Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 171: Infusion of evil energy, President Sa's understanding reaches a new level

Sargeras seemed very generous and made a heavy promise to Rhodes. To be honest, if Rhodes had not lied to him and the plan could be implemented smoothly, then the entire Burning Legion would not be as valuable as this in his eyes.

Sargeras didn't regard the demons of the Burning Legion as human beings at all. They were just a bunch of cannon fodder. Even after the entire world was destroyed, these demons would be destroyed.

Makzhar, who was standing aside, looked at Rhodes with envy. This was the third commander of the Burning Legion!

The status is the same as Archimonde and Lord Kil'jaeden, and he will also be infused with evil energy by Sargeras himself. What an honor it is!

He was jealous to death now. As a direct descendant of Archimonde, he dreamed of being infused with evil power by Lord Sargeras himself.

How powerful is the evil energy injected by Sargeras himself? Since the establishment of the entire Burning Legion, there are only two beings who have been personally infused with evil energy by Sargeras.

One of them is Kil'jaeden, the other is Archimonde, and the rest of the bunch of demons are all filled with evil energy by Kil'jaeden and Archimonde.

Or Sargeras created some planets infected with the power of evil and allowed them to absorb the power of evil on their own.

This was the power that Gul'dan once dreamed of, and it was something that countless demons of the Burning Legion dreamed of. I didn't expect that this guy had just joined the Burning Legion and received such a supreme gift.

"You are so generous, Lord Sargeras, shall we start now? Infuse me with evil energy here." Rhodes asked.

"You have to come to the Twisting Void in person! Come to the Burning Throne of Argus. From a long distance, I can indeed infuse you with evil energy, but if you do that, the power is too small. I will give you a very, very Powerful power." Sargeras said with a mysterious smile.

"Lord Sargeras, I think it is possible here. I have a little skill to open space doors. I can open a temporary space door so that you can infuse me with the power of evil with your own hands." Luo De said.

"Are you afraid to come over! Or do you don't want to come over?" Sargeras asked.

It’s not like I didn’t treat the life force in you as invisible! You still have an unclear relationship with Azeroth.

But it doesn't matter, Sargeras doesn't care either.

"Right here! Lord Sargeras, after you infuse me with evil energy, I will immediately go to the Black Temple to destroy Illidan.

Then let your soul occupy his body, and then take you to another world so that you can determine whether what I said is true. "Rhodes refused to go to the Twisting Nether.

"Then let me see! Let me see the power of gems. If what you say is true, then Azeroth will be of no use to me.

There are six infinite rough stones, as long as I can successfully create life, death, chaos, order, light, shadow, six infinite rough stones.

Then the Lord of the Void will definitely not be my opponent. "Sargeras said.

Rhodes took a deep breath, then took out the magic energy crystal containing space energy, pointed it at the shadow of Sargeras, and activated the space energy inside.

An unimaginably huge force of space began to tear apart the entire twisted void and the interface with reality, directly opening a portal as tall as a person.

Opposite is the Burning Throne of the planet Argus, where the Dark Titan Sargeras is located. A giant that reaches the sky and the earth sits there, sitting on his throne.

When Prince Makzhar saw the sky-reaching giant sitting opposite him, he immediately knelt on the ground, and even his legs became weak with fear.

"Hahaha! It seems that you can come to me through this portal, so come closer, boy, and come to me." Sargeras looked at Rhodes with a laugh.

This high tower in Karazhan is very close to the Twisting Nether. If you open the portal here, your position will be mine, boy.

At this time, Rhodes was a little embarrassed. Damn it, I originally just wanted to open a small portal, but in the end I opened a small door that I could go through, but Sargeras couldn't.

However, Rhodes had every reason to suspect that Sargeras secretly played a little trick to make the portal he opened slightly larger.

never mind! He was reluctant to let the child trap the wolf. He had already shown enough value. If Sargeras dared to play tricks, Rhodes would immediately use space power to escape.

The power of space that can travel through the world, Sargeras cannot keep himself.

Taking a deep breath, Rhodes raised his feet and slowly crossed the portal, came to the twisted void, and came to the front of the Argus planet Sargeras.

