Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 345: Punishing Garrosh and Attacking Ulduar

Taking advantage of this opportunity to attack Ulduar, Rhodes also wants to release the Old God sister Sarasta who is sealed in his private space, and let her devour Yogg-Saron after defeating Yogg-Saron.

C'Thun is dead, and this Old God sister can go there anytime and anywhere to absorb his power. After the mist of Pandaria dissipates, she can go there to absorb the power of Y'Shaarj.

After N'Zoth is defeated, this sister will become a complete Old God. At that time, it will be the best time for Rhodes to subdue her and feed her to Shi Wei.

So this time in Ulduar, Rhodes is determined to win.

Hearing this, both the Alliance Horde and the members of the Shadow Northern Expedition, their eyes lit up. It is good news for them that the god worshiper Rhodes took the initiative to take this job, because this way they don't have to divide their troops.

Originally, their plan was for Dalaran to send some elite mages, and then each race of the Alliance and the Horde would send an elite force, hire some adventurers, and then join the members of the Explorers' Association to launch a raid on Yogg-Saron's prison.

"In this case, let Brian lead the way for you! Lord God Brian accidentally entered the Titan city and discovered what was going on there." Muradin Bronzebeard said.

This time, he was the leader of the dwarves in the attack on Northrend, and Brian Bronzebeard liked to run around alone.

"Don't worry! I don't need Brian to lead the way.

Let me solve the problem of Ulduar. The monsters inside are all Old Gods and Titan guardians. If you take action, I'm worried about what will go wrong." Rhode said.

It didn't make sense for the other leaders of the Alliance and the Horde to hear this. After all, Rhode's strength was there, and he could be said to be the strongest demigod in the world of Azeroth.

Although the other party was nominally a member of the Horde, everyone could see that Rhode's approach was becoming more and more neutral.

"Then I'll trouble you, Lord Rhodes. Our coalition will continue to deal with the Lich King."

"Lord Demigod. Recently, an adventurer has risen. His name is Claude. He has very powerful power. You might as well invite him to deal with the evil existence of Ulduar." An Alliance general said.

Recently, the blond boy who uses powerful anger and a blood-red energy and has strong combat power has become famous. He and his team have solved many tasks and helped the coalition solve many problems.

He even appeared at the Gate of Scourge and fought against the Lich King once, and he was not at all inferior.

"Hahaha! You should see the planet in the distance, right? Yes! That planet was created by me. And the blond boy is also the top master I brought from another world. He can be said to be one of the most powerful people on that planet.

I brought him here to let him help the Alliance and the Horde deal with the Lich King, so let him stay here to deal with the Lich King!" Rhodes smiled and said.

Although he lost the power of Jenova, Claude still has the power of anger and the power of the Nine-Tails Chakra. His real combat power is not worse than the original, and even stronger.

"Huh! Rhodes, if he was brought by you, then why did I see him hanging out with those who are not from the Alliance, and never come to the Horde?

Come to Warsong Fortress and report to me." At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and a brown-skinned, tall orc wearing mighty armor spoke.

The person who spoke was Garrosh Hellscream, the nominal supreme leader of the Horde this time.

King Saurfang standing behind him, and his son Dranosh also frowned. Garrosh, what on earth do you want to do?

"I asked him to come and help the coalition solve it. The minions of the Lich King, is the Alliance not part of the coalition?" Rhodes said.

There are some problems between the various races in the tribe, and to be honest, just like humans hate orcs, the orcs also hate humans very much, and the trolls are the same.

In this case, Claude naturally couldn't get any decent tasks from the orcs. Generally, he would wander around the Alliance territory with his team members.

Before, Garrosh didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, the other party was a human, but if the other party was introduced by Rhode, then he should naturally join the tribe.

"Rhode, don't forget! You are a member of the tribe. When you were weak, it was the tribe that took you in. Now that you are stronger, you should repay the tribe." Garrosh continued to speak.

Hearing this, Rhode laughed on the spot. Is there anything wrong?

I called you Young Master Hou, that's to give you face, but the real name you should give you is actually Brainless Hou.

Thrall is really sick in the brain. Why would he send this kind of loser to be the leader of the Northrend tribe?

Isn't the respected King Saurfang or his son Dranosh not good enough?

"Watch your words, it's fake. Rhodes is a demigod, and he has helped our orcs many times, and his contribution to the tribe is enormous."

Why do you think we orcs have so much food and even so many livestock in the barren land? It's because the forces under Rhodes import it for us.

Why did our weapons and equipment gradually catch up with the Alliance, and even surpass the dwarves in terms of firearms.

You know, when the tribe was just established, their weapons were extremely backward. Unlike those Alliance soldiers who were fully armored.

The general orc army only had a shoulder armor on their shoulders and a big axe in their hands. Wearing a pair of leather boots and leather gloves was considered a full set of equipment.

As poor buddies, the Darkspear trolls and the Tauren were in the same situation, poor and penniless.

No one was better than anyone else. The Forsaken tribe led by Sylvanas joined before, and some casting techniques among humans were passed on to the orc group.

After the blood elves joined, the overall magic level of the tribe was improved. Later, the joining of those pirate forces gave them a new combat power, and they could go to the place called Hezhiguo to learn domineering.

The combat power and defense of some long-range or melee physical output professions such as warriors, hunters, and thieves were increased.

Rhodes even broke the boundary between life and death and resurrected all the Forsaken, turning them into newborns. The parents of Thrall, the chief of the tribe, were also resurrected by Rhodes.

