Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 170: Tricking Sargeras to steal the Infinity Stones

Rhodes didn't expect that the Burning Legion boss of Karazhan would actually wait for him here on Sargeras' orders. According to the original story.

Prince Markzaar is a high-level eredar leader, and has an unexplained relationship with Archimonde, one of the three eredar leaders.

There are even some official complaints, proving that he does have a hidden blood relationship with Archimonde.

Prince Mac'zhar originally came to invade the world of Azeroth, but for some reason he was accidentally teleported to Karazhan, and then he was trapped here.

"You said you came here specifically to wait for me? The Burning Legion shouldn't know that I'm coming to Karazhan, right?"

"I was supposed to go to the outer realm to find you, but due to some accidents, I came here. I really didn't expect to meet you here." Makzhar acted very modestly.

This time the mission was not arranged by the two giants Kil'jaeden or Archimonde, but by the higher-level founder of the Burning Legion, Commander-in-Chief Sargeras. He did not dare to have any hesitation. neglect.

"Well! Kael'thas! You take them two to stay here for a while, and I'll be back soon." Rhodes turned his head and glanced at his subordinates.

Then he activated his domineering color and domineering energy, causing several women except Kael'thas and Brynn to faint.

"Lord Rhodes! It seems that it's time for me to show off my skills again. Don't worry, I will remove this memory from them."

"Be careful, Lord Rhodes," Kael'thas said.

The demons of the Burning Legion are not easy to mess with, not to mention that this time, Rhodes is going to meet the legendary Sargeras.

The legendary Dark Titan.

Rhodes nodded to the two of them, then turned and left.

"How do we summon Sargeras?"

"I have prepared everything. This is the summoning instrument I brought from the Burning Legion. It can summon the shadow of Lord Sargeras."

After Markzal finished speaking, he took out a mechanical device and placed it on the ground, then summoned some evil ghosts around and began to extract their evil power.

Soon the device reacted, and a huge, terrifying figure with burning flames, a pair of huge wings and devil horns appeared in front of Rhodes.

"Mortal! I heard that you brought me news of a star soul, a star soul that has not been discovered yet, and has not been corrupted by the void. I hope you did not lie to me, otherwise, your soul will be tortured forever. ”

"Yes, Sargeras, I brought you news of a planet soul, and this is just an appetizer.

I still have ways to deal with the Lord of the Void, and ways to deal with the Lord of the Void. " Rhodes said.

Sargeras is really powerful, worthy of being the Dark Titan. Even if he was facing just a shadow, Rhodes felt great pressure.

This pressure is stronger than Azeroth, but fortunately, Rhodes has now been promoted to a demigod-level life form, and both the Overlord Haki and the Hearing Haki have been cultivated to the top.

If it's just a virtual image, it won't affect you.

"?? You don't understand at all. Mortals like you don't understand the horror of the void.

But if you can provide a piece of information about the Star Soul, I will be very satisfied. I will make you one of the commanders of the Burning Legion. Sargeras said.

He currently controls two titans, one of which is his former lieutenant Aggramar, and the other is the death titan Argus the Annihilator.

These two beings are its trump cards against the void, and the demons of the Burning Legion are nothing more than a group of cannon fodder.

Even Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are just cannon fodder in the eyes of Sargeras. In the future war with the void, only Titan-level creatures will be helpers.

If an unknown star soul and Azeroth can successfully awaken and join his camp, then more than five Titan-level combat powers can fight against the void.

The premise is that the news about this star soul is true.

"I definitely didn't lie to you Sargeras about this. I know the exact place where the soul of the planet sleeps." Rhodes said.

"Tell me the exact coordinates of his location."

Rhodes smiled, then cut a piece of space, and used the energy of the space gem to create some stabilizing effects. On the opposite side of the space was the Earth of the Marvel world.

"I have the power to travel through other universes at will, Lord Sargeras. There is a soul of a planet sleeping in the planet opposite. In other words, in that world, his name is the God of the Universe."

Opening such a temporarily stable portal consumes a lot of energy, and it can only last for a minute or two.

But to give Sargeras some reassurance, it was all worth it, to be honest.

Rhodes never expected that Sargeras would be so eager to see him. The original plan was to kill the demon hunter Illidan and then summon Sargeras to negotiate terms with him.

But he didn't expect that Sargeras would ask his subordinates to come directly to him, and by some strange combination of circumstances, they would meet him in Karazhan.

It seemed that the news about the Soul of the Planet was extremely important to the Dark Titan, and he didn't even want to wait a minute longer.

The shadow of Sargeras did not look at Rhodes at all, but stared intently at the world opposite, the Earth of the Marvel Universe, and then slowly began to sense it.

Although I am just a virtual image, but. This man opened the portal, which still allowed Sargeras to see the entire planet on the other side.

With Titan-level strength, he could weakly sense the situation there.

"I feel that there is a powerful life form deep in the earth's core. It is indeed the soul of a planet. You didn't lie to me, a mortal.

very good! Open a portal and let my true body descend into that world. "Sargeras' tone of voice was a little excited when he spoke.

An uninfected planet soul and a planet soul about to be born are extremely precious to him.

I hope that the soul of this planet will not be as stubborn and naive as Argus, otherwise I will only be able to make another slave.

"Lord Sargeras, didn't you notice? I'm talking about the soul of the planet in another world. I just said that his name is the God of the Universe." Rhodes reminded him.

