Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 279 Awakening ability, shocking Dalaran, resurrection!

The objects that you enlarge have a certain time limit, and these enlarged objects will consume your energy or physical strength.

After the Titan Iron and White Dwarf Metal were enlarged, Rhodes could clearly feel that part of his energy was consumed.

Then Rhodes began further experiments, doubling some small stones or branches, or even weapons.

Rhodes clearly felt that enlarging an ordinary stone or shell to attack would not consume much of his energy, and it could even be said to be negligible.

It even only consumed a little physical strength, and these ordinary objects could last for a long time after being enlarged, even more than 24 hours, but eventually they would return to their previous appearance.

Rhodes used some more ordinary ores, but these ores were no exception and could not be preserved for too long.

And the higher the level of the ore, the more energy it consumed after enlarging it, and the shorter its existence time.

Next, Rhodes tested his attack again, using the power of evil to increase the spell by a hundred times.

Release a Tailed Beast Ball with the minimum power, and then use the power of the Silent Fruit to increase it by a hundred times.

The power is enough to destroy several huge cities. This will indeed consume some energy in your body, but it is completely worthwhile.

Because the energy consumed is much smaller than releasing a Tailed Beast Ball with all your strength, or releasing a full-strength evil spell.

This is a suitable means of attack. With his current speed of increasing by a hundred times, Rhodes's combat power is terrifying.

The amplified attack is perfect, but if this ability is used to mass-produce some precious ores or other things, it will not work.

But what if! Use the ability after the fruit awakens to change the size of the object?

Rhodes suddenly had a bold idea in the world of pirates.

The devil fruit ability can indeed cause permanent effects, but this requires a condition to be met, that is, the fruit awakening.

After eating this devil fruit, Rhodes reached the awakening standard. The skills used before were all the fruit abilities in the unawakened state, so try the awakened state ability.

Rhodes picked up an ordinary piece of Titan Iron again and began to enlarge it. First, he enlarged it ten times, from the size of a fist to a piece of Titan Iron the size of a basin.

This time, Rhodes could clearly feel that a lot of energy in his body had been drained.

The object was indeed enlarged, but the fruit ability did not enlarge the object out of thin air, but consumed the energy in his body to increase the mass.

In the unawakened state, the energy consumed was completely disproportionate to the permanent change of the size of the object in the awakened state.

For example, now Rhodes mobilized all the energy in his body to make a piece of Titan Body a hundred times larger, completely changing the energy material structure, and the energy consumed was also quite terrifying.

It is equivalent to 1/10 of the energy in the body, and if a certain energy consumption reaches a balance point, then the energy cannot be replenished, and it may be permanently reduced.

The effect of permanent enlargement of white dwarf metal is the same, even greater than the energy consumed by Titan Iron.

The mass of white dwarfs is larger, and Rhodes consumes about 20% of the energy in his body to permanently enlarge an ordinary piece of white dwarf metal.

To use this ability to make objects permanently larger, it is necessary to mobilize the energy of the awakening fruit, and the energy consumed is countless times more than that of ordinary objects. Although he ate the multiplication fruit, Rhodes still has to follow the law of conservation of energy.

It seems that Mr. Sa's method is more labor-saving, using the power of the Titan to directly turn ordinary metals into Titan Iron.

I can indeed use this method to increase the amount of Titan Iron or white dwarf metal, but the energy consumed is also quite terrifying. It cannot be used on a large scale, but it is not a problem to produce some on a small scale.

Next, Rhodes used this method to make a lot of Titan Iron. As for the weight of white dwarf metal, it is too heavy. Even for the current Beasts Pirates, few people can use such weapons.

These Titan Irons, Rhodes directly gave them to his father-in-law Kaido, asking him to make weapons for the senior members of the Beasts Pirates. His father-in-law has a good relationship with the dwarves.

Using a part of the Titan Metal as a reward, these dwarves are very willing to come to help make weapons.

The three major disasters and the six flying sons have been strengthened.

On the other side, Sylvanas, who had been resurrected, also came to Dalaran through the teleportation array, and looked at the huge city in front of her with a complicated expression.

Her only relative in the world, Vereesa, lived here.

