Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 222 Hela's information, the secret of the cosmic god

Rhodes nodded, yes! The next mission goal is to bring back the head of the God of the Universe.

In addition, the space scavengers are asked to collect some interstellar weapons, and even collect some to create a production line for weapons.

On the spaceship these days, Yondu has contacted his former subordinates and asked them to make large purchases, as for money.

We are about to go to the land of nothingness. Will we be short of money in this case?

"Do you need me to send the legion's fleet to help you?" Sargeras asked.

"No need, we can handle this alone. His head is not much bigger than this planet." Rhodes shook his head.

But to be honest, Rhodes didn't actually have much hope for the God's Head mined by this collector, because it had been mined for many years, and even the entire interior had been hollowed out.

But even so, it's a good specimen for Sargeras.

"I know, you should act as soon as possible!"

Rhodes nodded and planned to close the portal, but at this time Sargeras' clone handed the three infinite gems to the main body through the portal.

"Let me study these three gems first! Their power really surprised me."

Hearing this, Rhodes nodded and temporarily stopped closing the portal.

The three Infinity Stones have just arrived in front of Sargeras after leaving the Marvel Universe.

The incomparable violent energy that was exuding from all over his body suddenly disappeared, and then turned into three ordinary gems, without any conspicuous features.

Sargeras took the three gems and looked at them very carefully, then showed a disappointed expression.

"The power above has indeed disappeared. Now its essence is a relatively hard gem. The original endless power and infinite power have disappeared."

The power of this infinite gem is so powerful if only three of it are embedded in his sword.

If you can collect all six gems, you can definitely kill the Lord of the Void, and it will be extremely easy.

But what a pity! After arriving in its own universe, it is just an ordinary gem with no abilities at all.

When Rhodes heard this, he shrugged helplessly.

Of course! When I first came to the Marvel world, I had the idea of ​​​​infinity stones.

But unfortunately, once the Infinity Stones leave the original universe, they will immediately lose their effectiveness. It is not that they have unlimited energy, but that they have unlimited energy in the Marvel world.

Otherwise, what Rhodes stole at that time was not the space gem energy, but a complete space gem.

However, as his strength grows, Rhodes has gradually realized that his space ability will surpass the space gem in the future.

"But they gave me great inspiration. We are more powerful against the void." Sargeras showed an excited expression.

After obtaining the brain of this cosmic god, he will be able to control a power that is not inferior to the power of the Order Titan. In the future, he will build the ultimate Titan body.

Then he made the six infinity stones of his own universe, and then installed them on his body to control the six forces, destroy the army of the void, and become the savior of the universe, the true savior.

Rhodes nodded, then closed the space connected to the world of Azeroth, and then the group returned to their spaceship.

As soon as he entered the spacecraft, Thor rushed forward impatiently.

"Oh my god! Rhodes! Who was that giant just now? Although I only glanced at him from a distance.

But with the divine power and extremely large size contained in him, is he a cosmic god? "

Just now in the spaceship, he saw the image of Sargeras. At this time, Sargeras's body was not the image of a huge demon, but the image of a glorious titan, the giant god of order. To outsiders, he looked like a normal person. Titan.

In the Marvel Universe, the only ones with planet-sized divine bodies are the Cosmic Gods.

This is a legendary mysterious race, and their existence maintains the balance of the entire universe.

"The one opposite is a Titan formed after the soul of the planet awakened. It is a creature of our universe. It is not the cosmic god of this world. Don't get confused."

"It is said that these cosmic gods are very mysterious. Each of them has the power to reach the sky and the earth, and can easily create stars." Thor, the God of Thunder, looked excited.

Asgard's literature records many things about the gods of the universe, and even his father Odin once encountered them.

"Then do you know why? After the arrival of the cosmic gods, what happened between Odin and them?" I don't know when the death god Hela woke up. And asked an ambiguous question.

"Uh! I don't know about this. My father just told me not to provoke them. He had encountered these gods when he was young, and I wasn't even born yet!"

"Haha! That's because Odin was severely humiliated by the gods of the universe. In the eyes of these gods of the universe.

Even he, the god-king of Asgard, is just a more powerful mortal. "Hela, the god of death, showed a mocking expression.

At that time, more than a dozen cosmic gods surrounded Odin, and then severely taught his arrogant father a lesson.

It was because of that fight that Odin gave up the road to continue to dominate the universe and wanted to be a protector of the nine realms.

However, Odin's strength has improved now. If he faces a cosmic god alone, that damn old father still has a chance of winning.

"Why? Will the cosmic gods conflict with Odin?" Rhodes was also a little curious.

Odin and all the gods on Earth did have conflicts with the cosmic gods in the comics.

"Haha! The reason is very simple. A long time ago, the cosmic gods planted a seed of a god on the earth. When the life on the earth reaches a sufficient number.

This cosmic god will wake up and devour the earth, that is, all the life on Midgar.

Destroy the earth and become a new god. All the life on the earth is just the necessary nutrients for the birth of this cosmic god." Hela said.

His father Odin once left countless legends on Midgar, and even planned to completely rule Midgar.

But it was also because of the Cosmic Gods that his father gave up everything, returned to Asgard, and no longer intervened in anything about the Earth.

