Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 323: Release the Proto-Dragon King's Proposal, Alexstrasza the Life-Taker

It is very difficult for the five-color dragon clan to reproduce. Ordinary giant dragons cannot even give birth to normal offspring of the five-color giant dragon.

Because they themselves are life forms mutated through the power of Titan's magical order, there is no way for them to reproduce like normal life.

Most of the babies they gave birth to were young dragons without very high intelligence, or draconians with certain intelligence but unable to become giant dragons.

Only the king of five-color dragons and his spouse can give birth to a real dragon, and there is a probability.

A child who is not born to the Dragon King cannot become a giant dragon at all and can only grow into some weak and deformed child.

In the final analysis, it was because her life level was too low. More than ten years ago, she suffered heavy losses from the orcs, and was forced to give birth to a large number of unintelligent baby dragons with her spouse, making these children the members of the orcs. mount.

This caused the Red Dragon Legion to suffer heavy losses. The current Red Dragon Legion is far worse than the most powerful period in ancient times.

So if a powerful demigod could help, she would feel a lot more comfortable, even if the wilderness demigod could provide some life energy.

Then she would have greater confidence that she would be able to give birth to some giant dragons that could truly become adults.

"Hello, Red Dragon Queen, I am Rhodes, the spokesperson of the Blue Dragon Demigod Azeroth." Rhodes said with a smile.

The life principle of the Red Dragon Queen is indeed very powerful, even more powerful than the other wilderness demigods and the Green Dragon Queen. She is worthy of being the giver of life.

"I have heard about you a long time ago. You are the new demigod chosen by Azeroth, and you have also been favored by Azeroth and become her spokesperson." The Red Dragon Queen bowed to Rhodes He bowed and spoke.

Even she, the king of five-color dragons, was not qualified to meet Azeroth, but the demigod in front of her was rumored to have interacted with Azeroth many times.

"Thank you for your praise. We are all doing the same job, which is to protect the world of Azeroth from harm. Red Dragon Queen, you came to me this time. Is there something wrong with you?" Rhodes asked. road.

"Please come with me! Demigod Rhodes, I originally just wanted to communicate with you and establish some cooperative relationships, but now I may need your help with something." The Red Dragon Queen smiled and led Rhodes in. In his own palace, it is located in the middle level of Longmian Temple.

This is usually where he receives humanoid creatures. If a giant dragon comes, they will meet at the top of the Dragon Sleeping Temple. After all, the dragon's body is too huge.

This is a room with a red tone, a red gauze curtain, a red bed, and a red sofa. There is an ambiguous style everywhere.

"Red Dragon Queen, actually I have something I want to discuss with you and the Green Dragon Queen this time," Rhodes said.

"Oh! Do you need help from Ysera and me? Just tell me!" Alexstrasza said.

“Your former hometown, the Dragon Islands, was home to many Archosaurs, and there were also many Archosaurs across Azeroth.

For example, Northrend, the area where you live now, and Stormfjord in the Broken Islands, both have a large number of Archosaurs.

These Ancestral Dragons, as well as the Ancestral Dragon King, are the lives that were born in the world of Azeroth.

I would like to discuss with you and the Green Dragon Queen to release the other Ancestral Dragon Kings after the Dragon Islands are unsealed. " Rhodes said.

"You! You actually want to release the Ancestral Dragon King! They, all of them have taken refuge in the power of the elements and embraced the powerful power of the elements. They are not from the Titan Order."

"Weren't you once powerful ancestral dragons? You embraced the power of the Titans. But those ancestral dragon kings embraced the power of the elements.

You were just forcibly infused with the power of the Titans! And it's still done by those Titan Guardians, but really, if you want to.

Azeroth can also grant you the same power. Azeroth is everything to us, even more than Titan. " Rhodes said.

When the Red Dragon Queen heard this, her mouth opened wide and her eyes widened. She couldn't believe the wilderness demigod in front of her.

