Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 223: The Land of Nothingness, the Collector

After that, Hela revealed a lot of things about the multiverse to Rhodes, such as the dark magic of traveling through the multiverse, such as the top forces in this universe, and the existence of maintaining the balance of the universe.

"Where did you learn about the multiverse?" Rhodes looked at Hela and asked.

"Is it strange that I know this? As the top force in this universe, the princess of Asgard.

Is it strange that I know some secret things? I have lived for three thousand years, okay!" Hela said very dissatisfiedly.

The life span of the Asgardians is extremely long, so in their lives, they have plenty of time to learn other things. This is the advantage of the immortal race.

Rhodes nodded and said nothing more. In fact, he had another question to ask.

That is how to go to the place where Eternity is. In the movie Thor 4, Eternity, one of the five great creators of Marvel, appeared.

And the appearance is exactly the image of him in the comics. According to the setting, the entire universe of the Marvel world, whether it is the comic universe, the animation universe. Or the movie universe, is a part of Eternity.

After reaching Eternity, you can make a wish, which is a rare opportunity!

But it is not the right time yet. Rod can only ask Odin for help after he has completely turned Odin to his front line.

"Okay, everyone, let's go to the next target location, the Collector's Void!"

Everyone returned to the spaceship again and headed towards the Void.

On this day, the spaceship was sailing, and Yondu found Rhodes.

"Boss, I have something to tell you. We, the cosmic scavengers, have almost collected the weapons prepared for you. My subordinates have sent them to the nearby area. They now say that they really want to get the money quickly."

Before going to Asgard, Yondu had already ordered his subordinates to collect various weapons and set up some production lines.

Now that the mission has been completed, these cosmic scavengers can't wait to get the money.

"I see. How many weapons did your subordinates collect this time?"

"All my thousands of scavengers worked together and collected enough weapons to fight a small space war.

There are all kinds of firearms, laser weapons, grenades, and various pulse guns.

Enough for you to arm a force of several thousand people, and these weapons are all advanced enough to be used by space civilizations. Don't worry, they can definitely crush the weapons you mentioned.

In addition, there is a simple weapons production line and a detailed instruction manual." Yongdu gave Rhodes a detailed introduction to their gains this time.

"It sounds pretty good. How much do your subordinates want?"

"I calculated that the total value is 1.13 million star coins. You just need to give one million, boss." Yongdu grinned and gave a suitable offer.

Although they followed the new boss, the space scavengers still made money as their main purpose. They would only work if they were paid.

"There should be about 200,000 star coins in my spaceship. Take them all! We don't need them anyway.

These are used as deposits first. You take them back and give them to your subordinates. After I come back from the void, we will pay the rest of the money." Rhodes said.

Rhodes wanted to talk to the collector this time. He has been mining the void for hundreds of years. Some valuable things have basically been mined out. Now the head of the god is just a big empty shell.

So Rhodes plans to buy the head of the cosmic god from the collector through some special means.

"No problem, boss. There is a wild planet nearby. Where do you put us? I will meet up with my subordinates." Yongdu said.

"Well, in addition to this, I have another business for you to do."

"You say, boss!"

"I have some dark elf spaceships and some of their weapons. You can take these things to the black market and find a way to sell them."

Odin destroyed the dark elves, and their property in the dark world was naturally taken by Rhodes.

Now Rhodes has hundreds of dark elf ships in his hands, and these dark elf ships are all stored in his private space. (After the protagonist's space ability awakens, he opens up a private storage space.)

These spaceships can just be disposed of by these scavengers.

"Boss, you found the right person. We are good at this and can definitely sell it for a good price."

"Then the money for the weapons will be deducted from the money for buying the spaceships. If there is any surplus, send it to me."

Yondu showed a big golden tooth, smiled and agreed to Rhodes' conditions.

In the first transaction, Rhodes gave Yondu a total of five dark elf warships, as well as some matching weapons on the warships.

Thirty percent of the money sold went to Yondu and the cosmic scavengers, and the remaining 70% went to Rhodes.

