Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 158 Meeting Kil'jaeden, Red-Headed Squidward?

At this time, Prince Kael'thas had been beaten unconscious. He didn't know why every attack from the humanoid monster in front of him fell on his face!

"Okay, now we can talk." Rhodes said.

After Rhodes finished speaking, he threw Kael'thas, who had turned into a pig-headed man, on the ground.

The opponent's originally handsome face had been completely mutilated, and even the bridge of his nose and eye sockets were cracked by Rhodes.

In the entire Storm Fortress, there is not a single standing creature left, and most of the blood elves have passed out.

Even a certain fire phoenix was swallowed by Rhodes' Homitz creation Helios.

That's right, the fire phoenix ended up being swallowed by Homiz. The flame power of the fire phoenix could not harm Homiz's creation Helios at all, but Homiz could swallow the flames on the opponent's body.

Naturally, the fire phoenix couldn't bear it, and was soon sucked into a large oval egg.

"Master, I devoured its power, and now I can control the flames of the Fire Phoenix." Helios came to Rhodes excitedly and said.

"Well done. Don't eat that phoenix egg on the ground yet. I'll use it later." Rhodes praised his Homitz creation with great satisfaction.

This phoenix egg can be reborn immediately as long as it comes into contact with a large amount of flames, and this is a phoenix mount, something I haven't been able to come up with for n years.

Rhodes came to Kael'thas and kicked a certain prince.

"You should still be awake. I didn't knock you out. Come on, kneel down and talk. Forget it! Otherwise, you should just lie down." Rhodes looked at Kael'thas who had difficulty moving his body in front of him. He spoke.

As a mage in the world of Azeroth, Kael'thas is still very powerful, but he is completely restrained by himself.

The fire magic that Kael'thas is most proud of is basically immune to himself. Even after adding evil energy and turning into evil flames, his Homiz creation can still devour it.

Seven legendary weapons were summoned, but in front of Rhodes it was just a sideshow. Ordinary professionals can interrupt the connection between you and them, let alone me?

Don't use this kind of juggling skill to embarrass yourself. Boy, it looks very gorgeous, and the effect of showing off is excellent, but when it comes to fighting, it's all about giving equipment to the enemy!

"Ahem! Just kill me! Why humiliate me so much?" Kael'thas said.

At this time, his vision was even blurry, and his swollen eyes could only be opened a crack.

Today's disastrous defeat completely destroyed all his confidence. He lived for more than 1,500 years.

The arrogance and confidence that he had built up were destroyed today, completely destroyed by the man in front of him.

"To be honest, I have no grudges against you, but who told you to follow Kil'jaeden? I hate this guy very much," Rhodes said.

"Ahem! I had no choice but to surrender to the Burning Legion. I did it for my own people. If you want to kill me, just do it!" Kael'thas closed his eyes after saying that.

He thought that Rhodes was disgusted that he had surrendered to the Burning Legion and became a lackey of the Burning Legion, so he humiliated himself crazily.

"Haha! For the sake of your people, you have gone completely wrong. You should not follow Kil'jaeden, or even come to this land at all.

But before that, I have a little something to do. You should have a way to contact Kil'jaeden, right? "Rhodes lifted Kael'thas up again and asked.

"Do you want to contact the commander of this legion?"

"That's right! Don't talk nonsense. I know you have a solution. Contact Kil'jaeden immediately." Rhodes said.

"Okay! But can I ask you one thing? It doesn't matter if you kill me, just let my people go!"

Don't hurt them anymore, my people have suffered greatly. " Kael'thas said.

"Stop talking nonsense, take me to see Kil'jaeden first. If I am in a good mood, I will let them go," Rhodes said.

Kael'thas nodded, Rhodes put it down, and Kael'thas climbed up with great difficulty.

Limping, he led Rhodes to a room where there was an altar that looked like a demonic array.

Kael'thas came to the center of the Dharma, and then cast a spell to activate the summoning circle, and began to summon the shadow of Kil'jaeden.

Soon the light of the magic circle lit up, and a huge red demonic octopus-headed shadow appeared in the center.

He looks very similar to Azordon, except that he has a pair of huge demon wings on his back, and the evil energy is even more corrupted.

"Kael'thas, what happened to summon me, you, you, you." Kil'jaeden looked at Kael'thas, his mouth wide open.

Who is this pig head in front of me? Why is he wearing Kael'thas' clothes?

wrong! After careful identification, Kil'jaeden could still tell that the pig-headed man in front of him was Prince Kael'thas. He seemed to have been beaten quite badly!

Has Storm Keep been invaded? What a useless piece of trash.

"Hello Lord Kil'jaeden, I am very much looking forward to meeting you." Rodpi came to the giant demon with a smile, showed a slight smile, and said.

"Who are you? You defeated Kael'thas and summoned me. What's your purpose?" Kil'jaeden looked at Rhodes and said with interest.

"Okay! You don't know who I am, so let me remind you that about half a month ago, I crossed the Dark Portal with the troops of the Alliance and the Horde.

Then I killed one of your disciples, a man named Azordon, and then wiped out all the demon troops you sent to the outer realm. You see, I took off his skull.

This guy should also be a top fel warlock, right? I remember that Gul'dan's skull was made into an artifact, and I think his skull should be able to do the same.

After all, your disciple's evil power is much more powerful than Gul'dan.

And you happen to be an expert in this field, so I would like to ask you, how do you use your disciple’s skull to make a top-level warlock magic weapon? "

Rhodes looked at Kil'jaeden and shook the huge skull in his hand. It was Azordon's skull.