He actually had the same idea as the Ancestral Dragon King, that the Titans had polluted Azeroth.

Could it be that Azeroth also has this idea? But Azeroth is a Titan!

"This is a wrong idea. Rhodes, the demigod of Azeroth, is a Titan himself."

"No! Azeroth is the soul of the planet. After she is born and awakens, she will be more advanced than the Titans.

I can tell you clearly that in the eyes of the Azeroth Star Soul, those Titan Guardians are no different from the Old Gods, and they all want to turn Azeroth into their kind.

The Old Gods used the corruption of the void to turn Azeroth into a powerful void lord, while the Titans wanted to awaken the star soul of Azeroth into a titan. " Rhodes said.

"This! The Titans are not malicious. You have not experienced those dark years. We have experienced it. In an era older than the ancient war, the Dark Empire era, it was the Titans who defeated the Dark Empire and created the true Order." The Red Dragon Queen said.

"But now the entire Pantheon has been wiped out. All the Titan Guardians are basically sealed, demoralized, and some have even fallen. It's about Ulduar.

Don't tell me you didn't notice anything. The reason why Tyr left with the Norgannon Disc was because of the Titans. The Guardians had an internal conflict because the Guardians discovered a cruel truth.

The Pantheon they worshipped and admired was destroyed, and the one who destroyed the Pantheon was Sargeras. "Rhode said.

"So, is this what Azeroth meant? Are we, are we the ones who are wrong?" The Red Dragon Queen was silent for a moment and asked.

"As long as it is to protect Azeroth, then it is right. Azeroth does not blame you, otherwise, the Green Dragon Queen would not guard the Emerald Dream.

And you guardian dragons should also know that the Emerald Dream was not created by Freya, the guardian of life, but discovered by her.

So I hope you and the Green Dragon Queen can understand that Azeroth hopes that the Proto-Dragon King will be released. You guardian dragons, ordinary dragons can't even reproduce.

This important task can only fall on you dragon kings. If it weren't for your endless lifespan, the dragon clan would have perished long ago.

So Alexstrasza, you should embrace the power of Azeroth, not the power of protection given to you by the Titans. "Rhodes said.

"I know, but I need to discuss this with a few other people. I can't give you a clear answer.

And now the Dragon Islands are also hidden by the Titans' mist array. Even we dragons can't find it. "The Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza said.

If the Dragon Islands could go home, they wouldn't have wandered in the land of Aiglas for 10,000 years.

This matter is of great significance. Releasing the Ancestral Dragon King, embracing the power of Azeroth, and giving up the power given by the Titans, is this the right path?

"I will solve the Titans' mist array in the future. As long as you agree, Azeroth will re-inject the power of the Guardian Dragon in you soon. "Rod said.

The Red Dragon Queen, the Green Dragon Queen, the Frost Dragon Queen among the Proto-Dragon Kings, and the remaining Proto-Dragon Kings can all be won over to Azeroth.

As for the Blue Dragon Clan, Rod plans to take time to go to the Broken Isles and hand over the old blue dragons that survived there and the blue dragon eggs he guarded to the Blue Dragon King.

It should be able to restore the Blue Dragon King to normal. If he still can't recover, then he can also let Azeroth give power to Tyrigosa to create a Blue Dragon Queen.

Bronze Dragon, wait until I have absolute power to deal with them, as for the Black Dragon Clan, there is also a guy called Black Horn! Rod plans to deal with these two dragons last.

"Okay! I know! Today's incident has a great impact on me. I'm sorry that I can't make a decision immediately. "

"It doesn't matter, Red Dragon Queen, take your time, you can adapt to it. After all, Azeroth is the place where you were born, not those so-called Titans. "Rhodes said.

"I need to discuss it with my sister. I will give you an answer after a while."

"No problem. After the defeat of the Lich King, I hope you, the Red Dragon Queen, can give me a satisfactory answer." Then wait until the defeat of the Lich King! Anyway, I am very busy during this period.

