Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 159 Kaizi, do you want to follow me or Kil'jaeden?

"Hmph! I hope you are telling the truth, otherwise, you won't want to know what happens if you offend the Dark Titan."

Facing Rhode's ridicule, Kil'jaeden said nothing more, sneered and left directly.

The news about Planet Soul is indeed important. He will not make stupid mistakes like his apprentice. He will tell Sargeras about this, but boy, if you dare to lie to him, you will know the consequences.

Sargeras is not as easy to talk to as I am.

Looking at Kil'jaeden leaving, Rhodes picked up the huge skull in his hand. What a pity that he couldn't find a way to make it into a Legion Warlock magic weapon in the end!

But with his attitude just now, Kil'jaeden would never help.

If you want to make this demon's skull into a warlock's magic weapon, and then combine it with your own mace, you need a professional. Thinking of this, Rhodes looked at a certain blood elf prince.

"You! What is your purpose?" Kael'thas asked.

He always felt that the demigod in front of him had an ulterior motive. What kind of deal should he have with the Burning Legion?

I seem to have heard a lot of things that I shouldn't listen to today. It seems that I am dead!

Maybe try struggling a little? Kael'thas rolled his eyes.

"If you are talking about making a magic weapon, I might be able to help you. I have seen Gul'dan's skull before, and Illidan got it." Kael'thas said.

When it comes to enchanting and the ability to make magic weapons, Kael'thas ranks second in the world of Azeroth, and no one dares to say he is above him!

"Oh! So you want to follow me now?" Rhodes turned around and asked.

"I have no choice. I don't want to die. I haven't saved my people yet!" Kael'thas said.

"Really? Haha! Then it's not like I can't give you a chance to tell me Kil'jaeden's final plan. If your answer satisfies me, it's not like I can't consider letting you go," Rhodes said.

When Kil'jaeden left just now, he glanced at Kael'thas intentionally or unintentionally, so the blood elf prince, Kael'thas, should make a choice now!

I know Kil'jaeden's ultimate plan, the Sunwell Plan, and so do you. Let me see if you can lie to me.

Should you continue to lick your legion master, or change your master?

"Okay! This demigod!

Kil'jaeden, he actually wanted to use the power of the Alliance and the Horde to deal with Illidan. Illidan seemed to be a minion of the Burning Legion.

But that's not the case. What is he plotting behind the scenes? I don't know the specific reason, but Kil'jaeden seems to be very afraid of him. " Kael'thas said.

Kael'thas did not lie to himself about this. Kael'thas really didn't know the specific situation. Rhodes knew this. If he knew Illidan's final plan, he might not accept Kil'jaeden. The temptation.

Kil'jaeden's specific plan was actually to attract the Horde and the Alliance to come together to deal with Illidan who wanted to destroy the Burning Legion, and then take advantage of the time when the Horde and the Alliance focused all their attention on Illidan.

To implement his new plan, first let the blood elf prince Kael'thas be killed by the Alliance and the Horde, and then resurrect him as a demon. You must know that after the resurrection, Kael'thas will only have 10% of his original personality. , in fact, it has essentially become a puppet of the legion.

Then perform the summoning ritual of the Burning Legion in the Sunwell to summon yourself to the world of Azeroth.

This prince was being used by Kil'jaeden from the beginning to the end. Rhodes wanted to see if he was still willing to be used by Kil'jaeden.

"Lord Rhodes! Kil'jaeden conveyed an order to me when he just left. He said that if you kill me, he will send a demon to secretly take away my body and then resurrect me.

Then continue to implement his plan. If I am not killed, then I can pretend to surrender to you, and then continue to implement his final plan. "After some careful consideration, Kael'thas decided to tell the truth.

The man in front of him seemed to be able to see through everything, and he didn't want to risk his life.

And Kil'jaeden was indeed not trustworthy. After experiencing a violent beating from the opponent, Kael'thas saw this clearly.

"Haha! I know that his men plan to resurrect you as a demon, and then take you to the Sunwell to carry out your final plan, using the void cube lattice you refined here in the Void Storm.

Open a portal, summon the demons of the Burning Legion, and even harness the power of the Sunwell to bring Kil'jaeden to Azeroth. " Rhodes said.

In fact, it's quite funny to say that in the original setting of the 1970s, if Kil'jaeden really passed through the Sunwell, then he would be invincible in the world of Azeroth.

