Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 346: Ulduar's Homogeneity, Odin is confused, I am not your brother

The Asgardians roared and rushed into the hall of Ulduar under the leadership of the God King Odin, and began to fight with these Titan creations.

Some low-level steel creations were created using the Titan technology origin furnace. These monsters had no power to resist the Asgardians.

After all, the people of Asgard are also the top races in the universe, and it is not a problem to deal with some steel creations.

What's more, the four warriors of Asgard and Thor, the god of thunder, have powerful divine power.

These Titan creatures made of steel and rock have encountered many similar things before, so it is easy to deal with them.

On the other side, Rhodes had no intention of being idle. He directly separated countless invisible clones, summoned a huge wooden man, and began to perform various chakra ninjutsu.

It only took dozens of minutes for Rhodes and others to clear out the powerful steel behemoths and Ignis, who were defeated by the Asgardians.

Odin led his army and entered the inner hall directly from the hall outside Ulduar, and began to face the Iron Council.

These people were the ancestors of Iron Guardians, Iron Dwarves and Iron Giants. They were not affected by the curse of flesh and blood, and were still the original Titan life, but they were infected by the will of the Old Gods and now completely abandoned their masters.

Except for a few guardians, these people were not good enough, they were quickly defeated, and the group went directly into the interior of Ulduar.

Under the leadership of Thor, Odin and Rod, the Asgardian army defeated the two Titan creations, Kologarn and Aurlia.

These Titan creations are not guardian-level existences, but they also have very powerful strength, and ordinary Asgardians can't resist.

But in front of Thor's hammer and Odin's Eternal Spear, they are not good enough. After defeating the Iron Council and two powerful Titan creations, everyone continued to move forward.

In the interior of the Hall of Ulduar, some signs of corruption of the Old Gods began to appear. Many steel Titan creations were corrupted. They were cursed by flesh and blood, and all kinds of deformed things grew on them.

Even dark creatures like those in the Tomb of Tyr appeared, some black shadow demons, and black tentacles stretched out from the ground and began to attack everyone.

These black tentacles will make a terrifying sound when attacking, as if someone is whispering in your ear. Many Asgardians felt this and covered their heads.

"Stop moving forward, warriors, the situation ahead is not right. The city is very corrupted." Odin raised a fist with a heavy face and asked all Asgardian soldiers to stop at the periphery.

In his divine power perception, there is a very powerful and evil existence, which is at the bottom of the palace. And this strange existence also made a series of whispers. Like the voice of a demon.

"There are two branch areas here, namely the Hall of Stone and the Hall of Lightning. We also need to conquer these two areas." Rhodes said.

There is no Locke in the Ulduar instance. He is in the Lightning Hall, but the truth is that you can also go to the Lightning Hall from the inner hall of Ulduar to defeat him.

"Thor! Take the remaining warriors to defeat this guy named Loken. I feel that his strength is not very strong." King Odin nodded and immediately gave the order.

The next battle will be extremely difficult. He does not want his son Thor to participate. Even ordinary Asgard soldiers are not qualified to participate in this war.

The following few beings are very powerful and cannot be resisted by others.

"Thor, I will separate a wooden clone to follow you. Although he is not as strong as the original body, he is also very strong." Rhodes said.

After all, Loken is the fundamental culprit who caused the corruption of pride. Rhodes decided to take this guy seriously.

"I know! Father, and Rhodes, you should be careful." Thor nodded, waved his hammer and left the inner hall with the remaining Asgard soldiers, heading towards another Lightning Hall.

There were only three people present at this time, God King Odin, Goddess of Death Hela, and Rod.

"Be careful, Rod, and my daughter, I can sense the existence below, it is very powerful, and the power is very strange." God King Odin said with a serious face.

"Indeed, the other party has a very strong mental power, which can control other creatures unconsciously. And use a kind of mental corruption ability." Rod explained to Odin and his daughter what kind of creature the ancient gods are.

The ancient gods in the Warcraft universe are actually the reference objects of the Old Ones. These gods of the Cthulhu pantheon are all crazy and perverted, and are good at mental attacks. (Here I want to explain that they are not the outer gods. The power of the outer gods is far stronger than the old ones.)

