Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 312: Rhodes: God-killer or Planet-level God

Defeating a god seems very difficult, but the rewards are also huge, and for the current Rhodes, there may not be no chance.

The gods in the Final Fantasy world are also strong and weak. For example, the gods in Final Fantasy XV are completely at the level of wilderness demigods, that is, the level of barbarian gods.

In Final Fantasy 13, there is a god who transcends dimensions. As for several other works, some powerful beings are called gods by mortals, but in fact they are just some interstellar races.

And a planet is about to be swallowed up all the magical energy and life. Rhodes has already thought of which work it is. The gods here are indeed very strong, but I am not without external help.

Although Sargeras has not yet awakened, Rhodes can still draw on the power of the entire Burning Legion.

This god's combat power has not reached an extraordinary level, and he can drown him even if he uses the tactics of mass attack and human sea.

"Then we made an agreement as an outsider. I will open a time and space portal and send you to that planet.

Your goal is to defeat the evil god who attempts to control the entire planet and devour the energy of the entire planet.

But at the same time, you must protect the planet and not let the magical ether energy on the planet be lost. Most importantly, you must ensure that the destiny is broken. "Planet Will said.

"I understand. I would like to ask if there is a time limit for this mission. After all, if nothing else happens, Sephiroth will take action soon." Rhodes asked.

Time is also a critical issue. The main story of World of Final Fantasy will take less than a year.

"Don't worry! The time and space you went to is at the intersection of another time and space. After all, yellow lightning cracks have appeared in our world.

I am already on the edge of a time rift. The time here is different from that in other places. If it is not corrected, my world will be destroyed. "Planet Will said.

"I understand, then I will make another condition. The final battle must wait until I come back. And Alice must leave with me." Rhodes said.

The lives of other people in the protagonist group are not in danger, and the only one whose life is in danger is Alice herself.

Rhodes was very worried that this planet was not trustworthy for a while, and directly deceived Alice after he left, and even directly controlled her to commit suicide, and then returned to the River of Life.

"I know your concerns, and I can promise you this. Remember, your goal is not as simple as killing that god, but also ensuring that the world does not collapse." Planet Will said.

"I know, I promise you, that world will never collapse, and even if it does collapse, I have a way to save it." Rhodes said.

The planet consciousness nodded, and then a giant green portal appeared in front of the two of them.

Rhodes nodded to Alice, then took out two deformed leaves and drew the appearance of Rhodes and Alice respectively.

Then he used the shadow clone technique to seal a wooden clone in the leaves, further increasing the leaf's endurance.

Alice's strength can be replicated by about 50% of the deformed leaves. As for Rhodes, he can only replicate less than 10% of his strength, and some exceptional combat powers cannot be used.

This clone will watch Cloud and others here to ensure that Sephiroth doesn't mess around.

This clone has disappeared. At the cost of one full burst, one of Sephiroth's clones should be easily defeated.

After doing all this, Rhodes took Alice into the green portal and disappeared.

The two clones of Transformed Leaf also left Settra's temple and went to the outside world to join Claude and others.

"Mysterious alien existence, let's see if you can change the established destiny. If you can change the destiny of that world, then our world will be a big deal." In the empty river of stars, countless consciousnesses Flow together and start communicating with each other.

The dangers in the other world are even more severe than theirs here, and the will of the planet has declined to the extreme.

That planet is the real place of despair. It will soon become a planet without any extraordinary power and lose all its legends.

Rhodes and Alice appeared on a beach. They had arrived in a new world.

"Is this another world? A world endangered by evil gods?" Alice asked curiously.

After all, this is no ordinary tour! Going abroad is nothing compared to this, this is a game!

"Well! This is right here. We have arrived on another planet, but if there is danger in the clone, I can go back at any time." Rhodes said.

When the planet consciousness casts the portal spell in front of him, it is equivalent to telling Rhodes his coordinates. Now Rhodes can open a portal to the seven Final Fantasy planets anytime and anywhere he wants.

After all, they are all in the same universe. It's just that the location of the planet is different. However, there is a problem with this planet! It’s very, very big!

"Rhode, do you feel it? The life energy of this planet?

It is extremely fragile, many areas, many areas are already dead. "As a Settra, Alice clearly feels how bad this planet is.

There are large areas of death zones on this planet, and much of the land on the entire planet is dead.

This planet should originally have abundant ether magic and abundant life force, just like the river of life of my previous planet, but now this planet has all the life force.

There is also ether magic energy, which is bound by an unknown force and converges towards several points.

Moreover, Alice can no longer even feel the will of the planet here. All the magic power of this planet has been gathered into one area.

The entire planet is degenerating towards a demon-free planet. The power of magic will eventually disappear, and the mysterious energy of this planet will soon dissipate, becoming completely dead and turning into a Death Star.

It is truly an extremely sad planet. The situation on this planet is countless times worse than theirs.

What kind of evil god would use this method to control a planet? What is his purpose?

"I roughly know the specific situation of this planet, but I need to confirm the current time and where we are specifically.

Let's go! Alice, let's find the nearest town first. " Rhodes said.

Alice nodded, and the two of them immediately took action in order not to attract attention.

Rhodes transformed a chocobo that can be found everywhere in the Final Fantasy world, and then the two rode the chocobo and started moving forward.

Soon the two came to a lively village, where some ordinary people lived. They wore linen clothes, or clothes made of animal leather, and also used some medieval things.

On the entire road, Rhodes did not see anything with high technological content, and there were even many horse-drawn carriages walking on them.

The overall level of technological civilization on this planet seems to be low. It has not even entered modern civilization and should be in the medieval period.

Rhodes discovered some ether crystals in the village. These crystals can use some magic abilities, but they are all very low-level magic.

"They also need crystals to use the magic here! It's quite similar to the magic crystals we have there." Alice said.

On your own planet, if you want to release magic, you must rely on magic crystals.

Without the use of magic crystals, only she, an ancient Settra, and some other humans with special powers could do it.

"Have you seen those people with tattoos on their faces? They are natural users of magic. They can use the power of magic, but it is not very powerful." Rhodes pointed to a man in clothes in the distance. Said the man with tattoos on his ragged face.

"That man still has hinges on his hands. It seems like all people with tattoos on their faces are like this. Why are they treated like this?" Alice asked.

"Because the ordinary people here discriminate against those who can naturally use magic, thinking that they are a cursed group." Rhodes said.

"Alas! Mr. Rhodes, why? Why are people who use magic defined as slaves? It shouldn't be!" Alice asked in surprise.

This is completely incomprehensible, okay? People who control power are inherently superior to ordinary people. No matter how bad they are, they cannot become slaves!

"You feel weird, don't you! A group that is born with power, logically speaking, should indeed be above ordinary people, and at least maintain an equal status." Rhodes shook his head and said.

"Yeah! That's why it feels weird."

"That's because, as those who can use magic, their bodies will gradually become petrified and then die slowly. This is an irreversible phenomenon." Rhode said.

"How could this happen? Is it because of the evil god who wants to swallow the energy of the entire planet?"

“The humans on this planet were originally created by him to deal with these monsters.

And for those who cultivate their bodies, the gods here are equivalent to their parents, but their parents want to destroy their children. " Rhodes said.

What I faced this time was at least the combat power of a planet-level founding god. It was interesting. I couldn't wait to summon the legion army.

"How pathetic!"

"Let's go!"

Rhodes took Alice into the town. (End of chapter)

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