Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 284 Meow King: My subordinates want to defect en masse? Newborn

Standing in front of Arthas was a huge lich wearing a tattered robe. This person was the No. 2 leader of the Tianzai Legion. Kel'Thuzad, the first think tank lich under Arthas.

"Yes, great Lich King, this resurrection is very powerful. Their resurrection is not the kind of undead state, zombies, skeletons or ghosts, but into something similar to a living person.

It's just that their eyes are slightly different from those of living people, but they can't feel any pain, but they can taste the taste of food and smell the smell.

And most importantly, they have a very strange immortal body, as well as unlimited physical strength and unlimited energy." Kel'Thuzad's eyes even flashed when he spoke.

This kind of resurrection, this kind of resurrection is much more perfect than his current appearance. The reason why he came to Northrend that year was to offer his loyalty to the Lich King.

In addition to the powerful power promised by the other party, it is a kind of immortality, which can be transformed into an undead state, and the immortality that remains in human form.

There is also immortality and infinite energy. There is no comparison between the two sides. The more they compare, the angrier they get.

If he hadn't been defeated not long ago and just resurrected with the lich's phylactery, he would still be in Icecrown Glacier, suppressed by the Lich King's Crown of Domination.

Now Kel'Thuzad would rather go to this demigod instead of serving a certain Lich King.

This kind of resurrection, immortality, is his pursuit, and even the pursuit of most Scourge undead.

Arthas held his Frostmourne tightly in his hand, his eyes shining with blue light.

If this new type of undead resurrection is really as Kel'Thuzad said, it will be a huge threat to the Scourge!

However, as long as the Crown of Domination is in his hands, all the undead will obey his orders, and they can't resist at all.

Kel'Thuzad can sense that there are many complaints from liches in the Crown of Domination. These liches also want this perfect resurrection.

That's right, in the eyes of these liches, this is the most perfect resurrection. They don't have to worry about food, but they can taste food.

And they won't feel any pain. This is simply the most perfect body, much more perfect than a living person.

But isn't this an opportunity for the Scourge? If I get this spell to revive the undead.

Use it on the entire Scourge, then my undead army will completely destroy the world and fulfill my dream.

"Kel'Thuzad, don't worry. This new type of undead will join the Scourge sooner or later. I promise all of you liches that you will also be transformed into this kind of undead body, and you will be more perfect than you are now." Arthas stood up from his frozen throne, with a tattered black cloak floating behind him.

Below him, countless undead armies began to roar, with blue ghost fire in their eyes, and the Scourge was completely revived.

"Lich King. It is said that this new type of undead magic was invented by a demigod of the wilderness of Azeroth. The reason why he can stay alive is probably because he used the energy of life.

This reminds me of a rumor." Kel'Thuzad came to Arthas and said meaningfully.

"Oh! What rumors do you remember? Tell me!"

"Great Lich King, do you still remember the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the Scourge?

Old Mograine once used a crystal with extremely powerful shadow power, and several paladins transformed it into a powerful Holy Light Crystal through a certain transformation ritual.

This Holy Light Crystal is extremely powerful. After being transformed from the shadow state, it possesses unimaginable Holy Light power.

With this Holy Light Crystal, Alessandro Mograine created the extremely powerful artifact Ashbringer.

After he killed the Corruption, the Ashbringer also fell and turned into a Death Knight weapon, which is equally powerful.

As we all know, the opposite of shadow is Holy Light, and the opposite of death is life. This wilderness demigod may have mastered this.

That's why he controlled this power of life and death, turning the originally dead undead into a different kind of living." Kel'Thuzad said slowly.

The ultimate of Holy Light is Shadow, and the ultimate of Shadow is Holy Light. Then the ultimate of life is death, and is the ultimate of death life?

In the past, none of them dared to think so, but now, this wilderness demigod, the demigod who controls the life force, seems to have given them an answer.

"If this is true, then why don't other wilderness demigods control this spell?

Also, I don't seem to have ever heard of this Azure Dragon wilderness demigod. When I was a prince in Lordaeron, I never heard of his record. What is his origin?"

Is it really as Kel'Thuzad said, the ultimate of death is life!

This is too incredible, isn't it? However, with the incident of the Holy Light Crystal Ashbringer in front of him, he dared not deny this guess. (In fact, this statement is correct. The undead in the Shadow Realm maintain a state of life.)

In addition to this sleep, he kept hearing a voice in his mind bewitching him, and even brought his soul to a very strange place.

The other world allowed him to see some different things, some very powerful technology, and novel buildings.

But that voice, that damn man calling himself the warden, actually asked him to surrender! How can this be?

He is the Lich King. He will no longer submit to anyone. No one can restrict him.

"This wilderness demigod suddenly appeared about two years ago. He was inconspicuous at the beginning, even just a warlock from the Alliance.

Then for some unknown reason, this person actually controlled a power to travel through the world. He seemed to be connected to another world, and brought an extremely powerful creature from another world, which intimidated the entire world in front of Orgrimmar. tribe.

Then a miracle happened. He inexplicably became a wilderness demigod, and the most powerful one.

Then he joined the tribe with a very powerful force, and then built a new type of floating city, which greatly increased the tribe's strength.

About a year ago, this powerful wilderness demigod led the Horde and Alliance armies to attack Outland, showing unparalleled power and defeating Illidan.

In the past year, the entire world of Azeroth has been full of news about demigods. This demigod can be said to be a man of great influence.

