Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 326: Sealing Thanos, Black Death Sword, Mysterious Voice

Thanos kept waving the Black Death Sword in his hand, creating countless black mist that turned into monsters.

He wanted to counteract the wooden dragon summoned by Rhodes, but the black mist he created would dissipate instantly as long as it was entangled by the wooden dragon. He himself was entangled in this strange wooden cage several times.

With his extremely strong physical fitness, Thanos can break free, but you can break free once, twice, three times, what if it is countless times? And this strange wooden cage can actually swallow up his physical strength.

Even strange green energy can pollute his own life. If it weren't for this Black Death Sword, Thanos would have already failed at this time.

Odin on the side raised the Eternal Spear high, with golden energy flowing on the gun body.

Thanos can see that the opponent is accumulating strength, and the eternal spear will have a sure-hit effect after being thrown.

If he were hit by a charged blow from the current God King Odin, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Don't bother taking action! God King Odin! Believe me, he can't escape from my grasp." Rhodes clapped his hands.

The huge wooden man also stretched out his hands, and countless arms grew from his back, and struck at Thanos.

The same overlord-colored domineering, demigod-level coercion, the coercion of the chakra fruit and the spiritual ability of the samsara eye act on Thanos at the same time, suppressing the opponent's spirit.

They even used space skills to block the entire space to prevent Thanos from escaping. This Black Death Sword is very weird. In the movie, it even has the ability to teleport short distances, so Rhodes had to guard against it.

"I don't know you at all! Why are you trying to deal with me?" Thanos said, waving the Sword of Black Death and struggling to withstand the attacks of the super-large wooden giant and countless wooden dragons.

At this time, his group of men were almost taken care of. The Black Star generals and a large number of cannon fodder legions had been taken care of by the Shepherd Giants summoned by Rhodes.

"It's normal that you don't know me, but if you have to clean up the universe regularly, then I am very dangerous in this universe, so you have offended me." Rhodes did not forget to increase his intensity while speaking, and green branches Qian, has wrapped around Thanos' body.

At the same time, he used the power of the soul fruit to suppress the will of the Black Death Sword. This sword!

But with self-awareness, its creator endowed it with wisdom when it was created.

"You don't understand, I am here for the balance of the entire universe. Life is like viruses and bacteria, constantly multiplying, causing huge trouble to the entire universe.

Only I have discovered this and I want to save our universe. " Thanos struggled fiercely, and the Black Death Sword in his hand wanted to exert force again, bursting out powerful dark power to help him escape. But a strange force suppressed it.

This was the first time this happened since he obtained the Black Death Sword. This legendary god-slaying weapon could actually be suppressed. What kind of power is this?

He had never seen what that kind of green energy or blue energy was.

"So I say you are too extreme! This universe has existed for countless years, do you think that only your method can work?

Then I ask you, why don’t you make a wish to increase the scope of the universe through eternity? Wouldn’t this provide more resources? " Rhode said with a cold snort.

Odin, who was standing aside and wanted to charge up his strength to kill Thanos, also put away the Eternal Spear at this time. There was no need for him to do anything anymore.

Thanos is no match for Rhodes, even with the Sword of Black Death. This guy is much stronger than when they last met.

What an amazing growth rate!

"Wishful thinking, the reproduction rate of life will quickly fill these resources. No matter how big you make the universe, the reproduction rate of life will be above this, so only cutting back is the safest thing." Thanos said.

If this wish is useful, just get the Infinity Stones. He can easily do this kind of thing and create countless empty planets and empty spaces in the universe, but Thanos understands that life will soon fill these places.

"Hmph! Please forgive me for disagreeing. Maybe your level is too low, so you can't find a solution."

Rhodes stretched out his right hand, wrapped the Yin and Yang forces in his palm, and then placed it on Thanos' head.

"Earth Explosion Sky Star, change!"

An extremely powerful binding force instantly restrained Thanos and suppressed his entire mental thinking, making the purple man unconscious in an instant.

This is Rhodes' improved Earth Explosion Star. It is different from the original production, with a sealed space the size of the moon.

This move can directly seal all the energy in the target's body, as well as special power activities, and put the target's mind into a deep sleep.

After subduing Thanos, Rhodes was not idle. He released several of his Homitz weapons, and then asked them to work together to suppress the Black Death Sword.

"Look at my master, the power of evil energy suppresses his thinking." The Evil Energy Great Sword Destroyer said.

"The eternal flame will burn its soul," Helios said.

At the same time, Ma Liang's body also emitted golden light, forming a powerful sealing force.

