is also necessary for them to have a place to live and food to eat when they arrive. After all, your flying fortress cannot accommodate too many people.

Moreover, Rhodes did not intend to act with the tribe's coalition forces.

King Saurfang nodded and began to command some orc laborers and goblins hired by the tribe to begin the construction of Salma Fortress.

Rhodes raised the floating fortress directly, and then went to conduct reconnaissance over the Hellfire Peninsula.

After the floating city flew up, it was discovered that there were many small tribes of evil orcs scattered on the ground. When Rhodes left, he did not move them all away. Some evil orcs still stayed here, scattered around the Hellfire Peninsula. Wandering.

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