Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 3 Fel Spell Manual, Blood of the Abyss Lord

Please! My brother summoned you just to learn some advanced evil spells. If you don't give me anything and just leave without giving me anything, then wouldn't it be worth the loss? Do you know that it is very laborious for me to catch these low-level creatures? It's not easy to summon you once!

The red demon phantom sneered and said. : "I really hope to teach you advanced evil spells, but the summoning array you used this time is just a virtual image. It just summoned a projection of me. How can I teach you advanced evil spells? ?”

"Since I dare to use the summoning array to summon you, I am naturally prepared and know something about you demons. Although you are a virtual image, you are still useful and can even trade some things with me." Rhodes sneered and said.

"Hahaha! He is such an interesting boy, okay! Come closer and I will teach you advanced evil spells." Evil Lord Azordon said.

"No need, I have prepared a notebook. You can just burn your evil spells into it. I know you can do it. Don't try any tricks." Rhodes said.

The demon summoning circle that I drew was learned by Chongjin from a warlock instructor in Stormwind City. It is very safe and practical.

You can summon high-level demons from the Twisting Nether, and exert certain binding force on these demons. For example, the demons cannot pinpoint where you are and cannot use evil spells to corrupt your mind. No offensive or malicious spells can be used against you.

And through this teleportation summoning circle, the two parties can simply trade something.

"Don't worry, I won't play tricks. Your summoning circle is well laid out. It can be seen that you are very attentive." After the evil Lord Azuozuo finished speaking, he used his weak evil spells and began to He was writing on the notebook, and soon a handwriting filled with profound evil spells fell on the ground.

At the same time, a large bottle also fell to the ground, containing some dark green liquid. Rhodes clearly felt that there was very powerful evil power on this bottle.

"Take it, kid! This is my evil energy notebook. It records some of my superb evil energy spells. However, you are too weak now to practice some of my advanced spells, so I want to give you a copy. A special little gift can greatly enhance your strength.

This green bottle contains the blood of the Burning Legion's top cadres, the Lords of the Abyss. Drinking this evil blood will give you powerful evil power, so don't be polite! Azorden let out a gloomy laugh and said.

Drink it, boy. After drinking it, you will indeed gain powerful power, but the terrifying evil power will also corrode your mind.

After saying these words, Azordon's shadow disappeared, the demon summoning circle became ineffective, and the light in the entire basement dimmed.

After confirming that the eredar demon had left, Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at the two things placed in the center of the demonic circle.

A pamphlet recording advanced fel spells, and a vial of blood from an unknown abyssal demon lord.

The blood of the Abyss Lord is famous!

The orcs from Draenor were corrupted, turning their original brown skin into green skin.

The blood of the abyss lords has extremely terrifying corrosive power. Any creature that consumes their blood will be transformed into a kind of evil life.

Ma Fat only used a little blood to corrupt the entire orc tribe. Illidan imprisoned an abyss lord and continuously drew blood from it to create evil orcs.

These evil orcs have become completely demonized.

You definitely can't drink this thing. Although the orcs who drank the blood of evil energy finally gained their freedom, the side effects were too great, and no one could guarantee that they would be able to break free from the shackles of evil energy.

At his current level, if he drank this bottle of evil blood from the Abyss Lord, he would probably transform from a human into a demon immediately.

However, who said that this bottle of blood must be used by yourself? The blood of the Abyss Lord is still very precious, and this thing is so useful.

Rhodes took a deep breath and called his demon subordinates. To be on the safe side, he would not touch these two things for the time being and let these demon creatures go up and test them first.

"Sarna, come here and check for me. Is there anything wrong with this book that records evil spells? There is also this bottle of blood," Rhodes said.

"Hahaha! You are so bold, my master. I was so scared just now that I couldn't move. How dare you make a deal with an evil lord?" A seductive female voice sounded beside Rhodes.

"Tch! Didn't I tell you? How bold a person is, how productive the land is." Rhodes said.

"Hehe! You are indeed the master I like."

A succubus with dark red skin, a delicate face, a pair of curved horns on her head, a pair of devil wings on her back, and lamb hooves appeared behind Rhodes.

Then he clung to Rhodes very closely and stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around Rhodes' neck.

"Master, how dare you threaten an eredar demon, any eredar demon.

He held the position of commander in the legion, not to mention that the other party was an Eredar evil lord.

His strength is extremely strong, but you actually convinced him and got the opportunity to meet the deceiver Lord Kil'jaeden. "

I didn't expect that my master would be so brave. He really defeated an eredar evil lord, and also got the opportunity to meet Lord Kil'jaeden. It seemed that he was with the right person.

This master is not like those human warlocks. This master is very willing to accept the legion and the power of evil.

"Sarna, you're too close." Rhodes pushed the little goblin in his arms out with a straight face.

Please! I'm not at the point where I can play Succubus without getting hurt yet!

However, a certain succubus obviously didn't intend to let him go, and actually stuck to him again, laughing.

"Do you want me to check your body? Master?"

"I want you to check this evil energy booklet and the bottle of blood on the ground to see if there are any problems. I am not asking you to stick to me." Rhodes pushed away the woman who was sticking to him again. said the succubus.

My mouth is really dry! This little goblin, when I become stronger and can play succubus without any damage, I will definitely summon ten beautiful succubi over, and then we can play the multiplayer online mode game together.

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