"He's dead, N'Zoth is dead!" Azshara immediately showed an expression of great surprise.

Who would have thought that the old god, who was once helpless even against the Titans, would leave in such a way!

He died in his own sealed place and was killed by these mysterious warriors. What power do these mysterious warriors hold?

As the leader of the Dark Night Empire and the queen of the night elves, Azshara has very high knowledge. She was once the most powerful arcane controller in the world and the most powerful mage.

She has studied arcane, fel energy, holy light, shadow, life, and death, and she knows clearly that there is no other power in the world except these six forces.

But today, he saw another kind of power, another kind of power that is not inferior to the destructive power of the six forces, or even more powerful. This power is completely different from the arcane energy and shadow power that he controls.

"Weak insect, you dare to call yourself a god with this kind of strength. A guy like you, a gold saint can probably kill you completely." One of the four kings snorted coldly.

The four kings went out together, and brought 12 gold saints. Although not all the fighting power, this level of dispatch originally thought to deal with some kind of ruthless character, some kind of powerful god, but after all this time, it turned out to be such a retard.

They call themselves gods, but they have no divine power at all, only a kind of power full of darkness and corrosion, but this power is vulnerable in front of their small universe, and they have the protection of my god.

The other party's mind control power is also ineffective for them. Even if there is no need for my god, they can resist this whisper with the powerful telekinesis of the small universe.

"Okay, we're done, let's go back to my god!" Next. According to Lord Rhodes' order, they have to pretend to evacuate here.

Then keep a close watch on this place at all times. Just wait for the ancient god Sarasta to come and devour the corpse of his colleague, and then capture her alive.

"Can I ask you something? What kind of power do you control? That kind of powerful power, as if, as if, the power of the universe." Queen Azshara asked.

She had no way to describe the specific concept of the power just now, but she could describe it as a power similar to the universe by feeling.

Yes, Queen Azshara felt that way. The power they used came from the universe, but wasn't the universe dark and empty?

"You can actually sense the small universe! And clearly say his name. It seems that you are not so useless. No wonder my god would take a fancy to you." The King of Life said.

Originally, he thought that this sea monster-like woman was just a complete waste!

But now it seems that this is not the case, and that's right! Otherwise, she would not be favored by my god.

"Small universe, a very appropriate adjective. What kind of power is this? How can I get it? Can you tell me the specific method?" Queen Azshara asked.

"Let's go! We'll talk about the specific issues after we get back to our God." After the four kings finished speaking, they directly left the underwater city with the help of Rhodes' space tunnel.

The former ancient god. Enzos died quietly here, and even the entire forest of Azeroth didn't know that the ancient god who once threatened Azeroth was now only one dead.

After the four kings and the gold saints left, Rhodes lifted the space blockade here and restored the space here to normal. The small universe of the four kings, as well as the universe of the twelve gold saints, Rhodes's small universe divine thoughts are all shrouded here, just waiting for the prey to come to the door.

After a space fluctuation, the four kings brought Queen Azshara to a city. The buildings here are magnificent. There are four palaces at the top.

They are red, green, yellow, and blue. These are the palaces of the four kings. Below the four palaces are twelve palaces connected together.

Above this palace, there is a huge temple. Next to the temple, there are two statues of goddesses, and in the center is a male god wearing golden armor.

That's right! This is not the planet Azeroth. In order to maintain his high-end style, Rhodes directly brought Queen Azshara to his private space, the small garden planet.

"What a magnificent building! Is this the palace where you gods live?" Queen Azshara asked.

It is a magnificent palace, even better than the capital of the Night Elf Empire during its heyday, especially the magnificent temple.

The statue exudes a power that is difficult to describe in words, so sacred that it even makes people feel like kneeling.

"Don't talk, come with us! Gold Saints, go back to your own palaces." The four heavenly kings said.

The twelve gold saints nodded and returned directly to their own palaces, while the four heavenly kings took Azshara and passed through the palaces of the twelve gold saints along the way.

After passing the palace guarded by the four heavenly kings, they arrived at the temple at the top. Athena and Pallas sat on both sides of Rhodes, while Rhodes sat in the center.

Wearing his extremely gorgeous golden flame god clothes, the whole person exudes a divine power that is difficult to describe in words.

Looking at the god in front of her, Queen Azshara's eyes were full of shock. She had never seen such a noble person, as if she was so humble and insignificant standing in front of him.

