"Just call me Rhodes, the powerful evil lord Azordon." Rhodes said.

To be on the safe side, he did not tell his full name. Who knows if these demons could cast some evil curse or some kind of vicious spell on him if they knew his full name.

"You are a very cautious boy. You actually didn't tell me your full name. Tell me! What do you want to do when you summon me?" asked the Eredar Evil Lord.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it can be used by their Burning Legion, the Legion will accept everyone who comes.

"I want to join the Legion, I want fel power, I want it all.

And I can also open a portal for the Legion, a portal that leads directly to the world of Azeroth. " Rhodes sneered and said.

This is my trump card.

"Haha! Open the portal? Just you? Hahaha! You're too weak, kid, you can't do it." The Eredar Evil Lord said with a smile.

Can this guy really serve the Legion?

To be honest, with this kid's current strength, he thinks it will be a problem for the other party to summon a Dread Guard or the Doom Guard to appear in Azeroth.

If it reaches the sky, it will summon some imps, void walkers, hellhounds, succubi and other low-level cannon fodder demons.

What kind of self-confidence makes this kid dare to brag about Haikou and open a portal for the legion?

But working as an undercover agent for the Legion, spying on intelligence, and serving as agents for the Dread Lords was fine.

"So, can you satisfy my request and give me the method to practice evil spells?" Rhodes asked.

"Hahaha! Of course, but what kind of boy can you provide me?

Just by saying a word, can I help summon the legion in the future? If that's all, there's probably no need for us to talk anymore. "

In the world of Azeroth, there are also many mortal races who yearn for evil power and want to join the Burning Legion.

And in this world, the Burning Legion is not blind.

There are still several fear devils lurking in the world in the Legion. On the surface, there is also the evil lord Kazzak and a large number of demons under him.

There are also some legion troops remaining in the Tomb of Sargeras. However, it is not easy to open a super cross-border portal and let legion troops enter the portal of this world!

What a pity, what was summoned to Azeroth this time was just his shadow, and it had a certain binding force, so he couldn't do anything.

Otherwise, he would like to seize the body of this warlock apprentice and then cause trouble in Azeroth.

"It seems like these soul fragments can't satisfy your appetite, so what do you think about this?"

Rhodes took a deep breath and took out a shining blue bead from his backpack, which contained a terrifying blue energy.

The moment he saw this blue bead, the eredar demon lord was instantly shocked.

"This, this, how do you have such a thing? Boy, what is this and why? It is filled with such terrifying space energy."

As a powerful eredar demon who has lived for more than 10,000 years, he still has the discernment of the evil lord Asoden, even though he is separated by countless planes.

Even though he was just summoned a virtual one, he could still clearly sense the powerful space energy in this blue bead. This was extremely terrifying space energy.

As long as you build a demon portal, you can use the space energy in this blue orb to easily open a demon portal that connects to the headquarters of the Argus Legion.

Let the endless demon army descend on the world of Azeroth again. If this can be done, Lord Kil'jaeden will definitely reward himself very generously.

The Ereda Demon's eyes showed an extremely excited and greedy look, and he spoke.

"Very good, young man, I will teach you how to build a demon portal, and you will be responsible for the construction. Then use the energy in this blue crystal ball to open the portal to welcome the arrival of the Burning Legion. You will gain endless reward."

"I know, I know exactly what kind of power the bead in my hand has, and I also know what the space energy in it means to the Burning Legion?

So now, I think I can meet Lord Kil'jaeden! " Rhodes sneered and said.

You, a little eredar demon lord, dare to fool me? Do you really think that a time traveler like me is someone to be trifled with?

You want to lie to me, but you are still a little naive. You may not know more than I do about the internal affairs of the Burning Legion.

"Do you no longer believe in me or the powerful Lord Azordon? Or do you mean that you have no intention of serving the legion at all?" The Eredar Demon looked very angry and said.

Rhodes chuckled very disdainfully and said. : "Come on, Eredar Demon Lord, I can serve the Legion and help the Legion gain the world of Azeroth, but I want to gain great power.

That's all, but you plan to deceive me, don't give me anything, and just want me to build you a demon portal?

Now either you will introduce Lord Kil'jaeden to me, or you will lose this opportunity and I will summon other demons. I believe other demons will be more generous than you. "

"Hahaha! Just you? A kid who has learned a little bit about the warlock's fel spells? What qualifications do you have to meet Lord Kil'jaeden? You really think you have a treasure in your hands.

Is it an indispensable item for the legion? I ask you to build a cross-border portal and summon the legion's army. After success, I let you join the legion. This is already a very generous gift. "Eredar Evil Lord Azordon said.

"Goodbye then, Lord Azordon, the evil lord of the Eredar Demon. It seems that we have not reached an agreement. I'd better summon other demons!" After Rhodes said this, he pretended to cut off the summoning circle.

I don’t believe you can’t be fooled by this thing. The space energy in it is my bait.

Eredar demon and evil lord Azordon became anxious when he saw Rhodes intending to cut off the summoning circle, and hurriedly spoke.

"No! No! Wait, wait, OK! OK!

I will report your news to Lord Kil'jaeden, but I cannot guarantee whether Lord Deceiver is willing to see you. "

There was no way, he was really caught up in this matter, the Legion wanted this planet so much, Lord Kil'jaeden might make an exception to see him.

"Hmph! I believe that if you tell Kil'jaeden about the treasure in my hand, he will be very happy to meet me." Rhode snorted coldly.

The eredar demon Azordon said: "Hmph! Listen, boy, you summon me again in two months. If Lord Kil'jaeden is willing to see you, he will be there."

"Wait a minute, you have to give me some methods to practice evil spells. Otherwise, even if you are willing to introduce Lord Kil'jaeden to me, I will never call you again in the future." Rhodes said.

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