Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 328 The popular blue dragon lady, Thor returns to Earth

"But mother, I'm worried that there will be problems on the earth." Thor, the God of Thunder, said with some embarrassment.

Now that a super disaster is about to happen to the earth, I have to rush over it quickly no matter what!

After all, his comrades and Miss Jian are all on earth.

"Really? Heimdall, tell me, is there anything special happening on Earth right now? Is there any evil god from another space, or are there any super villains active?" Queen Freya turned to look at the sea Mdahl asked.

Heimdall's eyes can observe the entire nine realms. If something important happens on Earth, he will see it immediately, so it doesn't matter if Thor and others stay for a few more days.

“I didn’t see anything unusual, the Avengers, they are planning to hold a grand banquet soon.

Tony Stark, Captain America and others wanted to invite Thor, but they couldn't find a way to notify Thor. "Heimdall's eyes flashed for a moment, then he turned around and said.

He was also curious about what disaster would happen on Earth in the near future, but he didn't see anything usable with his own eyes.

There are some small villains who are making small troubles, but they are entirely the internal affairs of the people on earth and have not reached a major disaster that threatens the human crisis.

"They want to invite me to a banquet, why don't they send me an email?" Thor, the God of Thunder, waved his hand and said.

"I said, man, do you know what an email is? And do you have an email address? Besides, how do you receive them when they send them to you?" Rhodes said while suppressing a smile.

Please! In Thor II, Thor asked Doctor Strange to send him an email, but Thor probably didn't even know what an email was.

"What is an email address? Without that, they can't send me emails?" Thor, the god of thunder, asked a little confused.

Please allow yourself to attend the celebration party for defeating Noki on Earth. Tony Stark and Dr. Banner chatted with each other and said they would send emails to contact each other in the future.

So I wrote it down at that time. But Thor, God of Thunder, had no idea what email was. He thought it was like Heimdall's ability, which allowed him to contact himself anytime and anywhere.

“E-mail is a human technology. To use email, you must first be in an area with network coverage. In fact, there are still many places on the earth without network coverage.

For example, Africa, some areas of India, for example. Some desert areas, or on the high seas.

If you are on an alien planet, then unfortunately, the network signal cannot cover it, so they cannot contact you at all.

And to send emails, you also need something to receive them. You must have a laptop of your own or a smartphone, but obviously these things cannot be used in the universe. "Rhodes immediately popularized Thor.

"What are you doing? I thought that email could transmit messages across planets and universes. After working on it for a long time, it turned out that it could only be within one planet, but could not cover the entire planet." Thor, the God of Thunder, complained.

"Uh! I can teach you a way to use magic to transmit information. As long as the distance is not too far away, you should be able to use magic to contact us, but if it's across planets, that won't work." Miss Lanlong said in embarrassment at the side Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Sol's character is like this sometimes.

When traveling with her, we made a lot of jokes in the tribe's territory and the alliance's territory.

However, Thor's generous character also made humans, orcs and other races in the world of Azeroth have a good impression of him.

"In the future, you should have less contact with the humans on Earth. You don't belong there. If you help them deal with another crisis, you will have done your best." God King Odin said with a cold snort.

Still want to connect with each other! Do you think magic can connect across the universe?

"Thor! It's time to say goodbye to your friends, but not forever. If there is a chance in the future, I may take you to this world again, but I cannot bring you here anytime and anywhere.

You have to understand this. This time, you and I will go and say goodbye to your fellow Avengers! You don’t belong to the earth anyway. " Rhodes said.

Come on, throughout the entire Earth Age, Thor has basically not been involved in the plot, that is, in the Avengers trilogy.

"I know about Rhodes. In fact, I also want to invite my fellow Avengers to visit the world of Azeroth!"

"Give up this idea, Thor. You and I are friends, but you don't know the Avengers. This time, I went to help because of your face." Rhodes said.

The Avengers are about to hold a banquet, which should be the moment when Ultron is born. When the time comes, all he has to do is rush there with Thor.

"Then Mother, I will stay in Asgard and stay with you, and father, Heimdall. If anything happens to the earth, let me know immediately." Thor, the God of Thunder, finally had no choice but to agree to his mother. requested to stay in Asgard for two more days.

However, Thor, the God of Thunder, still asked Heimdall to pay attention to the situation on the earth, and to notify him immediately if there was any emergency.

"That's right, your name is Telligosa, right? Come with me, girl, I'll take you around the Asgard." Queen Freya nodded with satisfaction, looked at Miss Blue Dragon, and said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Miss Blue Dragon bowed to Thor's mother very gracefully and said.

For the next three days, Rhodes and Thor were in Asgard. Rhodes took advantage of this time to absorb the energy of the other three infinite gems.

And using the power of the space gem to expand his private space to the extreme, now it can at least accommodate an entire planet, and it is more solid.

"Lord Rhodes! There is news about the things you asked me to observe on Earth.

These heroes on Earth have just defeated a conspiracy of Hydra and are going to hold a banquet tonight!" Heimdall came to Rhodes' room, bowed, and said.

"I know, thank you Heimdall, please inform Thor that it's time for us to go to Earth." Rhodes smiled and nodded and said.

At this time, in the garden of the Asgard Palace, Queen Freya and Miss Blue Dragon were enjoying the flowers here.