When she had just gotten rid of the control of the Lich King, she wanted to see her family, but at that time she had a sense of inferiority and could not face her sister who was still alive.

But now it is different. She has been completely resurrected, and the former ranger general is back.

This time, she wants to recognize her sister, the only relative in the world!

"Hello, this blood elf lady, please register your name and explain to us why you came to Dalaran?" The mage in charge of guarding the teleportation array asked.

"Hello, Mage. I'm here to look for my relatives!" Sylvanas took a deep breath and said.

"No problem, Blood Elf Lady. Dalaran welcomes you Blood Elfs to visit your relatives.

Then can you please register your name?

And can you tell me the name of the relative you are looking for? I will point you in the right direction and complete the registration." The mage in charge of the teleportation array asked.

There are many high elf mages living in Dalaran. These people did not return to their own blood elf tribe.

Return to Silvermoon City to live, but chose to become a member of Dalaran and continue to stay in the Alliance.

So recently, many blood elves have come to Dalaran to visit their relatives.

"I am the Banshee Queen of the Undercity, I am Sylvanas, and my sister is one of the six members of the Kirin Tor Council, the wife of Rhonin." Sylvanas smiled and said.

"Uh! Please, ma'am, did I hear you right?

You just said you are Banshee Queen Sylvanas, are you sure you are not kidding me?"

The Dalaran mage in charge of registration put down the magic book in his hand and said with a serious face.

As we all know, Sylvanas, the Banshee Queen of Undercity, was once the Ranger General of Quel'Thalas. She is indeed the sister of Vereesa.

But the other party died a long time ago and was resurrected as a banshee by the Scourge Undead.

Although she finally got rid of the control of the Lich King, regained her self-awareness, and became the Banshee Queen of Undercity, she is an undead.

And the high elf in front of him, with golden hair, snow-white skin, and eyes flashing light blue, is obviously a living person, not an undead.

"What? My current appearance makes you a little surprised, right?

But don't doubt it, I am Sylvanas, I am not kidding you, tell me where my sister is, I will go to find her myself." Sylvanas said.

It seems that my resurrection and coming to Dalaran in the form of a living person has indeed caused a big sensation!

The mage in charge of guarding the teleportation array hesitated for a moment, then turned on his magic communicator and began to call his superiors.

The other party's tone did not seem to be joking, so he chose to report the matter to Ronin and let Archmage Ronin come to deal with it personally.

"Please wait a moment! High elf lady, someone will soon come to prove whether you are lying." Obviously, the mage of Dalaran still did not believe Sylvanas's words.

Please, what a joke, how can he accept the resurrection of the dead? There are some resurrection spells in the world of Azeroth, but they are all extremely limited, and the resurrection conditions are extremely strict.

I have never heard of any resurrection spell that can revive a person who has been dead for several years or even transformed into an undead state. This is too incredible!

Sylvanas didn't have to wait too long. Soon, a Dalaran mage in a purple robe came with a golden-haired female elf.

The people who came were Rhonin, a member of the Kirin Tor Council, and his wife, Veresa.

"Mage Sax, thank you for your notice. Leave this to me. You can take care of other places!"

The mage in charge of guarding the teleportation array nodded to Rhonin, then turned and left.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Rhonin was sure that her facial features were indeed Sylvanas.

Rhonin had seen Sylvanas's appearance when she was alive. After all, he married her sister, but the other party came in the form of a living person. This was a bit too outrageous!

Veresa came to her sister with some trembling, looked at the familiar face, and tremblingly reached out her hand to touch the other's face.

What she could feel was the breath of a living person and warm skin. Is this woman in front of her really her sister?

"I, I can't believe it. Is it really you? Sister Sylvanas?" Vereesa asked with a trembling voice.

Oh my God! My sister is clearly an undead, and she is dead, but now Ke Ke appears alive in front of me.

"Don't doubt it, my sister, believe your eyes, believe your feelings, I am indeed alive, in fact, I was alive about a year ago.

It's just that I just recovered the feeling of being alive at that time, and I was not completely resurrected.

And this time, I have been completely resurrected." Sylvanas smiled and said. (End of this chapter)

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