Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 313 I am the Dragon Manifestation, controlling the Titans

The two entered the village and walked around. They asked the locals and learned that this place is called the Republic of Dalmecia.

It is a country with a complete parliamentary system and no king. Most of the men in the town have gone to war. Recently, the Iron Kingdom launched an invasion against them.

"The powerful Titan will definitely defeat the invaders."

"Yes, those bastards from the Iron Kingdom are definitely not the opponent of Titan." Several villagers said.

"Titan? Who are you talking about Titan?" Alice asked.

She has heard this name many times recently. On their planet, using the power of magic crystals.

You can summon a summoned beast Titan made of rocks and concrete, but it is just a monster three or four meters tall, and it usually helps in battle.

The Titan that Rhodes mentioned is the top life born in the core of the planet, with unimaginable power.

You can transform the planet and create life at will. Is there a Titan in this new world?

"Titan is Lord Hugo Kupka! He can transform into a giant Titan that is 100 meters tall.

He is the most powerful and the patron saint of our country." A teenager who was only 13 or 14 years old said excitedly.

"100 meters! Transform into a 100-meter-class giant to fight!" Alice showed a surprised look.

She knew too well what the destructive power of a 100-meter-class giant was. Even without any special abilities, it was a terrifying fighting power.

"Lord Titan also has the power to control the earth. He is the most powerful manifester. When I grow up, I will join his army." The boy who spoke seemed very excited.

"Can you tell me what a manifester is?" Alice asked.

Soon Alice and Rhodes also learned from some local villagers what a manifester is.

Manifesters are the top existences on this continent. Each of them has unimaginable power and is a fighting power at the level of destroying a country.

They can transform into huge summoned beasts and have the ability to manipulate corresponding attributes. It is obvious that the people in this small village cannot know about the manifesters of other countries. They only know that the manifester Titan in their own country is the strongest.

After getting the information they want, Rhode and Alice plan to leave the village and go to the front line they mentioned.

It is said that the Iron Kingdom has also sent a manifester, and the two top combat forces in this world are about to fight.

If I remember correctly, the god who created this world has a total of more than a dozen tribesmen.

And he injected the power of some of his tribesmen into the human bodies of this world, and then let these powers be passed on through the blood of the descendants of these humans.

So the top combat power on this continent is related to this evil god of destruction. This evil god of destruction is the beginning of everything. He created humans.

He created the most powerful combat power in this world, which can transform into a giant monster with a height of tens or even hundreds of meters to fight.

"Are you travelers from other countries? May I ask where you are from?" At this time, the official in charge of maintaining the town's security, a man holding a scimitar, came over and asked.

The man and woman in front of them looked very strange. First of all, their clothes were completely different from those of the locals.

They should not be residents of the country, but from other countries. However, judging from their equipment style, they should not be people from the Iron Kingdom.

"What should I say! Just treat us as people from a very distant country!" Rhodes said.

"I'm sorry, if it were normal times, I would welcome you to come to the village to play and appreciate the scenery of Dalmacia.

But now we are at war with the Iron Kingdom, so I must know why you two are here." The sheriff waved his hand, and several guards came over at this time, surrounding Alice and Rodji.

During the war, people from other countries suddenly appeared in the country or even near the front line. If they were not allies, then the other party was likely to be a spy.

"Believe me, I have no ill intentions. I heard that you are fighting with the Iron Kingdom, right? So do you mind hiring me?" Rhode said.

At this time, the game should have just begun, and the powerful Titan Giant God is about to fight the Ice God Shiva.

Among the several forces on this continent, the only one that can quickly gain a high status after joining is the Republic of Dalmesia. This country does not have an emperor.

Unlike the surrounding empires and kingdoms, it adopts the form of ruling by the United Parliament.

Rhode plans to start with this country first. Make some changes in destiny and see what will happen.

"What do you mean? You want to join this war and help us in the form of hiring? You are not a gifted person, are you?" The man holding the scimitar suddenly frowned and asked.

"No, I am not a gifted person, but a manifester." Rhode said.

"What? You, you said you are a manifester! How is this possible?" Seven manifesters have been born since the birth of the entire continent.

It is said that more than ten years ago, a mysterious fire manifestor appeared in the Principality of Rozalia, but it was only a flash in the pan and not many people saw it. Could it be that the man in front of him was that fire manifestor?

"What? Don't you believe what I said? Then how about I transform for you?" Rhodes said.

So what kind of transformation should I do? Should I transform directly into the Azure Dragon state, or give myself a Susano shell!

"Sir, if you are really a manifester, then our country welcomes you very much.

I will report your matter to the upper level immediately. Please show me your power as a manifester!" The sheriff in charge of guarding the village immediately said excitedly.

Rhodes nodded, and then took the sheriff to an open place outside the village.

"Roar! Roar!" A giant dragon soared into the sky, with a green color all over its body, and a body length of more than 500 meters.

Rhodes can now freely control the size of the body after the transformation. After the complete transformation, his body length can reach an astonishing 5,000 meters.

But it can also be reduced to dozens of meters, since that Titan is a 100-meter monster.

Then I have to be bigger than him, but not too much bigger, just 500 meters!

After the huge dragon appeared, it hovered in the sky, its body covering the sky and the sun.

Strong winds also blew on the ground, blowing all the soldiers present to the ground.