"Even if they are powerful, they can't affect God King Odin, right! My father?" Hela looked at her father with a smile and said.

Are you kidding! Others don't know Odin's strength, but can she not know? What's more, his old father is even stronger than in his heyday.

"Don't be careless, Hela, I've taught you this a long time ago. Let's go! My children! Let's go and meet that evil together." Odin waved the Eternal Spear in his hand and walked down first. (Because the protagonist has married Odin's daughter, strictly speaking, he is Odin's son-in-law and half son, so he will call Rod a child.)

The servants of the ancient gods are very powerful, but they are not enough to face Rod, Odin, and Hela. The group soon came to the inside of the palace, located in the position of the guardian. The first guardian they faced would be Hodir.

As soon as they stepped into the room, a chill came to their faces, and ice formed under the feet of the three people.

"The cold wind of the north will devour you!"

This is an extremely tall frost giant, originally a Titan guardian, but now a minion of the ancient god Yogg-Saron.

The moment he saw Hodir, Odin even felt very familiar. Is there anything wrong?

This man's appearance is simply a frost giant, a thorough frost giant, but his body is made of steel.

The moment he saw the other party, Odin even thought he saw his old rival Laufey.

"This guy is also a frost giant, but he is a frost giant created by the Titans, in charge of the powerful frost power." Rhodes said and clapped his hands directly.

Then he summoned a huge wooden dragon. He tied up the ancestor of the frost giants tightly, and then the powerful wooden dragon instantly began to devour his physical strength and all the energy in his body.

Instantly killed the Titan Guardian.

"I, I finally got rid of his clutches, is it you? My brother, the Great Guardian Odin, is it you? My brother, you, are you also cursed by his flesh and blood?" After being made rich by Rhodes.

He woke up directly, and then looked at the God King Odin with an unbelievable expression.

The same one-eye, the same majestic appearance, the same shape, exactly the same as the Great Guardian Odin in his memory.

The only difference is that the Great Guardian brother Odin in his memory is made of steel, while the man in front of him is made of flesh and blood.

Could it be that the most powerful guardian has also been infected by the Old Gods! Become their minions?

Great Titans, where are you? Why are you unwilling to respond to our call after more than 10,000 years?

"Hahaha! Here comes the interesting thing, my father, I have been looking forward to this part, do you know?" Hela immediately showed a gloating expression and looked at Odin with a teasing look.

After all, she has been in Azeroth for more than half a year, and Hela knows some things clearly, such as her father's isotope, the guardian of this world, Odin.

"Powerful warrior! I am not your brother. Although my name is also Odin, I think you have recognized the wrong person." Odin sighed, came to the guardian Hodir, raised the Eternal Spear in his hand, and planned to finish him off completely.

"Wait! I have escaped from Yogg-Saron's control. Next, I can help you fight! I will give you the blessing of the guardian and help you go down to kill the ancient god." Hodir saw that Odin was going to kill him, and he immediately spoke.

Are you kidding me? I have been beaten to the point where I have no power to fight back, and the image of the ancient god has disappeared. Why do you want to kill me?

"Wait, God King Odin, don't kill them first! They fought each other before because they were affected by the power of the ancient gods. Now the power of the ancient gods has retreated, and they have become guardians again." Rhodes said.

He had planned to kill these guardians before, but Sargeras told Rhodes that he couldn't do this, because if he killed all the Titan guardians.

Then the Star Saint who guards the planet Azeroth will start the reset of the Forge of Origin, and then reset the entire Azeroth, and even he can't stop this.

So these Titan Guardians can only let them fall into a weak state now, and rest here well. When their strength is sufficient in a few years, or after Azeroth is born, they can easily deal with their images.

"We Titan Guardians have been controlled by Yogg-Saron for many years. I need some time to recover my strength, but I can give you some blessings and help you fight." After the frost giant Hodir was released, he sat in his own seat and said.

"No need for Titan Guardians, just stay here!

Your current strength is too weak, so stay here and rest well." Rhodes waved his hand after speaking, and took Odin and Hela to kill deeper into the palace.

"I wish you success in destroying the evil below. No matter what, you must defeat him! Otherwise, the Observer Algalon will activate the device and restart the entire Azeroth."

