Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 216 Resurrection of the Dead, Collecting Asgard and Dark Elves’ Soul Energy

A large number of dark elves are driving spaceships to attack Asgard.

But the time is a bit wrong! Rhodes frowned. These dark elves should not invade Asgard at this point in time.

Now the New York War has just ended, Thor has just returned to Asgard, and even the Rainbow Bridge has just been repaired.

The plot of Thor 2 should not happen until next year, and when he was a guest in Asgard before.

Rhodes also asked Heimdall when the celestial wonder of the nine realms connecting in a line would begin?

And Heimdall's answer was very clear, it would be next year, so why would the dark elves invade Asgard at this point?

"It's the dark elves, these bastards, these bastards actually came back."

Not only Rhodes but also the dwarf king Etri beside him recognized the dark elf ships.

"Elves? Or dark elves? They look quite similar to night elves.

But their ears are slightly smaller, their skin is a little darker, and the energy in their bodies is like shadow." Azeroth stared at the dark elves who were attacking Asgard, her face full of curiosity.

The elves of Azeroth can be said to be a race she created indirectly.

The trolls are the native race born on their own planet, and the oldest night elves were born after being infected with the magic of the Well of Eternity.

The later high elves, the children of the night, were all infected with another kind of magic, degenerated or mutated.

The appearance of these elves is much worse than that of the elves in the world of Azeroth.

The dark energy in their bodies is somewhat similar to the power of shadow, but not exactly the same.

"They are completely dark creatures. They like dark environments, so their dream is to turn the entire universe into a dark world.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Asgard's previous monarch, Odin's father, defeated Malekith, the leader of their dark elves, and sealed them in the dark world.

I didn't expect that these sealed dark creatures would come back one day.

Powerful gods, please help Asgard. These dark elves are trying to drag the entire universe into darkness." The dwarf king Atre immediately asked for help from Rhodes and others.

The races protected by Asgard in the Nine Realms don't have a good impression of the dark elves.

Even the frost giants who had a fierce war with Asgard in the past were not very friendly to these dark elves.

These guys are a group of complete lunatics. After the entire universe fell into darkness, no creature except them could survive.

"Let the entire universe fall into darkness? There are also a group of such guys in our universe, but their strength is much stronger than theirs.

How can such weak creatures like them make this world fall into darkness?" Sargeras was a little curious.

The ultimate goal of the Void Lord of his own world is to plunge the entire world into darkness.

But the problem is that his strength is strong enough and he is indeed capable of invading the material universe.

But these guys are a group of people who are slightly stronger than mortal races. What do you think they can do?

"They have created a powerful weapon that uses a reality gem called ether particles. They want to use this weapon to plunge the entire world into darkness." The dwarf king explained to everyone.

"Don't worry! We will not sit idly by. Although we don't know the specific situation, we will eliminate these guys first." After saying this, Rhodes took the lead in crossing the portal.

To drag the entire universe into the dark world, the power of an infinite gem seems to be not enough!

Sargeras and Azeroth also followed Rhodes into the portal.

"It's a good time to try my new weapon." Azeroth raised the bow in his hand, aimed at a dark elf ship, and then pulled the bowstring to the full, and a blue magic energy arrow began to gather on the bow.


The huge energy arrow shot out and directly blew the dark elf spaceship in front of him to pieces.

"This artifact is quite powerful. I will use it when I possess Tyrande in the future." Azeroth smiled while holding the bow in his hand.

Rhodes released his two Homi creations, and then a sea of ​​fire appeared, directly enveloping the invading dark elf fleet in the sky.

"Explain my power! I will burn you to death, bugs." Hades's fel flame instantly burned a large number of dark elves to death.

"Hades, don't think about being in the limelight alone. Get up, dark elves, attack your compatriots." At this time, Helios also used the power of the eternal fire.

The soul fire was poured into the bodies of the dead dark elves.

These originally dead dark elves instantly had green eyes, and then turned into undead forms and stood up, launching a fierce attack on their original compatriots.

"This ability to resurrect the undead is a bit similar to undead magic, but it is different." Sargeras said.

It's really strange that the name is called the eternal fire, but it has the power to manipulate the undead. The soul fire is really strange.

"Let's take action too! Let's beat back these dark elves first." After saying that, Rhodes shot out a ray of fel flame, burning the dark elves in front of him into ashes.

Mr. Sa also started to take action. Arcane magic was playing tricks in his hands, and various spells emerged in endlessly.

The dark elves who died in large numbers would be controlled by Helios' soulfire, and then stand up again to join the camp against their companions.

If Rhodes hadn't ordered it, even those Asgardian soldiers who died in the battle would have been transformed into undead by Helios and then resurrected.

"Fighters of Asgard, gather the bodies of your companions.

If they didn't die for too long and the bodies were kept intact, I could resurrect them for a small price. " Rhodes shouted at this time.

This is a great opportunity! How can you let go of a wave of Asgardian souls?

The life spell of the world of Azeroth and your own soul stone can bring back these recently dead lives.

You Asgardians contribute a little soul energy, isn't it too much?

"Your Highness Rhodes, thank you for your help, but these warriors are already dead, and we don't want them to become undead." An Asgardian general said.

He thought Rhodes' method was to make the mace weapon that was showing its power turn into the same undead state as the dark elves.