The gorgeous armor he wore even surpassed Azshara's cognition. He had never seen such gorgeous and beautiful armor. Wearing it on the other person, it was a whole body, as if it was cast by heaven and earth.

Especially behind the armor, the two pairs of wings burning with flames made the gods in front of him look more noble.

The two goddesses beside him were also extremely gorgeous, both wearing white robes, one with long golden hair, and the other with long violet hair.

Azshara's body knelt down involuntarily, kneeling in front of Rhodes's divine microcosm.

"My God! We have brought the people you want. Queen Azshara and all the tribes behind her, the entire Naga tribe is willing to offer loyalty to you." The King of Life said.

"Thank you for your hard work, my four kings, now go back to your own palaces!" Rhodes nodded and said.

The four kings nodded after hearing this, and knelt down to Rhodes again, then slowly retreated and left the temple.

"Great God! Thank you for your kindness, thank you for revenge for me." Queen Azshara said.

The feeling that this extremely noble god in front of her gave Azshara was even stronger than that of Sargeras. Although he had not seen Sargeras himself, even the dark titan was probably no more than that!

"Rhodes, this woman is so ugly, this sea monster-like appearance, my God, if Poseidon was here, he would definitely like him very much, right?" Pallas quietly put his head close to Rhodes' ear and said.

This woman looks too ugly! But Poseidon is probably very fond of his style. After all, Poseidon likes sea monsters very much and has given birth to countless monsters with them.

"Honorable goddess, I wasn't like this before, I wasn't so ugly before, I, I became like this because of some things, because of the curse of the Old God." Azshara said hurriedly.

Damn it, I let such a noble existence see my ugliest appearance, damn the Old God, damn N'Zoth, damn Sargeras.

"Oh! Let me see, it's true, your body has been transformed by a mysterious force, this is an extremely dark energy." Athena put her wrist on her chin and carefully observed Queen Azshara and said.

This is a curse of God, this kind of thing Athena has done before, there was once a priestess who was ignorant of the sky, and even claimed that her appearance surpassed her Athena.

So Athena cast her own curse, turning her beautiful hair into snakes, turning this beauty into a Gorgon.

"Great God, I offer my loyalty to you. I will become your humble servant. I beg you, I beg you to lift my curse!" Queen Azshara knelt on the ground and said.

"Your life is humble, and your strength is extremely weak. What use are you to me?" Rhodes looked at Queen Azshara who was kneeling below and asked.

Hearing this, Azshara was respectful on the surface, but she began to complain in her heart. Are you kidding? You asked your subordinates to bring me here, but now you say what use am I to you?

How do I know this? However, as the queen of the Night Elf Empire, Azshara's mind turned very quickly. After thinking for a while, she immediately spoke.

"Great and benevolent God, I used to be the queen of the Night Elves. If you are willing to change me back to my previous appearance.

Then I can use my influence to gather the Night Elves again, and all the Night Elves on the continent of Azeroth will submit to you." Azshara said.

"Hahaha! So, who will be the main god you believe in in the future?" Rhodes said with a playful look.

Athena and Pallas, who were sitting next to him, rolled their eyes. You bastard just wanted to see the other person's true face!

They knew Rhodes too well. What really caught my attention was that she was once the most beautiful woman in Azeroth.

"Of course it's you. Please tell me your name?" Queen Azshara asked.

"My name is Rhodes, but I don't need the excitement of your night elves, because your moon goddess Elune is also one of my wives and concubines." Rhodes said.

After all, the moon goddess often uses Tyrande's body to accompany me, and my brother has helped me a lot.

So Rhodes can't rob the other party's faith, and the faith of the night elves is not very important to me.

"But your entire night elf tribe? As far as I know, it has been split into several forces, the sons of the night, the high elves, and the night elves." Rhodes said.

"They were once the subjects of the Empire. As long as I, the Queen, return, they will definitely recognize me." Azshara said.

"You don't need to go to the elves and the high elves. Both tribes have already submitted to me.

I will restore your appearance, and then you will integrate the Leaf's appearance. And I will turn all the families into night elves again. You can bring the rest of your people and those who are willing to be loyal to you to serve me. "Rhodes said.

Just kidding, Kael'thas is his lackey now, and the high elves are his subordinates.