A weapon made by Homi helped Rhodes suppress the Black Death Sword in an instant, and Rhodes immediately stepped forward. Temporarily sealed it with chakra sealing technique.

To prevent this weapon that can kill gods from escaping, since you have come to my place, don’t leave, stay and have a cup of tea!

It just so happens that Miss Xalatas, the ancient god, is still missing a partner, so you just go over to accompany her.

"Hades, Helios, World Destroyer, Ma Liang! The three of you are in the space, watch him carefully." Rhodes said.

"Don't worry, the master leaves it to us. We have experience in taking care of prisoners."

Rhodes nodded, put the Black Death Sword into his own space, and also put several Homitz weapons into it.

After taking care of Thanos, Rhodes and Odin immediately rushed to the battlefield below and quickly extinguished other remaining forces brought by Thanos.

After seeing their boss being subdued, the morale of these Thanos legions collapsed, and they had no power to resist at all.

An hour later, Asgard's army achieved a complete victory.

"We won, we won!"

"Long live Asgard, Odin! Long live the God King."

Countless Asgardian warriors began to cheer.

"Thank you very much. If you hadn't arrived in time, Rhodes, we in Asgard might have suffered heavy losses." Odin came to Rhodes, nodded and said.

is not that right? If this kid hadn't come, although he was confident of defeating Thanos, the ordinary army and people in Asgard would have suffered heavy losses.

There are even full possibilities!

"Don't worry, Lord Odin. Go and bring over the bodies of all the fallen soldiers. I will resurrect them first," Rhodes said.

This is probably the second time he has used his resurrection ability, but it is not the natural reincarnation technique of the heretics, but the druid's skill of bringing back the dead!

Now that he has cast this spell, it has already had a 72-hour cooldown. If the death time exceeds 72 hours, he will not be able to be resurrected by himself.

Even the body, as long as most of it is preserved, after mastering the art of reincarnation and the powerful power of strong chakra, some of Rhodes' levels have also been improved.

The Asgardian soldiers who had seen Rhodes' move before nodded and immediately informed their comrades to bring the bodies of their comrades to Rhodes, who then resurrected them.

Rhodes directly separated more than a hundred shadow clones, and then began to use the resurrection technique on the dead Asgardians.

A few hours later, Rhodes basically resurrected all the Asgardian warriors who died in the war.

"Thank you again, Rhodes." Odin nodded to Rhodes and said sincerely.

"You're welcome, Lord God King."

"Father! It's all my fault. If I had come back a few days earlier, I could have helped you fight." Thor said.

"You have grown up too, Thor! Hahaha! Don't take it to heart. You came back in time this time. Who is this girl? Can you tell me?" After Odin finished speaking, he looked at the man standing aside. Miss Blue Dragon asked.

This woman with aqua-blue hair has a very powerful life force, much more powerful than ordinary Asgardians. She is not a mortal race.

It seems that this guy Rhodes is quite interested. He was also worried about Sol's affairs, but he just didn't know if he could get the Hela girl. Sometimes the old father really worried about his daughter.

"Lord Ri'an God King Odin!" Taligosa saluted Odin and said.

This Odin looks similar to Odin, the great guardian of Azeroth, except that one is made of flesh and blood, and the other is made of steel. But in terms of strength, Lord Odin is even stronger!

"Hahaha! I haven't introduced you yet! This lady's name is Taligotha, father, when I was playing in the world of Azeroth.

It was this lady who served as my guide. She took me to many places, including Wyrmrest Temple in Northrend, the Broken Islands, the Eastern Kingdom of Kalimdor, and even a broken planet world called Outland, which was filled with A void energy. "Thor began to describe what he saw and heard to Odin vividly.

The world of Azeroth has magical scenery, beautiful natural scenery, and many anecdotes.

"It seems that you have seen a lot of things. The other world must be very exciting, right?

It seems that you have confirmed that that world will be suitable for us, right? "Odin asked.

He can't wait to leave this universe now. This universe is too unfriendly to them Asgardians!

I just want to kill them, restart the cycle of reincarnation, let them Asgardians disappear from this world and initiate the Twilight of the Gods.

"Hahaha! I'm sure father, Azeroth is a magical world that can accommodate many races and us Asgardians.

Those void forces were a group of invaders, but they did not invade that world deeply, and several of the invading minions had been sealed away.

Rhodes is also thinking of ways to eliminate them. As long as we contribute, we can have a safe world to live in. "Saul said.

In the past six months, he has been adventuring in the world of Azeroth and made many friends.

I met many strange races. Humans, orcs, elves, dwarves, and even trolls.

There is also a wandering race like the Asgardians, the Draenei.

