Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 278: Seed of Evil Energy, the Third Devil Fruit

"Oh! It seems that you have figured it out. Does that prove that what I said is correct?" Rod smiled and looked at Kakashi and asked.

"Teacher Kakashi! How is the investigation going?"

"The head of the Yamanaka clan has watched his memory. It is true that he was used by the Uchiha class. And many years ago, the Nine-Tails Rebellion was also caused by him. The demise of the Uchiha clan was also caused by him." Kakashi sighed, looked up at the sky, and said.

"In that case, we don't need to worry about this guy anymore. He is dead now."

"How should I put it? The mastermind behind the scenes is Uchiha Madara. But Lord Hokage is very interested in Mr. Rod who captured and killed him.

And I want to thank you in person. After all, Uchiha Obito is also a judge in Konoha. Thank you for catching him back." Kakashi said.

Rod smiled. He had sensed that there were more than a dozen Konoha Anbu around him, surrounding him.

People in the Naruto world, especially the Konoha Ninja Village, sometimes have a mysterious self-confidence.

However, the purpose of coming here this time has been achieved.

"There is no need to meet the fifth generation Hokage Tsunade, after all, I often see her in another world.

Now I am going to remove the last threat in your world, Kakashi, hand over your eyes." Rod pointed at Kakashi and said.

"Wait, Brother Rod, you, you have to take away Kakashi's eyes."

"Don't worry, I just have his Sharingan, which belongs to Uchiha Obito. This pair of eyes is very dangerous and has a very powerful spatial ability, so I must recycle them.

If he is willing, you can also change it to an ordinary eye in the future." Rod said.

"But! Is it really dangerous? Teacher Kakashi, if this pair of Sharingan is really dangerous! Otherwise, give it to Brother Rod!"

"Naruto, what are you talking about? Sharingan also belongs to Konoha." Kakashi frowned and said.

This kid is usually careless, but how can you not tell the situation when facing the enemy?

This guy sneaked into Konoha Village secretly, and he is definitely a dangerous person. We must find out his origins, and who knows if he has any intention of endangering Konoha Village?

So the top leaders of Konoha unanimously decided to control Rod first, and then let the people of the Yamanaka clan explore his memory.

"Look, Naruto, I came here with good intentions, but what is the final result?" Rod said.

"Brother Rod, don't worry, I will explain this matter to Tsunade. There must be some misunderstanding. You are not a bad person.

And you said, you and Tsunade in another world, but that kind of relationship?"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

More than a dozen Anbu ninjas appeared in front of Rod in an instant, and drew their sabers, looking ready to take action.

"Mr. Rod, we would like to invite you to come over in a friendly way, but it seems that you don't want to, so we have to force you to go over. Don't worry, if you are not harmful to Konoha, we will definitely release you and apologize to you."

"Haha! Do you know? Kakashi, the biggest difference between you and me is that I am never hypocritical." After Rod finished speaking, he instantly activated his domineering aura, covering the entire Konoha Village.

Sometimes this trick is most effective for cleaning up some small fish. The domineering aura emitted by Rod's current life level has reached a horrifying level.

In just a moment, everyone in the entire Konoha Ninja Village fainted, and even Uzumaki Naruto was frightened to kneel on the ground, his body shaking involuntarily.

"Naruto! The power I taught you is very special. The contract I gave you also has that special spell.

You can summon a creature called demon anytime and anywhere, and they will help you fight.

When you encounter an unbeatable enemy, you might as well try the evil spell I taught you. This power is very powerful." Rhodes patted Uzumaki Naruto on the shoulder and said.

Getting close to Uzumaki Naruto is not just because of Rhodes's bad taste. Rhodes intends to plant the seeds of evil energy in this world.

Rhodes gently tapped Uzumaki Naruto's forehead and planted a large number of evil spells, evil energy knowledge and a seed of evil energy in his mind.

After doing all this, Rhodes came to Kakashi and took out his Kamui Sharingan.

Then he waved to Uzumaki Naruto and directly activated his space ability.

Left the Konoha Ninja Village and left this world.

Now there is nothing worth lingering in the Naruto world! The seeds that should be planted have been planted, Uzumaki Naruto, you have to perform well!

Without Uchiha Sasuke, when you face a super powerful enemy, the only power you can choose is the evil energy seed I gave you!

After returning, Rhodes immediately took everyone back to Azeroth. This trip to the Naruto world took more than a month.

Although the time was not long, Rhodes's gains were extremely huge. At least his own combat effectiveness was improved by several levels.

Now Rhodes can destroy a continent, flatten the earth's surface, or even use illusions to control an entire planet of humans.

Returning to the world of Azeroth, Rhodes planned to take a short rest and take control of the power he had gained now.

After returning to the Undercity, Sylvanas couldn't wait to hand over the affairs of the Undercity to a few of her subordinates, and then planned to go to Dalaran to meet her lovely sister.


Sylvanas came to Rhodes and kissed him on the cheek.

"Rhodes, during my absence, the Undercity will be left to you. I will be back soon." Sylvanas said.

"No problem, dear, go ahead and have fun. If they ask you how you were resurrected, just say it was the power of the great demigod." Rhodes said.

"Don't worry! No one will dare to challenge me, and I'm not a weakling."

After possessing the power given by Rhodes, Sylvanas can now summon a hundred-meter-tall giant energy giant with ease. Who can't defeat it?

If those mages of Dalaran wanted to detain her for some reason, then she, Sylvanas, would teach them how to behave, and besides, these eyes also have spatial abilities!

