Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 285: Rhonin's surrender and Garrosh's hostility

"Demigod Rhodes, I have studied it in detail. This new undead is immune to most spells and physical attacks.

Whether it is the power of shadow, anger, or natural energy, it seems that they cannot hurt them." Roning stood in front of Rhodes with an experimental report and said excitedly.

Now the entire forgotten tribe has been officially renamed the newborns. All the newborns have completed the ritual of reincarnation and transformed from their previous appearance.

And Roning has been cooperating in various tests these days, such as using some arcane magic to attack the bodies of these newborns.

Some warriors, hunters, and thieves among the forgotten will also use the same method to attack their companions' bodies to test their physical strength.

This immortal body is really amazing. Any physical damage, even with some anger energy or other energy attached, cannot kill the newborn!

"They should be afraid of some necromancy spells targeting the soul. It is not without weaknesses. This immortal body can also be sealed by sealing magic. This is also one of their weaknesses." Rhodes smiled and said.

In the ninja world, the Dao-seeking Jade that controls Yin-Yang escape techniques can completely destroy the body of the Impure World Reincarnation.

In this world, Rhodes actually secretly let Kabuto Yakushi and Gul'dan conduct experiments on some powerful soul attacks.

For example, some special professions such as warlocks, death knights, and demon hunters can directly destroy the soul, and this trick can directly kill the opponent.

In addition, with absolutely pure evil energy, Gul'dan has done experiments and can completely kill the body of the Impure World Reincarnation.

Other forces should also have the same effect. The extreme energy of the six forces can kill these Impure World Reincarnations.

However, ordinary professionals cannot do this, so there are very few attacks that can cause effective damage to the newborn tribe.

"That's right, Lord Rhodes, and I also found that anger, natural shadow, and these energies can slow down their self-healing speed.

If it's just an ordinary physical attack, cutting off one of their arms, or smashing half of their body, they only need a moment to recover.

However, if these special energies burst out, such as a warrior bursting out with anger, slashing, and anger bursting.

Then the speed of this recovery can be slowed down. As for the seal you mentioned, I have also tried it.

Ordinary warriors, or hunters, thieves and other forgotten people who were melee professionals in their lifetime, can indeed be sealed, but if they are some mages and warlocks, it will be difficult to seal.

They can release themselves, unless they are sealed in a way they cannot understand, and their thinking is completely suppressed." Roning said.

How to say it! This kind of immortal body is not really immortal, there are still many ways to hurt it, and there are even many ways to deal with it. This is already terrifying, okay?

Their strength far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people. Ordinary professional adventurers, and even some monsters in the wild, have no resistance when facing them.

After all, who would want to fight an unkillable monster with endless physical strength?

"Okay, Mr. Ronin, you have done enough research on this special form of resurrection of the undead. And I also roughly understand the form and characteristics of this kind of undead possession. Thank you for these days." Rhodes smiled and said.

These days, Ronin has indeed helped him complete a lot of research. At least the test shows that many energies can slow down the recovery time of this kind of reincarnation.

Rhodes even wants to try to recruit Ronin and let him stay in the Undercity to work for him.

"You're welcome, Rhodes Demigod, I am very curious about this new type of spell, but I can confirm that this is definitely not an undead, because their resurrection state is more like a combination of summoning and life type spells.

And if I am not mistaken, the reason why they can be resurrected and have this kind of immortal body. It should be that you use a new kind of power, a power that is free from the six elemental forces, right?"

Hearing this, Rhodes smiled slightly, not bad! This guy can see that the body of the Impure World Reincarnation is indeed produced by the power of chakra.

Chakra is the source of support and the means to control all the forgotten or the newborn.

Even if these newborns know the order of the seals of the Impure World Reincarnation, they cannot actively cancel the Impure World Reincarnation because they have no chakra energy in their bodies.

Of course, Rhodes does not rule out the ability of holy light, which may be able to transcend this state of undead.

"You are right, Master Ronin is indeed a brand new power. It is because of this power.

that this spell was born. It is not arcane or life magic, nor is it evil energy or the power of the dead, nor is it shadow or holy light." Rhodes said.