"I know, don't worry! Algalon will not activate the device, and Yogg-Saron will not leave his cage."

Next, the three came to a large steel palace and began to face the next Titan Guardian Thorim.

"Who are you? Who let you step into this sacred temple?"

"Thorim, my majesty, these people invaded your sacred temple, except to kill you.

Do they have any other intentions? You must stop them, for the sake of the master! "A beautiful female voice sounded in the hall.

"You are right, Sif, face the power of my storm! Invaders!" The huge storm giant stood up and looked at Rod Odin and Hela.

The state of all storm giants is very wrong.

"This guy! This guy! Reminds me of Thor." Looking at the tall steel giant holding a huge hammer in front of him, with a storm wrapped around his body.

Odin said in confusion.

Rhodes was holding back his smile, right? A large number of dungeon bosses in Ulduar all refer to your Norse mythology. Even Thorim's wife is Sif.

"Hahaha! Thor had always thought that the vrykul king in Stormfjord was his peer, but in fact the guy in front of him was." Hela said.

I have also seen the Vrykul King Hela. Although his lifespan is very long, he is completely incomparable to Thor, the God of Thunder. The storm giant in front of him controls the power of storm and thunder. He is indeed very similar to Thor. He is Thor's true peer.

Odin was a little confused after hearing this, so will Thor marry Sif in the end? Moreover, his son, his peer in this world, is actually a brother to himself! What a nonsense.

But the woman speaking now is not his wife, but Yogg-Saron.

"No need to waste your efforts Yogg-Saron, I will enter your palace soon and cut you into pieces." Rhodes said.

Why are you so anxious? Directed by Yogg-Saron!

We have a lot of time, so take your time and play!

"You, you are Odin? My brother! Is that you?

You are finally back, in the Titan's palace. "Obviously Thorim also mistook the person like Hodir before, and mistook Odin who entered the room for the Great Guardian.

"I'm too lazy to explain it to you again." Odin snorted coldly. The Eternal Spear in his hand bloomed with golden light, and then he threw out the huge Eternal Spear, directly penetrating the body of the Titan Guardian, and He was nailed to the wall.

Odin had been merciful when he attacked, it only penetrated his chest and did not completely destroy the Titan Guardian!

After being killed instantly by Odin, Thorim returned to normal and got rid of Yogg-Saron's control.

"Are you awake now?" Rhodes stepped forward and looked at Thorim who was killed instantly, and asked.

"Wake up, who are you? You are very similar to my elder brother Odin, but you are not the same person." Thorim nodded to Rhodes, and then looked at God King Odin, with a look in his eyes. There was a flash of doubt.

"My name is also Odin, but I am the God King of Asgard. I am not your great guardian." Odin slammed his eternal spear to the ground and said.

"No matter who you are! It doesn't matter anymore! Please save this world now! This world is in crisis.

The ancient evil god who was once sealed by the Titans is escaping from his prison. Once he escapes, all of Azeroth will be destroyed.

Observer Algalon will activate a device that will destroy everything in this world, please warrior! Please stop them too! "Thorim said.

"Have a good rest here! After I completely defeat Yogg-Saron, you guardians will still need to stop Algalon and prevent him from activating the planet reset device." Rhodes said.

"Don't worry, this is my mission, I will do it even if you don't say it, come on!

Let me give you some blessings to make your way forward smoother. Gorganes gives me the power of your thunder and lets me help these warriors. "The power of the storm emerged from Thorim's hand.

He wanted to bless Rhodes, Odin, and Hela, but he obviously forgot how he was instantly killed by Odin with just one blow. With your strength, you also want to bless Odin.

Then the scene became awkward. Thorim's blessing did not fall on the three of them, because the strength gap between him and the three of them was quite big.

"Hahaha! It seems that I am being too fond of myself. You are very strong. You will definitely be able to destroy Yogg-Saron." Thorim touched his head and said.

"I will ask Thor to come over when I have time. He is my son, very similar to you. He also controls the power of thunder and storm. I think he should be able to learn something from you." God King Odin said After that, he and Rhodes left Thorim's palace and headed towards the next palace.

The power of thunder and storm in this Titan Guardian made Odin look at him a little. If his son Thor came over, he should be able to learn a lot from this guardian.