The invasion of the world of Azeroth by the void is not particularly serious.

Several powerful ancient gods were all sealed and unable to move at all. Some of his minions and generals were indeed very powerful.

But the world of Azeroth also has its own guardians.

"I trust your judgment, my son. Let me prepare. Together with you, I will take my people to a new world and a new life in the universe." Odin said.

Now that his son has confirmed the affairs of another world, Odin does not intend to stay in this universe anymore.

If we stay any longer, who knows what weird things will happen, and what kind of existence will come to trigger the Twilight of the Gods.

"This lady looks a little strange. She looks like she belongs to the Elf clan. Thor, why don't you introduce her to your mother?" Queen Freya stepped forward and said with a slight smile.

This blue-haired girl looks much more beautiful than the Earth girl. At least she is younger than the Earth girl, and her vitality is also very strong.

It seems that Thor will soon forget about the girl named Jane. After all, she is only an earthling.

Her lifespan was too short, and it was destined that she was just a passer-by in Sol's life.

"Hahaha! I will introduce it to you, mother. He is not an elf. What he looks like now is called high elf in another world. He is a very magical race. Their lifespan may be four to five thousand years. time.

There is also a race called night elves, who are very close to nature, and their lifespan even reaches more than 10,000 years.

This Miss Terry Gossa is a member of the Blue Dragon Clan, one of the top life forms in that world, and her family has endless lives. "Saul said.

The night elves, Odin and the Queen knew about it, because when Azeroth came over, they used Tyrande's body, and Tyrande was a night elf.

But the blue dragon clan did not expect that she was actually a member of the dragon clan. Odin and God Queen Freya were very satisfied with this blue dragon lady, and even Odin himself nodded to Rhodes.

It seems to be saying, I am very satisfied with this daughter-in-law. Her life level is enough. If she and Thor are combined, they will definitely be able to give birth to powerful offspring.

Boy, I am very optimistic about you. I am very satisfied with what you did this time!

"Okay, don't let our guests stand outside, let's go! Go back to Immortal Palace, I want to hold a grand banquet." Odin laughed and patted Rhodes on the shoulder.

At this moment, a void and mysterious voice sounded.

"Rhodes, an outsider from another world, helped the God King Odin to defeat Thanos who possessed the Black Death Sword.

He saved Asgard again, avoided the Twilight of the Gods twice, and even used his magical resurrection ability once again.

This outsider also changed the fate of Thor, the god of thunder, and Jane was no longer Thor's only true love.

He brought a strange species, a dragon clan. It was a really strange existence, completely different from some of the dragon clans I was familiar with.

I am also very curious about the magical power in him, which comes from another world.

Even God King Odin will lead the entire Asgardian tribe to leave this world. I don’t know whether this is right or wrong, because the established Ragnarok will not appear.

He made huge changes to the universe, but he also changed what happened on the earth. Thor, the God of Thunder, was not able to return as scheduled.

At this time, the outsider does not know that if Thor does not return to Earth, Ultron will get his own body, and the hero named Vision will never appear again.

Fire from another universe. After Ultron gained a real body, he gained unimaginable power.

The entire Avengers is no match for him, Thor, you must return to Earth quickly, your friends need you. "

Without Thor, the Avengers would not be able to defeat Ultron, nor would they be able to give birth to the hero Vision.

In a strange cosmic latitude, a creature wearing a cloak and a super-large round head was talking to himself.

Just as he was about to leave with Odin, Rhodes frowned and turned his head to look into the deep space of the universe.

strangeness! Did you hear someone talking just now?

"The outsider's eyes are fixed on me. Has he discovered my existence? This outsider has a very powerful power of space.

Maybe he could spot me, and no matter how much I probed, I couldn't see what was going on in his universe. "The observer said.

"What's wrong? Rhodes, why don't you leave?" God King Odin turned his head and asked very strangely.

"God King Odin, did you hear a voice speaking?" Rhodes asked.

"Rhode, you mean someone is talking, but I didn't hear any sound. Did you find something? Is there someone hiding in the dark?"

God King Odin frowned, and the Eternal Spear in his hand once again emitted golden light.

Then he pointed to the deep space of the universe. Rhodes is very powerful. If the opponent really finds the enemy.

Then this enemy must be very terrifying. God King Odin did not dare to be careless in the slightest, holding the Eternal Spear with a vigilant look on his face.

Even Thor, the God of Thunder, picked up his own hammer.

"He seems to have vaguely discovered my existence, but I will not interfere with everything in the universe, I will only observe."

"Who is it? Who is speaking in my ear? Who is there?" This time, Rod really heard the voice. (End of this chapter)

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