Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 217: Thor goes to punish his eldest daughter's old father and goes to find his girlfrie

Thor, the god of thunder, was punched to the ground by his father, and his whole face was swollen. Odin, who had regained his strength and gained great strength, could seriously injure him with a single punch.

"Oh my god! My dear, don't hit him like this." Queen Frigga hurried forward to help her son up.

"You're still protecting him, how much trouble has this idiot caused?

If it hadn't been for someone's help today, you would have died here, and many of our Asgardian warriors would have died too. "Odin said with some annoyance.

“It’s not because you left suddenly, if you didn’t leave suddenly.

With your current strength, even if those dark elves come, they will not get any benefits and will be wiped out by you alone. "

Queen Frigga immediately accused Odin not to be outdone.

Rhodes, who was watching the commotion and not taking it too seriously, listened with interest. It was quite interesting to watch the daily life of the Thor soap opera family.

You know, the current Odin is not the cowardly old man in the movie version!

Azeroth gave him a large amount of life force replenishment, allowing his combat effectiveness to return to its peak state, even stronger than at its peak.

In this case, even if the dark elves come for a sneak attack and there are cursed warriors, it is still not enough to face Odin. Odin can even wipe them all out by himself.

Odin in his heyday could defeat the flame giant Sumelt, and Sumelt could die with Hela, or Hela in Asgard.

From what they said, it seemed as if Odin suddenly went to do something and was no longer in Asgard.

No wonder I didn't see Thor and Odin when I just dealt with the dark elves.

"I have something to deal with, and it is something that must be dealt with, but I just left for a short while, and this bastard caused such a big trouble for me." Odin said angrily.

After saying that, he wanted to go up and beat Thor, the God of Thunder, but Queen Frigga immediately stood in front of her husband.

"I asked him to bring the girl here, how about it? Don't I even have this right?"

"Mother, please stop trying to excuse me. It was my fault this time.

If I hadn't left my post without permission, things wouldn't have turned out like this, and you wouldn't have been attacked by them. "Thunder God Thor wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and pushed his mother away.

"I'll take care of you after a while. I'm sorry for making you laugh. Thank you for your help.

Otherwise, we in Asgard will really suffer heavy losses this time.

These dark elves actually dared to attack Asgard while I was away and my son was AWOL. "

"So! What happened? God King Odin, why did you suddenly leave Asgard?" Rhode asked.

"Alas! Thor! Go and comfort the soldiers, treat the wounded, and then clean up the mess." Odin obviously had something he didn't want Thor to know about, so he sent his son away directly.

Thor, the god of thunder, smiled awkwardly, waved his hammer and left.

After Thor left, Rhodes and others were invited to the temple by Odin, and then Odin began to tell Rhodes and others the whole story.

After Thor, the god of thunder, returned from the dwarf planet, Odin ordered him to protect Asgard, and he had to do something for a short time, and the safety of Asgard was entrusted to him.

God King Odin first went to the Sealed Land, then took back the Reality Stone and placed it in Asgard. He told Thor to take good care of the house and left again.

Thor, the god of thunder, promised well, but his father had just left.

A certain Thor was bewitched by his own hammer. We should go see your lover, Dr. Jane. You didn't go to see him last time you went to New York.

Thor thought it made sense, so he asked Heimdall to open the Rainbow Bridge, and wanted to go to Earth to have a private meeting with his little girlfriend.

The ether particles were retrieved by Odin, which alerted the sleeping dark elves. The dark elves directly took advantage of Asgar's emptiness to launch an attack here.

Odin and Thor returned even later than Rhodes, Sargeras and others.

Because these dark elves attacked the Rainbow Bridge first, causing Asgard's teleportation ability to fail, God King Odin and Thor, God of Thunder, rushed back with all their strength.

The battle is essentially over, and Odin is furious at Thor's actions.

"I didn't expect Thor, an idiot, to leave his post and run to Earth without permission." Odin sighed helplessly.

He didn't know that taking away the ether particles would cause the dark elves to wake up. (I reviewed the movie today. In Thor 2, Odin doesn’t know that once the ether particles are activated, the dark elves will awaken.)

If Thor had been in Asgard, they wouldn't have been beaten so badly. At least the Rainbow Bridge could be defended, and he could support them back as quickly as possible.