"Okay, we have agreed to wait until the defeat of the Lich King is over."

"Then Red Dragon Queen, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first." Rhodes said, and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute! Lord Rhodes! For the help I just asked for, can you provide me with some life force? Help me breed some new red dragons." The Red Dragon Queen said.

This is the key to her inviting Rhodes here this time. After all, among all the wilderness demigods, this one has the strongest vitality, even close to the true god.

"If it is another life form, then I can say it is no problem, but the Red Dragon Queen, you... "Rhode hesitated a little.

His life force was now so strong that it could easily make an ordinary night elf reach the level of a great druid in an instant.

But for the Red Dragon Queen, Rhode was not sure whether he could satisfy her. After all, she was nicknamed the Giver of Life, and her life force was much stronger than that of an ordinary demigod.

"You just need to infuse me with some life force. I suffered a lot when I was captured by the orcs before. Although it has been almost 20 years, I have not recovered." The Red Dragon Queen pulled Rhode to her bedroom.

"I'll do my best!" Rhode burst out with emerald green life force, and he was about to start infusing the Red Dragon Queen with life force.

"No, no! This method will lose a lot of life essence, and it is also more laborious for you. We can use the most primitive way of life intersection to complete it." The Red Dragon Queen took off her breastplate.

"The most, most, most primitive way of life exchange?"

No way! Queen, are you serious?

"Don't be shy! Come on! I want your life force, Demigod Rhodes, and now the entire Azeroth world.

Your life force can be said to be the most powerful, let's have a good exchange of ideas on how to use the life force. "The Red Dragon Queen smiled charmingly and said.

Rhodes nodded, since you don't mind, Queen, I won't be polite.

"Red Dragon Queen, is this little tail your own?" Rhodes asked, playing with the red short tail in his hand.

When several dragon kings turn into human form, they seem to have more dragon characteristics, but other five-color dragons do not.

"Yeah! That's the extended tail of our dragon clan. Don't touch it."

"The dragon horns on your head." Rhodes asked, looking at the pair of dragon horns on the head of the Red Dragon Queen.

"Yes! Not even dragon horns." Dragon horns are the symbol of the dragon clan's throne!

"But I want to grab something." Otherwise, where would you let me put my hand?

"Yeah! Yes, anything except the tail and dragon horns will do."

"Okay!" If you had said it earlier, I would have caught him.

"Red Dragon Queen, are you sure that the life force of the two of us can successfully give birth to a new dragon?" Rhodes asked.

After all, although I also bear the character dragon, I am the green dragon from the East, not your giant dragon from the West!

Even in essence, my race should belong to human beings, but I just have the deformed state of dragons.

"Okay, don't ask so many questions. Move faster! I still need more life force." The Red Dragon Queen turned to look at Rhodes with a very dissatisfied look and said.

Fool! Who told you that I would give birth to an ordinary red dragon!

The life energy of a demigod cannot be wasted. He must give birth to a new demigod. Only then can he fundamentally solve the problem of the Red Dragon Legion.

"Has my sister asked you for help?" Alexstrasza turned around and asked.

"No, you were the first to ask me for help." Rhodes said, lifting the huge red dragon's butt.

That's good, I will definitely be able to give birth to a powerful demigod dragon.

"You have to work hard! Mr. Rhodes, if I am satisfied, I will definitely help you release the other Ancestral Dragon Kings.

After all, you don’t want to be unable to complete the task assigned to you by Azeroth! "The Red Dragon Queen said.

no! Wait, why do these words sound so familiar? Why are you telling me?

"I'll do my best. After all, if it were you, my life force would not be enough."

After a full day and night, Rhodes and the Red Dragon Queen completed the exchange of life force experiences.

Rhodes left the Dragon Sleeping Temple extremely weak. Red Dragon Queen, what kind of life giver are you?

I think you are a life sucker! (End of chapter)

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