The palace of the third Titan Guardian is a realm of life, where lives the powerful Life Guardian Freya.

This is a beautiful female guardian. She was sitting in the center of a beautiful garden. Her palace was green and full of life. Rhodes could feel the powerful force of life from here.

The life force controlled by this female Titan Guardian is even one level higher than that of Half Life in the Wilderness.

There are three tree elders here who are huge and possess powerful life force. Rhodes' powerful life force and wood escape technique instantly revived the three of them.

"We, we have escaped from that guy's clutches, warrior! Please save our master."

"Please, save Lady Freya!" The tree elders who woke up began to plead.

Odin was a little confused when he heard this, okay! In front is his enemy, the frost giant Lao Fei, and then there is the storm giant whose abilities and appearance are very similar to his son Thor.

It's better now, it's his wife directly. This name is obviously the name behind him.

Is this place really called Ulduar? How about you change the name to Asgard?

Soon a group of three people came to a canyon. A beautiful woman with a height of more than 20 meters, with bronze cast skin and beautiful gray hair was standing here. She exuded powerful life force.

"How dare you break into my garden! This will be your burial place."

"Although the name is the same, she is obviously not my wife." Looking at the giantess made of steel in front of him, Odin shook his head and said.

Although the other party has powerful life force, he is completely different from his wife, and her husband does not seem to be Odin.

"Wake up, Guardian of Life! You shouldn't serve the Ancient God." Rhodes instantly summoned a wooden giant bigger than Freya, and then grabbed the guardian in his hands.

The eyes also transformed into the Samsara Sharingan state, and began to help her escape from the control of Yogg-Saron. Azeroth has said that if one of these Titan guardians can be won over and join their camp, then This person must be Freya.

This female Titan guardian in charge of the attributes of life was the discoverer of the Emerald Dream and built various facilities in the Emerald Dream. The help to Azeroth is still huge!

"Ah! Get out of my mind, evil ancient god." Freya suddenly covered her head and knelt on the ground with a look of pain on her face.

Four wooden dragons suddenly emerged from Rhodes' wooden giant, then tied up the female Titan guardian directly and began to suck the power from her body.

Moments later, the corrupting power was purged, and the female Titan Guardian's eyes turned azure again, restoring the brilliance of order.

"I, I recovered, I regained my sanity again, thank you, the powerful God of the Wilderness! And you! You are! Great Guardian Odin! Is this Hela's child yours?" Freya first said to Luo De thanked them, and then looked at Odin and Hela, the father and daughter.

After being called a child, Hela's expression changed instantly, no way! Could it be that this Titan Guardian has anything to do with the Odin of this world? Maybe his peer is really his daughter?

"No, no, you, you are not my brother, Odin. Although you look very similar, you are flesh and blood! And you Hela, you, you are still normal. You have not been transformed by Odin. It's like that." Freya looked at the goddess of death Hela with a friendly expression.

"Wait, you, you know me, I also have a peer in this world?" Hela, who had been watching her father's jokes, stopped laughing instantly.

What are you doing? Now you are not even letting yourself go. Are they not letting any of the gods of Asgard go?

Your place should be called Asgard from now on!

"We are not from the same world, I am a being from another world.

I am Odin from another world, and she is Hela from another world, and she is my daughter. "God King Odin sighed helplessly and said.

"I see. I'm sorry that I recognized the wrong person, but I believe you are here with righteous goals, so please save this world and drive away the evil in this world!" Freya said.

"We will do this. Can I ask? What happened to me in this world? Why haven't I heard about her before? What happened to Hela in this world?" Hela, the goddess of death, asked. road.

"I'm sorry! You've suffered a lot in this world. Odin didn't respect your thoughts. He did terrible things to you. I, I'm sorry, child." Freya was hesitant to speak at this time. end.

"Let me tell you! You should ask my Hela about this matter. The Odin of this world does not believe in the power of the guardian dragon or other natives of Aigras.

So he wanted to build an army secretly, an army that would always obey his command, so he sacrificed one eye to see what was going on in the Shadow Realm, and then stole the promotion method of the Shadow Realm's promotion fortress and created a Creatures called Val'kyr.