Hearing this, Ronin's face immediately became excited. He was very interested in this kind of thing, just like an addict seeing poison, a pervert seeing a beautiful woman, that kind of incomparable desire.

"Rod Demigod, we are also a kind of relatives! Can you, can you, teach me how to use this power?" Ronin showed a look of desire. .

"Your wife and my wife are sisters, so I will not be stingy. However, I do not trust the mages in Dalaran, so I can teach you this power.

But you must stay in the Undercity and serve me. " Rhodes stated his conditions.

The power of chakra is very magical, and he can spread it out. After Luo Ning obtained this power.

His descendants can also use chakra, of course!

Only the offspring born after he obtained chakra will inherit the power of chakra, but his two children cannot do that now.

Moreover, he cannot actively transfer this power, the power of chakra, to others, so the problem of chakra leakage is eliminated.

As the ancestor of Chakra, Rhodes can even plant Chakra seeds for humans all over the planet, allowing them to gain the power of Chakra.

But Rhodes will not spread the power of chakra to the whole world like the Sage of Six Paths. The power will be in the hands of himself and his own people.

"Demigod Rhodes, will you not take action against the alliance in the future?" Luo Ning asked after hesitating for a moment.

"In fact, I have transcended the realm of mortals. I basically will not interfere in matters between mortals." Of course, that is the case for some idiots in the alliance, please don't mess with me.

If you take the initiative to provoke me, then I don't care if you are a mortal! I will destroy you all the same.

Recently, some organizations in the alliance, especially the Holy Light Organization, are ready to make moves!

"If this is the case, Demigod Rhodes, I am willing to work for you and serve as your magic consultant." Luo Ning said.

This Lord Rhodes should not threaten humanity or the survival of the alliance, not to mention that he has this relationship with him.

"Then welcome to join!" Rhodes smiled and came to Luo Ning.

Then he reached out and touched his forehead, planting a chakra seed in his body, allowing him to gain the power of chakra.

"I feel it! A brand new power is flowing in my body." Luo Ning closed his eyes and carefully felt the new power in his body besides arcane energy.

“The power of Chakra is the energy born from the combination of mental ability and cells. The stronger the body and spirit, the greater the amount of Chakra in your body.

There are also five attributes, so study this power carefully! I hope you can come up with some different spells. " Rhodes smiled and said.

Leaving the excited Luo Ning behind, Rhodes turned around and left. Enjoy this gift! Master Luo Ning!

In the following period, Sylvanas sent dozens of new students.

Then he went to the main cities of the tribe and showed the tribe leaders the posture after resurrection and its magical benefits.

The tribe is relatively accepting of the newcomer group. After all, they could accept the previous undead state, let alone the current living form!

After recognizing the appearance of the newborn, Thrall, the chief of the tribe, had some thoughts.

"Great Chief, we have already seen that the immortality of these newcomers is indeed very powerful!

It's very strange. The warriors' axes can chop their bodies into pieces, but they can recover quickly.

If anger or the elemental power of the shaman is added, their recovery state can be slowed down. "King Saurfang said.

"It is indeed very strange, completely different from the previous undead, but it is a pity that the heroes of our tribe cannot be resurrected." Thrall said with some regret.

Thrall actually wanted Rhodes to help resurrect his parents, and even resurrect the once great hero of the tribe, Grommash Hellscream.

However, this proposal was rejected by Rhodes. Rhodes said that for this new type of resurrection technique, the soul must exist in the human world.

Therefore, some undead can be resurrected in this way, but some people who are completely dead, or even dead for several years, cannot be resurrected through this spell.

"Hmph! I think this demigod Rhodes didn't tell us the truth." Garrosh Hellscream said.

The tribe should be dominated by orcs, but this so-called demigod is vaguely superior to the warchief.

Even the newcomers, the blood elves, and the pirates from other worlds no longer take the orcs seriously.

This is something he cannot bear. No one can underestimate the tribe. Sooner or later, he will let this wilderness demigod see the power of the tribe.

"Hmm! We don't rule out this possibility! It is indeed possible that Rhodes deceived us." Thrall said.

As the demigod's strength increased, Thrall clearly felt that Rhodes and the tribe were starting to drift apart. (End of chapter)

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