Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 311 Planet Test, Alice becomes the soul of the planet?

After defeating Sephiroth, Rhodes and Alice arranged for Cloud and others to continue traveling, while they went to the Settra temple with Alice.

A few days later, Rhodes took Alice to the ancient Temple of Settra, a great miracle that the Settra family once built on this planet!

This is a very special temple. It was a place established by Settra in ancient times to communicate with the planet. No one can enter here without the leadership of the Settra people.

Ordinary people cannot approach this place at all, because when ordinary people come here, what they see is just a ruin of nothingness.

Only by using special means can this temple be reorganized and transformed from a ruin into a complete temple.

Alice came to the center of the altar and quickly activated the special magic circle here, and countless small black patents began to be combined.

Soon an ancient temple covering the sky and sun appeared.

The two nodded to each other, then entered the temple and headed towards the central temple.

For more than a month, Rhodes has been frantically injecting the life force into Alice every night and teaching her how to use chakra. Now this girl's strength has improved, and her ancient species abilities have also increased. Wake up slowly.

But there is one thing that makes Rhodes very strange. Logically speaking, he has raised Alice's power to an extremely exaggerated level. Even in ancient times, she was considered the strongest among Fetra.

Logically speaking, even if Alice does not come to this temple, she should be able to communicate with the consciousness of the planet without any barriers. But for some reason, the planet just sent a message to Alice, asking them to come to this temple.

For other things, no matter how much Alice prayed, how she activated her racial abilities, and wanted to communicate with the planet, the planet just avoided talking about it.

Even recently. Neither Sephiroth's black Phila nor the Planet Soul's white Phila appeared again.

Along the way, Rhodes did not encounter any obstruction from Fila, and came to a temple shining with emerald green light.

In the center of the temple is a place of prayer.

"It's here. Two thousand years ago, my ancestors prayed here and communicated with the consciousness of the planet." Alice said.

"Alice! Do you know any news about the Yi Clan?" Rhodes asked.

Rhodes always felt that the Soul of the Planet had some ulterior motives in bringing him to the Settra Temple.

"I know that the Yi tribe is an alien race just like Jenova, but they are peace-loving, unlike the ferocious Jenova.

But because they are not native species on this planet, after their death, their souls cannot integrate into the river of life on the planet and cannot find peace.

It is said that this race made a black magic crystal through the power of prayer, and this black magic crystal was hidden in this temple.

It also has a very unique function, which is to summon the meteor that destroys the world. "Alice told what she knew.

After arriving here, she felt a trance, and some broken memories began to flash back. She was sitting here on her knees praying, and Sephiroth fell from the sky with a knife and killed her with one knife.

This is his original destiny. He will enter the river of life, pray with the planet, borrow the power of the Settra family, and mobilize the energy of the entire planet to stop the world-destroying meteorite.

But things are very strange. If the world-destroying meteorite was summoned artificially, it was summoned with black magic crystal.

Then the planet should have known this all along. In this case, why not destroy this black magic crystal? In this case, wouldn’t the planet be safe?

"Alice, please contact the planetary consciousness immediately, and then tell the other party my thoughts, and tell the planetary consciousness that I have no malicious intentions. I have already told you the details of Titan," Rhodes said.

Alice nodded after hearing the words, came to the center of the temple, knelt on the ground, opened her arms, then clasped her hands together and began to pray.

"Great soul of the planet, listen to my prayer. A god from an outside world wants to help you, defeat the evil Jenova, and take you to a new universe, a new world.

It may even help you wake up and become a real life form, guiding us towards a more glorious future. "Alice began to think silently in her heart.

And conveyed Rhode's thoughts and the message of becoming a Titan to the planet's consciousness.

“We hear, we hear what this outsider wants, but how do we trust him?”

"Rhodes is my partner now. He has no ill intentions. He only wants to help you, Soul of the Planet." Alice said.

He could feel that Rhodes sincerely wanted to help the planet's consciousness and make it a complete life form, and even make the planet more powerful.

“The awakening he talks about is becoming a complete life form. You have prayed to us many times and conveyed this idea many times, but we are different.

We are a whole, but we are not a whole. We are the collection of all life forms on the planet.

If we become a so-called living body, then who will lead our consciousness? We are a whole, not a single being.

We are the will of the planet, but not the soul of the planet. There is a difference between the two.

If we follow the predetermined destiny, our planet will eventually be saved, but because of his appearance, our source of life has been consumed a lot. "The will of the planet said.

"The power of the river of life has been controlled by Sephiroth."

"But that man completely annihilated this power. That dark green energy is the nemesis of all life. It is evil, even more evil than Jenova.

And don't you feel familiar with the blue power he gave you?" The will of the planet suddenly asked.

"That power is called chakra. Rhodes told me that it is a combination of mental power and cell energy." Alice said.

"Lie, we can feel it. It is the power of the planet. It is the power extracted from the life of the planet. It is essentially no different from Jenova."

"How is this possible?"

"I don't need to lie to you. That blue power is different from my river of life.

But in essence, it is still the life energy of the planet, which may come from another universe or another planet.

