Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 327 The Observer, the birthplace of Infinite Ultron?

Yes, Rhodes activated his Sage Mode, and then began to perceive with all his strength, and maximized the power of his Observation Haki and the Soul Soul Fruit.

Finally, he found a cosmic barrier that looked like a mirror. A guy wearing a robe and looking like a big-headed doll was standing there with his arms folded.

"I see you, your head is really big! What do you mean by what you just said? And who are you?"

In fact, the moment he saw the other person, Rhodes knew who this person was. The cosmic observer appeared in the hypothetical world, but also appeared in the comic world, and even caused the comic version of the zombie universe and the culprit of the Mobius cycle.

The observer's style is very high, and it has reached the multiverse level. They can observe anything in any universe, but they just observe and never interfere.

Unless this universe will destroy the balance of the entire multiverse, otherwise, even if this universe is destroyed, it has nothing to do with the observer.

But knowing is knowing, Rhodes is still very clear about one thing, that is, you know, but you can't say it, so Rhodes still pretended not to recognize who the other person was.

"You shouldn't be able to see me. We are not in another dimension at all. Our clan is the observer.

Outsider, I have no ill intentions. I am just observing your changes to this world. Countless multiverses have endless worlds.

My duty is to observe the changes in these universes. Whether the universe is destroyed or there is a huge crisis, it has nothing to do with me." This time, this ethereal voice was completely transmitted to Rhodes' ears.

"Are you an observer? Have you been watching me?" Rhodes asked.

At this time, Rhodes began to mobilize his spatial power perception with all his strength. His spatial ability was very strong. He could only travel through the world alone before, but since he came into contact with the space gem in the Infinity Gem.

After contacting Sargeras and Azeroth, Rhodes has made greater use of his spatial ability.

Rhodes can clearly perceive the dimension where the observer is, and if he mobilizes his spatial ability, he should be able to go over and enter the special dimension where the observer is.

"You don't need to care about me. However. You can perceive me, which makes me more curious about you. I can't see anything that happened to you after you left this universe. I am very curious about your experience." The observer said.

It was the first time that this person appeared. It was the first time that the Observer clan could not find this existence. There were many secrets hidden in this man.

The Observer could not help but want to continue to explore, but he was only responsible for this multiverse!

He did not have the authority to go to other universes for observation, and he did not know whether other clans had noticed this existence.

"What you just said made me very concerned! The universe I am in now, do you mean that something terrible will happen?

If Thor does not return to Earth, something terrible will happen. What is that Ultron? There is another hero who will not be born, what is that?" Rhodes asked.

According to what the Observer just said, if Thor does not return to Earth, then Ultron will successfully seize Vision's body and be born successfully.

Of course, Rhodes pretended that he did not know all this. Heard it for the first time.

"I don't know how this universe will develop in the future. Everything ahead is unknown.

I just said some of the things I saw before, and made my comments based on some of the situations I observed before. You don't need to care about these words." The Observer said.

He has seen too many universes, where Tony Stark was saved by Black Panther and Tony Stark entered the realm of the Supreme Lord.

There is also a world where Thor is an only child and Odin did not adopt Loki.

Even the King of Earth, Black Panther, became Star-Lord, which caused Thanos to change his mind.

He has seen too many things, and too many things that are about to happen, bad things.

"Tell me the truth! What bad things will happen? Mr. Observer, you should be a multiverse-level existence, right?" Rod said.

This observer showed some of his combat power at the end of the animation. He was able to fight back and forth with the six-gem Ultron. He was not weak and his combat power should be stronger than Sargeras.

Although Sargeras is very good at fighting, he still has not broken through to the multiverse level, but only the single universe level.

When the six-gem Ultron fought with the observer, he even broke through the universe dimension. What level of existence is the six-gem Ultron?

This guy completely destroyed all the life in his universe. Although he relied on the power of the infinite gems, it is undeniable that the opponent is powerful.

This record is equivalent to completing what Sargeras had always wanted to accomplish before his transformation, burning the entire universe.

And the Observer who can fight back and forth with the Six Gem Ultron and exchange a few moves. You can imagine this guy's fighting power!

The most important thing is that the Observer is not a fighting type of combatant. In fact, he is not best at fighting.

And there is only one thing that Rhodes cares about, that is Ultron. This universe he is in now, is not the place where the Six Gem Ultron was born?

If that's the case, it's bad! The fighting power of the Six Gem Ultron is off the charts!

But it seemed something was wrong. Thanos got the Black Death Sword in this universe, and now he was arrested by himself. The three Infinity Stones of Power, Space, and Reality were all in his hands.

However, without the interference of Thor, Ultron might really be born smoothly and occupy the body of Vision.

"I won't communicate with you anymore. As long as it doesn't threaten the multiverse, no matter what you do in this universe, I won't care or ask." After the observer finished speaking, he directly cut off the contact with Rhodes, then turned his eyes to more multiverses and began to observe.

Rhodes also frowned. He could use his own power to go there, but the ability of the observer made him afraid.

Now he didn't show the ability to go to the multiverse, so the observer had no interest in him. Even if he destroyed this universe, he didn't mean anything.

But if he showed the ability to enter his world and that special dimension, the situation would be different!

