Deceiving the Burning Legion at the beginning: Conquer the heavens for me

Chapter 349: Ulduar is done, give Odin a defective chakra fruit

Soon, Rhodes took Odin and Hela to the upper space of Ulduar, where the four surviving guardians had gathered.

Thorim, Hodir, Freyare and Mimiron. In front of them was a huge creature more than ten meters tall, without a face, and its body looked like it was made of starlight.

"Start planetary analysis of Azeroth." Observer Algalon began to use his ability to observe the entire planet Azeroth.

"Algalon, stop now! You can't activate the Forge of Origin to reset Azeroth. We haven't reached this point yet," Thorim said.

"Stop it, Lord Algalon. If you activate the Origin Forge, all life in Azeroth will be wiped out. Do you have the heart to do this?" Freya asked.

"Stand back, Titans and Guardians, I am not here to fight you, and I have no intention of interfering in your affairs, but I must analyze this planet if there is indeed system-level pollution.

Then restructuring the entire planet is undoubtedly the most appropriate solution, so please don't interfere. "

"I'm sorry! Lord Star Saint! I have to stop you from doing these things." At this time, Rhodes brought Odin and Hela to the hall, and stood in front of the transparent astral Olga. In front of Long.

Let you analyze it. After the analysis is completed, start the Origin Forge and recast the entire planet Azeroth?

"Your vitality is very strong. You are not a mortal on this planet. You can escape this reorganization of the planet.

I did this to save the planet, which had been corrupted by the Old Gods. "Olgalon said.

"No, no, no, in fact, we are eliminating the threat of the ancient gods. I have just eliminated one, the ancient god imprisoned under this Titan City.

He has been completely eliminated by me, you should be able to detect it. And another place.

Another ancient god, C'Thun, is located in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Temple. It was also wiped out by the Alliance and the Horde about 2 years ago. Now there is only one ancient god still alive on this planet, and that is N'Zoth.

But its seal is still strong now. It will not break the seal and leave for some time to come. " Rhodes said.

"So I said I would conduct a test, and I did detect that the two ancient gods were dead. The threat of the ancient gods is much smaller than in ancient times.

If it were just the ancient gods, then there really would be no need to start the restart system and reconstruct the entire planet. "Olgalon nodded, agreeing with Rhodes' statement.

"But I found more problems on this planet. Sargeras, the leader of the Burning Legion, has been here, and he can come to this planet anytime and anywhere. Once Sargeras comes here, Azeroth will appear. It's a big problem," Orgalon said.

"The Burning Legion is no longer a threat, and Sargeras has even transformed back into the Titan, although the power of evil is still in him.

But you have to believe me, it's all over. Now the only enemy we have left is the void. " Rhodes said.

"How many planets are there around Azeroth? There is even a powerful planetary suppression on one of the planets that is giving birth to the soul of the world. This is very, very strange.

I have to figure out what happened. I want to send the situation here to the Pantheon and let the Pantheon judge the matter here. "Olgalon said.

A planet suddenly appeared around the world of Azeroth, and like Azeroth, this planet also has strong vitality and willpower, and can give birth to a planet soul. So this matter must be reported to Titan.

"I'm afraid you can't contact the Pantheon because the Pantheon has been destroyed. The Pantheon is here. It was destroyed by Sargeras about fifteen thousand years ago." Rhodes said.

Hearing this, not only Algalon, but also the other four guardians' faces changed wildly. Although they had guessed this result a long time ago, all the guardians were unwilling to believe this. They were all Deceive yourself.

This is not true. How could the mighty Titan, the nearly invincible Creator, be defeated? This must be fake.

"The God of the Wilderness of Azeroth, is the news you received reliable? Titans, the Titans have really been defeated." Freya asked.

The other three Titan Guardians also looked at Rhodes with heavy expressions.

"How should I put it? Sargeras told me this personally, you don't need to doubt it!" Rhodes said.

"You, how did you get involved with the Burning Legion, you?" Thorim's face changed wildly, and he even took out his Storm Hammer and looked at Rhodes with a solemn expression.

"Don't get me wrong, I followed the destiny of Azeroth. The star soul of Azeroth has awakened and reached some cooperation with Sargeras." Rhodes said.

"What? Are you crazy? Are you crazy? You actually betrayed your planet. Do you know what the Burning Legion wants to do? The Burning Legion wants to destroy the entire physical universe and burn it completely." Fleur Ya said.

"Sargeras has changed his mind and will not invade Azeroth again.

He even gave up his own plan completely and took back the power of order that belonged to the Titans. "Rhodes said.

She seriously suspected that the god of life created by Azeroth had been corrupted by Sargeras.

The other party defeated Yogg-Saron, who had tortured them for thousands of years. The Titan Guardians thought that Rhodes would be the savior of Azeroth.

But unexpectedly, the other party actually believed in Sargeras!

"Powerful God of the Wilderness, don't believe him, don't believe Sargeras's lies. He is lying to you.

Fel energy and order energy cannot coexist at all. Accepting fel energy means giving up the power of order, and accepting the power of order means giving up fel energy. "Mimiron said.

"Really? Then why can holy light coexist with shadow? The sacred Naaru can be transformed into the purest shadow demon after death.