Rhodes found a wild planet, put the boss of the cosmic scavengers down, and left.

"Learn from this kid. In front of such a big shot, it is a profound knowledge to save your life, win his favor, and even get benefits."

Yondu looked at Star-Lord with great pride.

"Are you teaching me how to be a dog?" Star-Lord showed a disdainful look.

"What do you know, you bastard? This time, you and I saved our lives and negotiated a big deal with him.

I also gained extraordinary magical power. This time, the harvest is equivalent to the sum of my first half of my life."

"Tsk! So you are still a subordinate."

"Shut up! Boy, are you sad about your father's death?"

"Hahaha! It's really sad, but the good news is that I still have a good father."

Star-Lord showed a playful smile again and hugged his cheap father Yondu.

This time, the two finally confessed their feelings. They are the real father and son. Let that bastard Ego go to hell!

After several space jumps, Rhodes and others' spaceship finally arrived at the collector's place. This is a very chaotic small planet.

There are all kinds of people, thieves, liars, murderers, absenteeism, it is a no-man's land, belonging to an illegal place.

"Is this the head of the god you mentioned? It's really huge, but I'm a little disappointed."

Looking at the huge skull in the universe, Sargeras showed a disappointed expression.

He originally wanted a complete skull of the god, but this skull was mined a bit! Only an empty shell was left.

"It's the head of the god of the universe anyway, so just make do with it." Rhodes shrugged and said.

Do you still expect it to remain intact?

"It may be different from the body structure of the Titan, but the specific value is not as high as that of the living brain."

After observing the huge head, Sargeras gave his own evaluation.

"So I want to try and see if the collector is willing to sell this broken skull to us."


Soon the spaceship stopped on an open space. After getting off the ship, Rhodes and others quickly found a red-skinned maid, and then said that they had good things to sell to the collector.

And took out a dark elf corpse. The maid didn't let Rhodes wait too long. She returned in just a moment and said that her master, the collector, was willing to see them.

Rhodes and his companions were brought to a room full of exhibits, where a white-headed old man was standing.

He smiled at everyone, but when he saw Sargeras, Azeroth and Groot, he immediately showed an excited expression.

"Lady, sir, and Mr. Treeman, please allow me to pay now and buy your bodies after you die."

A race he had never seen before, this is really rare! There is also a treeman tribe, their race is quite rare.

"." Azeroth.

"." Sargeras.

Is this idiot sick? He wanted to buy their bodies as soon as he met them. Are you kidding me? You actually said this to two planet souls?

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you, Mr. Collector, my partner, their lifespan is longer than you can imagine. I'm afraid that if you die, they will all be alive and well." Rhodes stepped forward and said with a smile.

The Collector likes to collect strange races, and he just happens to have some in his hands.

In the comics, he is the elder of the universe, and he lost the bet with the goddess of death, so he is immortal.

But in the movie universe, his strength is not very good, and he is the kind of person that Thanos kills instantly.

"Oh! That's a pity. I have seen the goods you sent over. It is the body of a dark elf. I am willing to pay one million to buy its body.

It's a pity that he is dead. If he is alive, I am willing to increase the price tenfold." The collector showed a disappointed expression.

This is a dark elf! They have not appeared in the universe for nearly 10,000 years. I didn't expect that I could actually meet one.

It's a pity that he is dead, but even if he is dead, this body is also very valuable for collection.

"I'm afraid it's difficult!" They were exterminated.

"I checked the wound and it seems that he was killed recently."

"It's better not to ask too much about some things."

"Okay! I have accepted this cargo. Do you want cash or other payment methods?" The collector shrugged. If the seller didn't want to disclose it, he wouldn't ask.

"We actually have another business to discuss with you, such as buying this head of the god." Rhodes said.

"Do you want to buy the head of the cosmic god?" The collector frowned.

"Yes, Mr. Collector, I have a friend who wants to get this head." Rhodes nodded.

"Sorry! It's not for sale."

"How about listening to our offer first?"

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