No one can deal with him, just like Archimonde back then, but later in the Legion version.

Let the players know that in fact, only three heroes can defeat him. Kil'jaeden really traveled to the world of Azeroth, and there is only one way to die.

A swarm of ancient gods, five-colored dragons, the Lich King, and even Titan Guardians could kill Kil'jaeden.

"You! You actually know Kil'jaeden's final plan? Yes, he does intend to use the Sunwell to come to Azeroth."

Kael'thas breathed a sigh of relief after saying that. To be honest, he almost deceived Rhodes and said that he didn't know Kil'jaeden's final arrival plan, if it was true.

Then the other party will kill him without hesitation, and his body will not even be preserved, let alone Kil'jaeden resurrecting him.

"Haha! This idiot's plan seems very clever, but I saw through it at a glance." Rhodes said.

There is no way, we are people who are familiar with the plot, and he knows all about Egg's conspiracy, so Egg, if you want to come to Azeroth, don't talk about it!

Staying in the Twisting Void, Rhodes is not yet sure that he can 100% kill Kil'jaeden after he is summoned.

Otherwise, the best choice would be to summon him to Azeroth, kill him directly, and become the commander of the Burning Legion by himself.

If you want to conquer all the worlds, the demons of the Burning Legion are the best choice. Now your own strength is still a bit weak.

"Then what are you going to do? Master Demigod?" Kael'thas asked.

"First, I want to kill Illidan. This is the next plan, and then it depends on the situation." Rhodes said.

The key point now is to get in touch with Sargeras quickly. If a Titan star soul has not been infected by the void, Sargeras will definitely be extremely excited.

The news of the Titan Star Soul is just a bait, but the universe is the huge bait thrown by Rhodes.

Sargeras' ultimate goal is not to destroy all living beings, but to destroy the Lord of the Void. He does not want the Lord of the Void to continue to increase his power, so he will destroy everything.

If he now showed him another path, countless new universes, new ways, new ways to defeat the Lord of the Void, Sargeras would not fail to be tempted.

So the next step is to eliminate Illidan, this guy is a real troublemaker.

"Master Demigod, is there any way you can save the Sunwell and save my people?" Kael'thas asked.

"I heard that the Sunwell is made of a bottle of spring water from the Well of Eternity. I remember that guy Illidan. He should have a few bottles of remaining spring water from the Well of Eternity, right?" Rhode asked.

In fact, Illidan treated Kaizi a little too badly. After Kaizi took refuge with him, he was single-minded and hard-working in the early stage!

He still has the spring water of the Well of Eternity in his hand. As long as he gives Kaizi a bottle of the spring water of the Well of Eternity, he can repair the Well of the Sun with the power of the spring water of the Well of Eternity.

But Illidan is so stingy. He wants to use the water from the Well of Eternity to deal with the Burning Legion, and does not want to waste it on the blood elves.

In other words, he was worried that after the Sunwell was repaired, all the blood elves' combat power would leave him and return to Quel'Thalas.

After all, blood elves account for the majority of his demon hunters, and only a few of the night elves follow Illidan.

But Rhodes actually has a way to repair the Sunwell. With the power of the Infinity Stones in the Marvel world, repairing the Sunwell is no problem.

For example, using the power of the Time Stone, you can rewind time in the Sunwell back to before it was contaminated.

In other words, the Power Stone and the Space Stone can be used to replenish the energy of the Sunwell, but Rhodes does not intend to use these methods now. After all, the energy of the Infinity Stone is limited, and this thing is prepared for Azeroth. .

"I have asked Illidan for water from the Well of Eternity, and he promised to give it to me, but he has been stalling for time." Kael'thas said.

Illidan said that those bottles of well water were of great use, but in his heart, saving the people was the most important thing.

"Then why don't we kill Illidan together and grab the well water from him?

Then you can use water from the Well of Eternity to repair the Sunwell and save your people. " Rhodes said.

"So Lord Demigod, your next goal is to deal with Illidan, right?" Kael'thas asked.

"Yes, my next goal is to deal with Illidan. If you are willing to help me, I will give you the water from the Well of Eternity." Rhodes said.

"Deal! Anyway, I don't have any affection for that guy anymore." Kael'thas said.

"Wise choice." Rhodes said.

"Lord Demigod, can I still be trusted by my people now?" Kael'thas said.

"No problem, leave this to me and let's perform a painful trick."

? ? A bitter trick!

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