"Great, so amazing! This size is even bigger than Lord Titan."

"Isn't this size too big?"

"Enough! Enough! Sir, you, you can stop, you are indeed a manifester." The soldier who received Rhodes immediately waved his hand and said.

The huge dragon in the sky roared, and its size quickly shrank, and then turned into Rhodes's body.

"Great! Rhodes, you can also turn into a dragon." Alice said excitedly.

What secrets are hidden in her man? He seems to have never shown his full strength!

But it doesn't matter, because strong strength will also bring women a great sense of security.

"Then now, you can take me to meet the upper class of your country!" Rhodes patted the soldier in front of him who was already scared.

At that time, I only need to launch an illusion to control all the upper echelons of your country.

"I, I know! Sir, I will report your matter now. Please go to the front line with us. We are just about to deliver a batch of logistical supplies." The sheriff of the town wiped the sweat from his forehead and said tremblingly.

It is indeed a good thing that a powerful manifester is willing to join their country and help them fight against the Iron Kingdom.

In terms of comprehensive national strength, the Republic of Dalmecia is actually not as good as the Iron Kingdom. The guys in the Iron Kingdom have a very tough fighting style. The soldiers are also better trained than them.

"The situation is very bad now. It is said that the Iron Kingdom has sent the Ice Summoner Shiva to the battlefield." A senior official of the Parliament of the Republic of Dalmecia said.

"If that's the case, our ace Titan will have no advantage."

"Hmph! Don't worry, Titan's power is not comparable to Shiva's. Ice Shiva can't be my opponent." A bald strong man over two meters tall put out the cigarette in his hand and sneered.

This man is the manifestation of the Titan God, Hugo Kukap. Since he awakened the power of the Titan.

No one is his opponent. Even if he doesn't need to transform completely, but only uses part of the Titan's power, no one can defeat him.

"Hugo! We believe in your power! But the Kingdom of Wald is an ally with us. Since they have formed an alliance, they have to contribute." A parliament official said.

"That's right. We must ask those who will enter the mainland to help. Otherwise, what's the point of our alliance? Are we the only ones facing the enemy?"

"In two days, people from the Kingdom of Volud will come. We have to bargain with them."

"Report! Report! There is important news from the rear." Just then a soldier ran in in a panic and knelt on the ground and said.

"What's the fuss? What happened?"

"We, we found a mysterious manifester who can transform into a giant dragon. The other party expressed his willingness to join our Republic of Dalmecia to fight against the Iron Kingdom together."

"What do you mean, a new manifester has appeared and is going to join our Republic of Dalmecia to help us fight the Iron Kingdom? Are you kidding? Is he really a manifester?" A Dalmecia official asked in disbelief.

"What I said is true, and the other party has revealed the appearance of a manifester, a huge dragon. We all saw it, and it has now arrived at the military camp." The soldier kneeling on the ground said.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't dare to come here to report.

"If that's the case, it's great. If we have the power of two summoned beasts, our Dalmesia Republic can easily repel the Iron Kingdom and even gain a higher voice on this continent." A parliamentary official said excitedly.

If there is only one giant Titan, it is also very deterrent, but if there are two, the meaning is completely different.

The Kingdom of Volud on the Ash Continent, which is allied with them, has two manifesters. It is said that there were three, but one of them rebelled.

"As far as I know, there should be no other manifestors in this world. It was only thirteen years ago that a mysterious patient of Fire County appeared in the Phoenix Gate incident." The bald strong man Hugo snorted coldly.

I don't know what kind of attribute this strange manifestor represents. The wind manifestor is the woman in the ally.

The earth manifestor Titan is himself, and the water manifestor is in the autonomous territory.

The fire manifestor is said to have been killed many years ago, but according to some rumors, there is a second fire manifestor on the continent now.

The thunder manifestor is said to be from another continent, but he rebelled for unknown reasons.

The other two are recognized as the most powerful manifestors, Dragon King Bahamut and Odin.

The dragon manifestor Bahamut Dragon King is the eldest prince of the Holy Sunbrek Empire.

As for the other one, Odin Manifestor, who is as famous as the dragon king, is Barnabas, the king of the Kingdom of Volud.

Nisa Canyon, in the Zanielcha Castle, this is the front line of the war with the Iron Kingdom.

If a Manifestor appears, then the plan to control the Republic of Dalmecia may have to be modified.

"Anyway, please invite him in first!"

The other members of the Dalmecia Republic's parliament were all excited. If this Manifestor joins them sincerely.

Then there will be someone who can check and balance Hugo. Hugo has been going too far recently and even wants to turn the Republic into his kingdom.

Soon Rhodes and Alice were invited into the military fortress of the Republic of Dalmecia.

"You are the new one! Uh! Uh!" The Dalmecia Republic parliament member who was about to come forward to talk to him instantly turned blood red, with a strange pattern in his eye sockets and a dull face.

The other people in the room were about to get angry, and Rhodes' eyes also swept over.

No one can resist the power of the Samsara Sharingan, including the Titan Manifestation, and all the high-ranking officials of the Dalmesia Republic were instantly controlled by Rhodes.

I don't intend to play some power games with them, because soon, the spokesperson of a certain evil god, the manifestation of Odin, King Barnabas, will come. (End of this chapter)

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