Only when you really face Sargeras can you feel how powerful this dark titan is.

"Well! You are very brave. If you stand on the opposite side of the door and don't come in, I will look down on you.

But you walked in and proved your courage to me. You dared to face me directly. This is the courage that neither Kil'jaeden nor Archimonde has. "Sargeras looked at the extremely small human beings in front of him and said.

"Great Dark Titan Sargeras, although there was a little accident, I have come to you."

Rhodes looked at the red giant in front of him. His body was extremely huge, bigger than a planet, and he just stood in front of him.

"Don't worry! I know what you are thinking in your heart, you are very powerful.

Even stronger than Archimonde and Kil'jaeden when they received the gift, you can accept more powerful evil power.

Stand still for me now, boy! "Sargeras raised his palm after speaking.

A burst of crimson energy with some green light shot out from Sargeras' palm, and then hit Rhodes.

Rhodes suddenly felt that an unimaginable huge power began to fill his body. While absorbing this huge power, Rhodes' body secretly opened the seal of the Emerald Dream and began to absorb the power of evil energy.

"Your body is like a bottomless pit, so take as much as you can! You're welcome."

Sargeras looked at Rhodes in surprise. This kid's life structure is very strange!

Although he became a demigod due to the infusion of the life force, the power of evil energy and the power of life have found a balance in his body.

As long as this balance is not broken, this boy can perfectly control this power without any side effects.

This is something that Sargeras himself cannot do, because even he, the Dark Titan, will be corrupted by the power of evil, and even his weapons will break by themselves.

But this mortal life form can do it. Is this also the benefit obtained in an alien universe?

After he took control of the evil energy, although the Titan's power of order was not lost, because the evil energy was too powerful, this power was also suppressed.

If the power that perfectly balances evil energy and order can be found, then Sargeras will have the confidence to control these two forces, and even control another kind of force shadow in the twisting void.

In Rhodes, Sargeras saw the possibility of making further progress, and because of this, Sargeras valued Rhodes even more.

Sargeras began to observe Rhodes' power, three-color Haki, and the power of fruits in the world of One Piece, which gave the Dark Titan a new understanding.

This time the infusion of evil energy did not last for nearly ten days like the last infusion of life energy.

At that time, Rhodes himself was a mortal-level life form, but now he has been promoted to a demigod, with a higher life level and more powerful energy that he can contain.

Therefore, in just three days, Sargeras ended the infusion of evil power.

At this time, the life force and evil energy in Rhodes' body have become equal. Before, life had the upper hand, but now the power of evil energy has caught up again.

The two forces formed a perfect movement in Rhodes' body, and the excess evil power was absorbed into the imprint of the Emerald Dream.

After this infusion of evil energy, Rhodes' power has improved further, although he has not yet broken away from the level of demigod.

But in terms of strength, it is already on par with, or even surpassed, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde.

"Thank you, Lord Sargeras, you are so generous." Rhodes bowed to Sargeras.

"You're welcome. Infusing you with the power of evil this time also made me see something different. The two forces in your body formed a perfect balance.

In addition to infusing you with the power of evil these days, I am also observing this balance and the power of another world, and I have gained some insights.

What you have given me is the opportunity to go further. Chaos and order may form a perfect balance. "Sargeras touched his chin and answered Rhodes thoughtfully.

With such a perfect experimental subject in front of him, how could Sargeras give up observing Rhodes?

The two forces in his body balance each other and interact with each other, which has been seen through by Sargeras.

It only takes some time for him to regain the power of order and switch between demon and titan forms at will.

Rhodes was also shocked when he heard this, holy shit, isn't it!

Could it be that I was just infused with evil power once and actually helped Mr. Sa reach a higher level?

At this time, Sargeras clenched his fists, and then a black power covered his fists, armed with domineering color.

At the same time, an earth-shattering pressure also pressed on Rhodes, which was the domineering power of the Overlord and the domineering power of the Wisdom and Knowledge.

"I need to practice hard for a while. The power of balance in your body is very interesting. It's also interesting to switch between demon transformation and titan transformation, isn't it?" Sargeras said.

"." Rhodes.

Damn it! I came here for free, but it seems I was paid for free!

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