Sargeras was obviously stunned when he heard this, and then his eyes suddenly widened with disbelief on his face.

"The world on the other side is not our universe? It is neither a twisted void nor a dark void. Is this another unknown world?"

"That's right, Lord Sargeras! It's a brand new universe. This universe does not have the threat of the dark void.

There is no Lord of the Void sending an ancient god to corrupt the soul of the planet, so I say that there is a way to deal with the Lord of the Void. " Rhodes said.

“My conjecture is correct, our Pantheon’s conjecture is correct, there has been a hypothesis before, except for our world.

There should be other worlds, and even countless such universes, but that has always been theoretical.

No one has ever been able to prove it, mortal! You can actually discover a different universe, a brand new universe, a universe that has not been corrupted by the forces of the void. "

At this moment, Sargeras, to Rod, seemed to be worth more than Kil'jaeden or even Argus.

At this moment, even Makzhar, who was standing aside, was a little uneasy. He didn't expect that there was a brand new and unknown universe. This was not a planet!

Although the Burning Legion is known as the destroyer of all worlds, it only destroys some planets in the real universe.

"How long can you open this portal? Can you take me there?" Sargeras asked.

"Of course not, Lord Sargeras, I can't bring a being as powerful as you there, and even I can only peek into that world temporarily.

There are very powerful beings on that planet, and even I can only act with caution. " Rhodes said.

At the same time, the portal connecting to the Marvel world was closed. It consumes a lot of energy to open this thing, and Mr. Sa has already taken the bait.

"As long as you can summon me there, those puny mortals will not be able to resist me at all. The Titans of that planet, or the cosmic gods you mentioned, will become my subordinates." Sargeras said.

You can also take the opportunity to explore the new world. Maybe in the new universe, there is really a way to defeat the void.

"Lord Sargeras! In another world, there is a very magical treasure called an Infinity Stone.

They are tempered from the essence of six singularities that contained infinite energy before the Big Bang.

The Infinity Stones are the most powerful treasures in the universe. They can control the six powers in the universe, space, soul, mind, time, power, and reality.

By collecting six Infinity Stones, the user can make a huge impact or change on the entire universe according to the user's own wishes.

For example, a mortal-level life form can even wipe out half of all life in the entire universe with a snap of its fingers, ignoring any rules and regulations.

It can even reshape the entire universe.

Just think about what it would be like if you got six of these Infinity Stones.

You can easily defeat the Lord of the Void without burning the world to the ground. " Rhodes said.

"If there really is such an infinitely powerful source treasure, then in theory it should be useless in our world." Sargeras snorted coldly.

A treasure like this that can control the original power will be no different from waste once it leaves the original universe. As the top life in this universe, Sargeras still knows it.

"It is indeed useless, Lord Sargeras. I have proven this, because I came into contact with two gems, namely time and space, and stole a trace of their energy. After coming to our world, I gained Great benefit.”

Rhodes took out two crystals. One stored the power of the Space Stone and emitted a faint blue light. The other stored the power of the Time Stone and emitted an emerald green light.

Looking at these two energy bodies, Sargeras fell into silence. This was indeed not the energy of their universe, nor one of the six forces.

"What do you want to say about mortals? Just say it!"

"If you capture six Infinity Stones in another world, then you can analyze the structure of these six Infinity Stones.

With your strongest Titan-level strength and wisdom, I believe you can do it, Lord Sargeras.

If these six infinite gems can be analyzed, then after taking them away from that universe, the gems can also become the carrier of the force of our universe. Our universe also has six major forces.

Since another universe can forge six Infinity Stones.

If you have mastered this technology, why can't you create the same Infinity Stone?

Order, Life, Death, Holy Light, Shadow, Fel Energy, six Infinity Stones belonging to our world.

At that time, with these six Infinity Stones, you can easily protect this universe and defeat the void. "Rods

This is a high-level deception. Sargeras is very conceited, very proud and arrogant.

Queen Azshara once wanted to marry him, but Sargeras didn't treat Queen Azshara as a human being. He just wanted Azeroth.

Because Azeroth will be stronger than him after birth, and will be a good helper to deal with the void.

But now, Rods has given him a brand new universe, a brand new rule, and another world.

If the gems carrying the six forces are brought to your own world, then Sargeras, can you forge the same six gems to control the six forces of our universe?

Since the top life forms in another universe can do it, then there is no reason why you can't do it, Sargeras?

The Infinity Stones cannot be taken out of the Marvel world, so why don't we forge the six Infinity Stones of this universe? The same six forces!

"This method is indeed feasible, provided that I must get the six Infinity Stones and analyze their forging principles. "Sargeras said.

This did give him a new inspiration, and it must be said that this proposal is very tempting.

"So what is your decision? Lord Sargeras. "Rhode looked at Sargeras.

"I need to go to that world, but you can't take me there." Sargeras said.

"Perhaps we can take you there in some other way. Remember that you have the ability to split yourself, and the demon hunter named Illidan is a very suitable body for you. You occupy Illidan's body, and then I will take you to another world." Rhode said.

Poor Mr. Egg, you sacrifice again.

"Very good! I accept your proposal. From now on, you are the third commander of the Burning Legion, with the same status as Archimonde and Kil'jaeden. I will personally infuse you with powerful fel power when I have time. "

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