"Then you are overthinking, Asgardian warriors, I know a skill called soul stone, which can resurrect the life that has just died.

But the corpse cannot be damaged too seriously, but to use this ability, I need some soul energy. Can you contribute some? "Rhodes explained his soul stone skills to a group of Asgardians.

The Asgardian soldiers immediately brought over some Asgardians who had just died and whose bodies were not seriously damaged.

Rhodes cast evil spells, first making a well of souls, and then asking these Asgard soldiers to make their own healing stones in it.

With Rhode's current evil power, he can easily create a soul well, allowing them to make powerful healing stones on their own.

"I need to extract the power of your souls for hundreds of years, and then resurrect your companions. After they are resurrected.

The injuries on their bodies will still exist, so you have to use these healing stones to treat their injuries.

The method of use is very simple, just crush it on them. "

Rhodes introduced the use of the Well of Souls to everyone in Asgard, and how he would operate it later.

"If it can save our companions, a hundred years of life is nothing. Please save them, Lord Rhodes."

Rhodes smiled and nodded, and began to extract the soul power from these living Asgardian warriors.

Then use some of the mortal soul energy extracted in Azeroth to make soul stones to resurrect these dead warriors of Asgard.

Azeroth's resurrection spell has great limitations, but if this thing is used on the battlefield, it is definitely a magical skill!

Soon a fallen Asgardian warrior opened his eyes after touching the soul stone, and then recovered again with the help of the healing stone.

"It's incredible! It's actually resurrected! It's really amazing magic."

"Although there is a cost of consuming soul energy, this amount of soul energy is not worth mentioning to us Asgardians!

Brothers who are still alive! Hurry and collect the corpses of your companions, and then come over to contribute your soul energy.

Resurrecting our dead comrades, every Asgardian is the most precious. "The Asgardian commander roared loudly.

A large number of Asgardians began to take action, the living provided soul energy, and the dead waited for resurrection.

Rhodes stood aside with a smile on his face, that's it, come on! bring it on!

Give me soul energy, Asgardian soul energy.

After his two weapons showed great power, a large number of dark elves also fell into fear of Rhodes.

Rhodes naturally would not let go of this state, and directly created two soul clones to extract the soul power of these dark elves.

Rhodes was not polite to them, and directly extracted all their souls.

The soul power of the dark elves is also very precious, not much inferior to that of the Asgardians.

The battlefield and the like are perfect for extracting soul power.

The soul power of the Asgardians and the soul power of the dark elves are all mine now.

The situation on the battlefield began to completely reverse. A steady stream of Asgardian warriors came to life and continued to join the battle.

On the Dark Elf side, a large number of warriors fell into fear of Rhodes, and immediately had their entire souls extracted, fell to the ground, and then their bodies were resurrected by Hades using soul fire.

Malekith, the leader of the dark elves, watched all this and glared at Rhodes with gritted teeth, extremely angry.

"Lord Malekith, it's time for us to retreat." The cursed warrior next to him held back the furious Malekith.

"I know, let the soldiers start to retreat!" Malekith took a deep breath and gave the order to retreat to all the dark elves.

After leaving behind a large number of corpses, the dark elf leader Malekith left Asgard in embarrassment with his men.

"Your Highness Rhodes, we and some of our companions have some mutilated bodies. Please save them."

"We can give more soul power, as long as you can save our comrades."

Some Asgardian warriors dragged some broken bodies, some of which even had their lower bodies missing.

"I'm sorry, it's okay for the bodies to have some injuries, but they must remain intact. I can't do anything about a half-body like this." Rhodes shook his head.

Do you really think I'm omnipotent? My soul stone, even the life spell of resurrection, can't revive a half-body.

The Asgardian warriors were a little disappointed when they heard this, but it was already very good. Many of the warriors who died in the battle today were resurrected.

It was not until the afternoon of that day that Odin brought Thor to Rhodes.

"Your Highness Rhodes, I heard that you can revive the dead. Please, please, save my mother. She was attacked by Malekith!" Thor rushed over, grabbed Rhodes and said pleadingly.

"Thank you Lord Rod, thank you for helping us repel the enemy and resurrect our Asgard warriors.

Please save my queen. If you need soul energy, I, the God King, can also provide it." Odin also came to Rod.

"If the body is well preserved, then I can revive her. Please bring your Queen here!"

Of course, if the body is damaged, then I have no choice.

The father and son nodded, and soon brought the Queen's body over. She was killed by the dark elf leader and the cursed warriors.

The wounds were in the abdomen and the waist. The good news is that the body did not suffer any serious damage.

Rod extracted the soul energy of Odin and Thor for 100 years each, and then directly cast the spell of resurrection.

The emerald green life energy wrapped the Queen of Asgard and began to slowly repair her body gap.

Then he used the soul stone to drag her soul back to Valhalla, and successfully resurrected the Queen.

"Hoo! Hoo!" Asgard suddenly opened her eyes behind her, gasping for air. She was resurrected.

"Great, mother! You're back! I don't know what to do without you." Thor immediately threw himself into his mother's arms and cried.

"I don't want to leave you either, dear."

"Welcome back, my queen." Odin stepped forward and patted Frigga on the shoulder and said.

"Lord, can you tell me what happened?" Rod asked.

"It's all this idiot's fault." God King Odin punched his son hard.

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