Then teach these dark elves a lesson.

"I see, Lord God King." Odin actually took the ether particles back to Asgard in advance. No wonder the dark elves would wake up.

"The ether particle is actually the Reality Stone. I thought some of you might be able to use it, so I took it back."

When he retrieved the ether particles, he actually wanted to befriend Rhodes. He could see that Rhodes and others were collecting Infinity Stones, so he went to retrieve the Reality Stones.

And if Thor comes back and the situation there is livable, they Asgardians will have to move, and they will have to deal with many things.

"Then I went to meet my eldest daughter. In addition to my two sons Thor and Loki, I actually have another eldest daughter.

Her strength is stronger than my two sons, and second only to me in the entire Asrad.

Thousands of years ago, she was expelled from Asgard by me because she had different ideas from me, and she has been sealed in the underworld of Helm for more than a thousand years.

If we were to leave this universe, then my eldest daughter would be free and I had to take care of her business ahead of time, so I went to see her. "

His eldest daughter is very powerful and is bound to Asgard. If Asgard exists, her divine power will exist.

But if she leaves with Asgard and loses her own suppression, she will indeed reappear, but her power will gradually weaken, and she may even become a mortal.

And in another world, if you want to face that void force, a war is needed.

His eldest daughter is also an indispensable fighting force, so while he is in his prime and at the peak of his divine power, Odin plans to use force to convince his eldest daughter.

After the father and daughter met, the scene was extremely heated. Hela couldn't understand and was very unhappy that her father suddenly became younger and had stronger supernatural powers.

The father and daughter fought on the spot, but faced with Odin who had regained his peak divine power, Hela had no choice but to be hung up and hammered.

Just when Odin was beating his eldest daughter, he suddenly felt that his country was being attacked.

Odin had no choice but to carry Hela, who was beaten to death, and then returned to Asgard to take charge of the overall situation. As a result, he discovered that a certain bastard son had left his post without permission.

Actually just to meet an Earth woman, Odin had already warned Thor not to fall in love with humans.

Their lives are not on the same level at all. A few decades is a lifetime for people on earth.

But for Asgardians, especially for gods like Thor, it is just a short moment, and the love between two people is destined to not have any good results.

Odin told Rhodes the whole story.

All right! It turns out that there are still so many twists and turns. After a long time, Odin saw that his people wanted to collect the infinite stones, so he went to get the ether particles back. Unexpectedly, he alerted the night elves.

However, Rhodes suspected that old man Odin just wanted to add some war chips to himself and recruit his eldest daughter back for this reason.

After the Twilight of the Gods is eliminated, they have to face powerful enemies in the void, and Odin's eldest daughter Hela is a super fighter.

No wonder this old man left suddenly.

"I made you laugh, but thank you for your help. The Reality Stone was sealed by my father. Now I have taken it back and lend it to you for use!" After Odin finished speaking, he handed the ruby ​​​​in his hand to Rhodes and others. people.

"Actually, Lord God King, your eldest daughter is not incapable of change. Maybe you can change your mind.

For example, deal with her the same way you dealt with your son, deprive her of her divine power, and let her experience mortal life. " Rhodes said.

In Marvel's What If, Hela was deprived of her powers by Odin and ended up like Thor.

It fell to the earth, met the Ten Rings, and directly transformed into Hela, the goddess of light.

"Her character is very stubborn, but what you said is indeed right. If she is deprived of her divine power, this girl may change. Your Highness Rhodes, can I ask you a favor?

Since you want to take my eldest son Thor, the God of Thunder, there, then take Hela with you! I will deprive her of her divine power and let her experience a mortal life, but I will also trouble you to take care of her. "Odin looked at Rhodes with a smile.

This suggestion is not bad, and it is also good to let Hela experience the life of a mortal. It just so happens that this time she will go to the underworld of Heim.

Odin has repaired his eldest daughter well and brought her back to Asgard, and she is now lying in a cell!

"No problem, I will let your daughter enjoy a mortal life." Rhodes smiled.

If Hela in the Marvel world saw what happened to Hela in the Azeroth world, her resentment towards her father would be reduced a lot!

Look at how miserable this person is, even his body was destroyed by his old father, and he was forcibly transformed into a Val'kyr.

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