It is said that the night elves also recognized him as the most powerful wilderness demigod. "Kel'Thuzad explained the origin of Rhodes to Arthas.

As for why this wilderness demigod could control this magical resurrection spell while other wilderness demigods did not, Kel'Thuzad really didn't know.

"Things are getting more and more interesting. Prepare our floating fortress. I'm going to take the Black Peak Knights there. I want to meet this wilderness demigod in person." Arthas said as he sheathed Frost Wound. .

"What a great Lich King, are you sure? Do you want to meet this demigod in person? With all due respect, this may not be appropriate.

This wilderness demigod currently lives in the Undercity, which is the base of the Forsaken, or in other words, the new undead. Now the new undead are very powerful in combat. It might not be good if you only bring the Ebon Blade Knight there. " Kel'Thuzad said very tactfully.

But what he really wants to say is, don’t rush to die in a hurry. The power shown by this wilderness demigod in the battle in the outer realm is completely the top demigod.

And your great Lich King is only at the level of a demigod, and you are not even the strongest in this land of Northrend.

The reason why you have the current combat power is because of two pieces of equipment, one is called Frostmourne and the other is called the Crown of the Commander, and your own strength, to put it bluntly, is not good.

There are many people who don't take you seriously at all, such as those Titan guardians, five-color dragons, and even a certain ancient evil god.

The Lich King is not even ranked as the boss in this continent of Northrend, so why don't you humiliate yourself?

This demigod is really not something you can touch!

"It's just that I defeated the Demon Hunter Illidan. I also defeated him, and I was not the Lich King at that time. I appeared with the Crown of Dominance, and all the undead will obey my orders. I can control his Those new types of undead." Arthas said with a cold snort.

When he was still the strongest death knight, he had a confrontation with Illidan, and the demon hunter was defeated by him miserably.

Now that he has gained the powerful power of the Lich King and has been sleeping for five years, fully controlling this power, Arthas is very confident that he can control these new undead creatures.

With the powerful power brought by the Crown of Dominance.

"I still insist on my opinion. The great Lich King first integrates the power of Northrend and turns all the dead blue dragons into frost dragons.

Then let all the ancient Vrykul we newly discovered transform into the undead state, join your army, increase our strength, and then think of ways to plot this new type of resurrection spell. Kel'Thuzad said.

If you want this new type of resurrection spell, you don't necessarily need to find this wilderness demigod. We just need to find a way to catch some of these newly resurrected undead.

Then I, the top archmage and archlich in the world of Azeroth, can study this special spell and see if I can copy it!

If it can be copied, this power will be used by the Scourge Legion, and only then will we be qualified to challenge this demigod.

"You mean, let me send out a troop to capture some of these special star-shaped undead, right?" Arthas asked.

"Yes, the great Lich King!"

"Then who do you think it would be better to send? To carry out this difficult task." Arthas asked, looking at his most loyal and powerful brain, Kel'Thuzad.

"I will go there in person and bring the Knights of the Ebon Blade with me. My goal this time is to capture a new type of undead, and then return directly to Northrend to start research." Kel'Thuzad said.

By the way, I would like to meet a certain powerful wilderness demigod. If this demigod still lacks subordinates, he can help him get rid of the Crown of Dominance.

He, Kel'Thuzad, didn't mind getting a new boss. After all, his current boss had some brain problems, wasn't very strong, and didn't have much power or scheming.

"You won't betray me, will you? Kel'Thuzad." Arthas asked with narrowed eyes.

"You have the Crown of Dominance, the great Lich King. All undead must obey your control. Let me catch that new type of undead for you, and then use the Crown of Dominance to control him." Kel'Thuzad The huge skull opened its mouth and let out a strange laugh.

The Lich King had blind confidence in the Crown of Dominance, but Kel'Thuzad didn't think so. The Crown of Dominance had a problem once, so who can guarantee that it won't happen a second time?

Besides, this kind of power is just given by others!

"In addition to the Knights of the Ebon Blade, take Naxxramas Fortress with you, just in case. After you capture the new undead, you will go to the Eastern Plaguelands. I have something I want to confirm." Arthas said. .

"As you command! The great Lich King."

The Scourge took action. Two floating cities, Kel'Thuzad's Naxxramas Fortress, and the Knights of the Ebon Blade's Acherus Fortress, flew towards Tirisfal Glades together, one large and one small.

"Dear, now that all the Forsaken have been resurrected, we think we should change our name. We can no longer call ourselves the Forgotten." Sylvanas sat in Rhode's arms and said.

In the past, they were called the Forgotten because they hated the living and stayed in this world because of their obsession with revenge against the Lich King.

But now because of the man-made Devil Fruit and this special immortality, the new type of undead has transformed into a race, and the name "Forgotten" is a little priceless.

"Then how about you call me the newborn, or the undead?" After Rhodes said this, he put his arms around Sylvanas' smooth waist and kept stroking it.

"The name Undead sucks, but the name Newborn is pretty good. We have indeed been reborn, so from now on we will be called Newborns, and the Forgotten will officially be renamed Newborns." Sylvanas nodded and said.

"Hahaha! As long as you like it! Let's play a game. You go and lie down in front of the window. We can watch the scenery while..."

Rhode's arm slid down secretly, sneaking into the Queen's wild area to steal river crabs in the grass.

But I don’t know why, the river crab turned into abalone today.

"Well, you have quite a few tricks up your sleeve. I'm going to put on a small armor and come here." Sylvanas looked slightly red and lifted Rhode's chin. (End of chapter)

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