If you want to leave, no one can stop you.

Rhodes nodded and watched Sylvanas, who had been completely resurrected, leave.

"Rhode! I had a lot of fun fighting this time. I want to go back and study the power of chakra. If anything happens to you, just come to me in Wano Country." Kaido said. said.

This time he gained a lot. The power of this chakra gave him a lot of inspiration for fighting. He wanted to go back and practice hard.

Kaido felt that he had vaguely grasped something. His life level seemed to be improving. The power of chakra, to a certain extent, also increased his life energy.

Boy Rhodes, don't think that you can only become a demigod if you receive the infusion of life energy. This time I am going to surprise you. I want to become a wilderness demigod on my own.

"I know, father-in-law! I just happen to be planning to eat the third devil fruit." Rhodes said.

The life force of Azeroth caused his life level to change, thus digesting the Blue Dragon Fruit and installing the Samsara Eye.

My Soul Soul Fruit ability has also become a unique pupil technique! Now is the time to eat the third Devil Fruit.

After taking the Chakra Fruit, my current life level is even more perfect and advanced. It's time to take the third Devil Fruit.

"Okay! So what Devil Fruit are you planning to eat this time? The boy who manipulates magnetism, the Golden Lion and I have already caught it for you." Kaido asked.

Rhodes can take the second devil fruit, and Kaido feels that he should be able to do the same. After his life level evolves to a demigod, the blue dragon's bloodline should be officially integrated into his body!

"That kid, lock him up for now. I'll take the time to extract his devil fruit ability. This time, I don't plan to eat his magnetic fruit. I plan to eat another fruit." Rhodes said.

own current strength. Even without Sylvanas' help. He can also use the chakra samsara eye's absorption ability to perfectly extract the devil fruit.

But now he does not plan to give Kidd the Magneto Fruit, the control of electromagnetic force. He has also studied it these days, after obtaining chakra energy.

The Samsara Eye gave him the ability to control gravity and repulsion, and even directly rotate the magnetic field of the entire planet. Relying on the power of chakra, he is not unable to do this now.

Therefore, this fruit is now dispensable for Rhodes, and the improvement will not be much after eating it.

Rhodes planned to eat another bug-level Devil Fruit, the Momo Fruit of World Destroyer Bondiwald.

For an existence of his own level, it is best to eat the Devil Fruit in the pirate world, so Rhodes, Kaido and others passed through the Dark Portal again and returned to Wano Country.

At this time, Wano Country has begun to carry out thorough reforms. After Rockets arrived, they directly upgraded the arsenal here. Now the weapons produced by Wano Country are definitely the highest level in the pirate world.

After Yamato became the new general of the country of Wano, he also carried out various reform policies for the country, but the time is still short and not much results can be seen for a while.

"Rhode! I'll find you a quiet room, and you eat the devil fruit! Do you want to stay here for a while?" Yamato asked. She herself really hoped that Rhodes would stay with her for a while. .

"No problem, I'll just stay here with you!"

"Great! Then I'll put everything down these days." Yamato also agreed with a happy face.

"Rhode, this time I will practice hard for a while, and the results will definitely surprise you." Kaido said with a smile on his lips.

"Then I congratulate you on your success, father-in-law!"

After a few more chats, Rhodes followed Yamato to the room he had prepared, and then took out his treasured Momo fruit and ate it in one bite.

After the Devil Fruit energy entered Rhode's body, Rhode quickly took control of this power under the special rules of this world.

And directly skipped the primary control stage and entered the awakening stage. The Momo fruit is also called the multiplication fruit.

As the name suggests, anyone who eats this devil fruit can manipulate the multiplication ability at will and amplify anything that comes into contact with his body.

Before awakening, you can increase your speed by a hundred times, and you can amplify a small stone by a hundred times to attack the enemy. This ability is very buggy.

For example, Rhodes can now condense a tailed beast jade with all his strength, and then use the power of the multiplication fruit to amplify it a hundred times and then hit it out.

Rhodes can't even imagine how powerful it is. At least it's easy to blow up half a planet.

Even hitting the deep core of the earth and destroying an entire planet should not be a big problem.

Hahaha, if you are not careful, we can also blow up the existence of the planet now.

In addition, your speed can also be instantly increased by a hundred times. Rhodes' current speed is under full burst.

It is completely supersonic, and can reach two to three times the speed of sound. If Rhodes uses the acceleration ability on himself now, it will be hundreds of times the speed of sound.

Hundreds of times the speed of sound, although not as terrifying as the Saint Seiya's light speed punch, its destructive power is also unimaginably powerful.

After eating this fruit, his combat power is greatly improved.

In addition, Rhodes can also use this ability to enlarge some special items to make it a hundred times its original size.

Rhodes immediately took out a piece of Titan Iron and a piece of White Dwarf Metal from his space, and then conducted some experiments.

"Multiply a hundred times!" A fist-sized piece of Titan Iron, under the influence of the energy of the devil fruit, instantly turned into a giant iron lump, fell to the ground, and made a rumbling sound.

Rhodes could clearly sense that after the enlargement of the object, part of the energy in his body would also be lost.

Rhodes took out another piece of White Dwarf Metal and enlarged it a hundred times in the same way.

However, Titan Iron and White Dwarf Metal only lasted for a few minutes in their huge form, and then returned to their original form.

Seeing this scene, Rhodes frowned. Can the things he enlarged only last for a short while? (End of this chapter)

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