Because this planet is destined to be destroyed in the future and become the nourishment for the birth of the Cosmic Gods.

Countless Earth gods wanted to stop all this, but in the end, the Cosmic Gods used absolute power to make all Earth gods promise not to intervene in this matter.

And moved away from the Earth to avoid the upcoming destruction in the future. Now the gods who know about this in the entire Asgard are only himself, Odin, and Heimdall.

"What? You mean the Earth? Will the Earth be destroyed in the future? Will it become a nutrient for hatching Cosmic Gods?" Thor's face immediately darkened.

The Earth is of self-evident importance to him.

Thor once joined the Avengers and left too many ties and love on Earth, so if someone wants to destroy the Earth, then it is his enemy, Thor.

"So that's why. No wonder the gods on Earth, the gods of Norse mythology, Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, and even Eastern mythology, will leave.

It turns out that it's because of the Cosmic Gods." Rhodes, who was standing aside, said thoughtfully.

The Cosmic Gods were hatched on Earth. As the native gods of the Earth, they couldn't be unaware of this, but they knew it and had no way to stop it. After all, the strength of the Cosmic Gods was too terrifying.

"Is this Ragnarok? The destruction of the Earth? So, that's why my father wants to take us away."

"?? This is not Ragnarok, kid! Ragnarok is related to the Flame Giant. Legend has it that it is destined to destroy Asgard. Whether you kill him or separate him from the Eternal Fire, it will eventually resurrect and destroy Asgard." Hela explained to Thor what the real Ragnarok is.

Ragnarok is the fate of Asgard. Their rule is dawn, day, and darkness, just like a reincarnation.

Even if Asgard is destroyed, it has little to do with the Earth. If the Earth is destroyed, it has nothing to do with Asgard.

"I have to inform Tony and the others as soon as possible. There is such a terrible guy buried in the center of the earth. We have to get rid of it quickly." Thor immediately planned to inform his former teammates.

"Haha, it's ridiculous. Stop a god from appearing? They sent the Eternals to protect this guy. The strength of each Eternal is not weaker than yours.

They are the perfect war weapons created by the Cosmic God Group, and even if you can defeat them, how can you kill a giant god sleeping in the center of the planet?" Hela asked.

"If we have the help of six infinite gems, then we can peel it off the earth."

Sageras raised the giant sword in his hand, and the three infinite gems emitted a strange light.

"The gods of the earth at that time also thought so, but more than a dozen members of the Cosmic God Group who descended.

Let all the gods give up this idea. Even if you collect six infinite gems, you can't beat the Cosmic God Group." Hela snorted coldly.

"Don't worry about it. I am confident that I will win this war and take the embryo of the Cosmic God out of the core of the earth." Rhodes said.

"Haha! Stop kidding."

"Actually, I have a question. I got a spell that can cross dimensions from the Supreme Mage on Earth.

So is there a cosmic god sleeping on every Earth, every single universe?" Rhodes looked at Hela and asked.

"Why should I answer you? You can answer me if you want me to, but remove my seal and give me back my divine power." Hela glanced at Rhodes and said.

"Your divine power was sealed by your father Odin. You should know that I can't remove his strength." Rhodes shook his head and rejected Hela's proposal.

Just kidding, if I remove your seal, how can I train you? The deal between Odin and I is tacitly understood.

"You can't, but the giant god who just now can do it. He can remove the seal my father put on me. Am I right!" Although Hela's divine power was sealed, she still had a keen eye.

Sargeras's strength is unquestionable. He is stronger than many members of the cosmic gods, and even looks more divine. He will definitely be able to remove the seal set by his father and regain his divine power.

"Hahaha! Ms. Hela, are you stupid? Or do you think we are stupid? It's just a rumor, and you want the giant god to help you remove the seal?" Rhodes showed a hint of sarcasm.

Have you figured out the situation, girl? I just asked you a question, do you want us to pay such a big chip? It is not difficult to remove your seal, but why should I do this?

"But if you want, I can teach you to use the power of our world, and this power will always be yours, and no one can take it away, because you have cultivated it yourself." Rhodes said.

For example, the domineering in the world of pirates, with Hela's personality, the domineering domineering is definitely there, plus some professional abilities in the world of Azeroth, as long as Hela is willing to learn, it is still easy to improve her strength.

Hearing this, Hela also fell into silence. It seemed that just an ordinary message could not really move the giant god, but was the power that the other party said really reliable?

"In this case, it is not impossible. Okay, I agree."

She should find a way to get some self-protection power first! She had enough of this mortal body.

"Then Goddess Hela, answer our previous questions!"

"Exploring the multiverse is a very dangerous thing. It may cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. But I can tell you clearly that only the earth in our universe has a cosmic god sleeping." Hela said.

Exploring the multiverse is a very dangerous thing. Many universes are not so friendly.

And many universes are on the verge of extinction.

"I understand! Hela, I will never break my promise to you. After we go back.

I will teach you a power called three-color domineering, and there are several kinds of force for you to choose from."

"I hope so. Although I don't know what deal you made with Odin, I can tell you that the old man is not a good thing." Hela said with a serious face.

Your father is certainly not a good guy, after all, he sold you to me.

This old man is a super idiot!

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