Rhodes didn't want to offend the observer at this time, so he symbolically shouted a few times into the universe. Seeing that no one answered, he turned back to Odin and Thor.

"Rod! Who were you just talking to, or were you talking to yourself?" Thor asked in confusion.

"That should be the Observer. I know he exists, but even I can't sense him. He will observe the situation of various multiverses.

But this guy will only observe. Even if the universe is destroyed, no matter what happens, he will not interfere." Odin said.

Obviously, as the God King of Asgard and the longest-lived Asgardian, Odin still knows something about the Observer.

But Odin didn't expect that Rod could see the Observer and talk to the Observer. Their clan is very mysterious.

"How should I put it? The big bald guy just said that if Thor didn't return to Earth, a very scary guy would be born.

It is likely to threaten the ecological security of the entire universe." Rod said, touching his chin.

Ultron still needs to be dealt with quickly. This guy is a completely crazy artificial intelligence. The only thing he wants is to destroy all life in this universe and restore the entire universe to a dead state.

"Is the Earth in danger? Has a powerful enemy appeared? I'll go back and take a look." Thor said solemnly.

"No! Child, we have decided to leave this universe. Everything that happens in this universe, even the destruction of the universe, has nothing to do with the Asgardians.

We have protected the Earth for so many years and the universe for so many years, but now it's time for us to take a break and go to the new world." Odin shook his head and said.

He did not owe this universe anything. He had made countless efforts to protect this universe over the years.

But this universe did not give the Asgardians a corresponding return. The Asgardians could not escape the twilight of the gods, and there was even a danger of extinction in the future.

Since I decided to leave Odin, I decided not to interfere in anything in this universe!

"But father, my companions on Earth need me."

"Your people also need you. After we go to the new world, we will also fight the enemy." Odin said.

"Father, I must go to that Earth. Just consider this as my last request!

If you don't agree, you and Rhodes can go to the new world, and I will stay." Thor, the god of thunder, confronted his father Odin without showing any weakness.

"Asshole! Thor! What are you talking about? Do you know what you are talking about? You are actually going to give up your people for the Earth." Odin was instantly furious, exuding a terrifying aura. The Spear of Eternity also felt the anger of its master and emitted a golden light.

"Wait a minute, King Odin, maybe we should go to Earth. Don't worry! This time, Thor and I will go together.

We will solve the problem over there, and I am not saying that I will not come to this universe in the future.

I also promised someone to deal with a big problem on Earth!" At this time, Rhodes stood in front of Odin and separated the father and son.

After all, he still has to solve the problems of the Cosmic God Group in the future.

"Rod, you are my good friend, I know you will definitely help me."

"If it is Earth, I can also accompany Thor. I have powerful magic ability, I should be able to help." Terigosa, who was standing aside, also expressed her opinion. She would help Thor with whatever he decided.

"Rod! I know. I will stay in Asgard and prepare to move. Let all the tribesmen prepare and let the dwarves come. You and Thor will go to Earth to meet them and come back quickly." Odin looked at Rod and nodded meaningfully.

If only his stupid son insisted on going, then Odin would directly seal Thor's power again, forcibly take him to another universe, and then imprison him for decades.

But since Rod has spoken, it proves that what happened on Earth must be related to Rod. In this case, there is no need for him to stop it.

"Don't worry! King Odin, when the observer talked to me just now, he revealed a few names.

I think we can figure out what crisis happened on Earth based on this clue. I will solve all this, and then bring Thor back, and we will go to Azeroth together. "Rhodes said.

Please, Lord God King, I know the plot.

"I know, you guys should be careful, do you want to take the Infinity Stones with you?" Odin asked.

"Okay! Space Stone, Power Stone, Reality Stone, I just want to extract energy again. "Rod said.

The Soul Gem is still on Oshu'gun, the Time Gem is with the Ancient One, and the Mind Gem is about to appear.

By then, there will be five Infinity Gems gathered on Earth, and he can completely extract a wave of energy to expand the Emerald Dream Seal and even his own space.

Rod has no problem with the energy of the Infinity Gems, especially the power of the Time Gem. Even in this special universe, Rod plans to plant the God Tree again.

Rod thought about the previous stimulating chakra fruit and felt that it was a bit bad to give it to Sargeras.

In that case, let's plant the super chakra fruit again.

Anyway, it's just the fruit that is handed over, and the planting method is still in his hands. And more importantly, the future planting The fruit still needs the help of Sargeras.

Giving the other party a defective fruit seems to be insincere.

And Rhodes intends to collect all six paths. The Heavenly Path is Sephiroth, and Thanos Rhodes also reserved a place for him in the Six Paths.

His own Six Paths ability is much stronger than Payne, so he has to match it well.

After arriving on Earth, Rhodes plans to make the body Vision created by Ultron into a Six Paths clone, so that a robot will not waste resources.

Anyway, you will be killed in the future, and more importantly, the Mind Stone, I don’t plan to press it on your head.

"Even if you decide to leave, you have to rest in Asgard for two days. After all, you just came back, and I still have many questions to discuss with this lady!" Queen Freya said.

At the same time, her eyes drifted to Miss Blue Dragon on the other side. She still had to observe her future daughter-in-law carefully!

Only a life with eternal life is worthy of her son. (End of this chapter)

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