"You Thor is actually a careless person. He is always lacking in thought in doing anything. Sometimes he is always clumsy and forgetful. I used to help him, but now it depends on you, girl!"

"I will, Queen God!"

As a blue dragon who has lived for more than 10,000 years, Taligosa still has some social skills.

In just three days, King God Odin and Queen God Freya have a very good impression of her.

Especially knowing that she is in another world, Azeroth is a member of the Blue Dragon Legion, her father is the King of Blue Dragons, and the Blue Dragon Princess, they are even more enthusiastic.

One is a princess of the dragon clan, and the other is an ordinary earth woman. Any parent will make the right choice.

"That's right, I teach you magic, you can also practice it well, your magic talent is very high. Maybe in the future, your son with Thor will inherit your magic talent." Queen God Freya said.

The blue dragon lady's magic talent is very high, even not inferior to her youngest son. In the past few days, she just taught her a few times, and the little girl immediately learned her magic.

Moreover, the blue dragon lady also taught him some magic from other worlds, and taught her to use a kind of energy called arcane.

As the controller of Azeroth magic, the daughter of the blue dragon king, Taligosa can also easily teach a mortal how to control arcane energy.

What's more, she is a queen of gods who has extremely high magical attainments. Although it is difficult to cast arcane magic in this world, it is not a problem as long as she goes to the world of Azeroth.

At this time, Thor and Rhodes also entered the garden together.

"Mother! And Tal! We should set off." Thor said.

It seems that the blue dragon lady gets along well with her mother. When Jane came over, although the mother was also very enthusiastic, her attitude towards the blue dragon lady was completely different.

He and the entire tribe are about to leave this world! This time, Thor planned to confront Miss Jane and ask her if she was willing to go to another world with him in pursuit of love. If Miss Jane agreed, he would beg Rod to bring one more person.

If he didn't agree, then the relationship would end in a breakup. Perhaps Miss Blue Dragon was also a good choice. In terms of appearance, she was far superior to Jane.

"Well, it seems that happy times are always short. Come back early. After arriving in the new world, I am looking forward to going around!

I will ask Miss Blue Dragon to be my guide at that time." Queen Freya said.

"No problem! I am very happy to serve you, Queen." Miss Blue Dragon bowed respectfully.

Queen Freya nodded with satisfaction. This girl's etiquette is much better than that Earth girl named Jane.

"Be careful on the road, Thor, you have to take good care of Miss Blue Dragon."

"Don't worry! Mother, Telligosa is very powerful, not a weak woman." Thor said.

Please! In terms of physical fitness, Thor can only beat him, after all, the other party is a real dragon!

"Mr. Rhodes, please take good care of my son."

"I will." Rhodes smiled and nodded.

After the group said goodbye, they took the Asgard Rainbow Bridge and headed towards the earth.

At this time, the top leaders of the Avengers, Iron Man Tony Stark, War Machine Colonel Rhodes, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk Dr. Banner, Hawkeye, gathered together for a cocktail party.

They had just thwarted a conspiracy of the Hydra organization, destroyed a Hydra base, and took the scepter that Loki used when he first invaded the earth.

Before, there were many political celebrities and even some wealthy people at the gathering place, but now there are only some old friends among the Avengers.

Everyone chatted a little bit, and this time, the Avengers gathered together, and only Thor was gone.

But there was no way, Thor was an alien in their cognition, and it was impossible for him to live on the earth.

Everyone was chatting, Black Widow was mixing drinks for everyone at the bar, and Dr. Banner came over and chatted with Black Widow.

At this moment, a colorful light suddenly fell from the sky, and even directly penetrated the glass of the Avengers Building.

Three figures appeared in front of everyone, and the Avengers immediately picked up their weapons. Tony Stark wanted to call his armor over, Hawkeye took out his bow and arrow, and Banner prepared to transform directly.

"Hey, guys, I heard that you have a new mission. You didn't call me?" Thor opened his hands and said.

"Thor? You, you actually came to Earth at this time, my God! We thought you would never come!" After seeing the person clearly, the Avengers let down their guard.

The two people following Thor were not seen before. One looked like an oriental man, very tall, estimated to be two meters tall.

The other one didn't look like a human. She had pointed ears, her eyes emitting a light blue glow, and long blue hair. Her skin was extremely smooth and fair.

I have to say that the appearance of Miss Blue Dragon, or the appearance of the high elves, is YYDS no matter which world it is in.

The blood elves are the face value of World of Warcraft, or the face value of the entire tribe.

No wonder the five-colored dragons basically choose these elves as their human appearance. Their aesthetics are fine, except for a black dragon raised by a minotaur, who chose the appearance of a minotaur. All of them are high elves.

"Welcome Thor! Welcome back." Captain America immediately stepped forward and greeted Thor cordially. He has always been very enthusiastic about his comrades.

"I didn't expect you to come, Thor, don't you introduce us?

Who are these two people around you? And why did you come here?" Iron Man Tony Stark asked.

Thor will not come to Earth for no reason, unless there is a disaster about to happen on Earth, or there has been one.

It seems that studying the artificial intelligence defense system of Ultron is the right choice. There will be many disasters on Earth in the future.

Humans alone may not be able to cope with all the disasters. (End of this chapter)

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