Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 283 The birth of a new type of undead, immortal, with unlimited physical strength

Suddenly all the Forgotten Ones were ready to move, and all of them wanted to be the first to accept this gift and accept this resurrection.

"Great demigod, choose me, choose me."

"Let me accept this gift! Let me be the first."

Countless forgotten people began to rush to raise their hands, hoping to be the first subject to be resurrected, even if it was just an experiment.

Everyone understands that since Qinglong Demigod dares to say these words, he is absolutely sure.

Rhodes was very satisfied with the reaction of the Forsaken below.

Yes, that's it, that's right.

Rhodes winked at Sylvanas, allowing the person arranged by the other party to appear.

A dark ranger stood up, knelt in front of Sylvanas and Rhodes and spoke.

"Let me come, great demigod Rhodes, and the Queen, we Dark Rangers have always been your most loyal servants, let us show this magical spell to all the people!"

As Sylvanas' loyal troops, the Dark Rangers are undoubtedly the first group of people most qualified to accept resurrection.

"Very good ranger, then you will be the first one! Come forward, Cynthia!"

Sylvanas waved, and Dark Ranger Cynthia, who was kneeling in front of her, immediately nodded and came to Rhodes. (This character is not created by the author but exists in the original plot.


"Well, I need to obtain some of your flesh and blood to use as a medium for psychic spells." Rhodes came to the Dark Ranger and said with a smile.

"Come on! Lord Demigod, take any part of my body that suits you." Cynthia opened her arms and looked at Rhodes with a fervent expression.

"Don't be nervous, dear girl, I only need a handful of your hair." Rhodes smiled and took off a bunch of Dark Ranger's hair.

Please, if you do this, the Queen will misunderstand. You are trying to usurp the throne! Or is he usurping your queen?

Rhodes clasped his hands together and began to form very strange seals. The power of chakra began to emerge, and a kobold was placed in the middle of the dharma.

Rhodes used Dark Ranger Cynthia's hair as a medium and began to take care of her soul. Dark Ranger's body suddenly trembled, and her soul was directly extracted by Rhodes.

Her original body swayed and fell down directly. After the Dark Ranger's soul was summoned away, the bloody light in his eyes dissipated.

Then the soul was injected into the body of the sacrifice, and countless paper-like things began to appear, and then quickly attached to the body of the kobold, gradually wrapping the body of the kobold.

"Oh! Oh!" The kobold screamed, and then his body shape began to change, from a height of more than 1.2 meters to a height of more than 1.7 meters.

Slowly turning into the appearance of a female high elf, with golden hair, long pointed ears, and a set of ranger equipment, this is exactly what Xindia looked like before she was alive.

"Hoo! Hoo!" The resurrected ranger gasped, slowly opened his eyes, and then looked at his hands tremblingly. They were the color of a living person, and his blond hair was also came back.

Moreover, all his emotions and desires have returned, and the despairing aura of death has disappeared. To outsiders, he has indeed come back to life, except that his eyes are a little wrong, giving people an indescribable feeling. a feeling of.

"Hahaha! I'm resurrected! I'm resurrected!" The female ranger Xindia made a voice of great surprise.

The voice was full of joy and incredible excitement, although the situation seemed a little wrong.

But she did change back to her previous appearance, and she was no longer that undead body.

"Really resurrected, truly alive."

"This is nothing short of miraculous."

Dalaran's mage Luo Ning stood aside, his eyes widened, looking at this extremely magical spell in disbelief.

"It's simply unbelievable, it's simply unbelievable. This, this is not the undead, this is not the state of the undead at all. What is this?"

The magic is so amazing. This is a special spell that he has never seen before. It is not an arcane power at all, it seems to be another kind of power, and this state of resurrection is also very strange.

It is not a zombie or skeleton in an undead state, but the whole body does not look like a living person, although it looks the same as a living person.

"You are indeed resurrected, but you are just no longer in the form of an undead. You still don't have the feeling of a living person, and you don't need to eat or sleep." Rhodes said.

Hearing this, the originally extremely happy Forsaken people were a little disappointed. It seemed that they were really resurrected, but they didn't seem to be fully resurrected.

"Great demigod, what am I now? I don't seem to feel pain, but I can smell the smell in the air." Cynthia said.

It's a very strange feeling.