And he sacrificed his goddaughter to make Hela the first Val'kyr, and then turned all his countless adopted daughters into Val'kyr. "Rhodes told all what Odin did in the world of Azeroth.

Before time travel, judging from the latest 10.0 plot, it can be deduced with a high probability that if a Titan Guardian enters the book again in the future, then the Great Guardian Odin will definitely be the first one to enter.

"Haha! Father, it seems that we don't get along well even in another world! I am also your adopted daughter! Just like that Loki." Hela looked at her father, God King Ao Ding asked.

"I will not do such a thing to you, Hela, you know it in your heart, and we are biological women, and the Asgardian power in you cannot be faked." God King Odin shrugged helplessly. said.

Since entering Ulduar, they have encountered all kinds of strange things, and they don't know what Thor's situation is now.

At this time, in the deepest part of the Lightning Hall, Thor led the Asgard army to advance triumphantly, defeating countless steel creatures and the minions of the Old Gods.

When they came to the deepest part of the Lightning Hall, they saw the tall Titan Guardian Loken sitting on the throne.

"Die, monster! Today is your doomsday." Thor raised his Thor's hammer and shouted loudly.

"Thorim! No, that's not right, you are not Thorim, but you look like." Loken looked at Thor with surprise.

However. Loken's eyes were immediately attracted by a figure beside Thor, the beautiful blonde hair and the resolute eyes.

So similar! So similar!

At this moment, Loken seemed to see hope and Yogg-Saron's wish. The woman he loved deeply appeared in front of him again after more than 10,000 years.

"My favorite Sif, my dearest Sif, you, you finally showed up?

I can feel that the power in you is you, it must be you.

Although you are now a mortal body of flesh and blood, it doesn't matter, I will pray to the master.

I will ask the master to turn me into flesh and blood, so that we can be together, let Thorim, that bastard, go to hell!" Loken looked at Sif with an obsessed look on his face and said.

Hearing this, all the Asgardians and Thor looked at Sif in confusion.

What's the situation? Why did Thor recognize Thor as Thorim, and then recognize Sif as another Sif?

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Sif next to him picked up her shield and said in confusion.

"Damn Thorim! I feel disgusted as soon as you appear. Your existence is the greatest sin. I will destroy you and tear you apart." Loken roared at Thor regardless of anything, as if Thor and him had some deep hatred.

"Hey, man! I don't know you at all, why are you so angry with me?" Thor asked speechlessly.

"The guy named Thorim is your real counterpart. He has a wife named Sif, who is equivalent to your counterpart.

Then, this guy named Loken fell in love with Thorim's wife Sif and started to have an affair with Sif. Well, that's what happened." Rhodes' clone roughly recounted the story between Loken and Thorim.

"You bastard, you bastard, you took my Sif away again! I want to take her away, I want to take Sif away."

After listening to the whole process of the matter, Thor's mouth twitched. Is he mistaken?

Isn't his counterpart in this world the king of the Vikus in Storm Bay?

And he married Sif, and a love rival appeared inexplicably, and his counterpart's wife Sif also had an affair with the enemy inexplicably.

"I'm going to kill you, Thorim."

Loken stood up from his chair and waved his fist at Thor.

His eyes were full of anger, as if he wanted to tear Thor apart!

Kolo might have made a lot of noise, but Thor was a little disappointed in terms of combat power. This big guy was very strong, but he couldn't touch him at all, and his Thor's hammer could smash his body into pieces.

Rhodes also directly conjured up a giant wooden man and trapped Loken directly. Thor raised his hammer high, then gathered a lot of thunder power and smashed Loken's head into pieces with one blow.

"I'll say it again, I'm not Thorim! And change your special habit!

This guy in your family is a steel giant. How did you develop feelings for each other?" Thor said with disgust as he looked at Loken, who had been broken and dead.

So! Am I Thor's real wife? Sif thought thoughtfully in her heart.

"Okay, the matter in the Lightning Hall has been resolved. Let's go! Now we are heading deeper into Ulduar."

"No, no, the rest of us will not participate in the next battle." Rhodes' clone shook his head and said.

Just kidding, the only ones who are 100% immune to Yogg-Saron's mental attack now are his original body, Odin and Hela. (End of this chapter)

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