And the purest shadow crystal can also be transformed into pure holy light crystal.

The Shadow Realm is the final resting place for all souls after death, and the souls there are also living in a different form.

So life represents death, so why can't order coexist with evil energy?

Just because you haven't seen it, can you deny this? "Rhode sneered and asked.

As soon as these words came out, several Titan Guardians and Observer Algalon were speechless.

"Perhaps we should respect Azeroth's choice. "Freya sighed and spoke.

As a Titan guardian on the side of life, she tried to communicate with Azeroth after she discovered the Emerald Dream, but the initial communication was not smooth.

In the eyes of Azeroth, these Titan creations are actually not much different from those ancient gods. It's just that the wolves were driven away and the tigers came again!

So now these Titan guardians should perhaps respect Azeroth's choice. If Azeroth chooses to become a Titan, it is naturally the best. If you don't want to become a Titan, then they have nothing to say.

"Maybe we shouldn't interfere in the affairs of this planet. Although we were born on this planet, we were created by the Titans after all." Thorim said.

"Forget it! Let's continue to guard Ulduar! We stay in this last Titan city. "

"The state of this planet does not need to be restarted now, but I will continue to observe here. If there is a problem with this planet one day, then I will still execute the orders given to me by the great Titans, even if they are no longer there. "After Algalon finished speaking, his body began to dim, and then disappeared without a trace.

Sargeras has discovered this planet, and the Titans are now wiped out. Even if the planet is reshaped, it will be meaningless. Sargeras will come at any time. Maybe I should think of other ways.

"By the way, you must respect Azeroth's choice. You should let Azeroth become what she chooses to be.

Instead of forcing her to become a Titan, because she will become a life form that is countless times more powerful than the Titan. "Rhodes said.

"Maybe you are right, God of Life, but I still want to remind you that if you find that Sargeras has betrayed you one day, then you can still come to seek our help. No matter what, we will protect Azeroth. "Freya said.

Haha! Seeking your help, maybe after a few worlds, I won't need to be afraid of Sargeras.

Even with my current strength, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde together are not my opponents.

But Rhodes still smiled and nodded, accepted the kindness of several Titan Guardians, and followed Mimiron to his special workshop.

Then he took out his huge golden head, which was his trophy, and Mimiron personally transformed it into a special flying device.

"This special flying device can fly in the severe cold weather of Northrend, and because of the existence of Titan technology, you don't need to add any fuel to it.

But I don't think this thing is of much use to you. It can only fly within the planet. And the speed is not as fast as you. "Mimiron said.

"Hahaha! It doesn't matter, Titan Guardian, this is what I want, anyway, thank you. "Rod nodded with great satisfaction, and then put away the airplane head in front of him.

I once collected more than 300 mounts when I was adventuring in Azeroth, and I can't even remember which mounts I have.

There are even some mounts that I have never ridden once, but no matter what, I want to collect them in my collection.

The journey to Ulduar ended successfully. Rod successfully saved the Titan Guardian here, and killed Yogg-Saron and the fallen Titan Guardian Loken.

It took less than a day to solve the huge crisis in Ulduar this time.

In front of the gate of Ulduar, Thor successfully met with Rod and others, and Rod also learned about the situation in the Lightning Hall from his clone.

"So, father, you mean that there is a guy named Thorim in Ulduar who is my counterpart in this world, not the king of the Vrykul I met in Storm Sound before?" Thor asked.

Are you kidding me? Is that to say that his wife is really Sif? Or is it just that the self in this world chose Sif!

"Don't worry, I am still a steel creature here! And Hela is even just my adopted daughter.

But this one called Thorim also has very powerful storm power and thunder power. You can come to Ulduar to learn the skills of using the hammer from him when you have time. He also uses a storm hammer." Odin said.

It's time for Thor's king weapon to be put on the shelf after coming to this world.

Odin asked Rhodes for some super Titan iron, and then went back to ask the dwarves to help melt it into his Eternal Spear and Thor's Storm Axe.

Thor nodded to the God King Odin. He also wanted to meet this person called Thorim very much. After all, they both played with hammers and thunder storms.

"Here's this." Hela came to Odin and took out a pink fist-sized secondary chakra fruit.

"What is this? I feel a very strong life energy on it." Odin asked with a puzzled look.

"This is what Rod gave me. He originally wanted me to increase my strength, but you know that I am studying the power of death.

So I can't use this thing. You can use it! This power called chakra is still very magical." Hela said.

Odin nodded, reached out and took the red fruit, and then bowed to Rod. This chakra fruit really helped him a lot, at least it could make his life longer again.

He can even pass this chakra power to the Asgardians. After all, his son is still young now, but he will face the same problems as himself when he is old.

"You're welcome! Father-in-law!" Rod said with a smile.

"If you need me in the future, Rod will just ask." Odin made a promise to Rod, and then returned to Asgard with a group of soldiers.

Rod also left with Hela.

After the crisis in Ulduar was resolved, the Silver Northern Expedition also built a silver arena on the outskirts of Icecrown Glacier.

Tirion Fordring and Uther decided to hold a tournament here and select the most powerful warriors in all of Azeroth, a total of forty people. (End of this chapter)

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