"You can't feel pain in your body now, but you can taste the food and smell the air." After speaking, Rhodes took out a piece of bread and handed it to the Dark Ranger.

There is a strange setting here. The reincarnated person does not feel the pain of his life and cannot feel the joy of fighting. This is what Uchiha Madara said.

But you can taste the taste of the food. When fighting against the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Lin Yuri, who used the Thunder Sword, ate the Apple-flavored lollipop of Thunder Ninja Village Omoi at the end, felt the sweetness, and then put himself The thunder knife was given to the other party.

Rhodes had also conducted experiments before. These reincarnated people from the dirty soil could not feel pain and could not increase their strength through practice.

But he can taste the taste of food, and even smell the smell in the air and breathe. This was also shown in the Fourth Ninja War, and even the toxins in Hanzo's body were retained.

"You can taste the food and smell the outside, but you can't feel the pain. This sounds good. It's okay not to feel pain." One of the Forgotten Ones said.

"Of course, things have advantages and disadvantages. Your current body is equivalent to a different kind of immortal body.

Ordinary attacks or magic cannot destroy your body. "After Rhodes said this, he punched half of the Dark Ranger's body into pieces.

After her body was shattered, she felt no pain at all, and soon some scraps of paper began to appear in the sky.

After that, it began to automatically combine and slowly repair her body. It didn't take a moment for her body to recover.

The Forsaken people were immediately shocked when they saw this scene. Is there any mistake? Does it actually come with such an immortal body?

This terrifying resilience troll is nothing compared to that, right? Even in the future when they, the Forgotten Ones, go to war with others.

There is no need to worry about treatment. I am an immortal body, and I can recover on my own even if half of my body is destroyed.

"In addition, in this state, the energy in your body is also unlimited, and your physical strength is also endless. Of course, this infinite amount will not exceed that of your lifetime."

This happiness comes a little too quickly. Not only does it have an immortal body, but it also has unlimited recovery of physical strength. What kind of bug-level resurrection technique is this?

The Dark Ranger immediately drew out the bow and arrow from his back, and then began to release some of the ranger skills he had mastered during his lifetime.

She released advanced skills more than a dozen times in a row, but as soon as the energy in her body was consumed, it would be replenished inexplicably immediately, and she didn't feel a trace of fatigue.

She didn't have such great strength when she was alive. After using advanced skills a few times at most, her physical strength would be at its lowest.

The mage Luo Ning, who was standing by and watching, had an exaggerated expression on his face, and his mouth was so open that he could even swallow an egg.

This state of resurrection would only be known to some lichs from the Scourge Legion.

Then he would immediately defect to the Lich King without hesitation! This kind of resurrection, this immortal body, is much more powerful than any undead body.

Of course, the premise is that the Lich King no longer controls them, and even some old mages in Dalaran who are about to die, they don't mind being resurrected in this way.

“Now every Forsaken person, go and capture your sacrifices!

Just catch one of these low-level creatures such as kobolds, jackals, and murlocs!

Of course it must be alive, and then I will resurrect you and give you resurrection, as well as immortality and unlimited physical strength. " Rhodes said loudly.

"Long live Lord Rhodes, long live!"

"Let's go, guys, let's catch those low-level creatures, resurrect them, and gain immortality!"

The Forsaken burst out with unimaginable motivation and began to capture these low-level creatures, and then asked Rhodes to resurrect them.

In just a few days, hundreds of thousands of forgotten people were successfully transformed into filthy earth bodies.

The reincarnation of the foul earth will be controlled by the caster, but if the caster does not forcefully control it, they can still move freely, so all the Forgotten Ones can still move freely.

But the entire forgotten ethnic group no longer has any possibility of betrayal, and false resurrection also comes with a price!

The resurrection of the entire Forsaken tribe also caused an uproar in the world of Azeroth.

A new type of undead has appeared.

On the Frozen Throne, the Lich King Arthas has been awake for a few days. The awakened Lich King resurrected the ancient Blue Dragon Queen and became his mount.

Then he plans to launch a natural disaster of the undead to completely purify the world of Azeroth.

In the past few days, he received very bad news, or news that was difficult for him to accept.

"Kel'Thuzad! So you want to tell me that the woman who betrayed me has now taken refuge with a so-called wilderness demigod, and then fully resurrected?

Even an unknown necromancy that surpasses our Scourge Legion, a new type of undead appears? "Alsace asked. (End of chapter)

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