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became a little cold, and Kael'thas' already swollen mouth also opened slightly.

He looked at Rhodes in disbelief. Did you summon Kil'jaeden just to humiliate him?

"Hahahaha! No one has dared to talk to me like this for a long time. You are really brave! A strange demigod.

Azordon was killed by you. It seems that you are quite capable, but you chose the wrong opponent. You actually chose to be the enemy of the Burning Legion. Kil'jaeden said.

Azordon was actually killed half a month ago, so his soul should have returned to the Twisting Nether.

Why didn't I see it? The killing of demons from the Burning Legion is actually nothing new.

But as long as the souls can return to the Twisting Nether, they can be resurrected with the protection of the Death Titan.

"No! Lord Kil'jaeden, I admire you very much. You see, I specifically asked you for advice on how to make a warlock's magic weapon.

The materials I selected are all of the highest quality, the heads of your favorite disciples. " Rhodes said.

Kael'thas stood aside, a little speechless. Is it really okay for you to provoke Kil'jaeden like this?

Take the head of his disciple and come over to ask for advice on how to make a magical weapon.

"Tell me, your name is Demigod? I will come over in person soon and teach you how to make such a magic weapon.

Just use your head, the head of the wilderness demigod is also a very good material. Kil'jaeden said slightly angrily.

"Hahaha! Are you finally going to ask me my name? Lord Kil'jaeden, then listen up, my name is Rhodes, do you remember it?" Rhodes said.

"Rhode? This name, you are the warlock apprentice recommended by Azordon, no! You are a demigod, is it just the same name?" Kil'jaeden seemed to have thought of something and looked at Rhodes with squinted eyes.

The opponent has a powerful life force and is a wilderness demigod, but he doesn't seem to have the power of evil!

A few months ago, his favorite disciple Azordon recommended a warlock from the world of Azeroth to him.

A very weak human warlock, the other party holds some crystals of space energy in his hands. His disciples feel that this human being should be able to help the legion.

At that time, Kil'jaeden didn't care at all how powerful an ordinary warlock could be, so he just sent him away and asked him to find Kael'thas.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Kil'jaeden, you are such a noble person who forgets things!

It was indeed you who asked me to come to Prince Kael'thas. Look, Prince Kael'thas, the reason you were beaten like this by me today is entirely Kil'jaeden's responsibility. " Rhodes said.

"Is it really you? I remember that you should be an ordinary warlock. Azordon told me that you practiced fel magic and he also taught you some fel magic, but now you seem to be a wilderness demigod. "Kil'jaeden looked at Rhodes and said.

Rhodes smiled, took out a crystal containing the energy of the space gem, and shook it in front of Kil'jaeden.

"This is your disciple, the inconspicuous space energy crystal I told you. Do you see how inconspicuous it is?" Rhodes said.

The moment he saw this crystal, Kil'jaeden's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

The huge space energy inside has made him, a well-informed demon lord who has lived for tens of thousands of years, shocked. If the space energy inside can be extracted.

It can completely open a permanent portal connecting Argus and Azeroth. The endless legion of demons can enter Azeroth through this portal.

"I probably know what's going on, that fool from Azordon." Kil'jaeden said with a sigh.

This human named Rhodes was indeed a warlock before, and he really wanted to join the Burning Legion, but his disciples misled him because of some inappropriate ideas.

He gave himself a piece of false information. If he had known that he had such a huge space energy from the beginning, he would have immediately sent his fear devils there.

"I should have sent some legion demons to look for you then." Kil'jaeden said.

"Actually, I should thank Azordon. If they hadn't concealed my affairs, I might have been killed by the demon you sent when I was relatively weak at the time," Rhodes said.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. Your purpose of humiliating me has been achieved, so let's talk! What is your purpose in summoning me?" Kil'jaeden asked.

The other party killed his favorite disciple Azordon, annihilated the demon army in the outer realm, and defeated Kael'thas. Was his purpose in doing all this just to humiliate himself?

This kid probably doesn't know his final plan, the Sunwell Project. I will go find you after I come to Azeroth.

The space energy crystal in your hand can help me open a giant portal, and even allow Lord Sargeras to come in person. Then your world will be over.

No one can face Sargeras, no one can defeat him.

"Haha! I called you here today to ask you to bring me a message to Sargeras, the supreme leader of the Burning Legion." Rhodes said.

"Haha! If it's a threat, don't say it, kid. We will meet again, and then I will let you know what despair is." Kil'jaeden said.

Kael'thas should be dead. He wanted to implement his backup plan and immediately let the Dread Lords take action, as well as several blood elves who were deeply corrupted by him.

"Hahaha! Are you sure? This is not an insult. Tell Sargeras that I know the location of a complete star soul, a sleeping world soul, not Azeroth! And it's not there yet! Corrupted by the void," Rhodes said.

Kil'jaeden, who had originally planned to leave, was stunned when he heard these words, and then turned to look at Rhodes.

"You, what did you just say? The soul of a complete world has not been corrupted yet? It has not been corrupted by the power of the void! Are you sure?" Kil'jaeden asked.

"I asked you to bring a message to Sargeras, so I asked Sargeras to come and talk to me. I don't want to say anything more to you about Red-Headed Squidward." Rhodes said.

"You arrogant fellow."

"Haha, each other! Each other!" I don't believe you won't take the bait.

For Sargeras, a complete Titan star soul that has not been corrupted by the power of shadow is very precious and can even further enhance the power of the Burning Legion.

"I will tell Lord Sargeras about this. What is your purpose?" Kil'jaeden asked.

"This is none of your business, red-headed Squidward, get out of here!" Rhodes said.

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