Rhodes is a true god. It is the most correct choice not to interfere in the affairs of mortals in the future, but you are actually speaking to him in such a commanding tone.

"Am I wrong? As a member of the tribe, he should serve the tribe, but he is now very close to the Alliance!" Garrosh said.

"Humph!" Rhodes snorted coldly. The domineering aura of the king instantly pressed on Garrosh alone, directly targeting him. If I don't show my power, do you think I am a sick cat?

Boy! I am not a demigod now. Except that I don't control the power and godhood, I am a thorough true god.

Moreover, even as a demigod, my majesty is not something you can touch. If you are honest, I won't say anything, but if you dare to provoke me, then I'm sorry.

Garrosh trembled all over and looked at Rhodes in horror. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he knelt on the ground with his whole body trembling.

Garrosh gritted his teeth and tried to stand up, even raising his head, but an invisible pressure acted on him, making his head kneel at Rhodes' feet.

"That's right! Kneel down, and then lower it." Rhodes sneered, raised his foot and stepped on Garrosh's head, and said with disdain.

To deal with Garrosh, Rhodes didn't even need to make a move, just standing there, relying on his momentum, he could make the orc faint.

At this time, all the Alliance members in the house were watching the show, Kael'thas and Sylvanas, both looked at Garrosh with a sneer on their faces.

Although the two of them were nominally members of the tribe, in fact, everyone knew that their real boss, the boss of the newborns, the boss of the blood elves, was only one person, and that was Rhodes.

"Great demigod, please don't be angry. Garrosh is still a young boy. Please let him go!" King Varok Saurfang immediately knelt on one knee and bowed to Rhodes.

Others don't know Rhodes' strength, but how could he not know? When he appeared outside Orgrimmar with Kaido, he intimidated the entire tribe.

When attacking Outland, he destroyed countless demon armies with one blow. Moreover, they haven't seen each other for more than half a year. Saurfang can feel that Rhodes has now reached a level that they can't reach.

"Lord Rhodes, please spare him this time for the sake of Chief Thrall!" Dranosh also knelt on the ground like his father, put one hand on his chest, bowed to Rhodes and said.

This time, if it weren't for the blond master that Lord Rhodes found to help him block the attack of the Lich King, he might have been blown to death at the Gate of Scourge.

"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be pardoned!

I will now deprive Garrosh of all his status and rights in the tribe, and imprison him in the Newborn Prison for a hundred years." Rhodes said.

When your strength is sufficient, even if you are not the leader of the tribe, everyone in the tribe must obey your orders!

With Rhodes' current strength, even if he does not take action, he can raze the entire tribe to the ground by sending out a general under his command.

What's more, there are Newborns in the tribe, and the blood elves and pirate forces are Rhodes's people, so there is no problem in issuing such an order.

After hearing this, Dranos opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but was stopped by his father Varok Sarufang.

"Garrosh offended the demigod, and this is the punishment he deserves, but the lifespan of our orcs is only a few decades. In a hundred years, he will probably die in prison before he lives halfway."

"Do you want to plead for him?"

"No! Don't get me wrong, demigod Rhodes, I just want to deal with this idiot myself.

If you really hate him so much and can't forgive him, then please allow me to chop off his head with an axe and make amends to you." King Saurfang said.

The orcs value honor, and dying on the battlefield is the best destination for orc warriors. Garrosh Hellscream is, after all, the son of Grommash Hellscream.

King Saurfang didn't want him to die in prison, since the demigod didn't want to. If you spare Garrosh easily, then it's up to you to end it!

Kill this kid in a duel!

"When I say I imprison him for a hundred years, I mean imprison him for a hundred years. He will definitely serve a hundred years," Rhodes said.

Just right! I am worried that no one will release Miss Ancient God! In that case, Garrosh, it's up to you to be the candidate!

Rhodes naturally does not intend to imprison Garrosh Hellscream. I have to arrange a few big pots for you to carry. If you offend me, death is the most lenient way to deal with you.

I want you to be ruined.

King Saurfang finally sighed helplessly, pulled his son aside and said nothing.

Sylvanas also came to Rhodes at this time and winked at the two freshmen under her hands.

Someone immediately stepped forward and dragged the unconscious Garrosh down, and then he would be imprisoned in the dungeon of the Undercity.

"Okay, you can continue to discuss how to deal with the Lich King. I'll leave first." Rhodes waved his hand and opened the portal and left.

Garrosh's matter can only be regarded as a small episode, and Rhodes found a small chess piece by the way.

After leaving the expeditionary force's camp, Rhodes immediately came to the door of Ulduar, and without any foreplay or greetings, he directly condensed a Tailed Beast Jade and blasted open the gate of the Titan City.

At this time, in the Ulduar Hall Square, there were countless Titan creations of all kinds, wandering aimlessly.

Next to Rhodes, the goddess of death Hela also appeared.

A colorful beam of light fell from the sky. Odin was wearing golden armor and holding the Eternal Spear. Thor, the God of Thunder, was standing next to his father holding Mjolnir.

Led the Four Asgardian Warriors and countless Asgardian soldiers.

"Rhode! As agreed, we are here to help you fight." Thor came to Rhodes and gave him a big hug.

"Welcome, Thor! And God King Odin."

Looking at the eldest daughter Hela standing next to Rhodes. Odin nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that Rhodes had some tricks up his sleeve, and his eldest daughter. He is also quite discerning!

"Asgardian warriors attack! Destroy these evil monsters."

The battle against Ulduar has begun! (End of chapter)

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