As for the night elves, first of all, his identity as a demigod of the wilderness is highly respected among the night elves.

Add to that the relationship with Tyrande and the half-born son who is about to be born, the night elves are also equivalent to his subordinates.

"Praise you, great Lord Rhodes! Apart from singing praises for you and praising your great existence, I don't know how to thank you for your generosity. "Azshara said.

The high elves and night elves have been conquered by this god. Damn, I have been in the underwater world for too long.

This caused me to lose contact with the world above ground. I don't know how the night elves and high elves got in touch with this powerful god.

Rhodes nodded slightly, then snapped his fingers, and the powerful God's microcosm instantly poured into Azshara's body and began to remove the dark power in his body.

"Uh! Ah!" Queen Azshara screamed immediately. She felt that her whole body was being torn apart, and even her bones were broken.

"Be quiet. I am using. Divine power to remove your curse and restore you to your original appearance. You have been like this for ten thousand years, so it will take some time. You have to suffer a little." Rhodes said.

"Ah! Uh! Thanks, thank you, great god, please, please do it! I, I will be patient for a while. "Queen Azshara, who was suspended in the air, gritted her teeth and said.

Listening to Queen Azshara's screams, Rhodes shook his head. There was no other way. She had to suffer a little for this. After all, she had maintained this octopus seafood appearance for 10,000 years.

Azshara and his entire tribe have been completely transformed into another race.

More than ten minutes later, Rhodes completely removed all the dark power of the Old Gods and gave Queen Azshara a little life force and arcane power.

The former queen of the Night Elf Empire returned to her original appearance, with a pair of golden pupils, aqua blue skin, and a slender and tall figure.

"Hahaha! I'm back, I'm back. This is what we originally looked like, and this is what I originally looked like. "Queen Azshara knelt on the ground with a look of surprise. She stroked her fair face with her hands in disbelief.

With the help of the smooth floor of the temple, it can see the reflection inside clearly, a female night elf wearing a white robe and having a beautiful face, that is the previous self, ten thousand years ago.

Rhodes sat on his throne and looked at Azshara below with interest.

How to say it, a little disappointed, he was looking forward to what the beauty of Azeroth hell looked like, but now it seems that her appearance is on par with Tyrande.

In terms of temperament, she is full of the noble style of a queen, and her own royal sister attributes, which adds some points to her, but Tyrande's temperament is more gentle.

Before, Tyrande restored her dress ten thousand years ago, the moon priestess's long skirt for Rhodes to see, Not inferior to the night elf queen in front of her.

And from the perspective of human aesthetics, this night elf queen is not too stunning, it can only be said that she is a little disappointed.

At this time, Azshara, who was kneeling on the ground, seemed to have reacted. She hadn't thanked him yet, so she looked up and saw Rhodes' slightly disappointed eyes.

At this moment, the heart of a certain queen was broken directly. How could this happen? Why? Why did you show a disappointed expression when you saw me who had restored my original appearance, Lord Rhodes.

Rhodes' disappointed expression caused Queen Azshara 100,000 points of critical damage, which hurt the night elf queen very much. However, Queen Azshara still knelt on the ground to thank Rhodes with all her heart.

"Thank you for your gift, great Lord Rhodes, I swear to you that my people and I will be loyal to you forever."

"I need a maid to serve tea and water by my side, you are the one! "

A maid who serves tea and water? Apparently, there is no such word as maid in Azeroth.

Does it mean a personal maid? Upon hearing this, Azshara's expression brightened. Sure enough, she still has some beauty.

Being chosen by this god to be a personal maid, maybe there will be some opportunities in the future. Azshara, you must work hard and do everything you can to please him.

"Thank you for your kindness, great god Rod, you are my master, I will be your personal maid and serve you." Azshara immediately put her head on the ground and said humbly.

If Vashj was still alive, maybe I could learn from her how to be a personal maid and how to serve a man.

Wait! This powerful god is called Rod. I seem to have heard this name somewhere!

Suddenly, Azshara seemed to remember something. He also heard a little about what happened in the world of Azeroth recently. It is said that a powerful demigod seems to be called Rod.

The other party invented a magic that can resurrect the dead. Could it be this person in front of me? But this is not a demigod! This is a real god.

A group of ignorant mortals actually mistook a real god walking in the world for a demigod! (End of this chapter)

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