Alice, you should complete your mission, you should follow Claude and others, and encourage Claude to ignite his hope.

This is your mission. After this, you will welcome your return here, return to the River of Life, and be with us. "The Soul of the Planet said.

"Great Mother of the Planet, do you want to? But! But! That, that is not my choice!"

"No buts, give up that man, come and merge with us, merge with us, become part of the planet, and destiny must be executed."

"But Rod is eliminating the threat of this planet, and he can even defeat Sephiroth." Alice said.

"According to the predetermined destiny, Claude will also receive the blessing of the planet in the future, defeat Sephiroth, and save the world." The will of the planet said.

The reason why Alice came to this temple to talk to her is that the will of the planet has a simple goal.

That is to let Alice integrate into the river of life of the planet, which is the safest way to deal with it.

"Come on! Alice, complete your mission and become part of the planet's will. Only in this way can we save the world and all lives. "

"Humph!" Rhode snorted coldly.

The domineering color domineering and the energy of the soul soul fruit burst out with all their strength, even mixed with the red ten-tails chakra.

Putting his hand on Alice's shoulder, he directly resisted the invasion of the planet's will.

This planet's will is not a single life form at all, but a complex of all soul memories on the entire planet.

No wonder the planet helped Claude many times in the Final Fantasy Advent, because Alice was among them, and accounted for a considerable proportion.

This planet's will is not like Sargeras or Azeroth, a single consciousness, but a complex of a large group of consciousnesses.

After entering this temple, when Alice began to pray, Rhode used the observation color domineering to attach his consciousness to Alice.

All her conversations with the soul of the planet were heard clearly by Rhode.

"Is this your purpose? Outsider, you prevent Alice from integrating into us.

It is equivalent to destroying the world, Alice, do you want to watch the world being destroyed? "

"I! I, Rhodes! What should I do? "

"Planet will, I can help you solve all crises, but you just choose the dumbest way.

Can't you see that Sephiroth wants Jenova to replace the entire planetary consciousness? "

"Outsider, you should know that we can't awaken according to the method you said, because we are not a will. "The planetary will said.

"If you reject my kindness, then I will not let Alice enter the river of life on the planet, because she is now my woman. "Rhodes said.

"Then this is equivalent to choosing to destroy us and all life on the entire planet. "

"I will help you stop the meteorite. Don't worry, my power alone is enough to destroy the world-destroying meteorite. "Rhodes said.

"Outsider, do you really think that the power of the planet can't deal with the meteorite?

We let Alice join the river of life because it is fate, and fate cannot be changed. "The will of the planet spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"If fate interferes, if it does not develop according to the original trajectory, then the whole world will collapse.

This will become a collapsed world, this is the real crisis." The consciousness of the planet showed a picture to Rhodes and Alice.

A yellow lightning tore the entire sky, making the sky seem to be split in half, and then the entire planet was torn into nothingness by a force.

Everything will disappear.

"This, this is, the destruction of the world!"

"Yes, this is the collapse of the world. If fate is changed, then the whole world will be destroyed.

Sephiroth also knows this, so even he cannot defy his own inevitable fate.

What Sephiroth wants to do is to let Jenova replace me and break my own fate. This has been countless reincarnations. "The will of the planet spoke.

"As long as you go to my world, the whole planet will be safe. No force can cross the universe to hurt you." Rhodes said.

"Outsider! Can you really fight against the fate of nothingness?

Since you came, the speed of collapse of this world has accelerated. Haven't you noticed this? Look at the whole sky!"

At this time, a yellow lightning that tore the world apart has appeared in the sky

"After all, you still don't want to believe me, but the so-called fate can actually be controlled in your own hands." Rhodes said.

After all this time, it turns out that you are afraid of the illusory fate?

"Because we know it's useless. It seems that we can't convince you, and you can't convince us.

In this case, then outsider, we will give you a test. If you can complete it, then it will prove to us.

Fate can be broken, so we agree to your request and give you an unimaginable gift.

We will let Alice's soul become the main body of the entire planet and the soul of the planet.

Become a single consciousness, and then awaken into the kind of life titan you said." The will of the planet said.

Anyway, after Alice merges into the River of Life, she will also occupy a dominant position, and after the Titans are born, this planet will still exist.

They will still be the will of the planet, but the soul of the planet will be Alice.

"Tell me."

Let Alice become a Titan, which really touched Rhode, which is equivalent to adding another Azeroth.

"In this universe, there is a planet that is suffering the same fate as me. This is a desperate world.

Save this planet in your way, then we agree with you.

Otherwise, Alice will merge into the River of Life, and you will be expelled from our world."

"Deal! Remember what you said! What kind of world is it?"

"There is a life form similar to Jenova, but he is stronger than Jenova. He is a real god.

He descended on a planet and extracted all the ether magic of that planet, making the entire earth lose the power of magic.

You go to save the planet and kill that god. If you succeed, then it proves that your point of view is correct.

The so-called destiny can also be controlled in your own hands." The planet consciousness said.

Damn! I was actually asked to kill the god. (End of this chapter)

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